We are not too young, too simple now!As i gat the bad news i felt i am got old. 让我用您熟悉的语言再道一声!Товарищ Цзян Цзэми́нь!江さん!Comrade Jiang!并用您最喜爱的俄语给驾鹤的您道一声Счастливого Пути!
A Professor in University Chicago said: Jiang Zemin and Xi Jinping are the best powerful men in China after the great leader Mao Zedong. As peoples are still remember during the Era from 1976 to 1993, that was the most Disaster, Turbulent, Tragic, and Persecuted Era for the peoples' republic of China. After Deng Xiaoping was resigned, Chairman Jiang was on the power. Thanks Chairman Jiang fixed the road, policies, and foreign relationship. And China has became the "WTO" member. Since then China's economies have been growing quickly until now.