剪輯師需要考量到市場因素,除了比較常見的那幾種專業剪輯軟體,有些專案會介意使用剪映來剪輯,因為剪映的檔案儲存方式比較不一樣,如果是用來練習、剪自己的作品、剪小案件,我個人認為剪映可以很好上手,對新手也比較友善。如果是要以專業工作技能為主的話還是建議學習premiere/ final cut /達芬奇這三種軟體,pr跟final cut這兩種市場上比較常運用到。至於自學能不能當剪輯師我認為還是可以的,網路上的免費資源都很多,建議你的學習方向可以先列出你想嘗試的作品類型,找到類似的影片,觀察一下這支影片怎麼製作的,節奏感也很重要,你可以把一支10分鐘影片拆解起、承、轉、合,跟寫作文一樣有些地方鋪成不用太久,有些地方轉折要有力道。最後再補充一個,因為影片製作也有分工"剪輯師"很常只是拿到素材就開始剪,並不會參與到拍攝的部分,所以做好課題分離也是很重要的一點,有些素材真的沒有辦法讓他有更好的呈現,但有些素材可以依你的創意變廢為寶
Anyway to change the UI colors in capcut for PC? Pretty much what the title says. I just downloaded capcut for PC. However, white text on black background causes me IMMENSE eyestrain, to the point where it's physically painful within a few minutes. But I don't see an option to change the UI colors in capcut for PC. Even going to a med-gray like in adobe rush is fine. What am I missing? Is there just no way to change the UI colors? Thanks for any help. JediKnightMan Same bro. I hate it soooo much. I have ostigmatism and perhaps because of it, I simply physically cannot use these dark themes, but they are simply EVERYWHERE. like is it fashionable? Always at all times people wrote in black on white and not vice versa..
@A_CHENN10 ай бұрын
It cannot be changed. This is the shortcoming of use. My eyes are also very tired when using it, especially the font is very small.😰