My favorite aspect from the documentary is the moments where Jim Henson was symbolically “boxed in” during his time on ‘Sam and Friends’ and ‘Sesame Street’. I wish there was one more for when he was between ‘The Muppet Show’ and ‘The Muppet Movie’. Still, this is another good documentary from Disney+, along with ‘Howard’ and ‘The Imagineering Story’.
@dillontrainvids256 ай бұрын
Something else that I picked up on. John Henson’s death is never mentioned. They interviewed 4 out of the 5 Henson kids. If you weren’t aware that he died, you’d be asking “what happened to the 5th kid?” He died in 2014, but they never even mention it in the epilogue where they say what happened to everyone. Very weird
@iHeartsNostalgiaPit4 ай бұрын
even they had archived interviews from Jane Henson in there (I think)
@brockpifer99296 ай бұрын
I did like how the documentary dove more deeper into Jim’s personal life as a father. And hearing some more facts about Jim’s marriage with Jane and his relationship with his children. It was surprising to hear about when they mentioned his son John was non verbal
@claytonrios16 ай бұрын
The Rainbow Connection. The one that connected me to the potential of puppets in storytelling. Jim Henson is the one who did that for me.
@Thog_Muppet_fan6 ай бұрын
I really liked it. I really appreciated how they put unseen footage into the documentary! I never knew that Don Sahlin made Rowlf out of a basketball before. However, I've noticed a few things myself that could be better, just like you did. They should have talked more about Jim's relationship he had with his family, talked more about his connections with Bernie Brillstein and Lew Grade, and more about some of the Muppets. In the 1960's Jim thought that Taminella Grinderfall was the best Muppet he had come up with for a long time. In the 1970's, Jim had absolutely loved Thog ever since The Great Santa Claus Switch and made an extreme effort to put him in as many shows and Muppet productions possible. While it's understandable that Frank Oz was Jim's best friend, they could have interviewed Dave Goelz some more. They could have also talked about some of the late puppeteers quite a bit, including Jerry Nelson and Richard Hunt.
@lexramstudios13866 ай бұрын
I'm surprised Disney allowed to show clips from Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, and other Jim Henson projects that aren't part of the Disney brand
@nickdorenkamp9596 ай бұрын
I could imagine the Jim Henson Company had help with that.
@danielgudinojuarez67296 ай бұрын
Well, the folks at Imagine were able to secure images through a license fee
@yosefdemby87923 ай бұрын
@@nickdorenkamp959 Also Sesame Workshop
@carsonsmith73146 ай бұрын
Having seen this documentary, I think it makes a great companion-piece to the muppet animation lookback, or defunctland’s retrospective. Plus it feels like Jim himself worked on it. It was a nice touch.
@amazonstorm6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think all three work well together to give you a complete picture of what kind of man he was
@Nasser8510006 ай бұрын
Jim Henson was the Muppet Walt Disney :)
@danielgudinojuarez67296 ай бұрын
Unlike Walt, Jim cared about his team and most of the time put the muppet performers first before himself!!
@chrisbrasel80606 ай бұрын
@@danielgudinojuarez6729Jim was a good guy doing that and everyone he touched the lives of will always remember what he did for them. Very little can be said negatively about him honestly.
@chrisbrasel80606 ай бұрын
Both artistic & talented geniuses who changed the industry with their touch and both got taken away unfairly before they could do more.
@MsDisneylandlover6 ай бұрын
So agree ❤
@iHeartsNostalgiaPit4 ай бұрын
I wonder if Walt ever got to see Kermit in action at all I doubt he did, I'm just sorry he didn't get to
@Mariofanaticanimations6 ай бұрын
So unexpected to see that this was also the studio who made the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie animatronics in this film
@tyrannosaurusburke6 ай бұрын
That's a good point about the ending feeling rushed. They also could have ripped into Jeffrey Katzenberg for the inexcusable way he treated Jim Henson, but there's only so much you could fit into a 2 hour documentary.
@fanimationreturns53236 ай бұрын
Heck, the documentary also didn't mention the short lived Little Muppet Monsters.
@chrisbrasel80606 ай бұрын
There's so much to bring up and so little time to include everything. Wished it touched on that but I'm happy with the final film.
@dillontrainvids255 ай бұрын
@@chrisbrasel8060 John Henson’s death is never mentioned. They interviewed 4 out of the 5 Henson kids. If you weren’t aware that he died, you’d be asking “what happened to the 5th kid?” He died in 2014, but still. They don’t even mention it in the epilogue where they say what happened to everyone.
@chrisbrasel80605 ай бұрын
@@dillontrainvids25 You make a fair point about not mentioning what happened to John Henson as I think it would've rounded things a bit more.
@datguyyo6 ай бұрын
That was literally my number one concern going into the documentary, primarily with how they would cover the Disney deal. Unfortunately, my assumptions were correct, but that doesn’t make the documentary entirely bad.
@wolfmacleod6 ай бұрын
That’s the thing that annoys me about this documentary, how Jim Henson sold the muppet to Disney then he died. All innocent huh, it definitely affected his health and life and contributed to his passing. Everything is perfect in the Disney Universe
@VincentPuppet6 ай бұрын
YES!! OH MY GOD REAL! I had to pause it when they said "jim henson always wanted to sell the muppets to disney!" Like,, no?
@tysargent96476 ай бұрын
@@VincentPuppet Agreed, from what I heard, Jim only tried selling his company to Disney because he was in the midst of a downward spiral, and he was too stressed by his recent failures to continue running the business side of his company.
@iHeartsNostalgiaPit4 ай бұрын
@@tysargent9647 yeah the crazy thing was this was Jim's idea, I don't know about Marvel or Lucasfilm or even FOX
@georgerobertson70106 ай бұрын
Jim Henson left the world too soon
@DonOctavioSanchez5 ай бұрын
He was 53 years old when he died.
@CinnamonGrrlErin16 ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm just happy we got this much, and I think it's a perfect starting point for newer or casual or younger Muppet fans. Because let's be honest, there's enough material and story to do a multi-hours long, deep dive series about Jim, but considering this is a modern Disney production, I think it works well.
@VincentPuppet6 ай бұрын
@gavinrice22466 ай бұрын
Oh, the puppet Animat is Back!
@akganimationstudioproducti37796 ай бұрын
I call him Ani-Muppet
@kblixt6 ай бұрын
I like that they didn’t make Jim sound 100% amazing human being & showed his flaws. Like with his children. I didn’t see them making him an inhuman great
@nickdorenkamp9596 ай бұрын
27:52 Mickey: That doesn't ring a bell. Wilkins: Maybe some wilkins coffee will help.
@theresadeady5876 ай бұрын
(BBAANNGG) Wilkins: Goofy things happen to people who don't drink Wilkins Coffee.
@Nasser8510006 ай бұрын
0:00 That Classic Song ;)
@jlev10286 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's often an issue with documentaries and biopics: not allowing the subject's darker side to be told either because it would potential offend watchers or defame said subject's legacy.
@Zice0336 ай бұрын
Here’s how I best describe this movie. It’s a good waist deep entry point into the history of Henson. Good for beginners, in other words. If you wanna go deeper, that’s where things like the DefunctTV episodes, Brian Jay Jones’ biography, and even the Animation Lookback episodes on the Muppets come in.
@christheleavittman70804 ай бұрын
One thing I thought was odd about the documentary was how it kinda implied Disney acquired the Muppets right before Jim passed away when in reality that wasn’t the case.
@iHeartsNostalgiaPit4 ай бұрын
yeah they should have at least mentioned in the epilogue that Disney would acquire them in 2004
@danielgudinojuarez67296 ай бұрын
As much I've enjoyed this documentary, there are two aspects I felt that went missing and should've been included. These are; 1) Explain more about the proposed Disney deal and Jim's 2nd relationship with Mary Ann Cleary showcasing more stakes!!! 2) The documentary needed to interview the current/ ex muppet performers such as Steve Whitmire, Bill Barretta, David Rudman, Matt Vogel, Julianne Buescher, Eric Jacobson, John Tartaglia and many others in order to showcase/ reflect on the legacy in becoming a true team player. Keep in mind, puppetry is becoming more of a neglected art form and the muppet performers deserve equal rights/ respect just like the guest stars appearing in each major productions. Plus, that aspect alone would've made the documentary went from good to one of a kind. Yet either way, the final results went adequate for it being a new addition to Disney plus' documentaries!! 🐸🪕🪕🪕
@bro.b.i.b.42485 ай бұрын
I’m just going to say it: I wish Steve Whitmire was in this. I think the choice to exclude him from the film does contribute to the idea that the narrative was framed a certain way for this documentary.
@TheAutisticDiabetic6 ай бұрын
I watched Jim Henson: Idea Man over the weekend and overall, I thought it was pretty okay.🙂 It certainly captured that heartwarming feeling and his philosophy of not wanting to run out of time. (Reminds me of Hamilton!) I liked the animated segments by Screen Novelties, the parts where it talked about the personal experiences with Jim, Sesame Street and of course, The Muppet Show.🐸 But the part I found most interesting was when they were talking about The Dark Crystal and the failed test screening that caused the film to be dubbed over. (That’s actually one reason why I didn’t like The Dark Crystal…😅) However, my biggest criticism with the documentary was at times it did feel like they were just scratching the surface, instead of going more in depth. And I do agree with you on the ending, the transition from the initial deal with Disney to suddenly he’s dead and now it’s over, just left me feeling like “Wait, that’s it?”😕 If I would give this a score, it would probably be a 6/10. Let’s just say that I definitely preferred Animation Lookback: The Muppets.😉
@yosefdemby87924 ай бұрын
The Walt Disney Company intends on removing Muppet*Vision 3D.
@BrandonJacquelineBurt276 ай бұрын
I've saw you're animation look back in the Muppets before, I loved it.
@beatles1236 ай бұрын
they never got a divorce. they remained close.
@DaveysWonderfulWorld6 ай бұрын
I loved Jim Henson idea, man it’s one of my new favorite documentaries put out, but it just feels a lot too much like defunct lands Jim Henson miniseries Kevin honestly did Jim Henson idea man five years earlier, but did it 10 times better this one just feels like a carbon copy of that But the thing that I liked about Jim Henson idea, man that made it stand out above the crowd is definitely the presentation
@dionkelly84205 ай бұрын
Why would you care about what kind of "lover" Jim Henson was? Should anyone care what kind YOU ARE? Do you know NOT EVERYTHING IS MEANT TO BE SHARED WITH THE WORLD, WHETHER SOMEONE IS LIVING OR DEAD? Especially projects that millions of kids will be watching?
@alexmillar48786 ай бұрын
One of the very best Jim Henson documentaries in my opinion is the 50 minute episode from the PBS biography series ‘In Their Own Words’ since it manages to highlight about almost every major project and moment in his life In a very dignified and emotional manner and in such a short amount of time. Though briefly, It does also talk about his problematic love life and the problems with the Disney deal that this documentary leaves out so I highly recommend it. Hopefully you can see it here before it gets taken down.
@iHeartsNostalgiaPit4 ай бұрын
thanks I've been trying to figure out the name of that Doc, I was kind of hoping that the Muppet Don would have it on the channel before the channel owner privated all the videos
@MrBooone6 ай бұрын
I'm still pissed they didn't grill him harder for being a dumbass for dying the way he did. I had untreated strep for a day or two at its worst, and I felt like I was LEGIT DYING. Dude went two times going through Phnemonia, and just said "yeah, fuck it" until he died. I can't forgive him for that. I would have killed to hear people he knew's opinions on him dying the way he died.
@TGSS26 ай бұрын
I feel the same way but dont that what makes it sad the way he went not only at 53 god damm but of somthing he could have gotten taken care of but even still his creations did live on and while theyve never been the same after his death i can say its what he would have wanted
@samfeldstein44986 ай бұрын
Are you not going to review Robot Dreams? It's a shame it's not getting a wide release or at least not in my state
@Colbynfriends6 ай бұрын
I feel that some of the shortcomings of the documentary owes a lot to the enormous fanbase that has come before and told the stories of Jim and his work. As you pointed out there was your lookback, defunctland, also there was a pbs documentary long of muppets and men..the fraggle rock behind the scenes..Henson's place...etc...they probably wanted to make sure they went over things that have not been done...and done better and more thoroughly, by the fan. Its a testament to that. Also the personal life stuff is alwaye going to be tough and probably the Henson family was more restrictive as to what they felt comfortable sharing. I didn't feel like it showed Jim in in a god-complex...I wished they had gone into more about Jane and how she delt with things...she deserves her story be told more in depth. The quote that she was the first to discover Jim is sticking with me. Great review / analysis of the documentary. Definitely not the all encompassing film everyone wants it to be but definitely a great addition!!
@muppetsstoogesfan16 ай бұрын
This doc has a lot of info we've already read and seen. But that's just us Muppet nerds. This is the big leagues. It's Disney Plus. Has a bigger more international reach. A person who has never thought much about Jims creations and world before could get hooked. This is a nice jumping off point for new Henson/Muppet fans.
@dillontrainvids255 ай бұрын
Something else that I picked up on. John Henson’s death is never mentioned. They interviewed 4 out of the 5 Henson kids. If you weren’t aware that he died, you’d be asking “what happened to the 5th kid?” He died in 2014, but they didn’t even mention it in the epilogue where they say what happened to everyone. Very weird
@amandastill51246 ай бұрын
Im kinda disappointed that there wasnt any new found wilkins coffee commercials. But i am glad there was new Mack and Kermit commercials
@alanoliva20206 ай бұрын
If im being modest about this documentary I would say your is a bit better. I wouldn't say entirely since it's more Muppet then Jim Henson, But at least yours was mostly in detail to all of Jim's work, including others that weren't related like one example not only there was no mention of Muppet Babies but not even once did they acknowledge the creation of Yoda. I know that not too important but I do feel a small moment could really make them be honored to be part of a great movie franchise. But i still enjoy the documentary none the less, it was still sweet and heartfelt to know his legacy. I could've wished they added more to it though.
@rjmckenzie47066 ай бұрын
This was a very good documentary. The beginning of the doc was my favorite, and I loved that they talked about his relatives that played a role in Jim's Creations. My criticism of the doc was the same Animat, the way they portrayed him was like a flawless saint, and also the ending felt rushed to I wanted to know more. Its not the best but for Muppet and lovers of film history like me this is a great step to know who Jim is as a person. I'll give a 8/10.
@Nasser8510006 ай бұрын
Get the tissues out 😢
@jamesgeorgi66276 ай бұрын
Hope we get updates on the Muppet Man biopic movie
@SonofMrPeanut6 ай бұрын
Multiverse of Madness' Assembled doc gets points right out of the gate for being hosted by Bruce Campbell.
@WolfmanArt6 ай бұрын
Hey Animat, have you reviewed the Howard Ashman documentary?
@Trent-Girone6 ай бұрын
Knowing it’s Disney, it makes sense they wouldn’t talk about the deal. Awesome! I watched this on my TV! My service has a KZbin app.
@akganimationstudioproducti37796 ай бұрын
That thought did cross my mind
@Kaylin7776 ай бұрын
I watched this documentary and when it quickly talked about Fraggle Rock, The Storyteller and the Jim Henson Hour I thought they would talk about those shows a bit more. It was good though.
@HorrorFanAndy16 ай бұрын
Man I’ve been waiting since it’s been announced and since released for you to review this documentary. I absolutely agree with you on just about everything!
@iHeartsNostalgiaPit4 ай бұрын
yeah it's okay and crazy as it sounds, I think I prefer Defunctland's lookback, I mean yes I love how immersive Idea Man was though (was that really a replica of THAT coat?)
@MsDisneylandlover6 ай бұрын
Stop motion of recap of doc was my favorite..
@MsDisneylandlover6 ай бұрын
Beautiful Doc ❤ #DisneyDiva Rip Jim ❤
@BrandonJacquelineBurt276 ай бұрын
Thanks again for the awesome content Mat.
@abigaildangelo62806 ай бұрын
I saw the documentary and I gotta say it was pretty amazing all Their friends and families has really done their selves, specially for all the movies and shows that they work for and I’m excited for the Powerpuff Girls movie and inside out 2 review
@nicolasribeirodossantos60826 ай бұрын
And also the documentary premiered 1 day after 20th Century Studios's 89th anniversary.
@jamesgeorgi66276 ай бұрын
Well done. Maybe you could review Muppets Haunted Mansion as your Halloween video this year
@hunterolaughlin6 ай бұрын
If someone makes a Patreon request to him to review it.
@jamesgeorgi66276 ай бұрын
@@hunterolaughlin that’s true
@akganimationstudioproducti37796 ай бұрын
@@hunterolaughlinI bet he’d love to at some point
@maddalonefarms6 ай бұрын
27:35 I still don’t understand the whole thing
@ianmurphy38406 ай бұрын
Dinosaur Train Moment.
@VincentPuppet6 ай бұрын
I think idea man works really really well as an introduction to Jim Henson as a person but if you already know who he was then I feel like it's not really that interesting of a watch like it's great but there is some things especially about the merger that I just can't look past that being said I think it's like a Wikipedia article. It's a nice little way to get to know him if you're curious, but its not the best documentary on him
@stephaniegonzalez626 ай бұрын
@disneydaniel31636 ай бұрын
I cry that this one
@jamesgeorgi66276 ай бұрын
I guess this means how you feel about it is similar to Mary Poppins Returns
@MsDisneylandlover6 ай бұрын
Love Jim and the Muppets ❤
@diegoa08126 ай бұрын
I would have liked the documentary to have been dubbed for Latin America. It would have been great to have the Sam and Friends segments and the classic Muppets clips in Spanish
@anactualmotherbear6 ай бұрын
animation with live action human actors is called pixilation.
@forrestdupre876 ай бұрын
We’re getting a new Donald Duck Cartoon for his 90th anniversary!!!
@christopherwesterberg85556 ай бұрын
I saw it on Disney+ Last Week and it was Awesome
@nathanforester59936 ай бұрын
Not even any mentions of The Witches or the first Ninja turtles movie?
@adrianmorrison46786 ай бұрын
Can you please review the tigger movie and piglet's big movie?
@KidDangerthepony6 ай бұрын
Kid Danger: *wearing his mighty pup movie outfit* put said shows on tv and THEN talk about Disney+. Because i do NOT HAVE DISNEY *goat baa* PLUS! or will i EVER get a streaming service. No, thank you! I don't have the bits to spare for a streaming service to buy and just upand forget about! Hell, my pony friend, Rainbow Optimus better know has Catfrog46 has been nice and asked me for a account for a streaming service and i kindly said no and he understands that i do not have enough bits to throw at a streaming service!
@potrelviewer95366 ай бұрын
The longer the video goes, the longer the lag between footage and audio...
@TomSnyder-y7u5 ай бұрын
Five hours? Ooof.
@wolfgangamadeusmozart12936 ай бұрын
I want to read the book Who was Jim Henson.
@sonofjafarreturns6 ай бұрын
Would you want to look like you killed Jim Henson? I mean I get it’s wrong not to bring it up but it seems like a bad idea to do so
@alteregobro48266 ай бұрын
i watched it recently and i loved it
@JampielPerez-zl1xe6 ай бұрын
Animat remember you review norm of the North well this film is back
@buddytenney71216 ай бұрын
@MsDisneylandlover6 ай бұрын
I don't like some stuffs on especially with the connections of Hulu.
@Getlazy70566 ай бұрын
Do a furchester hotel video
@JonathanAhnberg-fc6gs6 ай бұрын
Please Review The Loud House Movie Now.
@terrylsaffold77156 ай бұрын
@AnnabelleLeeTx6 ай бұрын
@MsDisneylandlover6 ай бұрын
Can we get a Soul 2
@EmojiMarbles6 ай бұрын
Somehow lower than Wish?
@carsonsmith73146 ай бұрын
No. Just no.
@DisneyGirl20046 ай бұрын
He likes both films bff ^^:
@rusalexander17576 ай бұрын
No mention of Kermit as terrorist? Blowing people up for not drinking Wilkins Coffee?
@jlev10286 ай бұрын
That was Wilkins, not Kermit. Kermit only appeared on Sam and Friends before getting his own show.
@puppetry2103 ай бұрын
One thing i have learnt about Jim Henson is that he had autism which explains why he was a quiet individual
@Taydar6 ай бұрын
The deal wasn't really worth mentioning. It's really the Henson kids fault that that deal was a damm deal.
@yosefdemby87923 ай бұрын
How so?
@Taydar3 ай бұрын
@yosefdemby8792 well let's use an example. Let's say you agree to purchase someone's. You've exchanged contracts, sold your house and moved all your items into storage. You're just waiting for the keys. Unfortunately the owner of the house you wish to buy dies and their kids inherit it. Now you would expect the deal to continue as you had a agreement but the kids that inherited the house say No. That's what basically happened.
@Attmay3 ай бұрын
@@Taydar they said no because Disney tried to lowball them right after Jim died while they were still in morning. It was tacky beyond belief. They cleaned up heavily when they sold the Muppets to that German company, bought them back at a fire sale price, and then made a deal with Disney only after they had basically been devalued.