豚長,多謝你無私的分享個人在職場上的經歷,其實我覺得人生苦短,最緊要係做一D令自己開心的事,唔好浪費自己的人生,因為冇人會知下一秒會發生咩事🤔😍活在當下最重要🎉🎉👍👍😆😆所以好羨慕你的肅灑四圍去放眼世界💯💯💯👍👍👍🎉🎉😍😍期待你下條好片,感謝你的分享同埋用心製作,Thank you so much👍👍👍😍😍
@ginangan88922 ай бұрын
Joey, you are a rare find! So special and genuine being yourself.In the beginning I did not like the way you introduce yourself,seems a little unnatural, but I am a passion traveler, been to 33 countries almost 200 cities within past 24 years.I love to research more than my experience there and learned a lot about their cultures. I admire your bravery,no expectation and enjoy the moment, even there is nothing special. Your positive energy has given many encouragements in life and attitudes that we lack of, and your humbleness and self laughing is precious!keep up your good work, even simple videos without sights are very special.❤
Support Joey豚長!❤️❤️🧡🧡💙💙🩵🩵我已經睇咗你嘅影片應該都有兩年左右,最鍾意係你真誠嘅分享,打動人的內心。喺你影片嘅表白當中,完全看得到你的真誠,好鍾意睇你嘅影片。當我工作有壓力嘅時候,唔知點解就想搵你嘅片去睇,睇完之後我會覺得好開心,多謝你讓我喺KZbin尋找到放鬆和開心嘅機會。🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
每次見到豚長嘅片,都有種被陽光照射嘅感覺~ 多謝豚長分享, 以後多啲係旅行片入面都加小小心事台/感觸位就好喇! 等旅行片有多啲layer! support
@sandychan4805 ай бұрын
希望妳life path 順心順意 欣賞坦誠的分享🥰祝順利
@francishui14195 ай бұрын
您給我最深的印象, 是妳在葡萄牙里斯本的旅程, 道出的內心說話. 妳擁有的, 是:真情, 赤子之心. 俾個 LIKE 您❤
@wongtracy64895 ай бұрын
世界上有各式各樣,不同種族,膚色,身型的人,像你這樣樂觀可愛的女生,再youtube上奮鬥,勇敢分享自己的生活,以真誠的一面示人,分享和反思自己人生的每一步,正面面對所有問題,並鼓勵我哋,我真係好感動,越來越想看多d你不同題材的分享,真的覺得一份全職工作,死做爛做根本不能定義你,你是特別,獨一無二的,所以你永遠要對自己有自信,你真的很棒!!多謝你帶給我胺多酚 love youuuuuu~
For real, your vlogs make me smile every time. I love how you enjoy food and try to portray a positive attitude all the time. I know there are more down times than you show… you wanting to show us the world isn’t as bleak as it seems, it’s precious. You’re just adorable Joey. Add oil!