The book you're referring to is "Same As Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity, and Living a Good Life" by Morgan Housel. In this book, Housel discusses the unchanging aspects of life, behavior, and business, highlighting how understanding these constants can help navigate the uncertainties of the future. The second chapter is titled "神奇的概率" (The Magic of Probability)
您好,请问一下,您的播放列表中,好几个播放列表都写着 “系统已隐藏 n 个无法播放的视频” ,我想知道是您主动隐藏的,还是被KZbin隐藏的,或者有可能是我个人账户某些设置导致的;也想问下其他观看视频的朋友们,你们是否也存在这个问题,例如“交易认知”列表,我这边显示隐藏了44个,各位也是吗。博主视频质量很高,不想错过太多。