88Rising founder Sean Miyashiro said Hikaru Utada has never played a festival, even in Asia, her whole career. I asked her why and she said, “I don’t know.” [Laughs] She’s super chill. Whatever she feels, goes. It wasn’t hard. I just hit [her team] up and she was like, “Okay.” Our whole staff is just such big fans of her. We grew up on her in so many different ways. Once we confirmed she was playing and we were telling the other artists, they were shocked. She’s such a legend. Internally, there was so much excitement for her.
@maychanpo9 ай бұрын
コーチェラは元々K-popでアイドルだったJackson Wangが去年出てましたね。ヴィトンの広告も出てたりnumber I ?売り方似てる気がします。エンタメの本場アメリカにも進出できてキンプリよく知りませんが素直によかったと思います。サンローランも若いファンの子にホスト客みたく高い買い物させたら嫌だけど、ちょっといい口紅ぐらいなら楽しそう。