非常多謝你認同同埋支持 :) 其實係有 making of 講過 Yen 係有比意見武指 , 所以我覺得本應打戲係可以更上一層樓 , 依家近身格鬥戲真係唔好睇. 同埋 Yen 一 part 埋其實演員 , 演技即時見左底 XDDDDDD 如果好似你咁講 , JW 勁係槍 , Cain 勁係近身格鬥 , 2個各有長處咁樣就打得好睇 , JW 係戰鬥要睇下咩時候用咩槍 , 拉開距離 , Cain 就要諗點皮埋身 , 咁呢場打鬥就好睇了
@Marc_marc266 Жыл бұрын
@@dimensiond. Donnie Yen 與 Scott Adkins (扮洪金寶)之比較。 Scott 金牙造型特出、搶眼、夠三山五岳。 賭枱全段solo 對白比足機會演員發揮。 而且劇本對白入形入格。 今次 呢個大配角機會應該可以幫助 Scott上位。 如果 Yen 執着於要靚仔有型之類, 真係最後效法欠佳。 第一個鏡頭成個導火綫皮褸唔疏頭,不知幾出位。 及後,開工穿西裝, 佢都可以「繼續乞衣頭」吖嘛。 如果以大配角嚟講, SCOTT 大贏家。
@@dimensiond.如果要K.O.一個冇主角光環嘅John Wick。憑佢身上嘅裝備,其實真係唔難…..😂😂😂 只要每個人都用5.7x28 口徑嘅手槍或用green tip 或 black tip 嘅子彈打佢套甲。我包套甲穿😂 但我一直唔明點解冇人諗到打佢隻腳……
@kennethlui2268 Жыл бұрын
JW1 has the best story and JW4 has the best action. I actually like the entire JW series. I understand they could have used Donnie Yen better in the fight scenes. But I think Chad didn't want to copy Donnie's HK fighting style. Chad has his own vision and style. If Chad copied the HK style entirely, I might just watch HK action movies.
@dimensiond. Жыл бұрын
Agree and respect your point of view :)
@genkiju631 Жыл бұрын
用disco 呢個字就知大家都已經係老人家😂
@dimensiond. Жыл бұрын
@abcde44369 Жыл бұрын
還有終極豪情 Point break
@dimensiond. Жыл бұрын
Point break 真係好耐 , 好似仲係生死時速之前
@leungkong Жыл бұрын
睇極都唔明 John 去大板做乜
@dimensiond. Жыл бұрын
整多場打戲 , 同埋做就日本妹外傳 , 追殺子彈 , 就係咁簡單 XDDDDDDDDD
@leungkong Жыл бұрын
@@dimensiond. 如果真係咁做都幾刻意,仲要日本佬自己搵黎死,日本妹搵盲佬報仇太牽強。
@lokinyu88 Жыл бұрын
John Wick 第四集[因果]不單由角色的口中多次強調,也真的在劇情中實現出來了,由John所殺掉有名有姓的角色、John的自由到片尾片段都演出了[因果] 除左呢d劇情上嘅野,可以響同類之中突出來拍到四集好大嘅原因係用上源自港產片嘅動作場面,好遺憾地香港真係冇人投資/培養新嘅動作演員 期待你出matrix片(必須要有第四集)😂
I think this guy who wrote the John Wick series must be a really big fan of all these Chinese Wuxia novels or TV shows, especially by Jin Yong (金庸) and Gu Long (古龍). Beside the Beggars' Gang from Jin Yong's novels and all the other Wuxia clichés too many for me to mention, John Wick is totally a ripped-off of Gu Long's character '中原一點紅' from his novel '楚留香之蝙蝠傳奇' which was made into a TVB TV series back in the 80's and is now available to watch for free on KZbin. Unfortunately, there is no English subtitles.
@dimensiond. Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree , the written must be watched a lot of Wuxia and HK old movie. thats why he can build up a killer world very similar with jiāng hú. you can found out a lot of HK movie ref from JW series, I never see Gu Long's '中原一點紅' from his novel '楚留香之蝙蝠傳奇' but no doubt if JW director have watched.
@不敗獨孤-y4x Жыл бұрын
@@dimensiond. I really think you should watch '楚留香之蝙蝠傳奇' by Gu Long on KZbin. It might looked a little outdated for some people but it had the best ending of all the Wuxia TV series that I've been watching the last year, mostly Jin Yong's Condor Heroes series and the remakes from the 80's and 90's and I think it's also my favourite Wuxia TV series that I watched so far.
@dimensiond. Жыл бұрын
no problem, thx you for your recommandion , i will spend time to have a look later :)