QUESTIONS TRANSLATED: 1. Last time we talked to you was in the middle of the pandemic, in 2020. So how much do you think you and your music changed during this time? 2. Now you’re living in a new house with a studio inside. Did you work in ‘The Ride’ there? 3. How do you describe this new vibe of your music? 4. What influenced you in this new project? 5. The covers of each part of ‘The Ride’ are pictures of your tattoos. What came first, the concept of this project or the tattoos? 6. There’s horse, cowboy… do you actually know how to ride a horse? 7. How many tattoos da you have and which one is your favorite? 8. Do you regret any of them? 9. Can you give us some spoilers about part 3 of ‘The Ride’? 10. You are about to go to Asia on tour. You travel all around the world playing shows. But what about Brazil? 11. How do you imagine your first time here? 12. What’s your favorite thing about playing shows live? And what is the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you on tour or on a show? GAME “FIRSTS AND LASTS” 1. First time hearing your song on the radio 2. First time you were recognized on the street 3. First celebrity crush 4. First time you met Kenzie Ziegler 5. First time you met Noah Urrea 6. Last time you got emotional on stage 8. Last day of school 9. Last time you met someone you admire in the music industry 10. Last song you wrote