雙方應該都是各取所需,AMY畢竟是網紅,互惠關係這種簡單道理她不可能不知道,最近還新開了YT頻道,流量也是不容小覷,可以說她靠著speed吃到不少紅利,而前陣子Speed跟Amy在直播上鬧掰,Amy的哭估計也只是演戲,要不然就只是因為失去了一座大山而感到懊悔罷了,不過也不怪她,畢竟RICH AND YOUNG本來就是很多女性的最愛,大家就當情境劇看看就好
There was no script between Amy and Speed, the two really had feelings for each other, Amy herself says that her feelings for Speed were real and Speed has already shown that he also had feelings for her
the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing, a speech, or a film information, images, video, etc. that are included as part of something such as a website:
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content noun 1.the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing, a speech, or a film 2·information, images, video, etc. that are included as part of something such as a website