John Mackey of Whole Foods Market Debates on Nutritional Science | Whole Foods Market

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At a Junto meeting in New York City in March 2015, Co-Founder and Co-CEO Whole Foods Market, John Mackey, and the author of "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet," Nina Teicholz, held a debate. The proposition: "An animal foods/low-carb diet is unhealthy compared with a 90+% plant diet that excludes sugar and refined grain products.” Mackey spoke in favor of the proposition and Teicholz against. View the entire debate here.
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John Mackey of Whole Foods Market Debates on Nutritional Science | Whole Foods Market
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@kateblaski4858 9 жыл бұрын
Fascinating. I don't know what nutrients Ms. Teicholz refers to when she says meat is the most nutrient dense food. Protein maybe but that's only one type of nutrient. Meat does not have any antioxidants or phytochemicals.
@bonaventuretv4350 3 жыл бұрын
Essential fatty acids, Essential Amino acids?
@planetetrangere 5 жыл бұрын
She is doing the same as anyone who is debunking. You can easily put doubt in people's mind and that's what she is doing. That's exactly what oil companies and tobacco companies have done for years..
@planetetrangere 2 жыл бұрын
@@nelsnels1219 Yes she is!
@misterh1 9 жыл бұрын
I liked both debaters, but some of the "questions" were horrible, especially the guy who said something about his money paying for the debate . . . what a jerk.
@ZenEngineer 9 жыл бұрын
Have the presentations been published? I would like to check the sources and evaluate the studies and reports myself.
@misterimpatient 9 жыл бұрын
Shame we don't get to see Nina's slides.
@MagicPeaceLove 7 жыл бұрын
Why are Ms. Teicholz's slides not displayed? Afraid of a fair debate?
@christophershannon9938 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful company to work for at Whole foods Market Victoria British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦 pasific northwest region
@geniusofmozart 7 жыл бұрын
Those nine years didn't seem to do Teicholz much good, given that she consistently misrepresents studies in her book. She also started going on about low-fat diets and weight loss, which had nothing to do with the motion. Both sides made weak arguments, though, but Mackey won it for me, especially with his astute observation that Teicholz is completely fine citing fictional literature to support her points (and epidemiological studies when they support her point in her book), but whenever there's a study which doesn't agree with her conclusion, she says "oh, epidemiology is completely useless".
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
geniusofmozart Another nonsensical comment from a preachy vegan ! More bacon for me!
@BeachDayPilates 9 жыл бұрын
"I have to give you a little lesson in scienctific evidence...epidemiology is a science where they follow large groups of people[yes,thousands] over long periods of time[yes, sometimes dozens and even hundreds of years]. They ask them what they eat, and they try and see who gets diseases[yes, like even the big, most rampant ones]. And they try and link it..." Of course they are. And they're doing a great job far as I can tell.
@miichannel6672 5 жыл бұрын
i found both presentations interesting, but i did find issues with each argument and rebuttal, of course. very interesting debate!!
@consis 2 жыл бұрын
wow, the massai info was killer
@planetetrangere 5 жыл бұрын
Why does she start with : I am not here to prescribe any diet? Is that the point or what food is best?
@IanGoldsmid 9 жыл бұрын
John Mackey unfortunately comes across as a bully, shouting louder to persuade, whereas Nina calmly refers to data. Unfortunate cos I'm sympathetic with the Veg side! :-)
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
Ian Goldsmid Diets are individualistic! I’ve done much better on LCHF diet ! No grains, potatoes, fruits and sugars!
@PrestonTurco 9 жыл бұрын
Wow, I just finished watching this and didn't know of or care about the CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, That is to say until now. I have to say I thoroughly dislike Mr. Mackey, If for nothing else his complete hypocrisy, He states he follows veganism for himself but the rest of us well we can do with 90% vegetarian and 10% animal based products! Huh? Come Again? Either you believe that veganism is ideal or it is not. Notice in the Seventh Day Adventist study that they keep citing the true vegans outlived the mostly vegetarians by 14 years, which they were so eager to point out. I shop at Whole foods and I see plenty of refined vegetable oils, highly refined grains, sugar filled foods, "junk foods" like potato chips, pretzels, cookies, and yes there is a meat department and plenty of dairy, there is even a whole cheese section. So what gives Mr. Macky? Oh yes he tells us up front at the start, poor Mr. Mackey tried to make Whole Foods all about the fruit and vegetables and it's not what the people wanted and he made no money so he then decided to sell all the horrible health destroying foods like meat, cheese, dairy, eggs, and processed junk food that he in all his wisdom would never consume himself. Another words it's alright in his book to sell you food that by his claim and belief will lead to disease and a shorter life all in the cause of capitalism. Go ahead Mr. Mackey line your pockets with all that wealth, it's nice to know that someone can afford all of your organic vegetables. He even mentions he's a vegan for ethical and environmental reasons, again so you create a business that engages in the decimation of the products that result in the death and confinement of millions of animals and the subsequent destruction of the environment by the animals waste and the millions of tons of petrochemicals used in the production of the feedstock. Give me a break, what a blowhard. I wouldn't believe a thing you say after this blaring unapologetic hypocrisy. We want the science sir, and we want it questioned, scrutinized, and challenged in order to get to the truth. Whatever the result, of the "ideal" diet if there were to be one, Ms. Teicholz critique of nutrition science as a whole still stands, and simply telling people to become vegan is neither truthful or science. Whether or not you agree with Ms. Teicholz this whole "debate" felt like a forum to promote Mr. Macky/Whole Foods and was clearly biased against Ms. Teicholz. It was quite telling when the sponsor/financial backer of the debate lambasts Ms. Teichloz and clearly believes in veganism and therefore supports Mr. Mackey. Not to mention Mr. Macky came off as a bit of a bully. This was a horrible presentation of the facts and he proved nothing. Ms. Teicholz stated that we can't just sit back and blankly accept epidemiological studies at face because of fundamental flaws that are coming under increasing scrutiny. Certainly the millions of people that struggle with weight and health issues have a right to know just how flawed or reliable these various studies are before we base our whole diet on the subsequent recommendations.
@bradkyleeleanor 9 жыл бұрын
Preston Turco watch the beginning, he very clearly addresses why when you shop at Whole Foods you see those...people voted with their dollars to have them. Maybe you disagree with that idea, but it isn't hypocrisy. Overall they tried to narrow the topic of the debate, which is why he was saying 90% and not 100%. Maybe he feels that 100% is the way to go because the nutritional COMBINED with environmental and ethical choices get you to 100%, but that 90% is what should be argued just on a nutritional basis. Alternatively, perhaps he realizes that 100% Vegan may not be good to recommend, if people aren't going to have the access, time, and energy to acquire and monitor a healthy vegan diet, and therefore 90% ends up being healthier in this case (which is most people's case).
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
Preston Turco Mackey comes across as another cherrypicking preachy vegan! Such nonsense ! Veganism is a religion and is a belief system NOT a science ! He quotes Dr Potatohead! The “blue zones “ ARE LOW TO NO SUGARS AND NO GRAINS!
@ZenEngineer 9 жыл бұрын
Mr. Mackey, as a practicing vegan do you take supplements? Are supplements necessary for someone practicing a 90%+ plant based diet?
@miichannel6672 5 жыл бұрын
He does not take supplements. he believes in obtaining vitamins and nutrients through real food sources, unless a vitamin deficiency is prevalent in the individual.
@mjenk20236 9 жыл бұрын
For me, Teicholz is the clear winner of this debate. The nine years she spent reading the studies obviously resulted in considerable expertise. Not having Teicholz's slides in this video is an obvious bias as is the funder of the debate participating in the Q&A session. Overall, my opinion of Whole Foods has tanked as a result of seeing this video.
@666Havers 8 жыл бұрын
yep and he's relying on observational and epidemiology studies. the "infested with parasites that lower cholesterol" bit lost it for him
@voodoocado 8 жыл бұрын
+FesteringCorpse They do tho, check it out. Plenty of studies on it. Also, high altitude has been shown to reduce cholesterol, which might very well also be a contributing factor, as well as genetic adaptations
@666Havers 8 жыл бұрын
+Johan Wallström high/low cholesterol in itself is a shit indicator of future problems.
@666Havers 8 жыл бұрын
+Johan Wallström high/low cholesterol in itself is a shit indicator of future problems.
@666Havers 8 жыл бұрын
+Johan Wallström high/low cholesterol in itself is a shit indicator of future problems.
@michonewilliams2024 Ай бұрын
Drinking water is key!
@planetetrangere 5 жыл бұрын
How many people will be killed by the increased pollution caused by raising animals?
i don't shop at whole foods for 2 reasons too expensive for my budget and i do not like John Mackey he just really annoys me..
@planetetrangere 5 жыл бұрын
She could be right if only a few studies would confirm that meat is bad but there supposed to be very many.
@KingJohnIV 9 жыл бұрын
Unfortunate denial and cynicism to some degree on both sides. Unfortunate because you can also tell that, while they both have strong financial investments in their sides of the debate, they clearly know their stuff and aren't only concerned with their private interests. It's a shame they couldn't speak more calmly and collaboratively.
@luckyjoekohn 9 жыл бұрын
wow, anything to sell a book, complete denial.
@planetetrangere 5 жыл бұрын
So fun, her studies are fine but not the other's. lol..
@i123456987654 3 жыл бұрын
omg yes! people want to hear what they want to believe! people want to hear that eating meat is good for them because they're eating meat...
@davidbluhm1867 2 жыл бұрын
Whole food plant based all the way
@carldavis9999 9 жыл бұрын
There is no debate as all the facts are in and have been for over 2.6 million years. We evolved on a "hunter-gatherer" diet over this extended period of time. Basically our diet consisted of meat and fat with on occasion a few berries, seeds, nuts and a "few green leaves". Our paleolothic ancestors coveted the fat from the bone marrow and brains of the animals and fed their canine companions the filet mignon etc. It has only been about 10,000 years or so since we collectively left the forests and our hunter-gatherer mode to farm the land. Since that time there is conclusive evidence that we have become shorter in stature and our bone density (a prime determinant of health) greatly reduced compared to out paleolithic ancestors. We do not need carbohydrates and the Eskimo of today proves it as he/she eats a diet high in fat, moderate in protein with only a short seasonal diet of fruit and vegetables. These Eskimos have none of the "diseases of civilization" cancer, cardiovascular, and diabetes which are all related and stem from excessive carbohydrate/sugar consumption which over stimulates the pancreas to produce massive insulin surges. Admittedly today with all the numerous dietary distractions it is very difficult to not indulge our sweet tooth but Nature doesn't care. We must as individuals be determined to eat in as close approximation to the diet we evolved on for over two million years or be prepared to suffer the consequences. I have read countless books since 1994 on what we should eat and there are many good ones mostly written by endocrinologists like Dr.'s Michael and Mary Eades(Protein Power and the LifePlan book), Dr, Barry sears (Zone Diet), Dr, Loren Cordain, etc. Two books of recent note are... and don't laugh, seriously..."Eat Bacon, Don't Jog" By Grant Petersen and "Primal Body, Primal Mind" by Nora Gedgaudas. Our bodies when consuming the right foods (and this means low-carb -high fat, moderate protein and a few green leaves) will use our free form fatty acids/ketones as our primary fuel source. Our bodies run more smoothly and efficiently on this form of "high test gasoline" as opposed to carbohydrates/sugar which is akin to watered down gasoline. When you are a "fat burner" you don't get hungry every few hours as you do when you a "sugar burner" as most people today are. You will have a stable blood sugar level and be burning fat while you are being sedentary. You will lose that weight and lean out as I have. The first few months were trying but soldier on because it will be worth it once you "arrive". Make changes gradually and be persistent Regain your birth right!.
@CRAZED4MORE 9 жыл бұрын
Carl Davis I propose that the weakening of human body comes at the natural cause that farming provides more food per acre than any hunter/gather tribe could collect in a wild environment. Thus this would lead to feeding those who would not survive in such an environment, they would include those physically weaker then the previous people. There is also reasoning that without the need to chase down animals or roam vast areas the need to be physically stronger becomes a less valuable trait among the population. Face it when you compare the life styles of a wolf and dog one being physically stronger than the other it is the environmental factors that are more prevalent in their survival. If hunting and gathering were so successful then why is it not a staple for the more advance societies that follow the 10,000 years? The predecessors of modern man date back some 50,000 years, Without the emergence of agriculture we would not have the species and variation of vegetarian plant life today.
@carldavis9999 9 жыл бұрын
Au contraire mon ami, It is that very advent of agricultural you speak of that has allowed the human race to be so prolific. This is not a good thing because the human race has "over populated". Consider that we have gone from one billion to over seven billion people in just over 200 years. But to my main point as individuals we are far healthier stronger and better on a low carb, high fat diet (you can only eat high fat when you eat low carb) with of course moderate amounts of animal protein.
@trotskyite1 6 жыл бұрын
this was 2 years ago have you had your cardiovascular event yet?
@zachh8870 6 жыл бұрын
trotskyite1 hahah you're terrible.
@georgecataloni4720 5 жыл бұрын
Mr. Mackey: Meat is bad, m'kay?
@LucasAmorimPlus 3 жыл бұрын
Not showing the opponent's slides, eh? Regardless of who's right, that's a dirty move and made me lose some respect for this guy and company. One last comment: Mr. Mackey needs to study why epidemiological studies are so discredited nowadays.
@fieldlab4 8 жыл бұрын
Nina is falsely excluding huge meta analysis on vegan diets, and inflating her interpretation that a large body of clinical controlled trials designed and funded by the meat and dairy industry, remains unopposed by trials supporting vegan diets, for which there is no opposing industry to provide funding. Misleading and dishonest, as always.
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
Johan Smith Another nonsensical comment from a vegan!
@Felix_Ruber 9 жыл бұрын
Nina Teicholz
@alexcusenza2641 8 жыл бұрын
Great closing arguments by John. Nina resorted to fear mongering and skinny scientific.
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
Alex Cusenza Another nonsensical comment from a preachy vegan! More bacon for me!
@BeachDayPilates 9 жыл бұрын
Who are these Maasai warriors I keep hearing about? Turns out they're a highly introgressed bunch with a specific mutation for a high tolerance of lactose. These are in fact X-men with the power to drink a gallon of milk in an hour and live to tell about it. Also they consider butter an important food for infants and they happen to have an increased infant and warrior mortality rate. The surviving elder men are only then allowed to marry. The culture is practically designed to be advantageous for breeding meat eaters, those who have survived to be elders. Their reputations are as warriors and cattle rustlers...not exactly sedentary...their level of fitness is likely in part due to their training and forging and maybe less related to diet. This is about as far out as outliers get when choosing societies to compare. The credible doctors have compared American diets to China's, Japan's, the Blue Zones, and those prior to industrialization. And to the guy saying meat has been known to cure the malnourished of course that depends on what else their meatless diet was lacking.
@dixonshaun 9 жыл бұрын
John Mackey does not look like a healthy man. He could use a good steak and potato dinner and some free weights.
@BeachDayPilates 9 жыл бұрын
"Liver and beef have more nutrients than blueberries and kale." I'm just not believing that.
@aureliusaustralis3618 8 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Szabo Check the facts then.
@fieldlab4 8 жыл бұрын
+Aurelius Australis no need to check facts again. By questioning this the burden of proof is on you and you will never have anything by but trials designed, funded by or answerable to the meat and dairy industry.
@mechellemeixner160 7 жыл бұрын
I'm very curious as to why Anthony doesn't believe that liver and beef have more nutrients than blueberries and kale. This also helps me understand why some people are okay with a vegan diet. If you don't believe the information that Nina shares, then it would make sense to be a vegan. I personally had to have all the health destruction that 10 years of a plant- based, local foods diet (I was sugar and flour-free and ate plenty of kale, fermented foods, soaked quinoa and amaranth and sea vegetables) caused me to even begin to question that vegan wasn't the best diet. When I researched and discovered that liver, bone broth and eggs were super nutritious foods, I added them to my local plant food diet. I have found that just sharing my personal experience is not enough to encourage others to include offal and bone broth in their mostly non-starchy vegetable diet. For me, all I had to do was take out the grains, and add animal fats, offal and bone broth, and I achieved perfect health! I encourage everyone to adopt a local foods approach--eat plants and animals (head to tail) that are from local farms and ranches. If all of us who are against big ag, big pharm and horrible animal husbandry practises were to combine our efforts we could effectively shut down the inhumane animal and plant agricultural processes that currently feed the majority of people in our country.
@huaili3606 6 жыл бұрын
And this is the epitome of being vegan. Someone said something that contradicts what you believe. What do you do? A smart person seeking truth would look it up and find out for themselves. Someone who has no interest in truth says "Yeah, I don't believe that so I'm just going to assume everything I already believe is right." And then vegans wonder why nobody listens to them.
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
Google it , there is a plethora of peer reviewed scientific papers which shows that meats from nose to tail has plenty of nutrients! 80% of US population is on the carbohydrate intolerant spectrum! The energy balance hypothesis has been debunked! The rubbish USDA food pyramid written by a vegan who had no science background of the 1977 McGovern commission is the cause of modern diseases! To the vegans please post the name of the carbohydrate deficiency disease!
@i123456987654 3 жыл бұрын
yeah, follow the money...which industries are being threatened? lol monsanto and unilever are problematic too! they're all troublesome in addition to the meat and dairy industries!
@annlopinto2797 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for good advice
@BeachDayPilates 9 жыл бұрын
"No. I don't eat vegetables for breakfast. I don't know many people who do."
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