I came to hear about Deron Williams and got a story about a German Pitt. I love it here 😂
@chinortega3Күн бұрын
Swear it was the best part😂😂😂
@Rllycozy777Күн бұрын
@younglegendz6578Күн бұрын
“how much was he” “oh $100” 😂😂
@TheRealBigManHarrisКүн бұрын
@chinortega3Күн бұрын
@@younglegendz6578 bro when he said they was breeding athletes I lost my shit lmfao
@Poke_JunkiesКүн бұрын
“It was $100” is crazy😂😂
@MrRedfire24Күн бұрын
I’m over here weak 😂
@lildatboy196Күн бұрын
Perfect ending to the story 😂😂
@Rated_RJGAMESКүн бұрын
Had me weak 🤣
@skillz78Күн бұрын
@pgb5642Күн бұрын
On God 😂😂😂😂
@mobccrКүн бұрын
Jeff letting the dog get taken to the dog pound and then proceeding to get a new dog is diabolical 🤣
@gmfbishop5794Күн бұрын
Commenting diabolical atp.
@xxxsniperbeastxxx081Күн бұрын
he really a demon bro🤣🤣
@prettyjimmyКүн бұрын
He knew the route
@jbellz1617Күн бұрын
“ Y’all put Ace on the waiver wire is crazy “ sent me 😂😂😭😭
@reset-dream9323 сағат бұрын
“Man he put him self on the waiver wire he knew his way back”🤣🤣
@buddalackКүн бұрын
$100 Blake Griffin edition dog is wild
@Defi_Guy_Күн бұрын
"Lou you got to go get him before the dog pound" -Lou "Its over" 😂
@Foxisgoat_Күн бұрын
Idk why but finding out the dog was only $100 made the story hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣
@whh3571Күн бұрын
Brah letting the pound take your dog because it decided to be in the streets is one of the most black dog owner stories i've ever heard 😂 thats like your mom saying "if they lock you up, i'm not coming to get you out"
@gatdagoat2916Күн бұрын
$100 German Pit from Craigslist is crazy 😂😂😂
@mookiemookie375810 сағат бұрын
while being an NBA player is crazy 😂😂
@dariusj.80519 сағат бұрын
@miami201223Күн бұрын
Jumpin up and grabbing bird out midair is insane😂😂😂
@alexwright5237Күн бұрын
I've heard enough, Teague needs a Netflix special!😂😂😂
@StettyTКүн бұрын
Growing up I had a super dog too, he used to open the refrigerator, wake us up every day at the same time, and terrorize moles in our backyard! The smartest dog ever
@qwuapo_escobar2211Күн бұрын
Iso Joe , on and off the court 🤣🤣
@GoodBadCoКүн бұрын
@Nico-c9q20 сағат бұрын
7:20 after is hilarious “..he put his self in there.. shoulda came back.. he knew the route”😭😭😭
@wilson599Күн бұрын
Couldn't no PG mess with Derion while he was in Utah.
@xavirrhull4407Күн бұрын
Exactly he was nasty
@santonehussle1928Күн бұрын
@scooterblack5355Күн бұрын
Big facts!!! Unless you count Brandon Roy as a PG!!😮
@Slickfatt2Күн бұрын
I’ll never forget when he made Bruce Bowen fall.
@isiahbruce4309Күн бұрын
On granny
@moxmannКүн бұрын
This story is funny as hell, we never used to take him on walks right? How much was it? It was a $100 😂😂😂
@V.GAMBINOКүн бұрын
long live ace
@Frio18Күн бұрын
Rip .. but who’s ace
@Malone2__Күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂got sent to the transfer portal
@miami201223Күн бұрын
@@Malone2__ that part got me cryin 😂
@BraMooreКүн бұрын
@@Frio18the video is 8 minutes....
@MBDavid_Күн бұрын
LMFAO 100 at the end is the best part
@GildedWarrior331Күн бұрын
Naw D Williams was tough as hell and i always loved his midrange release it was so beautiful
@torontoroyalty647Күн бұрын
One of the best crossover too. He was cooking chris paul for years
@Identify_As_RightКүн бұрын
Nets d will was slowed down by injuries and a bit out of shape. Utah d will ragdolls Jeff Teague every possession
@BumpJ1Күн бұрын
@Identify_As_Right and he did on both teams look it up this was all cap
@4GAce16 сағат бұрын
“It’s over” is WILD 😂😂😂😂
@chibuzonnadi6252Күн бұрын
Putting your dog on the wavier wire is CRAZY 😂😂😂😂
@BenAMisFitКүн бұрын
Damn Joe
@msimmons21323 сағат бұрын
He got the dog from Savannah, Ga.....as a Savannah State University graduate, you'll learn quickly, EVERYTHING in the Pote is different lol including the animals. Chatamite at its finest!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Terrence_CoxКүн бұрын
D Will was my favorite guard when he was playing. The Brooklyn D Will was not the Utah D Will before the injury. Make that clear.
@OnlyOneCorbКүн бұрын
Jeff about to put that Carlos boozer dye in his hair 😂
@cranberryjuice2936Күн бұрын
You shoulda put Ace in the thumbnail 😂😂😂
@chinortega3Күн бұрын
@@cranberryjuice2936 real talk 😅😅
@mooodybluezКүн бұрын
Facts. The debate was CP3 or D Will. They are on twitter saying the debate was CP3 and Rondo 😐
@CoreySpitzКүн бұрын
$100 for a Number 1 draft pick dog who had a few screws loose. They needed to pick him up from the pound and just Coach him right. I hope Ace found a home, that’s a clean ass dog lmap
@phillipmcclure2196Күн бұрын
A hundo for a German Pit is erroneous behavior 😩😂
@tarikmcentire9238Күн бұрын
Bet he won't fight Deron tho 😭😂😂😂
@cortezbrooks1694Күн бұрын
@BumpJ1Күн бұрын
He never scored more than D Williams in no games either
@ObiamajoyisrmdКүн бұрын
@@BumpJ1 D will was the first option
@moon.mp3201Күн бұрын
Facts. Saw D Will beat the brakes off Frank Gore a few years back. 🤣
@MitchElliotDКүн бұрын
Always some ignorant mf…
The German Pit story had me crying 😆 I always get the dhum azz dogs lol
@roshodcarter6997Күн бұрын
Man Jeff funny AF 😭😭😭
@TheGreaterFaderКүн бұрын
This the funniest story he ever told 😂
@jermo1213Күн бұрын
Everybody cooked Jeff Teague. He couldn't hold anybody.
@L.B.O.EКүн бұрын
I have a klee kai, its a small husky, ran a track around my backyard and my father’s. Dude catches 10+ bunnies, 10+ squirrels, and a few birds every year. I like that the dog has natural instincts tho, he reminds me of a springer spaniel because of his hunting instincts.
@darkstar12344Күн бұрын
No cap you just taught me something new . Never heard of a klee Kai before sounds cool
@L.B.O.EКүн бұрын
@ he can be animal aggressive but got along with all the families dogs, and great with kids and people. That dog can be clingy with me and vocal so its annoying, but he is my right hand man.
@gmexpetey_222011 сағат бұрын
Lmaoo bit called me a mutt 😂😂😂
@DMCdaJUICEКүн бұрын
Ya foul for not going to get ace
@RyanHaskettКүн бұрын
This man Teague has the wildest stories 😂
@segrad12 сағат бұрын
The pit bull story is why this is the BEST ex NBA player podcast on KZbin. EASY. LOL
@jessebrowne2163Күн бұрын
greatest pod on the planet
@suyatacticalКүн бұрын
Facts. We had an.. Australian Shepherd. He used to zip through the hill in our backyard and make trails. He was always digging a hole to hang with the neighbors dog
@quintonspencer1170Күн бұрын
A dog in the transfer portal is crazy
@JanellephlКүн бұрын
I for sure would have kept Ace. My friend said y’all bought a mutant off Craigslist 😂
@zicomafia6758Күн бұрын
Watch till the end is an understatement 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂bro $100 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@ThrashippieКүн бұрын
It’s the man’s titles bro cant clicking 😂
@chrisgood1858Күн бұрын
Why Jamal Crawford haven’t been on the pod yet
@kentaewatts3065Күн бұрын
Utah Jazz D Will was him
@princek6778Күн бұрын
“It was 100 dollars”😂
@chinortega3Күн бұрын
Had to run it back but putting ace in the transfer portal is WILD 😅😅😂😂
@ramos1x512Күн бұрын
Nah the ace shit had me dying 😂
@WeezyLaflareКүн бұрын
“it was $100”😂😂😂😂well go figure
@Slickfatt2Күн бұрын
“It’s over” 🤣🤣
@Baridott1023 сағат бұрын
Teague my dawg but he ain’t better than Deron Williams
@josheasy6716Күн бұрын
Jeff u my guy I don’t EVER remember u cookin D-Will but I didnt watch u much in ya career &’even if u did cook DWill, it was prob in BK n Cavs when he was washed not his Utah days, respectfully Jeff ..
@dtiger332622 сағат бұрын
Bahahaha... they took a road trip to get super pet for $100. He is never short of funny stories. 😂🤣💀
@matttheknicksfanКүн бұрын
its funny that teague said he had great games vs dwill cuz im tryna think of these games. all that comes to mind is the playoff game where dwill just wouldnt miss. i think he hit a bank shot from the hash or some crazy shit in the clutch 😂 obviously thats just 1 game but im drawing blanks thinking of the other ones
@BeFreeIsMeКүн бұрын
I’m in tears about Ace, the German Pit. 😂🤣😂
@mitchcerda9062Күн бұрын
Clickbait title about Deron Williams but 70% of the video is about his crazy German Shepard-Pitbull. 10/10.
@TheKeviasBrooksКүн бұрын
He said he should've came home 😂😂😂😂
@TenfLetta610Күн бұрын
That clip ending 😭😭😭😭
@eddiebay3906Күн бұрын
Yall had a real animal lmaoo
@CoreyW912Күн бұрын
Ayooo I’m from Savannah The done finessed Jeff😂😂😂😂
@briandavis9258Күн бұрын
Coaching will up your greys 20%
@jimmystrokes34Күн бұрын
B. Hen wild!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@traylive3042Күн бұрын
We need iso Joe on the show man
@kishisafishКүн бұрын
Big JET gave dwill the work
@supremeriser5DКүн бұрын
Dog story was better than the clip title!
@deuceihyКүн бұрын
i got a german pit too named him Rio. and a doberman pit 😂😂
@Hmmm_B11 сағат бұрын
2:00 I was a DWill guy during that conversation. 1000%
@RetroRetro23Күн бұрын
It was $100 lmao perfect cut to the video
@arturohatten109Күн бұрын
Naww… leaving the homie in the pound is the nastiest work .
@kevinfoster7290Күн бұрын
Ok but I kinda want a German pit now 😂😅
@sschziКүн бұрын
Calling the pound the transfer portal got it
@jamescotto2921Күн бұрын
Chill, I have a mixed brindle wolf husky & Belgian mal. Mix…named Ace. Sounds just like your Ace. I threaten him like a human bc he’s too independent sometimes.
@Iamrxch3Күн бұрын
D Will was too slow to guard Teague at that time
@adlchapmanКүн бұрын
Yeah that sound a bout right for a $100 pit in GA lol
@Lokocash2323 сағат бұрын
Bro sell this story to family guy this would be a great episode cut scene stg😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@ahmedrizwan7235Күн бұрын
That dog was definitely a crack head. Smart af, strong too but got a few screws loose 😂
@chebryant157Күн бұрын
That might have been the best story of a dog from Savannah for the cost of 100 dollars that’s crazy lol the drive cost more then the drive lol
@dsparks23139 сағат бұрын
Teague keeps tryna tell them he cooked him lmao we get it bro, u nice with it
@5699CARКүн бұрын
You're dog is in the transfer portal lmao
@itsinfa13itchКүн бұрын
Teague you was nice, but lets keep it a 100 you weren't even close to Dwill, he outscored you literally every game y'all matched up and that was post injury on the Nets, Jazz Dwill you not touching. his avg for his career is your peak & thas fax!
@9ninehd36Күн бұрын
100 % sure they don't need pets 😂😂.
@lightsout1598Күн бұрын
Ace was on that 10 day contract, he just didn't know it
@Mrrome26769Күн бұрын
Naw that’s weird
@Kjherr24Күн бұрын
D. Will was COLDDDDD
@Eb-888Күн бұрын
It’s over 😂😂😂
@BrisalooooooКүн бұрын
Teague did that dog dirty no walks talking about he was aggressive no duh lol
@Thewriteway2failКүн бұрын
The dog version of Earl "The Goat" Manigault
@TheTaekwon3Күн бұрын
Mutts be some of the best dogs
@scooterblack5355Күн бұрын
I just knew it wasnt when he was with utah
@joshuapk1994Күн бұрын
4:29 oh hell naw mean ass dog
@AC-lj6keКүн бұрын
Lmao why these 2 🥷 sound alike 😂
@Boom229Күн бұрын
@Tony818LКүн бұрын
Joe saying that is crazy cause he played with Steve Nash