Sucked. Was like it was trying to insult you for liking the 1st one. The singing was pointless and the second half is just rehashing what happened in the 1st movie. And the ending is so dumb since that joker belongs in a different franchise all together and that made zero sense. Also making him revert back to Arthur when his character had finally evolved past that point.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
Exactly how I felt by the end of this film, completely reversed all his characters progression from the first movie. In the end the critics of the first film were right, Arthur is not the Joker
@Archimatic-mexaa2 ай бұрын
I went into this movie without knowing anything because i really enjoyed the first movie so i thought something interesting would be portrayed, after the 25th musical i was already pissed.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
Going in without knowing anything usually make for the best experiences. Unfortunate for it to be this film 😂
@CTladiesman2 ай бұрын
Im choosing not to see this movie because of the negative stuff that people are saying about it.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
You’d be saving yourself time and money, good choice
@CTladiesman2 ай бұрын
@demigodent thank you! I have my own idea for a joker sequel that may or may not rip-off avengers infinity war.
@boomstickcritique9022 ай бұрын
Phoenix actually can sing he chose to sing in character as Arthur Fleck. In terms of the Harley stuff and other stuff thats all because Todd Phillips never wanted these films to be like the comics. The first one Joker 2019 Arthur's Joker was never a super criminal or mastermind he could never fight Batman or anything like that. That's why doing a sequel is so tricky because this particual Joker was never anythinh more then an abused mentally ill victim. That's why they didn't do the Harley being a psychiatrist plot because this Joker could never brain wash anyone or manipulate anyone. Todd Phillips never wanted this Joker to evolve into a mastermind trying to destroy the city because that wouldn't have made sense for this character that he created in the first who's just a depressed loser he doesn't have the potential to be a mastermind. What Phillips did was use the name Joker to make 2 random movies about a mentally ill dude he never cared about making an actual Joker film and that was never the intention of Joker 2019 or this one.
@rosyvision2 ай бұрын
They tried way too hard to be artsy with this when the first one was already a work of art and not contrived or pretentious.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
Agreed! All they had to do was follow in the footsteps of the first film. The recipe was already there for greatness
@boomstickcritique9022 ай бұрын
The first is a decent rip off of Martin Scorsese King of Comedy down to recreating exact shots. If you haven't seen that movie it probably is a good or great movie but when you learn that Todd Phillips basically ripped that movie off for the plot of the first Joker and you go and watch it then watch Joker 2019 then the movie drops down for you.
@littlerebel2962 ай бұрын
Thanks for doing a deep dive review on this & saving me the money to go see it. The Joker is up there with Pulp Fiction for creating an intense theater audience atmosphere (Schindler's List as well). It's crazy that Director, Todd Phillips, was such a genius on the 1st one...and then such a complete dunce on Joker 2. Warner Bros' greed fueled this dumpster fire and they'll get what they deserve - a big bomb of a movie.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
Glad the video helped you make your decision! I agree it doesn’t make any sense that this was made by the same director of the first film. This Sequel should have been an easy lay up after 2019
@MrAlcazar2 ай бұрын
You look like Michael B. Jordan! Thanks for saving my time and money.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
First time hearing that one! 😂 Glad I could help
@mohammaddodi2 ай бұрын
Awesome cool nice
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
@damianmorris27532 ай бұрын
I enjoyed it. Thought it was very interesting. I enjoyed the performances and the musical elements. I don't think that this film was ever going to appeal to a large general audience, though. It was very artistic and different. I get that people didn't like the direction it went, but for someone like Arthur, it made sense to me. He was never going to be a big-time crime, boss. Plus, he never actually killed anyone who was good. It was just a very tragic character.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
I appreciate your unique take on the film, it’s great to hear different opinions. Do you agree though that Arthur Fleck does not represent the character of the Joker accurately though?
@damianmorris27532 ай бұрын
@demigodent oh absolutely. It is definitely a more elseworld take on the Joker. The Joker is not like this at all, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Thanks. I appreciate your review. Now that I have seen it, I like to hear what other people think.
@KevintheMarvelfan20042 ай бұрын
It was terrible sequel dude
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
Agreed! What did you dislike most about it?
@KevintheMarvelfan20042 ай бұрын
@@demigodent the real Joker kill Arthur and same universe from The Dark Knight Trilogy.
@thomasbaxter13712 ай бұрын
Look, at the end of the day this is not a movie made for or pandering to fanboys - and it is all the better for it.
@demigodent2 ай бұрын
Sure it manages to subvert expectations, but at what cost? Warner Bros will feel this box office hit and major fall off from the first film. Why disrespect the fans of 2019 and the Joker character as a whole?