I am running the power shell script in jenkins.. But It throwing error (powershell plugin installed) I have tried by winrm plugin (it throwing error) .. I want to start and stop the iis website.. (Remotely I want to connect to the server).. /
@clemmesserli56215 жыл бұрын
For anyone that might want to follow along, when I re-created the simple CatFact Job I had to include a line to force PowerShell to use TLS v1.2 protocol when making the request to catfact.ninja/fact as the machine I was running on still defaults to TLS v1.0 Sample: $speechSynth.SelectVoice($Voices[$Voice]) [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::TLS12 $catFact = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "catfact.ninja/fact" -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json