John Mearsheimer: Is China the Real Winner of Ukraine War? | Endgame

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Gita Wirjawan

Gita Wirjawan

Күн бұрын

“I think the situation we face today in the world is much more dangerous than it was during the Cold War,” warned realist John J. Mearsheimer in this conversation.
What are the underlying causes of his provoking statement? To what extent the United States should get its hands dirty?
Criticized by Michael McFaul in Endgame 134, realist John Mearsheimer defends his argument on the cause and consequences of the Ukraine War which he concludes as “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”.
Mr. Mearsheimer, who is an R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, also shares his view on why the US hates his realism theory, who will benefit from the prolonged Ukraine War, and how the climate crisis might increase the geopolitical tension over the Arctic region.
Hosted by Gita Wirjawan, an Indonesian educator, entrepreneur, and current visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) at Stanford University.
#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #JohnMearsheimer
This episode is supported by the Indonesian Students Association at the University of Chicago.
Episode Notes:
SGPP Indonesia Master of Public Policy:
Other "Endgame" episode playlists:
• Wandering Scientists
• The Take
• Food for the Soul
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00:00:00 - Background
00:04:28 - Realism
00:09:31 - Great Power Politics
00:18:55 - Irrelevant Region?
00:23:55 - Ukraine Debate
00:31:21 - Geopolitics of Climate Crisis
00:38:00 - Boomerang Against the US
00:43:51 - Nuclear Paradox
00:51:36 - East Asia's Instability
00:58:18 - Incalculable Coefficient of War
01:06:50 - China Matters

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@yingtaoli4966 11 ай бұрын
作为一个中国人,我尊重约翰·米尔斯海默及其现实主义理论,但我并不认同。 中国不会在军事上制定打败美国的战略,因为美国无法被打败(美国拥有巨量的核武器)。从古至今,所有的帝国都不是被外部敌人打败的,都是由于帝国内部的腐朽崩溃的。中国的策略是继续强大自己,立于不败之地,然后坐等美国犯错然后崩溃。 中国不必掠夺就能富裕强大,而美国必须靠掠夺才能维持霸权,得道多助失道寡助,美国霸权最终会自我毁灭。
@chenqin415 11 ай бұрын
@smling11 11 ай бұрын
​@@chenqin415 不认同你的观点。有刀就要杀人。谁把金钱和精力来造长城来防而不花在把造事者杀光?
@yingtaoli4966 11 ай бұрын
@@chenqin415 被欺负不反击激发的民族情绪是一种正常现象,很多热血青年都会有这种反应,他们是正常社会的一部分。中国掌权者是更理性的那一部分人,不必过于担心,反而美国的反华情绪一直在决策层蔓延,这次是危险所在。
@chenqin415 11 ай бұрын
​@@yingtaoli4966 同意中国领导人很理智。不过也不要过高估计他们的掌控力。如果中国如我希望的一直平稳发展还好,否则一旦出现债务危机还是房地产泡沫,为了转移内部矛盾,事情就难以预测了。
@leeway777 11 ай бұрын
非常认同你的观点. 这正是我想说的.
@saleembaloch9541 23 күн бұрын
In my opinion, it is the best interview of Professor John Mearsheimer available on KZbin.
@EliDahi Ай бұрын
Oh, what a great interview. The interviewer’s carefully chosen questions and his slaw and calm style in asking, and Mearsheimer’s famous style in answering clearly and very convincing, make the interview look like a master peace for teaching in journalist University.
@gwirjawan Ай бұрын
Thank you for tuning in..
@AuditorInvestor 4 ай бұрын
Very good talk and patient interviewer - appreciate it.
@sun4nicolya 11 ай бұрын
This is probably the best interview with Prof. Mearsheimer. And a great respect to the host for very thoughtful questions. I am Russian, but I have been listening to Prof. Mearsheimer with great interest for a long time. He is one of the best, if not the best, political theorist.
@geezz99 11 ай бұрын
you should listen to some of his previous interviews .. they seem to keep changing narrative to suit newer current predictions , and curiously pessimistic toward Ukraine , accusatory , misplaced blame for the US When Russia STARTED the war , He is very OVERLY sympathetic toward Putin's Russia ??
@user-uj7eq9vf7e 11 ай бұрын
Right. A very good analysis of the current situation. Hopefully the politicians on both sides will be more realistic and reasonable.
@sousardanilo 11 ай бұрын
@@user-uj7eq9vf7e I'm Brazilian and I study Geopolitics. Mearsheimer is one of the most important intellectuals in US today. He and Henry Kissinger have a realistic view of Russia. They dont enemies of Russia like neocons staff of Democratic Party. Both, Mearsheimer and Kissinger defend "balance of power" with Russia. And this is the most important thing to do today, not put NATO alliance on the Russia's borders.
@user-uj7eq9vf7e 11 ай бұрын
@@sousardanilo We are glad that your President did not vote for sanctions against Russia. Common sense! Well done!
@littlehandsgivescovfefe4837 11 ай бұрын
Agree. This and NonZero as well.
@mbelgedhez007 11 ай бұрын
Salah satu pakar paling dihormati dalam bidangnya, tapi juga paling sedikit didengarkan oleh para politisi. Demi mengejar keuntungan taktis dan jangka pendek, mereka harus kehilangan keuntungan strategis dlm jangka panjang. Dan itu jadi salah satu penyebab kemunduran AS: politisinya tidak mendengarkan ilmuwan, kalau mendengar adalah pada ilmuwan yg melayani kepentingan jangka pendek mereka. Terimakasih Pak John dan Pak Gita!
@harukrentz435 11 ай бұрын
AS itu punya banyak pakar yg hebat2 tapi gak dipakai klo udah berseberangan dg prinsip neo-con mrka.
@slametandik6084 11 ай бұрын
AS adalah negara kapitalis yg memuja uang dan ekonomi, Tuhan mereka adalah Dollar, tujuan mereka adalah merubah seluruh negara mjd kacung mereka dan China menentang itu, krn china lah satu2 nya negara dg kekuatan ekonomi terkuat saat ini, maka mari kita lihat sampai dimana akhir cerita dari pertempuran dua ekonomi raksasa dunia berakhir?,,,
@mbelgedhez007 11 ай бұрын
@@harukrentz435 Kalau dilihat dr sudut pandang mesrshimer, neo-con dan kategori ideologis lainnya adalah retorika dari kepentingan nasionalnya. Hanya, baik yg konservatif dan liberal sudah sama2 kehilangan perspektif strategis (25-50 thn ke depan), politisi lbh cenderung taktis (5-10 thn ke depan) sesuai masa jabatan mereka.
@mbelgedhez007 11 ай бұрын
@@slametandik6084 Itu salah satu nature dari kekuasaan secara umum, mulai tingkat desa hingga negara. Kalau Indonesia kaya, teknologi maju, militer kuat, sangat mungkin kita cenderung dominan di kawasan. Perbedaannya lbh pada gaya kepemimpinan karena kultur politik setiap negara berbeda.
@mulkanmulkan5620 11 ай бұрын
Amerika melakukan banyak kebodohan dan blunder dlm perang ukraina rusia.... dgn gampangnya menyita aset negara lain.. obral embargo ekonomi... putus hubungan perdagangan sepihak... menggunakan dollar sebagai senjata penekan.... 😆😆 prinsip dasar dari dagang itu adalah saling percaya.. gimana misal gua mau dagang ama ente kalo misal ente mitra dagang yg gak bisa dipercaya.. bisa sewaktu2 wanprestasi dgn alasan sepihak 😆
@user-sp1oq2vy4d 7 ай бұрын
What a fantastic interview!!!, compliments from Sweden
@user-jh8he1np7s 7 ай бұрын
wawancara anda sungguh berkelas semua... terima kasih sudah share percakapan yang cerdas dan mencerahkan...
@togatampubolon5948 Жыл бұрын
John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs are like the oases in US think tank now, especially in foreign policy toward China and Rusia. Hats off to you pak Gita to present them to talk.
@lifeisneverthesame910 Жыл бұрын
Mearsheimer dan Sachs itu banyak kesalahan tp nggak mau ngaku. Sachs gagal total memberantas kemiskinan di Afrika. Mearsheimer gagal memprediksi perihal perang Ukraina.
@wowokgg7280 Жыл бұрын
@@lifeisneverthesame910 udah AYO PERANG NUKLIR 🇷🇺🇨🇳🆚🇪🇺🇺🇲😏😏😏😏😏🤭🤭🤭🤭😱😱😱😱😱😱🙀🙀🙀🙀😏😏😏
@purgatory9851 11 ай бұрын
​@@wowokgg7280 insensitive and war-mongering statement 😔
@lifeisneverthesame910 11 ай бұрын
@Robert Ong Sachs dengan sombongnya mengklaim kemiskinan itu mudah diatasi termasuk di Afrika. namun dia gagal total.
@lifeisneverthesame910 11 ай бұрын
@Robert Ong Afrika bangkit karena China??????? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
@Bulelengman Жыл бұрын
Never in my life I would imagine a free accessible talks from John Mearsheimer. Terima kasih banyak Pak Gita..
@nathasyapramudita6312 11 ай бұрын
banyak kok di KZbin. Beliau suka diundang disuatu acara, dan seminarnya diupload.
@pisablavatsky-cb3dd 11 ай бұрын
He is an angl0 regimes propagandist. He is one of the biggest liar. Big mouthed old man
@Rvu72 11 ай бұрын
Banyaaaakkk di yutub
@matiasazali7793 11 ай бұрын
Great power politics begin when it's citizen enjoy the high paying job. And able to make alliance country work based on this production. Military 🪖 cost money and tax, or cause of war, it is not Great power. Great power help to connect institute around the world.
@NyaiRoroKidal 11 ай бұрын
Amerika keliatan sangar cuman waktu ngancurin iraq padahal iraq hanya petani, anak-anak,dan ibu-ibu. Sekarang dapet musuh yang sesungguhnya, yaitu: RUSSIA+CHINA💪🦸😁
@JohnEhrhart 6 ай бұрын
I'm not convinced that only the powerful survive. What about those who successfully cooperate well? What about the powerful empires that have fallen throughout history?
@SilverforceX 11 күн бұрын
Those make alliances with the powerful to survive. You think the weaker EU nations survived history without alliances?
@yetty4032 6 ай бұрын
❤ great teacher lucky to have such a knowledge person .every time i listen gives me more clarity and learn more real political world Thank you sir ❤
@valuggel8972 Ай бұрын
But limited About history he disregards that usa had to trade with china to keep it away from russia and nobody could foresee chinese economy oktoubling in 2000s About current affairs he disregards atleast chinese investment and influence rise in latin america and brasils rise as regional hegemon not fond of usa Well nobody is perfect😊
@zlatkopodrug9437 10 ай бұрын
Thank you interviewer for never cutting and interrupting. Prof. Mearsheimer.
@andirosilala8192 11 ай бұрын
Tidak ada channel youtube di Indonesia yang kualitas narasumber dan kualitas diskusinya berkelas seperti Pak Gita, yang selalu bisa mengeksplor pemikiran narasumber dengan baik. di sini kita bisa melihat bahwa sebagus apapun narasumber, kalau host nya tidak bisa mengimbangi dengan leading pertanyaan yang bernas juga, maka hasil diskusi tidak akan berkualitas. pak gita tahu kapan mendengarkan, kapan menanggapi dengan menchallenge dst. 1 jam lebih tidak terasa dan kayak masih kurang.
@henrywahyono1131 11 ай бұрын
Very informative ...terimakasih Pak Gita Wiryawan
@edibleagrotechnologies 11 ай бұрын
@edibleagrotechnologies 11 ай бұрын
@edibleagrotechnologies 11 ай бұрын
@edibleagrotechnologies 11 ай бұрын
@maria-luisagomez5120 7 ай бұрын
Merci mille fois pour cet entretien -- On respire, finalement. --- Aux Etats-Unis, jamais je n´oserai partager cette vidéo avec mes collègues : je serai virée. -------En France, Colonie timide .....colonie plus timide des Etats Unis que l´Allemagne .... non plus.... Pourtant, je respire ..... le naturel de M Mearsheimer, Ah le bonheur ... Merci !
@dimvidpro 26 күн бұрын
Professor Mearsheimer is so intelligent thinker with High moral & ethics. No wonder University of Chicago is where smart people go, the best in the world.
@yaphonghor4409 15 күн бұрын
High moral and ethics...I doubt that very much! But he is an American patriotic person who has no qualm about US domination of this world!
@kikiitj8400 10 ай бұрын
I never understood why Japan attacked the US until listening to Prof. every time I listen to him, I learn something great.
@aide-toietlecieltaidera3724 10 ай бұрын
McCollum memo
@user-ut2bj1vc3o 10 ай бұрын
Not only did Japan attack the United States in the past, but in the future when the United States is weak, Japan is also likely to attack the United States. Japan's ultimate pursuit must be complete independence. No country really likes to be stationed by other countries, and Europe is the same. , When the United States is using them, they are also thinking about how to use the United States, if it weakens the strength of the United States.
@andrewgibson6495 10 ай бұрын
Really? It was well understood that the blockade of oil initiated the start of hostilities.
@QualityPen 7 ай бұрын
@@andrewgibson6495Maybe, but not well taught. I never learned this in either high school or college or university general education courses on American history. I always assumed it was because Japan was a German ally. It took listening to voices outside of the mainstream media and educational establishment to learn that Japan’s attack was provoked by American attempts to strangle the Japanese economy. The American system is heavily invested in propaganda where we are the good guys and all of our enemies are bad guys who have no legitimate interests.
@papi-sauce 7 ай бұрын
@@user-ut2bj1vc3o only an arrogant government would think any self-respecting nation would like to be stationed by other nation's military... is a crazy concept
@secozy Жыл бұрын
Kita diberi kuliah umum gratis materi tentang realisme. Sangat menarik dimana narasumber dan host saling diskusi dengan penguasaan materi yg rumit. Terima kasih pak gita. Podcast pak gita jadi chanel yg paling saya sukai.
@wowokgg7280 Жыл бұрын
Bener kata kakek John ini lebih waras daripada kakek tua Joe Abidin 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 mending kakek Jhon ini aja jadi plecident 🇺🇲 aja 🥱🥱🥱🥱🙊🙊🗿👍👍👍
@RH-zf3ki 11 ай бұрын
Joe abidin siapanya Joe Hart kk?
@PamanStalin 11 ай бұрын
jadi gini rasanya kuliah
@NyaiRoroKidal 11 ай бұрын
Amerika keliatan sangar cuman waktu ngancurin iraq padahal iraq hanya petani, anak-anak,dan ibu-ibu. Sekarang dapet musuh yang sesungguhnya, yaitu: RUSSIA+CHINA💪🦸😁
@jidat1403 11 ай бұрын
pantes aje loe GUOBLOG
@masnarto5973 7 ай бұрын
Terima kasih pak Gita Wiryawan , I really enjoyed your conversation with Dr. John Mearsheimer as a fellow Brooklynite and especially the Brooklyn accent that I missed . Menunggu program berikutnya pak 🙏🙏🙏
@faizrizky9414 11 ай бұрын
This is really a video of extraordinary quality and loaded with knowledge! Thank you Mr. Gita Wirjawan for inviting The great Professor John Mearsheimer to provide his knowledge and views so that it becomes a very valuable lesson for all of us!
@faizrizky9414 11 ай бұрын
@W K Did i ever say that i need this video to know about the atrocities that The US and The West or even Russia and China have been doing all these years?
@faizrizky9414 11 ай бұрын
@W K I was just thanking Mr. Gita Wirjawan for inviting The Great Professor John Mearsheimer, Did you even read my comments and try to understand it before typing all that out lol?
@romanroman1850 10 ай бұрын
liar and charlatan from the science whose predicaments all went nuts))) Ukraine is winning, russia sucks and this mad man seems that nothing alike happened)))
@spudwesth Ай бұрын
Look at WW2 maps of Ukraine !
@balticdiver5650 10 ай бұрын
I´m from Germany and the medial perception and evaluation of such phenomena is of outrageous asymmetry. It is unbearable. Impressive talk, it's nice that there is still reason to be found in the exuberant propaganda. Great thanks to Prof Mearsheimer to give realism a hearing in this madness.
@andrewgibson6495 10 ай бұрын
Except he is wrong about almost everything. Certainly he is an apologist for the Russians, but the world has moved on from such cold-war thinking, as you should know by the amount of support that is being given to Ukraine. Which, by the way, is protecting your way of life.
@retrocool 9 ай бұрын
@@andrewgibson6495 Ah, finally after reading dozens of your facile "he's wrong about everything" comments we finally learn: you just don't want to get rid of your precious "goodies and baddies" story. There is nothing about any amount of support given to either of the warring parties which disprove his thesis. Countries aligned with the US give tribute for the proxy, while the BRICS and non-aligned do not, just as you would expect if the Prof was right, which he patently is.
@Dashkova28 6 ай бұрын
​​@@andrewgibson6495This podcast is 1 hour and 12 minutes long, and you simply just said "Except he is wrong about almost everything. Certainly he's an apologist for the Russians" for seconds. I've just come to realisation that people like you, are having difficulty to understand long arguments with their strong premises. Your attention span is short and narrow minded. You cannot simply support your arguments with strong reasons except jumping into conclusion like complete trolls I found commonly online. It is called as "Realism view". As he has already mentioned at 7:29 that his arguments of realism is one that drives most people in the West crazy, and you are just showing us that you're getting crazy by his argument)) Look at you now! His point is proven.
@kingjasko 6 ай бұрын
as an european, im saddened you think that way.. @@andrewgibson6495
@pr0newbie 5 ай бұрын
​@@retrocool You probably didn't mean to demean the tribute system that China had in before the rise of Europe. It was far more humane and beneficial to the recipients (esp. Korea and Japan). Just refer to Prof David Kang's lecture on it.
@fiona4228 2 ай бұрын
This interview was fantastic, kudos to both gentleman. Listened to the following video recently on this platform --- John J Mearsheimer On behalf of Julian Assange -- I found Professor Mearsheimer's plea for Mr. Assange to be intelligent and compelling. This man is a gem to humanity in so many ways.
@alpha88max 3 ай бұрын
He is one of the top professor I view to feed my geopolitical cravings. It's so much great to hear him explain the dynamics of today's world. You can surely take his word as the most closest prediction of unprecedented scenarios.
@holiday8473 3 ай бұрын
Hello everyone! I am a worker with a Chinese "peasant identity" (under Chinese identity politics and household registration system, farmers are considered the lowest end of the population). After Professor Qin Hui's ideological enlightenment and awakening, I very agree with Professor Qin Hui's point of view: in the current context of globalization, the constitutional democratic system is being challenged by the autocratic Chinese model (that is, bad money drives out good money). Democratic countries around the world must deeply understand and understand the fact that since the CCP came into power in 1949, hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers have worked hard to pay public food, agricultural taxes The construction of water conservancy projects for free provided the CCP with the original financial accumulation at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Under the family planning policy, Chinese farmers were forced to have abortions, ligation and ring fencing, and payment of fines for excess births. Farmers were restricted by the household registration system in rural areas and could not move freely, leading a serf like life. During the three-year period from 1959 to 1961, there were no natural disasters at all. It was entirely due to Mao Zedong's policies such as the "Great Leap Forward" and "Great Steel Refining" that local officials, in response to Mao Zedong's policies, falsely reported ultra-high grain yields and plundered the surplus food of farmers, which resulted in the tragic starvation of 40 million people in human history. The vast majority of these were farmers, At that time, not a single Communist official starved to death. After China's reform and opening up in 1980, the first generation of farmers went to cities to work as construction workers, sanitation workers, cleaners, and miners Waiting for the most tiring and dirty jobs, China joined the WTO in the early 21st century under the background of economic globalization. For example, the second generation of farmers entered red sweatshops as workers, manufacturing cheap goods for the world. Due to the lack of independent trade unions to fight for their legal rights, they could not enjoy social welfare benefits such as work-related injuries, unemployment, medical care, elderly care, housing, and children's education in urban areas, Their children were forced to return to rural areas for education due to their household registration as "farmers" and the "school district housing" system, resulting in the world's largest tragic situation of left behind children and elderly people living alone in rural areas in China. Nowadays, the first generation of farmers have become old and lose their ability to work. They are ruthlessly driven back to the countryside and struggle to make ends meet with a monthly pension of over 100 yuan. The minimum standard for urban household registration is over 2000 yuan per month, which is more than 20 times that of rural household registration. Communist Party officials enjoy privileges and benefits, and the annual medical and health expenses are as high as several million yuan. National level officials spend one billion yuan on tourism in a year. Due to the enormous sacrifices and contributions of these two generations of Chinese farmers, China has become the world's second-largest economy. However, the Chinese farmer group has received exploitation and negative welfare treatment time and time again in the process of national wealth distribution and redistribution, while civil servants and high-ranking officials within the Communist Party system enjoy privileges and high welfare treatment. The Communist Party government utilizes the advantage of low human rights and cheap labor to attract a large amount of international financial capital investment, making China the largest red sweatshop in the world. The reason why cheap goods made in China are popular worldwide is due to the "low human rights" and "negative welfare" of the Chinese "farmer identity" worker group. Even if they work overtime for extended periods of time every day, they barely survive with a meager income. To change the Communist Party government's use of the "low human rights" and "negative welfare" system of China's vast vulnerable group of farmers in unfair competition in the globalized trade market, democratic countries around the world have the responsibility to supervise and pressure the Chinese government to demand an increase in the human rights and social welfare protection of hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers and disadvantaged groups, in order to solve the problem of trade fairness under economic globalization. The trade sanctions imposed by the United States and anti-dumping measures by the European Union cannot solve the problem of trade deficits. If democratic countries believe that the human rights and welfare protection of hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers and vulnerable groups are not related to you, it will gradually lead to a decrease in the standards of wages and welfare protection for labor in democratic countries (such as left-wing political parties in the United States proposing policies to reduce social welfare protection), because although labor in various countries cannot move freely, But capital is profit driven and can flow freely. Which capitalist doesn't like a labor market like China without strong trade unions. If the human rights and welfare standards of Chinese "farmer identity" workers cannot be gradually raised to align with those of democratic countries, then the human rights and welfare standards of democratic countries' workers can only be gradually lowered to align with those of Chinese "farmer identity" workers (this can be seen from the documentary "American Factory"). Democratic countries around the world cannot turn a blind eye to the history of labor tears behind China's "peasant identity" after enjoying nearly 40 years of cheap goods and economic benefits made in China. Please stop having illusions about the CCP and implementing appeasement policies. While paying attention to the human rights of Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and people in exile, it is more important to pay attention to the human rights situation of all Chinese people, Only by constantly putting pressure on the CCP to improve the human rights of all Chinese people and the welfare protection of vulnerable groups, cultivate the rights awareness of Chinese citizens and taxpayers, help China establish free and independent trade unions, learn from the welfare accountability of Polish Solidarity Trade Union, force financial openness and budget transparency, will China gradually embark on the path of constitutional democracy. A free and democratic China is indispensable for the stability and peace of the world, and it is also a responsibility that democratic countries around the world cannot evade, because we are all citizens of the Earth. I hope that people with conscience around the world can work together to make constitutional democracy overcome dictatorship, let good currency overcome bad currency, and make this world more civilized.
@muhammaddaffazw8541 11 ай бұрын
Mantap Pak Bagus Banget , Kalau Boleh Wawancara Colonel Douglas MacGregor dan Scott Ritter , Bisa memberikan Insight bagus Kalau boleh request lagi bisa Prof Kishore Mahbubani sama Prof Michael Hudson
@manawa-2872 Жыл бұрын
WOW... as an International Relations student... I am amazed with this podcast session. I mean. I've been following you on Instagram and KZbin as well for more than 5 years and this is the most appealing talk I ever watch. Watching both of you makes me tremendously happy, because I can see and comprehend ideas and views from this Outstanding Scholar. Dankjewel Pak Gita.
@Time4Peace 11 ай бұрын
Mearsheimer is basically saying this: don't waste time fighting Russia. Fight China because China will be a bad hegemon. American hegemon is better. In reality, China will not be a hegemon even if it wants to. Because it will be a multipolar world, crowded with US, EU, and Japan together and new ones appearing like India, Brazil and Indonesia. Moreover, China wants to do investments and trade. Ot does not interfere with internal affairs of others. In trade and investments, everyone wins. US is all about power and control. It's not interested in developing other countries. It has 800 bases all over the world to coerce others, to assassinate, kidnap, sanction and invade on endless wars. It wants to protect USD as the world reserve currency in order to keep printing free USD for huge military expenditure. Mearsheimer is just a wily fox twisting logic for a war with China. He is a dangerous war monger who wants to force nations choose: you are either with us or against us.
@bellakrinkle9381 11 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree. This clarifies some major points, and brings a specific clarity that pulls Mearshimer's major theses together.
@edblarney9456 11 ай бұрын
As an Internatoinal Relations student, this is the worst channel you could follow.
@Time4Peace 11 ай бұрын
Jeffrey Sachs makes more sense. He advocates diplomacy and not war. Mearsheimer uses realism as a cover for US to dominate.
@manawa-2872 11 ай бұрын
@@edblarney9456 Praat als een kip zonder kop. Zo naunau...
@macybrown1903 2 ай бұрын
Wow, thank you for this great interview! I learned so much! I wish the politicians in the US would have listened to Mr. Mearsheimer.
@800_k_7 Ай бұрын
It's no surprise that after carefully listening to Prof. John Mearshimer I can better understand the dinamic shaping the world today. Thank you Mr. John Mearshimer for making your valuable opinion and analysis. God bless you sir! God have mercy 🙏
@onisuryaman408 11 ай бұрын
Terima kasih Pak Gita Wiryawan sudah membawa Prof. Mearsheimer ke publik Indonesia. Pemikiran beliau sangat penting bagi konstelasi geopolitik dunia ke depan, dan saya sangat berharap para politisi Indonesia bisa memahami posisi ini mengingat sekarang dunia sedang berada pada persimpangan jalan yang sangat krusial. Bagaimana Indonesia mengambil posisi akan sangat menentukan Indonesia ke depan. Dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam, karena tidak mengambil posisi juga adalah sebuah posisi.
@sutediheriyonoBaladMaUng 11 ай бұрын
Betul, mengambil posisi aktif akan meningkatkan daya tawar, duduk diam hanya akan jadi FOLLOWER , walau tidak suka harus menjalankan. Dengan aktif, maka akan ada kebijakan yg dapat "dititipkan" utk kepentingan BANGSA dsn NKRI dan kita memahami semua kebijakan itu tanpa ada PRASANGKA BURUK. Iblis bermasalah sengan manusia dan TUHAN karena adanya PRASANGKA BURUK thd manusia. Kita jangan sampai jadi iblis tapi tetap jadi manusia DISAAT KEBIJAKAN itu dijalanksn.
@harukrentz435 11 ай бұрын
Woaaah gak nyangka pak gita bisa interview prof mearsheimer!
@davitmnatsakanyan1271 7 ай бұрын
What a monumental and iconic interview! Thanks.
@gwirjawan 7 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@taozheng4772 7 ай бұрын
54:23 Professor discussed only one strategy of China potentially taking over Taiwan by force. It doesn't really matter whether China is ready to do the amphibious assault or not, because this is the least desirable strategy and therefore least likely to happen. As Sun Tzu said, there should be multiple strategies to achieve the same goal. Amphibious assault is the least favorable as it's the least cost effective. The most cost effective strategy would be a blockade, which was successfully applied during the Cuban Missile Crisis as well as the battle for Beijing during the Chinese civil war. Taiwan doesn't have sufficient energy production or stockpile to last more than a few weeks under a marine blockade combined with missile strike of air defense facilities, the result of which would be more likely a negotiation rather than all out warfare. So boots on the ground is not really necessary. Of course, there's the risk of navy warfare against the US if the latter attempts to break the blockade. Still it is more desirable politically than fighting the Taiwanese on Taiwan soil.
@isn0t42 6 ай бұрын
US participation would just escalate into general nuclear exchange. US won't be willing to die for Taiwan.
@wqz2781 6 ай бұрын
@rd264 3 ай бұрын
Mr Mersheimer is advocating confrontation with China for no reason, its just fear mongering which the neocons deploy to justify absurd defense spending. China --- unlike the US --- has never overthrown or destabilized countries nor pursued global hegemony by any means.
@nhlanhlakubheka222 11 ай бұрын
One of few Americans that makes sense love and admire Prof, keep telling us what is right
@truthseeker000000 10 ай бұрын
I’m from Singapore, Prof Mearsheimer is spot on in his assessment of the Geo-political and strategic views of the Ukraine conflict, China-US tensions, Europe, etc. This is a great conversation.
@kidanemariameyob8752 10 ай бұрын
JM said “under the umbrella of US security” when talking about why the East European countries joining NATO. I once heard an interesting analogy made by the royals in Saudi Arabia when talking about the security provided by the US. He said that a shepherd brought a dog to protect his herd from a hyena that ate one of his goats every week at night but the dog had to be fed with meat of one goat a day. This explains perfectly the kind of security provided by the US. In Africa it’s a different ball game the US security train soldiers who then overthrow the governments.
@wyz9815 8 ай бұрын
You Neil it, very good point! American never ever care about anyone except themselves, they only use you as a tool and provids everything with conditions that benefit them the most on cost of you.
@mabaker 7 ай бұрын
Yeah but he is constantly downplaying the sovereignty of countries like Poland, Latvia etc who wanted out of their own volition to join NATO. He is COMPLETELY oblivious to this simple fact.
@ekfhghg 6 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot to both!!!
@jadeandmax 2 ай бұрын
Having immersed myself in "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy" by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, I am now tuning into this podcast. It's fascinating to observe that even Realism is compelled to confront the moral dimensions at play.
@frankie_lanaro Ай бұрын
Yes, minister, the moral dimension, a suggestion
@simplemarryman5305 11 ай бұрын
A rare quality content by Indonesian podcaster. Thank you Gita and John
@jaredwoodford8849 11 ай бұрын
Thursday 23-05-2023, I am sorry if my reply to your comments dose not coraspond, correspond I am only proved providing thee such with all others at this time that have commented in which thee have with thinging, thinking ye as I hope have some of the same interests as I do which are I think are the interests of all our people & hope the Earth. To support or find way they can in hope of ihai, that with not being able to contribue, contribute a comment comment, comment to the program as yours has done thanks! Jared S. Woodford 25-05-2023 Wednesday 24=05-2023 Those of the West leaders & those that knew of it supporting them having done wrongs again & as coming to their climax to succeed as sadly the lacking and costly way they had to more peoples & any other way from the way they did it having made so clear they had in the wrong, That Russia at last responded to those of the West making War on them as part of doing what they are of, and can be an opportunity if we bring their defeat. With the leader that has lead the defense from the West. I know could lead the world to becoming of a better way than the most successful nations of all being of the West’s way till following their way we destroy the world of our creation until we can destroy Earth no more & going by the pace we are doing ourselves. Jared S. Woodford 25-05-2023
@spudwesth Ай бұрын
Look at WW2 maps of Ukraine.
@adidasukiputra Жыл бұрын
Mata kuliah gratis 1 sks di amerika .. Thx pa gita teruskan
@wowokgg7280 Жыл бұрын
Prosesor ini aja ketar ketir sama 🇨🇳🇨🇳🙊🙊🙊🙊🗿🗿🗿🗿
@user-xz9iu5ke2o 7 ай бұрын
It's so good to hear, the questioner and the answerer are very wise and beneficial
@UNKNOWN-xyz25 Ай бұрын
Keren.. Sejarah dunia tentang kekuasaan selama kurang lebih 100-200 tahun berhasil di rangkum dalam video ini
@trichosaputra3265 Жыл бұрын
Indonesia sendiri pun pernah mempraktekkan apa yang pernah dilakukan jepang, yaitu ketika merebut papua dari Belanda. Terpaksa menggunakan strategi militer (operasi Trikora) walaupun peluang berhasilnya kecil dan faktanya secara militer gagal, Namun secara politik menang. Belanda menyerahkan papua ke pbb, pbb menyerahkan kerakyat papua sendiri lalu dibuatlah PEPERA. Hasilnya: papua masuk Indonesia
@paulianas1782 Жыл бұрын
So far ini podcast ttg geopolitik yg terbaik. Nara sumbernya sangat resourceful. Bahasa Inggrisnya jelas & to the point. Sy sampai merekomendasikan materi ini ke teman2 asing krn cukup sulit ketemu podcast berkualitas spt ini.
@onisuryaman408 11 ай бұрын
Sebenarnya kalau suka lihat channel2 luar, beliau sudah sangat banyak bicara. Satu lagi kalau mau diikuti: Prof. Kishonre Mahbubani dari Singapura. Analisis2 beliau juga sangat tajam melihat geopolitik dunia saat ini.
@davidconnors2293 7 ай бұрын
​@@onisuryaman408 Thank you for the update
@genelarson6849 6 ай бұрын
This guy speaks much and says Little beyond criticizing this great country of ours. The Chinese are about to hit an economic wall. Say evergrande say country garden say bond default.. mearshiemer is a dull boy for a more concise and accurate assessment on geopolitical realities and demographics Google Peter zeihan a deep thinker Mearshiemer should take economics 101 hope he can get a good grade
@spudwesth Ай бұрын
Look at WW2 maps of Ukraine !
@andrewijaya271 5 ай бұрын
seneng deh nonton chanelnya pak gita
@TehDina.English 6 ай бұрын
This amazing interview left me speechless. Im currently on the 5th semester as an iR student. Im quite struggling to understand and catch up with whats going on in International system. This video gives me more hopes, i regain my confidence to involve in every discussion in class now (at least i dont feel left behind anymore) bc i have fed my brain with such an amazing analysis. Thank you so much, bangga banget. Semoga ada kesempatan untuk undang Barry Buzan ya Pak Gita
@jewczarb.4029 6 ай бұрын
History.... is your best friend
@hanslu9706 5 ай бұрын
As a 30-year-old Chinese individual who is not majoring in International Relations, and with English as my third language, I'm quite surprised that you have never judged the channel for using "China is the winner of the war" as an eye-catcher. To me, using this kind of irresponsible headline already makes me question how unbiased the discussion is. Furthermore, we all know that NATO constantly broke its agreements after the Cold War and expanded eastward, which triggered the war. I simply don't appreciate shifting the responsibility for modern warfare to China, whether the statement is true or not.
@aspesivtsev5617 5 ай бұрын
You can always find experts that talk about ongoing international conflicts. Like for example Brian Berletic or the Duran channel tell a lot of interesting realtities of Russian-Ukrainian conflict and other conflicts in the world
@mingsun-pg2zw 4 ай бұрын
As a Chinese I really don't understand why the US wants to help China become stronger, is the US stupid, creating rivals for itself, I don't understand it.
@holiday8473 3 ай бұрын
Hello everyone! I am a worker with a Chinese "peasant identity" (under Chinese identity politics and household registration system, farmers are considered the lowest end of the population). After Professor Qin Hui's ideological enlightenment and awakening, I very agree with Professor Qin Hui's point of view: in the current context of globalization, the constitutional democratic system is being challenged by the autocratic Chinese model (that is, bad money drives out good money). Democratic countries around the world must deeply understand and understand the fact that since the CCP came into power in 1949, hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers have worked hard to pay public food, agricultural taxes The construction of water conservancy projects for free provided the CCP with the original financial accumulation at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Under the family planning policy, Chinese farmers were forced to have abortions, ligation and ring fencing, and payment of fines for excess births. Farmers were restricted by the household registration system in rural areas and could not move freely, leading a serf like life. During the three-year period from 1959 to 1961, there were no natural disasters at all. It was entirely due to Mao Zedong's policies such as the "Great Leap Forward" and "Great Steel Refining" that local officials, in response to Mao Zedong's policies, falsely reported ultra-high grain yields and plundered the surplus food of farmers, which resulted in the tragic starvation of 40 million people in human history. The vast majority of these were farmers, At that time, not a single Communist official starved to death. After China's reform and opening up in 1980, the first generation of farmers went to cities to work as construction workers, sanitation workers, cleaners, and miners Waiting for the most tiring and dirty jobs, China joined the WTO in the early 21st century under the background of economic globalization. For example, the second generation of farmers entered red sweatshops as workers, manufacturing cheap goods for the world. Due to the lack of independent trade unions to fight for their legal rights, they could not enjoy social welfare benefits such as work-related injuries, unemployment, medical care, elderly care, housing, and children's education in urban areas, Their children were forced to return to rural areas for education due to their household registration as "farmers" and the "school district housing" system, resulting in the world's largest tragic situation of left behind children and elderly people living alone in rural areas in China. Nowadays, the first generation of farmers have become old and lose their ability to work. They are ruthlessly driven back to the countryside and struggle to make ends meet with a monthly pension of over 100 yuan. The minimum standard for urban household registration is over 2000 yuan per month, which is more than 20 times that of rural household registration. Communist Party officials enjoy privileges and benefits, and the annual medical and health expenses are as high as several million yuan. National level officials spend one billion yuan on tourism in a year. Due to the enormous sacrifices and contributions of these two generations of Chinese farmers, China has become the world's second-largest economy. However, the Chinese farmer group has received exploitation and negative welfare treatment time and time again in the process of national wealth distribution and redistribution, while civil servants and high-ranking officials within the Communist Party system enjoy privileges and high welfare treatment. The Communist Party government utilizes the advantage of low human rights and cheap labor to attract a large amount of international financial capital investment, making China the largest red sweatshop in the world. The reason why cheap goods made in China are popular worldwide is due to the "low human rights" and "negative welfare" of the Chinese "farmer identity" worker group. Even if they work overtime for extended periods of time every day, they barely survive with a meager income. To change the Communist Party government's use of the "low human rights" and "negative welfare" system of China's vast vulnerable group of farmers in unfair competition in the globalized trade market, democratic countries around the world have the responsibility to supervise and pressure the Chinese government to demand an increase in the human rights and social welfare protection of hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers and disadvantaged groups, in order to solve the problem of trade fairness under economic globalization. The trade sanctions imposed by the United States and anti-dumping measures by the European Union cannot solve the problem of trade deficits. If democratic countries believe that the human rights and welfare protection of hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers and vulnerable groups are not related to you, it will gradually lead to a decrease in the standards of wages and welfare protection for labor in democratic countries (such as left-wing political parties in the United States proposing policies to reduce social welfare protection), because although labor in various countries cannot move freely, But capital is profit driven and can flow freely. Which capitalist doesn't like a labor market like China without strong trade unions. If the human rights and welfare standards of Chinese "farmer identity" workers cannot be gradually raised to align with those of democratic countries, then the human rights and welfare standards of democratic countries' workers can only be gradually lowered to align with those of Chinese "farmer identity" workers (this can be seen from the documentary "American Factory"). Democratic countries around the world cannot turn a blind eye to the history of labor tears behind China's "peasant identity" after enjoying nearly 40 years of cheap goods and economic benefits made in China. Please stop having illusions about the CCP and implementing appeasement policies. While paying attention to the human rights of Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and people in exile, it is more important to pay attention to the human rights situation of all Chinese people, Only by constantly putting pressure on the CCP to improve the human rights of all Chinese people and the welfare protection of vulnerable groups, cultivate the rights awareness of Chinese citizens and taxpayers, help China establish free and independent trade unions, learn from the welfare accountability of Polish Solidarity Trade Union, force financial openness and budget transparency, will China gradually embark on the path of constitutional democracy. A free and democratic China is indispensable for the stability and peace of the world, and it is also a responsibility that democratic countries around the world cannot evade, because we are all citizens of the Earth. I hope that people with conscience around the world can work together to make constitutional democracy overcome dictatorship, let good currency overcome bad currency, and make this world more civilized.
@KeepingItReal. 2 ай бұрын
he was spot on about the offensive looking back. this guy is the real deal. knows his stuff and really easy to listen to. love his non bias realism. if only everyone looked at thing this way
@watchman835 Ай бұрын
His “realistic” approach infinitely increase the probably of nuclear conflict. Just imaging if someone send troops to Costa Rica. He suggests send troops to Taiwan directly involve in a Chinese civil war, with a dictatorial nuclear power nation who possesses the power of mutual destruction. Yet, claiming it promotes US safety… nothing is safe in a global nuclear conflict. If you don’t see the irony then…😅😅😅
@janezjonsa3165 8 ай бұрын
What makes this video special, is not my beloved professor. Its the narrator, asking the right, and smart questions to profesor. Awesome, this one is a jewel.
@kismetrahman5825 11 ай бұрын
Proud to have Prof Mearsheimer interviewed with one most respect of Indonesian delegator.
@anushavenkatachalam2323 29 күн бұрын
What an articulate and succinct interviewer! John Mearsheimer is amazing as always. Thanks for this!
@Ceritayuvi 4 ай бұрын
Keren pak Gita, serasa nonton akun luar negeri 😮😊
@tmderizal Жыл бұрын
A very enlightening discussion with top-notch guest speaker. Thank you Pak Gita for bringing us the "Luminaries" series, they are great!
@jahjal4665 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for having Prof. John Mearsheimer, Pak Gita! All these "juicy" conversation is worth Its weight In gold!
@jahjal4665 11 ай бұрын
next: H.E. EAM. Jaishankar, please..
@wong3150 2 ай бұрын
Professor Mearsheimer is the most intelligent and insightful geopolitical expert I have ever come across.
@yaphonghor4409 15 күн бұрын
He advocated for US to contain China, to suppress the rise of the Chinese, that is evil and unethical!!!
@taozheng4772 7 ай бұрын
Professor was right again about the counteroffensive. Deep respect!
@shyamchaudhri 11 ай бұрын
Brilliant! He really cuts the clutter & lays out clearly the rules of geopolitics underlying the US foreign policy.
@seymorefact4333 9 ай бұрын
@ZweiZwolf 7 ай бұрын
Indeed. China has really lucked out with America spending multiple decades fighting Muslims in the Middle East (West Asia) and now pivoting to the next decade fighting Russians in Eastern Europe.
@genelarson6849 7 ай бұрын
Mear dances around the point he makes to wit Putin ass must be kissed
@spudwesth Ай бұрын
Why Japan attack? Ask Harry Dexter White - Soviet agent and pal of FDR.
@CosmosChill7649 8 күн бұрын
Pearl Harbour was one of the first false flags by the USA, to bomb Japan. It was a precursor of 9/11, where the US would attack itself, since no one else will Don't expect true history from juice
@jonrend 11 ай бұрын
I have to watch this one again and again, it covers most of the main Geopolitical conflicts we are now in. John can break things down in a very understandable way. He covered a lot in this one so definitely a re-watch for me.
@zhenyaka13 11 ай бұрын
John is wrong about most things. In this video he’s wrong about everything Hopefully because of ignorance.
@zhenyaka13 11 ай бұрын
He’s not even a contrarian with original ideas. Just 🤡
@gary7867 11 ай бұрын
@@captainchaoscow a critique by a european, vassal states for the americans is no substantial whatsoever. He said that europe wanted peace and unshackle from the big global powers? lmao them europeans wanted to be the poker players themselfs, just look at france imperialism on west africa and multinational european companies like shell bribes corrupt goverments on 3rd world nations.
@geezz99 11 ай бұрын
well once was enough .. to see he curiously very very sympathetic to Russia , ignoring the fact they in fact STARTED the WAR ??
@zhenyaka13 11 ай бұрын
@@geezz99 he’s in an odd group of intellectuals that imply that only US has agency and subjectivity. The rest of countries are simply marionettes.
@tristandwightreyesjr.3840 7 ай бұрын
a HEAVY topic but explained in a clear easy to understand way. thank you so much. may this discussion touch the hearts of policy makers, hearts of those who call the shots, hearts that failed to care about people's lives
@GgfgHhk 7 ай бұрын
There is a fallacy in the core matter! The so-called democratic freedom in the United States does not exist. What the United States has is the freedom of the plutocrats. To put it simply, don’t confuse the freedom of the plutocrats with democratic freedoms!
@alexanderanderson4082 7 ай бұрын
It's a clean and honest analysis of the situation. That's why he is loved in different countries. There is no propaganda or programming of public consciousness. Pure analysis only. And he is right in every word. I lived in Russia for a long time. And now Russia starts to become more like Asia. Thanks for US politics. Such a wise people.
@wqz2781 6 ай бұрын
@marvinfok65 10 ай бұрын
Well I have respect for Mearsheimer that he is dead honest about the US-China relationship is about hegemony and not some bullsh!t democracy vs authoritarian. Mearsheimer once participated in a debate in Intelligence Square on the topic if "China is friend or a foe' a few years ago. He did try initially to bullsh!t about that if China is a democracy, US would not have treated China like a foe. However, by almost at the end of the debate and he was asked if he would think of China as a friend if China eventually becomes a democracy, he said NO. He honestly admitted that whether China is a democracy or not is not import because China is becoming too powerful, a jeopardy to US's hegemony!
@suararakyat5454 11 ай бұрын
Pak gita luar biasa, minggu depan harus berupaya menghadirkan pakar ekonomi MMT Michael Hudson, biar semua orang bisa paham teori MMT dan skema BRICS
@User_39sankyu 11 ай бұрын
Iya, banyak yg salah paham dengan BRICS. Kaum ura-ura dan bocil mamarika. BRICS itu aliansi ekonomi, bukan militer kayak NATO. BRICS bukan dewa penghancur Amerika. Perang ekonomi lebih efektif dari perang terbuka.
@idoSuehendi 5 ай бұрын
Gajah bertarung dengan gajah, bidak mati ditengah-tengah
@adrianmorris5546 Ай бұрын
Thank you Gita and Professor Mearsheimer always a fantastic dialogue and understanding the situation
@zul-qurnayn 9 ай бұрын
LOVE Mearsheimer!! The man is brilliant and his integrity rare!
@iwanong1533 11 ай бұрын
Next kindly invite Scot Ritter and Col Douglas Mac Gregor. Hatur nuhun pisan Pak Gita.
@JaneSoole 2 ай бұрын
You followed your passion - terrific.!
@farouqsharif8113 12 күн бұрын
One of the greatest scholars of our; so much to learn from him 🙏
@kidanemariameyob8752 10 ай бұрын
JM said “under the umbrella of US security” when talking about why the East European countries joining NATO. I once heard an interesting analogy made by the royals in Saudi Arabia when talking about the security provided by the US. He said that a shepherd brought a dog to protect his herd from a hyena that ate one of his goats every week at night but the dog had to be fed with meat of one goat a day. This explains perfectly the kind of security provided by the US. In Africa it’s a different ball game the US security train soldiers who then overthrow the governments.
@toronto2br 6 ай бұрын
US army are actually cold blooded pythons. They are not poison. But if you do not feed them well, they will eat your fresh. Also you wish they could defend you, which is just your wish. They are for their own interests. Poor people should never bring pythons back home.
@muslimresponse103 6 ай бұрын
the USA does the same with Asian and American countries like in Africa and the middle east. they give aid and train the militaries and if the politicians go against the USA they then order the generals to perform a coup and depose the government. they did this with Egypt and their first ever democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi. they do this to Pakistan every 4 years since their independence from the british empire.
@hanslu9706 5 ай бұрын
Completely agree. US government to his allies: Selling them weapons so they feel safe. US government to the rebellion army: Selling them weapon to fight for their "freedom and democracy". As a Chinese mainlander, this is exactly what US government did to Taiwan
@robertsattler8201 2 ай бұрын
So true - and I suppose Russia has learnt this story and will try to do it more trustful - at least until reaching a strong hegemony (?); well see! But I hope for a better multipolar world!
@CitsVariants 2 ай бұрын
So what is eastern europe paying? cap! Saudis are most wealthiest on planet...
@meneervrijdag 11 ай бұрын
Terima kasih telah berbagi tentang video yang menarik dan edukatif ini. Saya sependapat dengan pernyataan John Mearsheimer yang menyebutkan bahwa situasi dunia saat ini jauh lebih berbahaya dibandingkan masa Perang Dingin. Sebagai seorang realis, John Mearsheimer menyebut perang di Ukraina sebagai "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics". Selain membahas mengapa AS tidak menyukai teorinya tentang realisme, dia juga memprediksi bagaimana China akan diuntungkan dari perang yang berkepanjangan di Ukraina. Tak hanya itu, dia juga membahas tentang bagaimana krisis iklim dapat meningkatkan ketegangan geopolitik di wilayah Arktik. Saya juga tertarik untuk mendengar podcast Anda dengan Henry Kissinger, jika ada kesempatan. Hal ini tentu akan sangat menarik dan dapat menambah wawasan kita tentang geopolitik global. Terima kasih sekali lagi atas informasinya!
@meditationrewiresyourbrain007 2 ай бұрын
I just want to have conversations again... respectful, thoughtful, yet also passionate conversations about the important topics that pertain to all humans on earth :) We are all teachers & the taught... lets come togther for all humans on earth to thrive and prosper on the soil they were born on. Thank you for this conversation, guys!
@alexshubaev3221 3 ай бұрын
Best interview
@isalutfi Жыл бұрын
Selalu mengesankan dengan narasumber yg luar biasa, orang2 hebat di bidangnya. Menyimak dulu. Terima kasih pak Gita
@fajriluthfi9532 Жыл бұрын
Mantap wawancara nya, and as always, the way Mr. Gita formulate the questions are mind blowing...
@bigdlamz 6 ай бұрын
Master class in geo politics. Prof John Mearsheimer explans complex theories in a very digestible way indeed
@badorange2794 3 күн бұрын
I am a chineseand .I listened it during my lunch and thought this guy is interesting and also he used easy words I can unerstand. at the end , he says he is Mearsheimer, I just realized tha he is that guy i knew so many years. It's like the monment that Tony says " i am the iron man", thank Mr,John so much
@jwhan2086 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Minister Wirjawan for setting up this fascinating and inspiring conversation.
@bekicot88 Жыл бұрын
Sayangnya US ahli perang narasi. Mereka punya banyak analisis2 militer bayaran yg tugasnya membuat tindakan US terlihat benar. Sama waktu perang Irak
@Arjunarjunskiy 11 ай бұрын
Betul sekali...
@alvinite9164 11 ай бұрын
ga ada bedanya sih sm Russia dan China🤷‍♂ liat aja buzzer cina sm rusia bergerombol di kolom komentar soal politik US-China atau perang Russia-Ukraine, belom lagi media massa negara mereka sendiri yg punya cabang internasional
@bekicot88 11 ай бұрын
@@alvinite9164 mereka mencontek apa yg dilakukan US dari sejak perang Irak. Perang Rusia-Ukraina tinggal analisis negara mana yg paling diuntungkan, sudah pasti US negara paling banyak dpt keuntungan. Dari awal perang, US menikmati keuntungan kenaikan harga minyak dan gas krn Uni Eropa pun terpaksa beralih sebagian beli minyak dan gas ke US, order senjata meningkat tajam ke industri militer senjata US, politisi US mendapat duit banyak dari kepemilikan saham industri militer dan minyak. Rusia dan China tentu jg dpt keuntungan tapi paling banyak adalah US. Setiap konflik sudah dipikirkan agar US dpt profit banyak. Lagian media Rusia juga banyak yg dilarang jd tetap media US paling mendominasi jd udah paling gampang sebar narasi, google, facebook, instagram dll tetaplah US menang banyak sebar narasi. Coba didengar lagi videonya
@monadi1000 11 ай бұрын
​@@alvinite9164 beda dong US jauh lebih joss pernah ngebom jepang pernah habisin iraq .. china dan russia gak ada apa2nya cuma gitu2 aja
@cintanusantara4406 11 ай бұрын
Mendengar dr pembicaraan ini,terlihat jelas bahwa asurikalah biang keroknya..
@ramanand7639 7 ай бұрын
Very intelligently and craftily conducted dialogue. Great understanding of international power struggle.
@GgfgHhk 7 ай бұрын
There is a fallacy in the core matter! The so-called democratic freedom in the United States does not exist. What the United States has is the freedom of the plutocrats. To put it simply, don’t confuse the freedom of the plutocrats with democratic freedoms!
@annacronk8872 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for a great interview to both, but first of all to professor John Meirshamer. Every time I have an opportunity I listen to him. He is very calm, logical and knowledgeable. I have been twice in China, twice in Taiwan,many times in Russia and Ukraine. In my humble opinion, professor has a deep knowledge and understanding of political and economical solutions in those countries. Unfortunately, what he calls "political alit
@annacronk8872 7 ай бұрын
elite never listen and would listen to people like him. Because he is taking a common sense, but all they understand: the money talk. Very sad, but it's how the world works.
@mamat.rohimat 11 ай бұрын
Terima kasih pak Gita. Saya suka mendengarkan analisis dia tentang Ukraina. Bahkan dia jauh jauh hari sudah prediksi,dan sudah mengatakan bahwa yang membuat Ukraina perang adalah karena NATO melakukan kesalahan fatal dengan terus ekspansi ke timur. Padahal sebaiknya Ukraina itu netral
@Time4Peace 11 ай бұрын
Mearsheimer is a dove on Russia. He makes sense on his analysis on Ukraine war, like another American Jeffrey Sachs. Mearsheimer is basically saying this: don't waste time fighting Russia. Fight China because China will be a bad hegemon. American hegemon is better. In reality, China will not be a hegemon even if it wants to. Because it will be a multipolar world, crowded with US, EU, and Japan together and new ones appearing like India, Brazil and Indonesia. Moreover, China wants to do investments and trade. It does not interfere with internal affairs of others. In trade and investments, everyone wins. US is all about power and control. It's not interested in developing other countries. It has 800 bases all over the world to coerce others, to assassinate, kidnap, sanction and invade on endless wars. It wants to protect USD as the world reserve currency in order to keep printing free USD for huge military expenditure. Mearsheimer is twisting logic and making assumptions for a war with China. He is a dangerous war monger who wants to force nations choose: you are either with us or against us.
@SectionSixteen 11 ай бұрын
So worth listening to. I hope we will have more of JM on KZbin. I thank whoever put this interview on YT.
@edibleagrotechnologies 11 ай бұрын
@edibleagrotechnologies 11 ай бұрын
@Blanka1100 11 ай бұрын
JM is loved by russian trolls for reason. He is Putin's useful idiot.
@michaelnextdoor8726 10 ай бұрын
He's a compelling speaking but he's wrong about a lot of stuff. Thinks it's okay for big countries to bully small ones.
@SectionSixteen 10 ай бұрын
@@michaelnextdoor8726 You're not alone in that belief. Many other commenters have called JM an apologist for bullying behavior. JM is in the business of *predicting* behavior. That doesn't mean that he endorses the behavior that he forecasts. He advises that nations should formulate policies, based on how other nations are *likely* to behave, rather than on behavior that is *hoped* for. I avoid walking through high crime neighborhoods, all alone late at night. I have a perfect right to walk down those streets anytime, but I try to not do foolish things. JM is a man of profound compassion. He advises nations to not do foolish things, for which a hideous cost is likely to be incurred. Personally, I wish his advise were more heeded.
@shanhuichen2252 6 ай бұрын
Thank you both for educating American and the world 🌎 ❤️
@The_kahnx 2 ай бұрын
A fantastic podcast for mature minds; keep evolving with great quality! 👍 John Mearsheimer is intriguing to listen to, challenge his views, and provides an opportunity to learn from his experiences. The way he analyzes the political landscape according to the "Realism" approach is particularly noteworthy.
@esaharuman9128 11 ай бұрын
Gita Wiryawan is one of the world class quality persons from Indonesia.
@muhammadalfizar6768 Жыл бұрын
Wow mind blowing!!! first prof martin now prof Mearsheimer the originator of offensive realism is an honor sirr!!! Thank you pak Gita for such wide range source of people to interview with.!!!! 😊😊😊
@maithanhnguyen1428 11 ай бұрын
Thk you for sharing!
@spudwesth Ай бұрын
Look at WW2 maps of Ukraine. How did they get so much of Russia ?
@NeuronalSystem 2 ай бұрын
Extremely interesting. Thanks.
@landontesar3070 2 ай бұрын
Mr. Wirjawan, thank you for your patience, to culminate in a great discussion. Unfortunately, I can tell you that not everyone in the audience appreciates the complexities of the Southeast Asia relationships. A deep dive into this space and the desired influences to maintain stability and prosperity would be well received.
@johnstrawb3521 10 ай бұрын
As someone said, no one looks happier talking about disaster than John Mearsheimer.
@Michael-pb2sx 10 ай бұрын
while at the same time sounding like he belongs in The Princess Bride
@gentoffire 10 ай бұрын
you actually made my day even though he's propagading my country as a majour US threat
@noochinator 10 ай бұрын
Chalmers Johnson used to giggle when he talked about impending doom
@rossmum 10 ай бұрын
A lifetime's worth of "I told you so" coming due all at once, I guess.
@andrewgibson6495 10 ай бұрын
I wonder if he really believes what he says, or is just too lazy to examine his failed reasoning. Th Russians love him though.
@steffanusarifheruwatono6149 11 ай бұрын
It is such a great theory from the professor. I learn a lot from this podcast. Thank you, Mr. Gita W and Prof. John Mearshimer.
@charleslunleung5715 9 ай бұрын
When will Elite Americans think for World Welfare above Their Selfish One?
@eldeberryhamster 2 ай бұрын
As always, it's really interesting to listen to Mearsheimer. Thank you for å great video!
@firdausarief8029 5 ай бұрын
Channel ini hrs nya memiliki lbh banyak lg subscriber...... karena memang berkelas..... Podcast yg berkelas... subscriber nya jg berkelas....
@ammarhabib7471 Жыл бұрын
father of neorelism in international relations, great interviewes Mr. Gita.
@melbourne009 9 ай бұрын
An impressive interview about Realpolitik for a student of IR - by these two intellectuals
@mingsun-pg2zw 4 ай бұрын
As a Chinese I really don't understand why the US wants to help China become stronger, is the US stupid, creating rivals for itself, I don't understand it.emmmmmm
@jennyadams108 2 ай бұрын
A Brilliant mind and a great interview! 👍
@AhmadAwan-ku7mg 5 ай бұрын
Nobody explains this topic better than professor John.
@user-dm1sd7fz2b 10 ай бұрын
As a student of international relations this was such a treat to watch! I really loved it. Professor explaines everything so well, it is incredible! Also thank you for asking all the most important questions that we all wanted to know more about. All in all, this was just a 10/10 masterpiece of an interview! 💯💯💯🔝
@uwanttono4012 10 ай бұрын
@@zacharyklein2381 Prof Mearsheimer is from the University of Chicago.
@kidanemariameyob8752 10 ай бұрын
I don’t agree with the assumptions about US security provided to East European countries. JM said “under the umbrella of US security” when talking about why the East European countries joining NATO. I once heard an interesting analogy made by the royals in Saudi Arabia when talking about the security provided by the US. He said that a shepherd brought a dog to protect his herd from a hyena that ate one of his goats every week at night but the dog had to be fed with meat of one goat a day. This explains perfectly the kind of security provided by the US. In Africa it’s a different ball game the US security train soldiers who then overthrow the governments.
@user-dm1sd7fz2b 9 ай бұрын
@@burgi6236 You are delusional. Look at the United states. The whole EU is becoming US puppet states at this point. And also look at their track record, how many invasions, how many coup detats. Literally half of the world has been invaded by the USA. So is it strange that Russia doesn't want the USA controlled military block NATO near their borders?
@doctorlife593 9 ай бұрын
Porf J. Mearsheimer does not listen to what Putin said about Ukraine : that it is not a state. Not imperialism? In 2005 Putin told the nation on TV that the collapse of the Soviet empire “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century”. What about wars in Chechnya, Georgia,? What about Lavrov's Ulitmatum of Dec 2021: Demand of NATO structures from Poland and Central Europe to the state before 1990. Why did the Russians attack with too small army? Today we know and it is confirmed by interviews that the decision to attack was made on the basis of incorrect information and assumptions of the Russian FSB: that Ukraine will lose in two weeks, that the public will welcome Russian soldiers and that the Ukrainian army will surrender as a result of treason, as partially succeeded on the southern front -It was the ignorance of the enemy. “The Kremlin believed its own propaganda,” Clark says. “It thought it was going to be welcomed by the Ukrainian population as liberators and that the Ukrainian military would collapse.” There is plenty of evidence for that Putin has started the war beceasue of the imperial ambitions: 1. Siergiej LAVROV's Ultimatum to NATO of December 21st for liquidation of the Alliance’s military presence on its eastern flank. 2. In a televised address to the nation, Putin explicitly denied that Ukraine had ever had “real statehood,” and said the country was an integral part of Russia’s “own history, culture, spiritual space.” 3. Ignorance of the Ukrainian army: 9 ай бұрын
​@@burgi6236America is NATO basicly and it does have plans to put nukes in Ukrain. Why do you think they are fighting the proxy war and trying to get eastern european countrys in NATO?
@DefaultName-ex1sz Жыл бұрын
highly potential pak Gita become a millenial shepherd for the future, a new insight opening
@Dougie-ex1ov Ай бұрын
Ive had the same thoughts in terms of realism in todays geopolitical landscape. I love this stuff and I think I just found my passion. 42 but I think its time I go back to school and pursue what actually drives my curosity. Thanks John. You are a refreshing aspiration for me. I can see a path now.
@damonnews. 4 ай бұрын
Man! I could listen to this man all day long!
@almanaubrie 11 ай бұрын
Omg John J Mearsheimer. Kereeeen bgt pak Gita. Karena dia logika ku kena dan skripsi ku selesai ttg Rusia Ukraina
@ihsanriyadi903 Жыл бұрын
I'm simple man. I see John Mearsheimer, I click
@onisuryaman408 11 ай бұрын
Sama Bro
@Paul-px9bf 7 ай бұрын
Very interesting interview. Thanks for this
@marquardtfrickertreferenze680 2 ай бұрын
Such a nice Video and a very good interviewer!!!
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