Unity Is Power, give thanks to my prophet, Joe Higgs! Rest In Power!
@usubornhaus11 жыл бұрын
we all miss you joe higgs...................nuff blessings rest in power
@TheAnnaFisher8 жыл бұрын
We should all live as one like the colors of the rainbow. Thank you to my teacher, Joe Higgs, remembering you today and will not remain silent, black lives matter. Unity is Power #UnityIsPower #JoeHiggs #BlackLivesMatter #WeShouldAllLiveAsOneLikeTheColorsOfTheRainbow #NoMoreSuperstars #NoMoreRumorsOfWar #WhenAllIsSaidAndDone #ForEverySingleBoyAndGirlOfEveryNationAllOverTheWorld
@konitong13 жыл бұрын
love peace understanding thank you so much for posting jahrastafari
@konitong13 жыл бұрын
love peace understanding thank yoy so much for posting jahrastafari