之前買過會籍,以一個好平嘅價錢(ie. 平均一個月唔使$100)吸引你去做gym,sell會籍嗰陣冇連帶去sale PT堂,當你Join完會籍之後去做gym嗰陣,啲PT就會走埋嚟話你啲姿勢做唔啱,之後會帶你去一邊去做其他機/檢查,之後話你背部唔平衡肌肉有問題,叫你join佢哋嘅堂,跟住就會帶你去房做inbody,都真係Sell你買堂嗰陣佢哋唔會講總金額,佢會問你每個月$1000/$2000可唔可以負擔,又會同你講曬咗咁多錢join會籍都唔想嘥咗佢,睇着你遇着邊啲PT,如果你入到房嗰刻醒覺企硬乜嘢都say no show到個好抗拒嘅樣,好多都放你走知道你搞唔掂,但係奉勸join會籍之前真係唔好貪平,為咗每個月慳一兩百會費唔見幾萬蚊就唔值啦
Met the same shit in 2020..... During that time a F. 3 school girl around 15 years old and was studying in s secondary school in Tai Shui Hang. She claimed that she needed to recruit numerous subjects for her school projects. And eventually, turned out that the meeting venue was a small private gym and her so-called "project" were InBody check and questionnaire with leading question that deemed to indicated that "I was having a severe fitness problems". And therefore they would like to hard sell me...... As well as those ladies who wore few clothes during the cold winter in 2020, asking people for filling up questionnaires. Turned out that the purpose was to get your phone number for selling you to join their IELTS training course....... Those fuckers abused our empathy to gain their benefits, leading citizens unwilling to be more empathy and destroy the reputation of their industry