I have a similar cart (different brand) that has the same dump function. I’ve had it probably 20 years. I’ve gone through tires and ended up sticking tubes in them. The dump release eventually broke and I just chained the arm down. It still serves me well and I have worked it often and hard. I’m sure you will be happy with yours !
@faithphillips44748 ай бұрын
Great video! Glad you finally were able to get the tractor going and use the cart too!
@stevescabin54418 ай бұрын
It's getting there! Thanks cuz!
@iowafox22068 ай бұрын
For a pin to hold the cart a long bolt does the trick just as well. Ive been using bolts to hold mine in for years now and ive used the carts past there limits just a idea they are pretty tough carts not the thickest of steel but works for most things! Ive got two currently ones for yard work/garden work mount a sprayer on top of it and the other is what my kids get to sit in and ride around in.
@stevescabin54418 ай бұрын
That's a good idea. I got one of those magnetic ones off of Amazon. It was cheap. Thanks for watching!
@robb11658 ай бұрын
I have the older model 15 cart. Sure is handy. I load it often heaped with dirt or logs and can vouch for its weight rating as being real. But I pull it with a subcompact tractor. That much weight would be hard on the LA120's transmission.
@stevescabin54418 ай бұрын
I am definitely going to keep an eye on the weight - just for that reason!