Jesus , The Son of God, Rejected and Accepted

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Fr Pierre Farrugia ofm

Fr Pierre Farrugia ofm

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@KaraokeGirl5094 13 жыл бұрын
i cried,prayed and gave him my love also but he also kept all our sins away from us to make us do bad things like lying,kicking he did alot of hard work to make them go away Lets all pray, Dear lord,please take care of jesus and all the others that are up there with you please take care and let him know that i love him,In Jesus Name, Amen
@KaraokeGirl5094 13 жыл бұрын
jesus we belive in u
@fifalacious 17 жыл бұрын
Like the blind man I am compelled to shout out in joy, 'I must thank him for what he has done for me!'
@fifalacious 16 жыл бұрын
sorry for late reply... it's from the movie soundtrack, 'The Island'.
@fifalacious 15 жыл бұрын
And yes, we have sons, but we remain on a HUMAN level. God said he has a Son. He sent him into the world. A SON, on a divine level. So much so that even in the Son's human birth, there was no man involved, but it was the power of the Holy Spirit who conceived him in the womb of the Blessed Virgin. Peace
@peopleofknowledge1 13 жыл бұрын
@fifalacious lol i dont wanna read verses of men? I wanna read what God says. in the Quran there is no John, thomas blah blah. Its God narrating what HE DOES, and the truth about the messengers HE sent. So i trust God word's rather than some dude named John who never even met Prophet Jesus (peace b upon him). the Quran is about US, the humans, and our Job and purpose of existence. its ayat after ayat (proof and more proof). Who Jesus really was is in there.
@peopleofknowledge1 13 жыл бұрын
@fifalacious NO, it does not BEFIT GOD to become anything like he created, never would GOD subject to doing that. What God does is simple, he chooses HUMAN BEINGS like US, to spread the message, the only difference is that these messengers are given miracles and can see Angels specifically Jibreel "Gabriel" Read the Quran last testament, remains unchanged unlike the Gospels Bible, which has not remained the same as Jesus got it.
@fifalacious 15 жыл бұрын
God is infinitely beyond your human mind. He can do anything.. even take human form and pay the price for our sin. That's what he did. Mary gave birth to Christ's human nature, but his Person.. what inhabited that human body, was eternal.. the Son of the Father.. God from God, Light from Light. So we can say God truly chose a mother, not in the sense of her giving him his origin, but giving birth to his humanity. Mystery? Yes. Unreasonable? No.
@fifalacious 13 жыл бұрын
@ViciousBeats16 My friend, the Gospels, as the Apostles left them, remain intact. You have NO IDEA where the Koran came from. Do you realise why the authorities in Islam want to kill Salman Rushdi? I guess not. In any case, Jesus had to be both God AND Man. Being the Son of the Father, his nature is divine. Very easy to understand. The Jews wanted to stone him MANY times because he showed them, through his words, that he is precisely that--God in our midst, who had assumed a human nature.
@peopleofknowledge1 13 жыл бұрын
@fifalacious its not koran its Quran lol. And it has remained in its orginal Arabic text, no one can change it. God has made it way to complex and the wording for any1 to make a replica. However the English translation is just an way of understanding the words. And how is it easy 2 understand when your saying Jesus is the son, but yet he is God, but yet again he is still man. WTF ??? And Jesus never claimed to be God, if he had i think it would have been made CLEAR in many verses, WORSHIP ME,
@fifalacious 13 жыл бұрын
@ViciousBeats16 The Quran came centuries after Christ and what happened as the Church began to grow. The human story and how we develop in our walk of faith is best outlined through what God has revealed. The last public revelation ended with the last apostle. That is way before Mohammed or the Quran. Brother, do your own research. Just because I was born a Catholic doesn't mean I was born into the truth. I did my research and afterwards realised I was blessed to be born a Catholic.
@fifalacious 13 жыл бұрын
@ViciousBeats16 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my GOD". John starts his Gospel: "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was GOD... and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We saw his glory." Jesus to Philip who asked him to show the Father: "Philip, have I been with you this long and still you do not see? Whoever sees ME, sees the Father." To the jews boasting of being abaham's sons, Jesus said, "Truly truly i tell you, before Abraham was, I AM'. Shall I go on? lol
@fifalacious 14 жыл бұрын
@yeshuahfullofit It was a shot at the historical Jesus. And, if ONLY Hollywood would do justice to the real story! Jesus walkin on water, an angel to console him in Gethsemane, the resurrection, the transfiguration?? But lest I be ungrateful, this was an awesome attempt. Mel G tried with the earthquake, and the snake, and Satan howling from the pit of hell... but... Legion has some nice angels... something which would add to the spiritual realm of the account.
@fifalacious 15 жыл бұрын
God has shown, that he IS ONE. However he has shown that HE IS, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You cannot comprehend this just as you cannot God has no beginning. People adored Jesus in the gospels, fell to their knees, like Thomas 'My Lord, and my God!'. Jesus never rebuked what he said, but his lack of faith. Jesus said, 'Before Abraham was, I AM' using the name God gave Moses. Jesus forgave sins. Jesus told Philip he sees him, he sees the Father. Jesus is the Word, and the Word was God! Jn 1:1
@fifalacious 15 жыл бұрын
Faith and reason go hand in hand although faith can supercede it, yet never run contrary to reason. We DO use our minds. There are certain things our finite minds will never figure out, but there are others which are as plain as day. Consider the evidence, reason, love, and you'll come to know God had and has a plan not just for the masses, but for you as well.
@fifalacious 17 жыл бұрын
Yes, and he loves you so much! He knew you before the universe was created, and in the palm of his hand he held you from all eternity as if his one sole treasure. Then, to show you this, he stepped into time and became man.. a lamb... without blemish. Always look to his gaze of love, because it is a gaze unlike any other. Peace.
@fifalacious 17 жыл бұрын
same here.. only, sometimes, I get so sad not seeing him. I do with the eyes of faith, but in my humanity, I yearn to see him. I lack patience, because the day will come. He did say though.. 'they will fast when the bridegroom is taken from them.' So he knows, we have to suffer this for the time being.
@fifalacious 13 жыл бұрын
I highly recommend you watch these sets of videos, BY A JEW, with an open mind. He makes MANY important points, that YOU as a muslim, MUST consider and deal with if you wish to truly be 'subject to God': Lipkin - 5 Deceptions of Islam - Pt 1
@achitamo 14 жыл бұрын
@Eiriks89 god's plan was sending his own son jesus to die for us and be resurrected in order for us to be reconciled back to god. no more animal sacrifices, jesus is the lamb of god.
@achitamo 14 жыл бұрын
@Eiriks89 god's plan was sending his own son jesus to die for us and be resurrected in order for us to be reconciled back to god. no more animal sacrifices, jesus is the lamb of god.
@fifalacious 13 жыл бұрын
@obed123650 don't be sad. Smile, God has given you another day to discover his plan for you.
@77705000000000000000 13 жыл бұрын
In The Name of God The Most Gracious The Most Merciful 7:(194) Verily those whom ye call upon besides God are servants like unto you: Call upon them, and let them listen to your prayer, if ye are (indeed) truthful!" Jesus peace be upon him is a Messenger and Prophet from God not the partner of God in divinity , Jesus said worship God alone , O christians our God is one not Trinity and Jesus is the messenger of God . O people read the last revelation the Quran .
@ShiellaMarie08 14 жыл бұрын
why muslim usually has a same clothes from a god?
@difficultjustice1 13 жыл бұрын
@sweetboy101281 jesus is not god god is just 1
@TheAmazingamerica 13 жыл бұрын
@Eiriks89 Jesus was a Christian.