Joe Rogan Says "Vote Republican": Say It Ain't So, Joe

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"The first time I ever really listened to Kyle Kulinski’s show was in the back of a cab last summer. The driver had his phone hooked up through the stereo and was pumping out an episode through the car speakers - loudly, as if looking to convert a captive audience.
“Do you like Kyle Kulinski?”
The driver, Ahmed, was a recent immigrant and apparently a die-hard fan of Secular Talk, the political talk show that Kulinski broadcasts on KZbin. I told him, yes, in fact. I do like Kulinski, had come across his show several years ago, and, all things considered, he seemed pretty good.
“He understands what we’re up against,” Ahmed said. “Like Bernie.”
But I was surprised to hear Kulinski’s name mentioned in the same breath as Bernie Sanders, particularly with such adoration. Because what I did remember about Kulinski’s show struck me as mostly capital-P “progressive” takes on the news - the left wing of the Netroots crowd more than the democratic socialism Sanders has popularized.
It’s an impression that wasn’t entirely incorrect.
“I have no time for philosophical, airy bullshit,” Kulinski tells me from his home in Westchester, New York. “I don’t want to hear about Lenin. I don’t want to hear about Marx. I just want a super plainspoken, straightforward agenda with a straightforward way of selling it.”
With over 800,000 subscribers and nearly 670 million total views on KZbin, selling a progressive agenda is clearly something Kulinski knows how to do - even Democracy Now, the long-standing flagship of progressive media, cannot match his reach on the platform. Chapo Trap House can certainly boast a wildly devoted fan base (and a not insignificant degree of media influence), but their audience is roughly half the size of Kulinski’s.
While Secular Talk might be more likely to be looped in with the progressive networks around Air America and Pacifica alums like Sam Seder than the more resolutely socialist world, Kulinski’s fiery rhetoric, razor-sharp class instincts, and knack for withering takedowns sets him apart from his peers. Judging by his rhetoric alone, he’s closer to a Eugene Debs than a Chris Hayes.
But unlike Hayes, Amy Goodman, or his friend Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks - who began airing Secular Talk on his web network seven years ago - the thirty-two-year-old Kulinski is virtually invisible in the mainstream media. Despite his enormous fan base, his show has never once been mentioned in the obligatory trend pieces on “the Millennial Left” pumped out by the prestige media. Nor has Kulinski’s name ever popped up at all in the New York Times, Vox, the New Yorker, New York Magazine, or the Washington Post, despite his leading role in cofounding Justice Democrats, the organization widely credited with sweeping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of “the Squad” to power.
Just last week, his Wikipedia page was deleted. The reason? “There is very simply no [reliable source] coverage of this person,” according to one moderator. In new media, he’s king - the Sean Hannity of the Berniecrat left. In old media, he’s nobody.
I suspect there are a few reasons for that. There is nothing “cool” about Kulinski’s show. (As a friend put it, “‘Welcome to Secular Talk’ sounds like something you’d hear on Egyptian radio.”) His no-nonsense social-democratic politics won’t get him much cred with the Full Communism crowd. He records his show not in Brooklyn or Los Angeles, but in a studio he built himself in his modest Westchester home. His hair is too groomed and his taste in clothes too preppy to qualify as “Dirtbag Left.” Nor has he ever attended an n+1 release party. “Not only have I not attended one,” he says, “I have no idea what that means.”
And yet he’s astonishingly plugged-in for a young man in the suburbs. Wondering how Sanders ended up on the Joe Rogan Experience? Kulinski, a frequent guest on Rogan’s wildly popular show, introduced them. “You make the most sense to me,” Rogan told Kulinski on a recent episode. “You’re a normal person.”
Much like Sanders himself, Kulinski’s show has a massive audience that just doesn’t compute with our media’s understanding of “what the kids want” or even “what the left-wing kids want.”
It’s probably for the best - the very woke and very WASP-ish decorum haunting much of the media world is nowhere to be found in Secular Talk. “Corporate Democrats over-focus on identity as a trick to divert you from the issues that unite us all - class issues,” he said on a recent episode. “That Raytheon decided they don’t hate gays or trans people - frankly, I don’t really give a shit what their take on that is..."
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@yourneighborhoodfriendlyme4242 2 жыл бұрын
That's you and Crystal's BOI right there. This is basically who Joe has been for years. This is the direction Joe has pushed people in, ya just didn't wanna see it.
@adamcorfman573 2 жыл бұрын
Naw, Joe's a knucklehead. If he has more leftist guests, he'll seem more leftist. He can still be reasoned with. He's not tfg.
@Ballerboithaone1 2 жыл бұрын
He goes with who makes more sense at the time. Like most voters. Blue no matter who people are delusional. Biden has been garbage compared to Trump and I’m not even a trump supporter. It’s been a complete shit show since he came into office.
@adamcorfman573 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ballerboithaone1 I got called a Trumper for merely criticizing Biden on being a corporate shill.
@larryray3183 2 жыл бұрын
Only a retard would vote for DEM's after what they've done
@thawedantarctican2171 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ballerboithaone1 Blue and Red no matter who are definitely delusional. I have some on both sides of my family. I hated Trump and knew Biden would be shit too, yet whenever I say something around someone who's real left or just a diehard Democrat I'm suddenly an asshole. It's bad enough I can't voice anything about Trump to my family who are red voters, some of which are TFGs. Like, goddamn, can't we just agree that both suck ass and we need a solid candidate that ACTUALLY would do some things that benefit voters for once?
@pitbull7440 2 жыл бұрын
This is something we've been telling you for over a year now, Kyle.
@generationxwithamcgamestop1245 Жыл бұрын
Here SLAVE Only slave Democrats want to be told what to do and how to do it...... they can't think for themselves.... Democrats should have taken that horse medicine called ivermectin Democrats will believe anything
@ross4 2 жыл бұрын
Rogan holds very few firm beliefs or principles. His political commentary is just swayed by whoever he's talking to in the current moment. He doesn't have much material interest in politics besides reducing taxes and regulation, as he's a multi millionaire. Hopefully Kyle is finally catching on.
@bidhrohi12 2 жыл бұрын
He's no better a person than Trump. He just has tact. Dave Rubin played the same game, Candice Owens did. She used to be a far Leftist. Rogan is a sociopath, through and through.
@jasonsteakums6067 2 жыл бұрын
His self described social liberalism is pretty much limited to the fact that he ‘doesn’t care’ if gay people are getting married and doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t affect his life. When it comes to issues he’s passionate about he’s pretty much 100% conservative. Soooo.. he’s a conservative. It’s nice to see him FINALLY come out of the closet on this one
@nelsonhamilton8262 2 жыл бұрын
You left out not being able to do his comedy shows and go out for food lol. Joe Rogan like most people…just cares about himself/circle. Despite only having daughters he doesn’t care about Roe V. Wade because he’s rich and his family is unaffected.
@barbiedahl 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle is catching on, but he didn't catch the morning train, he caught the late train.
@erkl8823 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonsteakums6067 ghay people *shouldn't* be getting married, that's already something that men & women do, together. So the ghays should just invent their *own* institution, something straight people *can't* do. Idk, just call it... getting "fairied", or "farry'd", however you wanna spell it, it's up to you, but no marriage, that's already taken, even if they think they got married, they didn't, it just doesn't work that way, it does count, they have to get *fairied".
@HairOnScreen 2 жыл бұрын
You can be against the lockdowns AND support gay marriage. This entire video is a masterclass at straw man.
@John-mu2js 2 жыл бұрын
Voting for Republicans though? That’s insane
@davidlegrice4207 2 жыл бұрын
It's really a mistake for Kyle to have viewed Joe Rogan as bieng politically similar to him in the first place. The person who Joe Rogan's politics are most similar to is Sagar Enjeti. A man who despite being closest to the democrats on the issues that actually matter, is constantly finding excuses for opposing them and sympathising with the GOP; mostly around culture war BS that doesn't even relate to actual policies.
@rustyford5511 2 жыл бұрын
Cause Joe is the guy who think he made it on his own. His mom marrying an architect who gave him a fake job wearing a hard hat didn't have anything to do with it
@kidbrown2010 2 жыл бұрын
Saagar disagrees with mainline democrats on guns, student debt, pandemic issues. It's not just culture war.
@davidlegrice4207 2 жыл бұрын
@@kidbrown2010 Sagar hasn't voiced blanket opposition to the mildest possible gun reform measures, which puts him within more within the spectrum of opinion within the democratic party on that issue. His reason for opposing student debt cancellation is blatantly disingenuous as he claims he'd support it if the cost of tuition was lowered, he had to make up a reason so as not to agree with Biden on what was a major w. The pandemic has become part of the culture war now, but Sagar didn't bother to voice opposition to lockdowns or other measures during the worst phase of the pandemic and only started taking the "conservative position" as it was fizzling out; during which the democrats didn't seem united behind any particular set of pandemic policies anyway.
@DmitriPolkovnik 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Australia. We have slightly more people than the population of Florida. We had less than 1/6 of the death count of Florida because despite having more cases, in my state of NSW we had a 3 month lockdown prior to hitting high vaccination targets. The government provided people $750 a week if you were unable to work as a result of lockdown. That was it and we were mostly back to normal after about 4 months last year, that's reasonable policy. I don't understand Americans praising DeSantis for basically doing nothing and letting huge numbers of people die horribly. Do US conservatives seriously have that much disregard for human life? Very Christlike of them.
@voxy6865 2 жыл бұрын
The lockdowns were done on a state level and you can easily look up how each state handled it. Almost unanimously democratic ran states had longer, stricter lockdowns. I live in Florida And was back to work pretty quickly while I watched my fellow barbers in other states forced to stay home and go broke.
@fasteddievh2072 2 жыл бұрын
Go woke go broke.
@mctransportation9831 2 жыл бұрын
I live in MS and ignored every restriction. I never put a mask on unless a law enforcement officer told me to. Yes, I caught covid. It was better to catch covid than live like a zombie.
@fasteddievh2072 2 жыл бұрын
@@mctransportation9831 💯🎯
@kaydenchan7093 Жыл бұрын
@@mctransportation9831 the problem is that you may spread COVID to another person, and that’s why red states have higher COVID deaths.
@ariw9405 Жыл бұрын
Yea and far more people died in your states! Wtf is wrong with people being ok with your fellow men dying? The government should have given more money to truly small business like yours to stay closed so less people died. We have the highest death rate in the world and more people were mad because they couldn’t get their hair or nails done. We are such a shit country
@sitiwrattz 2 жыл бұрын
I hope this is the end of Kyle and Krystal pretending that Joe isn't a right winger.
@TheMattMercy 2 жыл бұрын
It's not. They desperately want to go back on Rogan.
@matthewmaguire71 Жыл бұрын
It is. Its been over a month and Kyle hasn't done a single video on Rogan since this one. He used to do 2 weekly minimum.
@lunchboxbandits 2 жыл бұрын
Companies did not shut down “voluntarily” they were told to shut down for two weeks by the CDC and Dem governors. Sure you can say it was voluntary because there was no order, but when the government tells you to do something, its not with a please.
@nicholasanderson7316 2 жыл бұрын
Finally someone who actually used the last two years to think. I feel like everyone here has Stockholm syndrome. Good for you! 👍
@ianbenjiman 2 жыл бұрын
Government = force
@huludical1 2 жыл бұрын
A majority of his audience is very dumb. You have Joe ofen saying "I am no expert" "I don't know what I'm talking about" "don't take what I say seriously". But then his audience is like, "Joe for president." I have family members who take what he says to heart and they send videos to me. I ask "did you skip the part in the beginning where he says ...I don't know what I'm talking about don't listen to me." Unfortunately he has a hardcore following who will listen to, and agree with anything he says. He doesn't acknowledge how damaging that can be.
@das_it_mane 2 жыл бұрын
Joe "idk why people call me right wing" Rogan
@elephantman2112 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle is like a kid finding out that Santa isn't real.
@bidhrohi12 2 жыл бұрын
He was defending the Proud Boys since 2016. He was praising Trump as being a genius for all his four years, defending his activists, and attacking the Left. How the hell does anyone not see it? It's exactly the same grift Dave Rubin was playing.
@mmmcounts Жыл бұрын
"There was no national lockdown, and Trump was in office at the time. Initially. At the start of all this." Yes. True. Lockdowns largely happened at the state level and not at all at the federal level, and guess which states locked down the hardest? Guess which states locked down much less or not at all? There's a pretty strong tendency based on whether it was a red state or a blue state. I wouldn't be At All surprised if what Rogan meant, more precisely, was that you can feel free to vote for whoever you want at the federal level but if you're at all worried about lockdowns as a small business owner or your general mentality is to think of this as a matter of personal freedom, then vote Republican at the state and local level because these are the people that don't want to lock you down. We are talking about the midterms, right? I'm pretty sure we're talking about the midterms here. Guess what happens in the midterms? POTUS isn't on the ballot. That's what happens. I don't think this is a comment on who to vote for POTUS. I get the sense that this is about the state and local level, and it's about what you should expect if you're accustomed to voting straight-ticket blue no matter who. When that gets you locked down, maybe consider the alternative. Edit- Joe Rogan two years ago very likely would not have said "vote Republican" for any reason. In the past two years, however, Democrat governors and other state-level decision makers have given him a reason to look at some of the people that were adversely affected by some of their decision and it Makes Sense for him to tell People Like Them to vote against the thing that harmed them. That happened. Joe didn't manufacture a reason- the reason is quite real and this needs to be a learning experience instead of an exercise in whatabbout these other things.
@IphigeniaAtAulis 2 жыл бұрын
I love it how everyone is talking about Joe being in an echo chamber, but no one here is challenging Kyle on the facts.
@J77199 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I wonder why that is??? Wonder if it's cuz the facts are ya know...facts
@IphigeniaAtAulis 2 жыл бұрын
@@J77199 See, only more proof that everyone supporting Kyle is just living in an echo chamber. Thanks for proving me right.
@avijitkarmaker6673 2 жыл бұрын
Used to like Rogan but the more i hear him talk the more unlikable he becomes. I don't think he stands for anything at all.
@worst00oo00 Ай бұрын
He is VERY unlikable
@alicefox7076 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that you think it’s difficult to watch a FOUR MINUTE video where nobody dies, gets stabbed or shot or any other serious bodily harm….is FUCKING PATHETIC. Oh no Joe said vote Republican….BIG FUCKING DEAL. Like really Kyle?
@robertjenkins6132 2 жыл бұрын
Earlier versions of the virus were more deadly. That's why we had lockdowns at the beginning. The virus eventually evolved to be more contagious but less deadly (Omicron).
@sandyunderpants4376 2 жыл бұрын
Yet 50% MORE Americans died while Joe Biden was President than Donald Trump with weaker virus and 3 approved vaccines and numerous new therapeutics.
@zcar4me 2 жыл бұрын
Probably the reason Bill Burr hasn't been on in awhile. Bill's not afraid to call Joe a dumbass.
@kevinmichael3810 2 жыл бұрын
Yea… no thanks. NOT voting republican. I’m actually doing my best to avoid mistakenly voting republican in my homestate Florida.
@barbiedahl 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle is catching on, but he didn't catch the morning train, he caught the late train. Kyle, my dude, you're still making hopeful excuses for Joe. Stop it! The more you hold out hope for your friend Joe the sillier you look. He's NOT who you keep desperately trying to convince us he is. Stop being so sad about Joe Rogan and start accepting what he actually is!🤦🏻‍♀️
@sisyphus4889 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you're fucking done trying to give this guy any credit for the once in a blue moon time he might stumble on the right opinion
@jojo5715 2 жыл бұрын
I don't watch Rogan, so I only have this clip to judge but it seems to me like he is sort of joking, like whatever way you vote the people lose. It was Democrat state and city leaders that had the lockdowns. And even if the evil orange clown was president, I don't think he was supportive of them, I think he made fun of them. I volunteered for Bernie Sanders and I think Rogan also supported Bernie. I think Rogan may be raising his eyebrows because both the Democrat and Republican parties are owned by our corporate overlords and the idea that our votes matter is a joke. Didn't George Carlin say, "If voting made a difference it would be illegal." He may be laughing because he's finally realizing we don't have real choices- I get it that the Democrats are the lesser of two evils, but evil is evil and things will not get better if either party is in control.
@paddlefitdad 2 жыл бұрын
With respect, you and Krystal need to start calling out Rogan for his uninformed/misinformed views if you want to show that you’re truly independent media. I get you’re all friends but both of you have a duty to call him out like you do with Maher.
@cassondralynch6342 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's the ONE thing that lost credibility for me with both Krystal and Kyle.
@O-.-O 2 жыл бұрын
They are the same grifters as Joe.
@cassondralynch6342 2 жыл бұрын
@@O-.-O Nah.. I don't think so but we all have our opinions :)
@lavenderb3an 2 жыл бұрын
What were you expecting? I have to stress that Joe Rogan was already on record recently endorsing Ron DeSantis for President. This was coming already but you didn't see it because he said some mildly liberal things within the past month.
@digheanurag 2 жыл бұрын
We saw it. Just saying the liberal stuff is very center-right already. Going full red was a small hop for him based on his other stuff.
@lavenderb3an 2 жыл бұрын
@@digheanurag The dumbest part of all this is that Kyle surely knew all this but kept putting faith in him to be anything else regardless.
@BrantleyJd 2 жыл бұрын
We really need Kyle back on JRE soon to disrupt this insane echo chamber Joe has created as of recently.
@devinmcgroot7560 2 жыл бұрын
please cry, sob, weep, and shiver in tears you pathetic liberal. lmao
@joeinamillion8991 2 жыл бұрын
Why is it an echo chamber. Joe can think and say what he wants. Dems have got some crazy ideas too. If the US is so democratic where’s your 3rd party? It’s a choice of 2 crazy parties
@cassondralynch6342 2 жыл бұрын
You mean the echo chamber Kyle typically defended? I don't know if he's the guy. We need someone to finally go on the show with a little less civility from the left. David Packman was probably the most feisty I've seen. He didn't seem to give a f what Joe thought of him which for some reason is very rare though I can't say I'm a Packman fan anymore.
@ianbenjiman 2 жыл бұрын
?? His show is the antithesis of an echo chamber. You leftists are on crack.
@ianbenjiman 2 жыл бұрын
@@cassondralynch6342 good luck with the 'less civility' approach.
@ApsisApocynthion 2 жыл бұрын
Joe is a careerist who will say what he needs to make money. This has been obvious for some time. You think he cares about any of those policies more than he does about his career? Hell nah. He's no different than the politicians he talks shit about in that sense. I'm sure most democrats believe in left wing values, they just prefer to be rich.
@terriej123 2 жыл бұрын
They closed the beaches here in L.A. because people where meeting up there in big enough groups. They later said that it was ok as long as you went by yourself or with the people you live with.
@DAMusic-qu2ec 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with Kyle that tanking the global economy didn’t benefit anybody. I remember how billionaires increased their fortunes astronomically. Kyle made several videos about it.
@buddacafe 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know bro. My Mexican ass is voting GOP. I'm waking up. I didn't use this video to come to my decision. I just did my research.
@Ezunit1991 2 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie, rioting shutting down roads is dangerous/stupid af. Now emergencies have no ems. Riot anywhere else but the road. Take a knee, idc. I’ll tell you this, if I’m trying to get my baby to the hospital, I won’t even slow down.
@waltergrace565 2 жыл бұрын
What? Didn't you know that if you don't sacrifice your child to the mob that makes you a fascist? Geez, what are you, like some kinda independent, responsible, rational adult?
@Ezunit1991 2 жыл бұрын
@@waltergrace565 you shouldn’t call people names, I’m totally unreasonable! You take that back!
@waltergrace565 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ezunit1991 Ah, my bad, dawg. Gimme a shout if you're out looting.
@crooked_letters 2 жыл бұрын
Should’ve asked Aaron Rodgers how many grandmothers he thinks he killed. 😂😂😂
@loviz4273 2 жыл бұрын
You just took this conversation out of context. His words didn’t mean their exact denotation. He wasn’t talking nationally at all either. He’s saying that’s how people are gonna react to state leaders.
@valkam9325 2 жыл бұрын
Vote republican doesn’t just mean to vote on the federal level…also there is a book called covid 19 and the global predators that outlines why there may be a nefarious reason for the lockdowns and oppressive policies.
@yearzero7025 2 жыл бұрын
“There were no national lockdowns; and btw Trump was in office…” Exactly
@Clickbait86 2 жыл бұрын
Mmmm them tears!!! So yummy😋
@paularroyo3450 2 жыл бұрын
Just like Jimmy dore and bill maher. The more they make the more they swerve to the right
@metamorphic8797 2 жыл бұрын
Lol is he really trying to argue businesses preferred lockdowns.. and trump had anything to do with started them just cuz he was in office.. The cognitive dissonance is real.
@Surlish 2 жыл бұрын
The mental gymnastics required to think "Democrats haven't done everything they said within 18 months, so vote for the side that would never do any of those things at all" is just astounding. The simpler interpretation? No matter how good a guy Rogan is in person, professionally he's just another right-wing grifter now. Time to wise up Kyle.
@MonolithStudiosMelbourne 2 жыл бұрын
“My friend Joe” - you gotta get over the hill and see that he’s less what you want him to be
@chrisdray5325 2 жыл бұрын
Going to join the chorus of people absolutely unsurprised by this. I don't know what it is about you and Rogan, but this was intensely clear to everyone with eyes.
@prophetherbandderp2733 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle surprised of Rogan is just funny. Rogan is the dude, who says he's ready to pay more taxes, but moves to Texas to evade, California taxing his sweet spotify money, showed contempt for the normal jobs, advocating for everybody to start a podcast, the bastard had the guts to berate people for not being in perfect health to resist covid, like everybody has the free time and money to do all the whacky shit he does. Spare me the details, Rogan has a good show, because he has a certain set of skills, do not conflate this with Rogan being a decent person. Joe knows where his interests lie, and while not laser guided he'll end there.
@retinalcircus 2 жыл бұрын
Two bros chain smoking cigars in a dingy studio and speaking with some apparent misplaced authiortiy about what is best for our health 🙄
@jasontoddlives7118 2 жыл бұрын
VOTE REPUBLICAN. or you can imagine the country in 6yrs headed in the direction we are now. Gas and milk 8.00 a gallon. Food shortages. Baby formula gone. 12-25 million illegal immigrants. Utilities out of control prices. Hyperinflation.
@brandondvorak4301 2 жыл бұрын
Joe gets mad when people call him conservative but he says vote republican and vote for ron desantis
@lionlionel6447 2 жыл бұрын
Who the FUCK is surprised about ANY of this
@KFro9k 2 жыл бұрын
Remember when Rogan touted he was a left leaning libertarian? Pepperidge farm remembers
@chrismasters1411 Жыл бұрын
Dude. Nobody is going with your thought process. Just step down. Admit this was stupid. And vote differently.
@jamesanson2711 2 ай бұрын
Something neglected in this discussion is the fact that Cohvid hit Europe before the USA and we watched as deaths soared. Of course this impacted our decision making amidst all the uncertainties
@glennyates2194 2 жыл бұрын
Of all the ignorant things I've heard Rogan say over the years, "Vote Republican" in this instance and context takes the cake. Thanks for rightly criticizing yer boy, Kyle. You need to go back on that show and talk some sense into him. He'll listen to you.
@forzaazzurri1471 2 жыл бұрын
Joe has been around Texans for too long, you become like who you hang out with.
@Theghostdogmadderkayne 2 жыл бұрын
It's Californacation. California had extreme lockdowns and since Cali is viewed by the rest of the country as the example of a Democrat state. That colours the perception
@aaronbarrie180 2 жыл бұрын
Less than 3 mins in and I disagree with Kyle already. What is the incentive for the biggest corporations to kill the competition? Come on Kyle! I think Kyle is salty bc Joe mentioned Jimmy Dore to Rodgers and not Kyle.
@wilcee238 2 жыл бұрын
Cool story lady
@RJTalksTV 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle is clearly an idealist, that's why he's always so angry. You can never win with idealism.
@novantembo2288 2 жыл бұрын
I do not agree with the idea that if things go wrong it can only be ascribed to incompetence--it is also the nature of diseases that they can be unpredictable. There was more of erring on the side of caution. If you have a history of the so called Spanish Flu which was killing young people in large numbers, would you not assume the same could happen now?
@blondinevloggt 2 жыл бұрын
we don't have lock downs, mask mandates, and vax passes right now so might as well vote for the people responsible, surely they will never pull anything like this again. flawless logic.
@ATbierer 2 жыл бұрын
Just proves that everyone that wrote off Rogan as a right-winger (despite faux progressive rhetoric) was correct to do so.
@SJW-bi1hh 2 жыл бұрын
I think he just uses common sense. Dems just spend money on useless programs that i have to pay for.
@carletonrutherford1799 2 жыл бұрын
0:43 Rogers repeats the moronic rights claim "Johns Hopkins comes out with a study....blah...blah..blah.." The study wasn't done by Johns Hopkins, it was this person "Steve H. Hanke, PhD, a Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University and a Senior Fellow at The Cato Institute, an American libertarian think tank." Along with 2 other economists, one from Sweden and one from Copenhagen. **The three authors of that "study" were economists rather than medical, epidemiology, or public health experts. ** They were ECONOMISTS!! And Rogers quotes it like he has a clue what the fuck he's talking about.
@rve420 2 жыл бұрын
The same dumb guy that stated seriously on his podcast "There were only dictators until 1776!" Is also the same guy telling people to vote Republican. He fits right in down there in Texas.
@tallflguy 2 жыл бұрын
We were trying to tell you this Kyle. He is a right winger that doesn’t like Trump, but he is still a right winger. No one is surprised that he said to vote Republican except for you I guess.
@davidzimmerman4159 2 жыл бұрын
You must be exhausted from defending them
@sandyunderpants4376 2 жыл бұрын
What is Kyle babbling about that Republicans voted against contraception being legal? When has that ever been up for a vote? 1892?
@aaronfields3470 2 жыл бұрын
“For the brave right wing americans that say. It’s all about kee- keeping amercans independent and safe. If you want to fight against the country you’ll have an F-15. You’ll need something more than a gun.” - the 10% Big Guy
@roninbikepunk 2 жыл бұрын
Aaron asks "what do You tell the small business owners about the shut down?" Joe Rogan says "Vote republican" Kyle freaks out. Those small business owners DO NOT CARE. Many many people left the Democratic Party over the lock downs
@BoogieDownProduction 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle needs to wake up. This is embarrassing. Joe has been promoting fascists on his podcast for years, there were warnings BEFORE the pandemic let alot during and after. Yes PROMOTING, having Alex Jones, Milo, and Gavin on your podcast and saying "they're just trolls" downplaying the damage they do and giving 0 pushback = promoting them.
@waltergrace565 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, you don't even know what fascism is. You guys gotta stop with the fascist grift. It's the same as when idiots on the right call everything they don't like communism. It's just such a dumbshit take.
@barbiedahl 2 жыл бұрын
The only positive I see in this video is that Kyle's doublethink about Joe Rogan is starting to transform into cognitive dissonance, he's feeling the pain of holding two conflicting thoughts in his head at the same time instead of just accepting them. Kyle, stop trying to convince Us when what you're really trying to do is convince yourself.
@vicratlhead2228 2 жыл бұрын
Rogan is so easily influenced by his guests. I just expect it when he gets a right winger on.
@BlakeValenta 2 жыл бұрын
Also, Rogan is basically the average American when it comes to political literacy. He hears or reads a viral headline and regurgitates it without validating it. The majority of things he says he wants are in line with progressive platforms, he just can’t be bothered to compare the two and come to that realization. Republicans have their marketing down to a science and it preys on people that either can’t be bothered or don’t have to mental capacity to look into their claims. Joe Rogan just happens to be one of those people and he propagates a vicious cycle of ignorance that leads to the decay of American democracy.
@bane3991 2 жыл бұрын
Democrats tried to make the vaccine mandatory and they got their way in certain sectors, their biggest 1 was rejected by the supreme court. They want censorship and have went after several right wing figures. They want to disarm the population. They want socialism which failed in every country it ever tried in. There is no logical reason to vote Democrat.
@MegaAsemoon 2 жыл бұрын
Joe Rogan bringing all the rights and Republicans and claiming He was a Democrat. Who didn't see this coming! lol
@belascialoja4812 2 жыл бұрын
That there was no federal lock-down, KYLE, doesn't get democrats off the hook. Look at states with democrat governors - blue states. Compare them to red states - Florida comes to mind, as does South Dakota, Texas, etc. Vote Republican, stay alive, save your company, your grandmother... live amongst the sane.
@snuzzlebumble 2 жыл бұрын
Joe Rogan is right on this. To push the democrats to do what we want we NEED TO VOTE REPUBLICAN. If you don't, you don't actually care about Medicare for all or legalizing weed.
@sairamsriram 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle called him Joseph! Shots fired.
@jondaniels3774 2 жыл бұрын
There was a guest on Rogan’s show recently (I forget who) who literally said to Joe “if you move here with us to Texas, there’s an unsaid rule that you vote “red” - ESPECIALLY if you moved from a blue state. You don’t vote blue- period.”
@ianbenjiman 2 жыл бұрын
Yes because "blue" policies along with unchecked corruption (due to a political monopoly) were the cause of the state's downfall.
@beanerjoe3001 Жыл бұрын
Yeah everybody knows that. You don't vote for what you fled. Texas is Texas. California is California. Let's keep it that way.
@jondaniels3774 Жыл бұрын
@@beanerjoe3001 no actually, you vote for what you believe in…but I understand that Republican voters don’t like democracy. Joe considers himself a democrat. He went to Texas to protect his new found wealth because Texas doesn’t pay it’s share of the tax burden. Guess who does? Those blue states he “fled” from.
@beanerjoe3001 Жыл бұрын
@@jondaniels3774 Both the right and left have claimed the other side stole the election. Don't be ignorant of the what your own party has done. Hillary has been denying the 2016 election results from the start.
@jondaniels3774 Жыл бұрын
@@beanerjoe3001 Your ignorance of the facts is the only thing on display here. #1) in 2016, Hillary (as much as I can’t stand her) won the popular vote. #2) the day before the election Trump was saying the dems were going to steal it. #3) when Trump won, all of a sudden it wasn’t rigged (how convenient) #4) Every single losing politician objects to that election’s results. #5) they then take it to the courts and if the courts find no evidence of widespread election fraud, that losing politician ACCEPTS IT…just as Hillary did. THAT’S the difference.
@Darcsied27 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry Kyle I will not vote for your precious Democrats, California the state I live in is horrible because of you people.
@mookiestewart3776 2 жыл бұрын
yeah because red states are doing so well lol. we literally have to subsidize conservative states my guy
@marajade4223 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who works in aged care, Covid is not over. And just maybe the people's health should be a factor when making decisions in a pandemic
@DNGINFORMANT 2 жыл бұрын
I personally thought Rogan was just messing around when he said that. I don’t think he really meant it.
@SwervinMedia 2 жыл бұрын
Incompetence is not an acceptable answer. Where I live in Washington state is a newly developed area and 70% of the businesses have closed for a good. The only ones to survive are fast food chains, a dicks sporting goods, and an ulta. All the small businesses wiped out. Simply saying it’s just incompetence is wack.
@Tomas-ot7be 2 жыл бұрын
Democrats tend to like government regulation, Republicans not so much. This is why people vote for Republican liars and grifters instead of voting for Democrat liars and grifters. Now with gay marriage and things like this, why the hell does anyone want government permission to marry? The question shouldn't be whether gay marriage is legal or illegal. The question should be why is the government involved in marriage at all.
@occristian1 2 жыл бұрын
As a non-american, I'm curious, what exactly does "right" to birth control in that context mean ? Somehow i don't think that means banning products in shops and pharmacies, rather it's something about having these products covered by insurance or not; anybody know ?
@Dustin100 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle next time you're on his podcast talk about how Desantis has banned math books
@JamesThomasJeans 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no how surprising I never saw this coming
@Yepmyaccount 2 жыл бұрын
It's very simple. His priorities are: Covid conspiracies, Anti-Trans policies, and he is now pro-libertardian in his attitudes toward the working class after being influenced by Elon Musk and friends because he unironically fell for the Tony Stark facade.
@TheLastLineLive 2 жыл бұрын
Seems like Kyle is finally seeing Joe in a more accurate light.
@plumbbobconstructionpants5599 2 жыл бұрын
Rogan wouldn't be pro-Republican of he was subject to the same Cannabis laws as the rest of us, but he's rich so he gets a pass.
@nosondre 2 жыл бұрын
This is why you need to be on Joe Rogan’s show once a week to reel him in
@jimbob9407 2 жыл бұрын
That’s pretty arrogant of you
@nosondre 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimbob9407 how so? Joes perspective squeaks to the right when he has right leaning people on. I think Kyle has a grounding effect. Or are you just trolling me? Oh…’s not my arrogance. I live in Cali. I had to deal with the shit they’re talking about but I’m still here and I bought my own karaoke machine. Saving on beer and gas! Jim Bob!
@megadick6000 2 жыл бұрын
This is not how you "stay out of politics", Joe.
@samharold9022 2 жыл бұрын
I know I’m in the minority here, but the “Kyle in Denial” arc was one of my favourites. Such a meme goldmine. I’m so upset, rn.
@priyonjoni 2 жыл бұрын
Joe wants to vote Republican. Meanwhile, the sky is blue, a rock is hard, and water makes everything it touches, wet.
@ChrisJohnson777 2 жыл бұрын
How is shutting down beaches too far? Come on Kyle, we need to protect the public health
@PeterAct2 2 жыл бұрын
No, Covid policy was not intended to shut down the global economy, but yes, a lot of Covid policy was designed to enrich companies that own our public officials. I think it has been a combination of incompetence and opportunism.
@bigbrogiant4 2 жыл бұрын
If Gavin Newsom’s Covid Response was the reason Rogan abandoned his leftist principles, he was never a true leftist to begin with. Really hope Kyle stops carrying water for him now. He needs to cut ties Jimmy Dore style.
@stargazerh112 2 жыл бұрын
Saving small businesses was NOT “the whole idea” behind PPP loans. The idea behind PPP loans was to provide businesses the funds to pay employees so they did not have to lay them off.
@nicholasanderson7316 2 жыл бұрын
Clearly, you need to look into how a business functions. How can you pay people if the business isn’t functioning and open? PPP loans were nowhere near the amount needed to maintain workers salaries. Some of you need to go back and take another basic economics course.
@stargazerh112 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicholasanderson7316 nice try…doesn’t change my point. Remaining open to pay people during lockdowns is not the same thing as surviving everything up to this point.
@nicholasanderson7316 2 жыл бұрын
@@stargazerh112 No it’s not, but it is the point. I don’t understand how you don’t understand the multiple factors that go into this. If you really cared about people being able to provide for themselves, then you wouldn’t be so callous in your response. A huge portion of small business owners are immigrants and working class. It seems this is more about you wanting to be right instead of doing what’s right. This isn’t just an American thing; this is how every business functions across the world in every government. If there is no money coming in, you can’t pay your workers. Loans are a temporary solution and needed in the first place, because governments and society mandated that they remain closed otherwise “everyone is going to die.” When in reality, the lockdowns might have curbed the disease and prevented some deaths of the most vulnerable. However, it caused extreme economic inflation across the world. Destruction of the world market and is leading to the starvation of millions of people on the planet. Most of which are poor and needed those business and jobs that are no longer available to feed their families. Plus, the negative mental health impact that this had on millions of children as well as impacting social, emotional, and psychological development. But hey thank god all the office workers could work at home, yet they sit there and act like they were the most affected. In a lot of the left’s opinion, All those business owners are just greedy. Keep gazing at the stars, Stargazer. It’s clearly mental absolved you of any responsibility to reality and the real world affects of bad policy.
@stargazerh112 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicholasanderson7316 you make a lot of poor assumptions. I just stated the truth. Those PPP loans did not succeed at keeping small businesses open. I am not on the left or the right…so quit it with the lame ass assumptions. I am and was anti-lockdowns. I also am pro small businesses. I don’t give a f@&k what identity or national origin the business owners have.
@nicholasanderson7316 2 жыл бұрын
@@stargazerh112 okay well sorry for assumptions but I agree with you then. My bad.
@brianfollendorf168 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a republican but definitely conservative. I appreciate a different pov without the irrational emotion like I usually hear.
@drunkrussianisgood 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle you gotta admit you have a blindspot here.
@disruptiveinfluencers 2 жыл бұрын
Does Kyle have any interaction at all with his viewers? Everytime he's ignorant about Rogan, his viewers call it out in the KZbin comments. He must not listen to us at all. Which is a bit off putting. TYT, Vaush, Majority Report, heck even Dore listens to their viewers
@austingoyne3039 2 жыл бұрын
Joe would probably struggle to name more than 5 politicians who weren’t POTUS or running for POTUS.
@miltonthegreat6520 2 жыл бұрын
Weird how Kyle has a bias for protecting his buddies and not challenging them enough. Jimmy Dore days, remember? How about Sagaar? And Krystal, though agreeable, in lock step. Now Joe Rogan. Buddy, meet some new people.
@thaddeusbohn9516 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the jre episode. Joe is not a republican. It was a joke. He's a comedian. This whole video is a waste of time.
@dogecoin1692 2 жыл бұрын
Cancel culture is something that deeply affects Joe’s business. Covid lockdowns do as well. I think these issues were so near and dear to him that he can’t see all the awful stuff republicans do because it’s not affecting him. Joe used to have very solid and empathetic views. Not anymore.
@waltergrace565 2 жыл бұрын
Huh? Why not? He's not changed any of his positions.
@dogecoin1692 2 жыл бұрын
@@waltergrace565 lol he’s literally had climate deniers on his podcast, which he gave no pushback on, and has publicly endorsed Desantis. The Joe Rogan of 2015 would have never done that. Imagine him back then endorsing people against marijuana, gay people, and climate activism. He also went from believing in UBI to being against it. I also feel like when he has Bernie on he gave him tons of pushback, something he never did to someone like Tulsi Gabbard
@dogecoin1692 2 жыл бұрын
@@waltergrace565 just looking through your profile and you look like a bot.
@waltergrace565 2 жыл бұрын
@@dogecoin1692 Uh, I don't think Joe was ever a big climate activist and he's definitely not a climate doomer. As for the other things you've mentioned I think it's the same situation you were in in 2020 - either or. I think Joe's stance is more reasonable than hyperbolic extremist, maybe that's why you think he's changed his position. Like who's "against gay people"? And Joe's right not to "believe in ubi". Anything like that shouldn't be "believed in", it should be responsible fiscal policy based on mathematical facts. And if you're not satisfied with Joe's conversations on his podcast maybe you could start your own podcast and have those guests on to pushback on them how you see fit.
@generationxwithamcgamestop1245 Жыл бұрын
Really I seem to believe that home Depot could stay open and small businesses had to shut down kind of was still that way in Democratic states but hey Florida was free as a bird from the beginning why because they followed the science
@gooieglopp 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like those Texans are filling his head with garbage. Joe now actually IS what his harshest critics have said he is. Congratulations Joe, you did it.
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