My translation of this lovely song: 每当我想起你对我的爱,我的心何等感恩 My heart is filled with gratefulness whenever I think of your sacrificial love 原来是软弱罪恶的人,你的爱是长阔又高深 O, how deep and wide, it reaches a sinner such as I! 拂落在他乡漂泊的灰尘,踏上遥远归乡的路程 Leaving aside an aimless life, I’m journeying to my heavenly home 告别过去空虚的人生,得着那永生的福份 Farewell to all my wanderings, I’m striving for that eternal prize 我不再流浪也不再忧伤,生命有盼望,喜乐有力量 Life now has hope and happiness has strength, no longer sadden, no more meanderings 慈爱的双手带领我路程,进入永恒荣耀天城 For loving hands are leading me to that bright city. 每当我想起加略山的爱,我的心何等感恩 My heart is full of gratitude whenever I think of Calvary’s love 钉在十字架,双手钉痕,拯救千千万万的灵魂 That a pair of nail-pierced hands on Calvary’s Cross saved a myriad of souls 天父常看顾,在每时每分,春夏秋冬,生命都安慰 Whom the Father watches over, throughout the seasons of their lives 奉献我身为主作见证,让救恩临到所有的人 Here I am, Lord; I’ll tell Your wondrous deeds to one and all 我高声歌唱向世界传扬,平安的亮光照耀各地方 I’ll proclaim Your peace and grace throughout the world 慈爱的救主扶持我一生,同在美丽耶路撒冷 Of the Savior who loves me and will walk with me all the way to the New Jerusalem.