Yo bro we still gotta make a song together also this fire your music better than mine 💯 🔥
@JohnGbrooo7 күн бұрын
@Centhyc it's true, we still gotta make a song bro. Nah, your songs are amazing too, from producer to producer ⭐👊
@Centhyc7 күн бұрын
@@JohnGbroooyou wanna make one right now
@JohnGbrooo6 күн бұрын
@Centhyc Let's go.
@0nion118 күн бұрын
Drink water while you can cuz you are over heating yourself with this mega boss🗣️okey lol, does this song have a genre or do you just put 🔥💫🔥what sounds good? And what is that rapping?! 🎤
@JohnGbrooo7 күн бұрын
Yea, this song have a genre, it's New Jazz (a trap variation). I forgot to put the lyrics on the desc Xd. (Ty for listen it bro.)
@0nion117 күн бұрын
@@JohnGbrooodon't worry i'm master with portuguese, so i know that you are singing about kangaroo who beats little kids🥊I trust that much that the lyrics aren't some rude shit. 🚩
@0nion117 күн бұрын
I know that you wouldn't just spew obscenities here, i hope not🖖and I'm a portuguese master so I know that you were singing about uwu grandpas who kidnapp people with their pink cars. 🌷