商业文明是一种社会运作的模式,现实的例子就是NBA,NFL这种由多个自私对等节点按规则进行平权博弈的游戏 (multi-player game played by selfish peers following the rules/laws),美国社会的运作模式是洛克提出的每个人天赋平权、在法律规则下博弈追求自己的最大利益幸福,以及用洛克和孟德斯鸠提出权力分立制衡体制约束游戏的裁判方,其实用通俗易懂的话总结起来就是超大号NBA的运作模式,运动员player出卖自己的能力玩球抢钱,裁判员referee(相当于立法行政司法等权力部门)也必不可少,但裁判员们是绝不能同时下场玩球的,同时也必须遵守游戏规则里关于裁判员的规定,例如不能受贿、尽量中立等等。实践证明这一套游戏模式比你那套计划专制的农业文明社会游戏模式(唯一区别,从前的中国社会是皇权至上,现在是党权至上)强太多了,光共产党政府既当裁判员又当运动员这一条就决定中国社会的游戏模式弱爆了,注定是一场舞弊舞得极难看的球赛。
@ChengMingChenRockwill9 жыл бұрын
@AkiraNakamoto11 жыл бұрын
美国社会的运作模式是洛克提出的每个人玩家(运动员)天赋平等人权、在法律规则的约束下自私博弈追求自己的最大利益幸福,以及用洛克和孟德斯鸠提出权力分立制衡体制约束游戏的裁判方(裁判员)。你如果不承认这一点就没什么好说的了。三亿人的社会是个超复杂的大系统,不时有违反这个运作模式的事情发生,但美国社会总的趋势trend还是像上面说的那样搞法治下的平权自私博弈。这个博弈里的玩家(player)是peer citizen和peer legal persons,"citizen"的定义在华盛顿时代只包括白人成年男子,后来慢慢地包括了成年女子和有色人种。但无论如何,华盛顿等人打下了citizen们平权博弈的美国社会框架,以后的事情仅仅是在对citizen的外延的解释上有进步,不是你说华盛顿没有成果就没有的。马丁路德金之所以成功,是因为华盛顿时代制订的美国宪法人权法案Bill of Rights里规定的洛克式的天赋人权等条款,金认为有色人种也是人,也享有Bill of Rights里的所有权利。没这些华盛顿时代制订的条款你就是无本之木无源之水。
@八嘎杀手6 жыл бұрын
@tangyl12311 жыл бұрын
@tsung-minlo845911 жыл бұрын
@andyzhang94557 жыл бұрын
@DougAtsouth0AK11 жыл бұрын
“lukas wang1 month ago 按我看来,就中国当时的情况,没有毛泽东出现的话,也会有毛泽西,毛泽北,毛泽南出现的。这和元末明初,东汉末年的情况很类似的。” 您的陈述,其实还是毛的所谓唯物主义历史观-即历史的发生有其绝对的必然性;而事实上,历史更多的时候是有许多的偶然事件组成。说白了,毛的那套历史观,不过是中国历史无数枭雄的演出过的天命论,陈胜、吴广两个农民两千年前就玩过。不新鲜。毛共鼓吹的所谓共产党得民心所以得天下的言论,也根本不是事实。他们是得苏联的支持,靠着卖国-抗战中与日本人订立攻守同盟,而得以壮大。
Mao eliminated 300 years of humiliation of China as conquered nation by the Manchurians and sub-colonial status by western powers. Korean war certainly is the most important reason of that. In spite of all the setbacks, China under Mao had a increase of GNP by 6% every year for over 20 years. The foundations were laid during Mao's time to make it possible for Deng's reform to succeed. The defense industry built during Mao's era became the engine of Deng's reform.
@aw555610 жыл бұрын
Are you serious? The Great Famine and Culture revolution claimed the lives of 60 million people. The culture revolution destroyed all the constructions and other types of infrastructures made after 1949. Deng merely saved the Communist party.If the Mao's legacy had lasted, countless revolts would've overthrown the party.
@seanpan523110 жыл бұрын
Boyuan Wang Merely? Compare to whom? Let me repeat ,during Mao's reign there were average 6% of GDP growth for 25 years,Deng's reform make it over 10% for over 30 years. The difference is Mao believed WW III is unavoidable and everything is geared toward war preparation, while Deng decided to make some people well off then make the whole society rich. He famously said it doesn't matter the cat is red or black ,the cat that catches mouse is a good cat. If you adjust GDP with purchasing power,China already exceeded America and became the #1 economic power in the world and the trend continued.
@aw555610 жыл бұрын
SEAN PAN Ever heard if Zhao Ziyang? Where did you get the data? 6% for 25 years? How can possibly expect people to work while they are either at the brink of starvation or busy killing each other in the armed conflicts following Mao's instructions? 10% a year on average, so China back then was doing a lot better than the rest of the developed countries? And people`s living standard in China had been always better than that of other countries ? So that war preparation justified the death.Let me ask you a question, how can you prepare for a war while toppling all levels of your domestic governments? It appears that the only those who initially got rich got filthy rich, while the others wealth hasn't changed much. And most importantly those who first got rich are families of corrupted officials. It was just that cats theory that demoralized our entire nation. You might get that result if you don't adjust GDP for purchasing power, given the cook data has some accuracy.
@seanpan523110 жыл бұрын
Boyuan Wang Through trial and error, they find a way that works for China. Do you know we owe China trillions of USD? I need to remind you that the earth is not flat.
@aw555610 жыл бұрын
SEAN PAN I'm pretty sure they haven't. What China needs is democracy. And so far I have only seen trials and errors marked by the loss of millions of lives and total loss of social moral. Do you know that all levels of Chinese governments are at the very brink of default and that the government has printed more money than US. Do keep in mind that one's truth is not the always the truth.