Jesus Never Said a Word about Homosexuality | Challenge Response

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Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to this week's challenge: "Jesus never condemned homosexuality."
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Пікірлер: 40
@GSpotter63 7 жыл бұрын
the excuses people make so that they may continue doing what they want without their guilt getting in the way is astonishing.
@laureneyton-jones5926 7 жыл бұрын
thats right, including persecuting people who love others of their own gender.
@robjackson4050 3 жыл бұрын
@@laureneyton-jones5926 or saying the bible doesn't say what it clearly says
@ricksonora6656 Жыл бұрын
@@laureneyton-jones5926 It’s not about loving. That’s a straw man. It’s about violating natural law and God’s law. What’s “loving” about partnering with someone to sin?
@Arthur-vo9kt Жыл бұрын
You comment is so perfectly double edged haha
@ricksonora6656 Жыл бұрын
When the officer stops you for doing 87 in a 55 zone, you’re wasting your breath saying, “But, officer, the signs never said don’t go 87.”
@gmollster 7 жыл бұрын
You know, Jesus was there when Leviticus was written and when Sodom and Gamorrah were destroyed. He is GOD btw.
@Paul-gr5uf 2 жыл бұрын
@8 bit synth people should contact their brain before they open their mouth, especially those who know nothing of what they speak!
@youngcolt5305 Жыл бұрын
​@8 bit synth In case u want to see irrefutable evidence for God, go & read "The Case for Miracles" by Lee Strobel (a former atheist).
@euqueroxixi 11 ай бұрын
Lmaooooo bro think god destroyed sodom bc sexuality ahhhhh GOOFY
@BibleMunch 8 жыл бұрын
Jesus said: For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, SEXUAL IMMORALITY, theft, false witness, slander. - Matthew 15:19 Sexual immorality = Sexual Sin = What was considered as Sexual Sin as already stated in the Bible, including but not limited to, Homosexuality. Remember, like all sin, there is hope, forgiveness, and freedom through faith in Jesus Christ!
@davidkennedy6251 8 жыл бұрын
+Bible Munch Hello. Would the Greek word PORNEIA include sexual intercourse between a husband and his wife when she is having her period? (Leviticus 18:19, 20:18) Or would it refer solely to every other sexual practice mentioned in Leviticus 18 and 20 apart from this one? This is the only one which would cause problems for married couples so it is simply ignored. It goes in the don't care bin along with the prohibition on lending money at interest and Jesus' exhortations to give up your wealth. A lot of Christians are the grossest hypocrites imaginable - oh, they are great at colossal sacrifices, as long as other people are making them.
@keturitahandie4695 8 жыл бұрын
here you are again Bible Munch! we seek the same videos.
@BibleMunch 8 жыл бұрын
***** I guess we know good content when we see it! God's word is always a joy to hear, this is a great channel to find it.
@robjackson4050 3 жыл бұрын
god is hate in my opinion and real freedom does not come from him
@Paul-gr5uf 2 жыл бұрын
@@robjackson4050 opinions are irrelevant!
@lucianoprea2805 3 жыл бұрын
Very logic arguments. Thank you.
@davidslone9776 Жыл бұрын
Since that lifestyle was already judged to be incorrect, in the Old Testament, and later on, reaffirmed by New Testament writers, Messiah Jesus may have said something, since His every word was not written down. He did indicate that men would leave their parents and be with their wife, their wife being female. So the statement about Messiah never saying a word about this subject is misleading. He may have, He may not have. Point is, we/you do not know. Messiah always confirmed the Scripture...the Scripture and Messiah were never at odds with each other. I said "Scripture", not the oral "law".
@andyramos7551 2 жыл бұрын
John 1: 14 and "Word" became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and (truth). This scripture says to me that he is the author and writer and all of the (old testament) and into the (new testament) he is the author... and he is the first born and He will live forever and ever. Amen Ps. He is the living word in the flesh-Amen Peace be unto you.
@sam896luc 7 жыл бұрын
Answer # 7 is all you really need. How can we separate Jesus from the Bible? Who inspired the writers of the Bible - the Holy Spirit. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in the triune Godhead. Christians sometimes make the mistake as if Jesus originated in the New Testament. God the Father God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit were at the creation, all over the Old and New Testament. All scriptures represent the triune Godhead in unity and all the authors are writing what the Godhead inspired them to write. We need a clear understanding of the triune godhead which makes questions like this as baby food.
@thefaith01 8 жыл бұрын
@CNormanHocker Жыл бұрын
It's interesting how those who oppose Scripture always point to words that express the concepts found in Scripture. An example, the Trinity. The concept is in Scripture, but the word had to created to express that concept.
@John-jh5ks Жыл бұрын
JESUS CHRIST was GOD in the flesh. So GOD - JESUS CHRIST was very clear about homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorah.
@euqueroxixi 11 ай бұрын
Sodom = sexual violation lmaooooo
@loosestroodle Жыл бұрын
Jesus is the word so he said everything in the bible. The word made flesh.
@zhoubuzz6273 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus had talked about Purity.
@kusuymontreal2 2 жыл бұрын
How does it affect them?
@timothyfreeman97 7 жыл бұрын
I stand with Manny Pacquiao on this one.
@canadiankewldude 2 жыл бұрын
Which is what?
@H00DEDCR0W Жыл бұрын
"the greek word that's used there for sexual immorality..." weird argument to make isn't it? unless jesus was speaking greek then this isn't actually the word he himself used, it was a translation choice by the author who wrote his words down
@H00DEDCR0W Жыл бұрын
also L homophobia
@ricksonora6656 Жыл бұрын
Since the scriptures are theopneustos, “God-breathed,” the word choice is God’s. Since Greek was the lingua franca of the region, and Jesus was known for His literacy, can you prove that Jesus didn’t speak Greek? Since Aramaic and Hebrew Bibles exist, can you prove that the words in them don’t mean the same thing? The word itself is a general label for a number of practices prohibited in the Mosaic Law. Therefore, if you want to prove your point, you must show that your pet form of ‘pornea’ is not prohibited in the Torah.
@albeiroaguilar8873 8 жыл бұрын
There are several contradictions in your apolegitics. But one thing is true if you want to come to conclusions taking concepts out of speculation to make things fit. God, the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the same. They are together like a bad case of schizofrenia, one can not exist without the other. Then the Bible has to be taken at its face value from beginning to end with the good and the bad, and the be decided upon if it is a real good moral book to guide our lives. Meaning that the Old Testament should not be taken into account is like forgiving a criminal for this past actions and saying he is now the criminal's son and then we have to follow him, because he is the one who is right. What about the ten commandments? I should not worry about them then since they belong in the Old Testament. Cherry picking what is "good" and finding excuses for what is not is a sin: or isn't is being dishonest a sin in the Bible?
@pitodosa123 7 жыл бұрын
Albeiro, I understand what you are saying but what you should consider is, God's ways are greater than our ways. We try to make sense of all in the bible yet we are limited and flawed and cannot understand the reasoning of all God does no more than an ant can understand why you are on KZbin. That said, not all that is in the Old Testament was God ordained, much of the OT was a historic recording of mistakes and triumphs of man when close or far from God. As an example, I do believe that Moses and David did get some things wrong which is what made them man and not God. This is why as Christians, we can learn from the past that was recorded in the OT but our example in morality and in the way we live should always be Jesus's example on earth.
@albeiroaguilar8873 7 жыл бұрын
Have you given all you own to the poor, do you already hate your parents? If you have not, you are not a Christian because Jesus asked his followers to do so. All about the Bible is just mambo jambo. If there is someone to blame for how humans are is God. He created man, man did not create himself. Man is what God wanted him to be so do not blame man for the sins of his creator. He did not want man to fly therefore man does not have wings, or live under water therefore man has not galls. Using simple logic come to the conclusion why we "sin".
@pitodosa123 7 жыл бұрын
Being a Christian does not mean that we walk perfectly in Jesus's shoes, being a Christian means that we except Jesus as our Lord and Savior and that we stride to be more like Christ (Not that we are like Christ). God did not create man to be filled with sin. He did create us to make our own decisions and to be able to choose sin or no sin. Let me ask you something, if your child chooses to use drugs and then is living a life of drug use, is that your fault, or his/her fault for doing something that you taught him/her not to do because it has consequences? How is it God's fault that we choose to live a life of sin?? Would you rather God had created you as a robot that simply follows orders and can not love and feel? Man is not what God wanted man to be, this is why he created Adam and Eve in perfect harmony and in close relationship with him. Adam and Eve chose to separate themselves, it was their choice. Now why does God punish everyone for Adam and Eve's sin? He does not choose to do that nor does he desire to do that, because you and I have become so spiritually week and separated from his grace, he sent his only son to be the ultimate sacrifice to pay our debt of our ancestors and our sins of today. May God bless you and keep you safe and also filled with his grace love and understanding.
@albeiroaguilar8873 7 жыл бұрын
Being a Christian is as a matter of fact being like him, that is why it is called being a Christian. And if you are a true Christian then you do what he asked you too. --- Free will does not exist, man is chained to the physical and mental capabilities God provided him with. A man cannot stop eating, breathing even if he wills cause he was created with the need for food and air. Every single possible reaction of man is already determined by his human nature given by his creator. Man is not to blame for being according to his nature. Man did not create himself, Adam did not plant the fruit of evil in the middle of Eden, it was God. Adam and Eve were innocent before they ate the fruit, and if did not know what was wrong how could they know that eating the fruit was wrong. They knew that only after they ate it. So once again not man's blame but God's. --- I do no design my child as God did with man (create), I only have the power to beget my child not to eliminate his human nature, that was given by God, but I have the power to guide him to choose what is best for him, but we do not need God to know that all we do can be potentially good or bad. And if my child would start doing drugs, taking God out of the equation, that would be my fault for being a bad parent, even if I were a good parent and he becomes a drug adict is due to his human nature responding to his environment and social, economic circumstances. But since I did not create my child I am not at blame for his choosing. God is at blame if man chooses to live in sin. A dog does not sin, does it? Would you call it a robot? Dogs love their puppies, do they follow blind orders?no. They are created by God too and every single thing in the whole universe is God's work. Evil was created by him, then yes it is God's fault if we choose to live in sin. Once again Adam and Eve did not have a choice since they did not know wrong from good before they ate the forbidden fruit. But God knew they were going to desobey him since they did not know that desobeying him was wrong, that makes God evil. The equation is very simple if the carpenter makes a defective table, you can not blame the table for being defective, neither can you blame the table for not being a chair, it will always be the carpenter's fault how accomplished a piece of furniture will be. I know you mean well, but you are deluded. Your logical, critical thinking is fogged by blind believe, believe makes you follow orders without questioning and, ironically, is it not what robots do?
@pitodosa123 7 жыл бұрын
Albeiro, God indeed told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree. Gen 3:3 says "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." That is very clear. At some point, we have to take responsibility for our actions, because they are OUR actions. Free will does exist. If I tell you kill this child for 100k and you say no and do not do it, is that not free will? Eating, breathing and doing things that we need to do to live healthy are not sins therefore are not logical examples. Think of the logic, evil must exist in order for good to exist, otherwise there is no free will and we are like I said before robots. Would you want someone to love you and honor out of there heart or because you programmed them that way? Is that even fair for you and me to have no say in what we do and how we feel? The difference between us and a table is that the table was not created to choose to better itself. We have the choice and ability to do so. Without God, where are our gauges to determine good and bad? Some people feel it is ok to kill innocent people or rob and others do not? Who is right? Some societies have totally different morals and traditions how do we determine good from bad if we all think differently, there has to be a moral standard. We live on this earth for an average of just 75 years. If Christians are right, an ETERNITY awaits. If Christians are wrong, well we lived a life of morality, love, inner peace, comfort, hope, acceptance, feeling loved, gratefulness, and NO fear of death. God bless you always and may God open your heart and eyes. I pray for nothing but blessing for you and everyone that you love!
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