我提早退休,讀了一個工商管理博士,兩年前從香港到吉隆坡定居,主要醫心瓣,手術成功,感謝主一直引領,去年開始讀神學,在吉隆坡Holy Trinity Bukit Bintang(聖公宗,但我屬浸信會)三年英國學士課程,之後計劃也讀兩年碩士課程,其間也一直做各宗教對比!情況同今集嘉賓一樣,也是覺得有神存在,係全人類萬物的主宰,對基督教教義也是覺得是人非神透過教會發展而定下,我們應該去除這些去感受神的真理,我大部分想法跟今集嘉賓一致!也是open mind去探索,也沒有影響自己信仰!
@historicallytrueАй бұрын
@paulling9984Ай бұрын
@@historicallytrue 2016年提早退休,當時49歲,純粹想經歷research based 的學習,有別從前textbook based的學習,set model, run data, 用stat軟件等等!後來香港經歴很多事,亦不想被統治,恰好心臟有事,本來想到英國,但試住一個月不行,天氣及一切不適應,後來機緣巧合申請馬來西亞第二家園計劃,而馬來西亞醫心臟很出名,好像一切都有安排,每一個決定都是當時最好,亦令我對英國死心!來到吉隆坡,又住在浸信會附近,教會有粵語崇拜,認識很多香港教友,而神學院亦恰好在住處附近,認識一班神學導師和同學,馬來西亞亦宗教活動多的地方,很多基督教書店和其他宗教書籍,可接觸不同宗教做對比!我覺得神給我一次重生機會和一切美好安排,我希望利用剩生尋找真理!背景資料:提早退休其中一個原因是要辦離婚,我有一個兒子,經常探望,剛進香港大學讀金融科技,神亦令我放心,繼續走我的路,剛好明天我兒子來吉隆坡探我!
while I agree to that Salvation is about faith, not about religion, but I have to say the only God is the Creator God of the Bible, the only Salvation is by Jesus Christ ( remember that Jesus Christ is one of the identity in the Creator God, the Beginning and the End, and not just the baby born into David's line and nailed to the cross , and appeared in different non-human form in the Old Testament ) so even in the Old Testament those who obeyed God might have also believe ahead of us in post Jesus Gospel era - I am not sure that is the right interpretation. But definitely Bible teaches us not to engage in those meditation proposed by other religion or practices, because spiritual beings are real, whether that is Hinduism, Fa-Long-Gon etc..
這個頻道也好,這個受訪者也好,除非觀看者要有很強的分辨能力,否則容易誤入歧途。(哥林多前書 11:29) 因為人吃喝,若不分辨是主的身體,就是吃喝自己的罪了。 (1 Corinthians 11:29) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.