呢個KZbin 我睇左4-5次,都仲繼續不斷用紙筆DROP NOTES,對我來說就係教育娛樂化左既好處。電視同KZbin DVD唔同,電視冇得PAUSE,唔可以中間停,不停碎片化。KZbin DVD 可以PAUSE,係享受娛樂既同時間學習,YOU LAUGH THEN YOU THINK。 謝謝米加既影片,繼續SHARE 比我所有朋友~!!
Thank you, please continue produce such quality video. No worries about the verbostity, the content pushing us to think is what really saves us from succumbing to mind-numbing realities and entertainment. Glad you mentioned Orwell and Socrates, and definitely will search for the Brave New World. I had to brush up my Cantonese so someone recommended you on Reddit.