finally Malaysian knew how Hong Kong people feel last time
@jackng11312 күн бұрын
@@antlaw7827 you are overthinking. Those areas are basically tourist areas, local citizens won't even bother to go there unless necessary. Those complaining basically are tourists that got hatred towards CN. The majority of local people didn't even care about their play with the flag in the tourist area. Only some politicians play around with the issue to stir the emotion of some people trying to gain political benefits.
放心啦。馬來西亞同香港(甚至台灣)係完全完全唔同嘅兩個情況來嘅。馬來西亞係一個主權國家,有多年抗共嘅歷史。國家意識也很強。你試下隨便去問一問本地華人佢地認唔認本身係"中國人"?你睇佢地會點答。我們已經獨立多年,而且係有好強烈嘅獨立精神。大馬曾經同好多嘅殖民統治者抗爭,也經過流血戰爭。香港從來就沒有從任何殖民統治權勢下獨立過,亦沒有自己嘅國防。(去美國嘅軍方網站睇睇,大馬係有同美國軍防簽約合作。我地係典型嘅"經濟靠中國,軍事靠美國"亞洲國家。)大馬華人立場同心態係點,去聽一聽黃明志嘅歌就知啦。我地冇咁笨..,仲有唔好忘記,大馬60幾巴仙係馬來人,加上10幾巴仙好多嘅其他種族,呢啲係大多數, 要滲透問過佢地先。馬來人有很強烈嘅反殖民主義。其實政府更加怛心嘅係極端回教主義同恐怖主義嘅滲透,因為大多數係回教徒,容易受影響。在大馬,雖然回教乃國教,但係憲法依然係世俗君主國,唔係回教神權國。而極端回教主義如果擴充掌權,會推翻馬來皇室,好像伊朗一樣。政府絕對唔允許。而且從回教徒角度來看,回教極端主義沒有共產主義咁明顯,一旦滲透回教群體,好難辨別。大馬唔係好似香港台灣咁比較單元。我地呢度好多元,複雜好多。。。就算係華人本身都係好diversified 。你試下去聽一聽嗰D只係識英文唔識中文嘅大馬華人嘅睇法。 建議你多了解一下馬來西亞歷史,尢其是建國歷史。解讀大馬政治歷史唔能夠單以“華人”角度來看,大馬唔係一個純華人社會為主嘅國家。 🙏🙏🙏 有關美國和大馬的國防合同,網上可以搜到 “This Agreement is made the 9th day of May 2005 between the Government of the United States of America as represented by the Department of Defense and the Government of Malaysia as represented by the Ministry of Defence ” 大馬首相一邊公開探訪中國,和中國繼續雙邊關係,但係另一方面私下和美國加強軍事聯盟,以防備中國在南海的威脅。兩天前大馬才和美國靜悄悄在霹靂州的 Lumut 完成軍事訓練 (CARAT)以加強防備,我國媒體沒有報導,因為不想引起回教徒反彈。大馬回教徒都很反美,因爲美國是以色列盟友。大馬和星加坡一樣,儘量保持中立,(呢一點,好多大馬華人都看不清。政府不是那麼笨的。)如果美國企圖影響內政,我們也會抗議,但是在許多方面我們還是和美方合作。
@yeewengchiang32953 күн бұрын
呢個係大馬同美軍簽署嘅軍防合同。可以參考下。 "This Agreement is made the 9th day ofMay 2005 between the Government of the United States of America as represented by the Department of Defense and the Government of Malaysia as represented by the Ministry of Defence "
Thank you Jerson for sharing a good information. For China people, please know your role. Every country or territory got their rules and regulations. Stop being ignorant. Thank you.
@404alpha23 күн бұрын
But they still use their cognitive lower limit to deal with us For example, Malaysia is a multi-racial country. They will come and say that we are not qualified to be called Chinese race, saying that we have joined the Malay race. When we try to debate with them, they always use their ignorance to challenge our knowledge and understanding of our culture and nation. DAMN IT