明け方2時に スタジオ帰り 家に帰り 鏡の前に 1人佇み同じこと問いただす What I'm trying to sing to you, is that you don't know about 夜が明ける前には帰りたい When I go back, I ain't trying to catch the sunlight Working all day 働いても足りない またどうせ寝る時は無い またどうせ When I go back, 夜中の2時の帰りに思い出す You are the only woman who lift me up when I'm feeling down... 友達とチルしてたらまた思い出す That you are something that I really missing about 考え事で頭埋まる終電後の千日前 ayy 探してる答えまだ見つからなくたって気にしない 君に幾ら訊いてみたって返事しない I know that you are something that I really thinking about Hey, I'm so sick feel like I'm going to need a fucking medicine お天道様照っていてもなんか feeling so blue 家の鏡の前で問いただす What I'm trying to sing to you is that you don’t know about, yeah So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you all the time So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you by my side... So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you all the time So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you by my side... ビートの上を今日も泳いでる 今も雲の上に座っている 落ち着いてなんていられない 進むべき道を進んでる ぐるぐる回る世界に息詰まるならば 1つ呼吸をして 白い龍と戯れて これは遊びだけど真面目にやりたい あれは仕事だから上手くこなしたい おしゃれな服着て 好きな歌歌って また夢の中で あの子と手を繋いで 誰も知らない遠くの星へ 誰にもバレないように目を閉じて Young ninja came from nothing 俺ら友達 Young ninja came from nothing 普通なんてない Young ninja came from nothing それだけの話 Young ninja came from nothing このメンバーで So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you all the time So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you by my side... So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you all the time So fucking empty, so fucking tired I just need you by my side...
Jin Dogg has good pronunciation on his English which sets him apart from the majority of rappers from Japan. If he uses Katakana in his raps he fully does it, or raps in English. Halfway between trying to pronounce English words and using Katakana sounds super cringe to foreign listeners. Because of this, I think he has a marginal advantage for gaining followers overseas.