The Phoenix as a Totem: Personality Characteristics and Life-Path Challenges

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Jordana Van

Jordana Van

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Note: At this time, I have disabled Channel Membership so that I can focus on writing my next book, Shadow Walker: Wolves in History, Mythology, and Spirituality. If you enjoy my work and would still like to show your enthusiasm and support, you can use the new SuperThanks button (the little heart with the "$" sign), which appears below each of my videos. Thank you all so very much for being part of what allows me to do what I love! 💗✨💗 I wish each of you every joy! Warmly, Jordana
This video will teach you everything that you ever wanted to know about what it means when THE PHOENIX is your totem (one of your lifelong guides), including why Phoenix People are so fiercely independent, why they hunger to be the best at those things that are important to them, why they often struggle with anger, and how they can learn to make each "rebirth" a brand new start filled with wonderful new potentials, rather than a return to the beginning of a situation just like the one they just escaped.
If the Phoenix is your current spirit guide (temporary messenger) rather than your totem (lifelong guide), look for my video "The Phoenix as a Spirit Guide: What it Means When You Are Seeing The Phoenix Everywhere." If you would like more information about the difference between a totem and a spirit guide, or if you aren't sure how to discover your totems or spirit guides at all, please watch my videos, "Understanding the Difference Between a Totem and a Spirit Guide", "How Do I Know if Something is My Spirit Guide?", and my video series "How Do I Connect with My Animal Totems and Spirit Guides?", which are also on this channel, or visit my website,, to view a complete library of my videos and explore which animals most resonate with you.
You can also check out my ongoing "Animal Totems and Spirit Guides" series of books on and, or you can visit me at to learn more about me and how I do what I do.

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@Lastdayone 2 жыл бұрын
I actually believe Phoenixes are real. My Sun sign is Leo & my rising sign is Scorpio. I always felt a connection to Phoenixes without even knowing much about them. But I’ve been through so much turmoil. I also grew up in a narcissistic family. I was very intuitive at a very young age. Now, I accept it. Also the last clue, the best clue.. my name means Cassia Tree… the Phoenix builds a nest of spices that includes cinnamon which is from a Cassia tree. Now I have an innerstanding. I chose to enter under Leo (Sun/fire) & Scorpio (life, death, rebirth) and my name for a reason. Also I’ve always had 20/20 vision and I have eyes like most Scorpio risings that ppl can drown in. 7 is my favorite number.
@glory2godinthehighest501 2 жыл бұрын
Omg love your vids
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much for the kind words, LW! I'm delighted you're enjoying my work so much! 💗💗💗💗
@supremecheefbeezybkalyrikl3734 3 жыл бұрын
You always pop up at the right time for me, last time I found you was on the frst day of my sobriety June 6th 2021, now its 07/22/21 and It has been Cosmically tough and Earthly transforming. I went from Eagle, to the penal Gland (Hawk) , to a magician sitting on high transformed into a phenonix all in a meditation and you show up with this. Havent even watched it yet and I already can feel myself recharged purely off the synchronicity. Always a God Send....I will rise from these ashes. Makes me wonder how the ashes feel.
@Symbolsysteme 3 жыл бұрын
WoW! I love the Phoenix since decades (it's even my logo...*)), but I always thought I can relate so much to the myth of the Phoenix, because I am a Scorpio rising and I have Mercury and Neptune in Scorpio and Pluto conjunct my MC. You probably know that Scorpio is the only sign that has 4 totems: the Scorpion, the Snake, the Eagle and the Phoenix. Since Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, conjuncts my Midheaven in Virgo and since I have Pallas, Venus, Ceres and Uranus in Virgo too, I can see now that there are a lot of Virgo attributes in the Phoenix. My North Node and my Saturn are in Aries, so it's my lifes purpose to develop the Aries qualities. Great video, Jordana!!! I got a lot of inspiration out of it. And yes: you are fantastic in explaining the spririt and totem animals....*))) All the best 🙏
@Symbolsysteme 3 жыл бұрын
PS: I never wanted to have kids. Even as a child I said that I never want to have children of my own. I love (most) children, but I know I have too much other things to do to be the mother I would like to be, if I would want to have children.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, Symbolsysteme! I'm so glad you brought up Scorpio! I included its relationship to the Phoenix in the first few drafts of the video script, but the video wound up being sooooo long that a few things needed to be cut, and that was one of them (I hoped the Scorps would vibe with it regardless, as you seem to have). I truly appreciate your feedback and kind words, and thank you, too, for sharing about your feelings around kiddos! Wishing you so much joy 💗. Warmly, Jordana
@Lastdayone 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a Leo Sun with a Scorpio rising 💜✨
@davidwayne2951 6 ай бұрын
Im an Aquarius Sun, Aries moon, life path 7. I relate so much.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback! I'm so happy to hear that the video vibed with you!
@hannah.jane444 3 жыл бұрын
Scorpio sun, Aqua rising - this is me all the way 🔥
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the positive feedback, Dreams!! I'm so glad the video resonated with you 💗. Wishing you a fantastic weekend!
@jesuschristthesecond 2 жыл бұрын
personality characteristics start 10:40
@Airbubblepodcast 11 ай бұрын
This perfectly describes me! 🦅 🔥 I’m actually a Capricorn though not a Aries. However I act like a Aries sometimes 😂 I do want to excel in everything that I do in my life! I might not have kids and my passion for singing is what my outlet is and that’s what I love doing most. I have found love but I don’t have much desire to go a traditional route. Might have kids I might not I’m letting it all flow naturally. 😃 this made me feel better about myself thank you!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 11 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to hear that you found the video so validating! Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback 💗. Also, your sun sign may be Capricorn, but I am betting you have some prominent Aries (or maybe Aquarius, who is known for bucking tradition!) somewhere else in your chart :) Wishing you so much joy and success! Jordana
@Andrew-qc8jh 2 ай бұрын
Yes jordana, you are leading the public in respects to the divulgence of shamanic totems and spirits. Its pretty damn 1 energy. 🎉
@Andrew-qc8jh 2 ай бұрын
O god jordana, this video is pushing me back into the graffiti street life. I need that competition it looks like, ffuuuucccccckkkk.😢😅🎉 ahhhh, I need to get this straight.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 ай бұрын
That is quite a compliment - I'm honored 💗. Thank you!
@Andrew-qc8jh 2 ай бұрын
@@RavenLightHolisticHealing I swear I have some lion in me as well. Have a good Friday
@malcolmmacinnis247 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm doesn't Phoenix have a lot to do with Scorpio? I feel the aries idea worked almost better and deeper for some reason...
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
It does indeed, and well-done in pointing that out, Malcolm! At the end of the day, the association with Scorpio was cut from the video because it just made it waaaay too long, and the Aries components were the most salient. Anytime we're talking about death, and its flip-side, birth, we're definitely invoking Scorpio! Too, Scorpio's passion has often been described as "fiery" despite its being a water-sign, and it definitely has its share of "explosive" moments! With these items, however, I do feel that Aries is ultimately a better fit. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! 💗
@claytonheals 7 ай бұрын
I love this so much. Inspired me when I was healing out of a real car fire bones out of body coding out and found your channel as I reported then and find it so nice and healing now. I'm applying to be trained by a shaman I visited and had a panther walk right up to me in the middle of the night. Death and coming back was so wild. Thanks again for everything you give! =)
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so very much, Clayton, both for the kind words and wonderful feedback 💗. I'm so excited on your behalf! Wishing you so much joy in your journey!
@supremecheefbeezybkalyrikl3734 3 жыл бұрын
You saved me again, I’m a male Virgo moon in Aries, the mother of my child doesn’t want me around because I try and make him the best version of me , my first tattoo was peerless. It hurt so bad to listen to this…I can’t stop crying but I know I chose this. Once again you pushed me into my next chapter
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Divine, I am honored beyond words to know that you've found my work so helpful, particularly as you continue with your journey in sobriety (CONGRATULATIONS on staying strong!!). One of the most incredible things about the Phoenix is an exceptional inherent fortitude - you guys are able to KEEP TRYING until you really, truly CHANGE. Because you tend to come from some of the most difficult backgrounds, this is a monumental accomplishment; you may experience setbacks, but you really don't give up until you truly LEVEL up, unlike others who may use their stories as excuses for remaining stuck and unhappy. Regarding the emotional work I discuss in the video, a great resource is David R. Hawkins' text Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. Most successful healers will tell you that to heal, you need to feel, but Hawkins was the first one to explain the concept in a way that made sense to me and enabled me to actually create lasting change in my life. It also helped my Phoenix husband with his own journey, particularly with regard to all the anger and issues with his past. Some of my clients really vibe with Hawkins, others don't resonate with his book at all. There's a decent preview available on Amazon, so if the idea of checking out the book appeals to you, you can read the preview to see if you like the energy. If not, it's not the right resource for you right now, and you'll connect with any assistance that you require in others ways. Wishing you so much joy, and sending big hugs! Jordana
@InspiredSoul812 Жыл бұрын
Omg I had a dream I was standing in the middle of a field i looked up at the sky and THE PHONEIX WAS FLYING!! I woke up like “ did I really just dream of a phoenix!! It was orange and red and on fire! It made a noise
@nubianninja1111 3 жыл бұрын
You are an angel! Thank you Universe ❤️🧿
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank *you* for Subscribing, Ninja! I'm delighted the video vibed with you so strongly. Wishing you every joy 💗✨💗✨
@resurrectedstarships 2 жыл бұрын
I do not know if a phoenix can be a Totem per se but the idea of it seems to be an analogy for resurrection and immortality throughout cultures around the world. You see this in ofc the idea of Christ, but very much so in some meso-american shamanism and taoism in the idea of a relationship with death, and then transcendent ascension from a mountain top or something like that.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
Responding to your comment about the viability of the phoenix being a totem, my use of the term "totem" in these videos signifies a symbolic relationship, rather than the sort of "brotherhood" frequently attributed to assorted Native American mythologies; we do not have a relationship with a living being, but with a facet of ourselves which is *symbolized* by that being. This means that a totem can be any creature, real or mythological, with which we connect on both an unconscious and conscious level, because facets of that being resonate with the way in which we see (or would like to see) ourselves. In the case of Phoenix, most folks with this totem have experienced repeated episodes of "rebirth" in their lives. Over and over, one situation or part of themselves has to "die" to make room for new situations and a truer expression of Self. This is really true for all of us (the old is constantly being surrendered in order to allow the new), but Phoenix Folks experience it far more dramatically. Hope this adds a bit of clarity! Have a beautiful day! -J
@secoraharbuckle1841 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you sooooo much!! I have three phoenix tattoos and have always had a intense interest and love of them!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
You are so very welcome, Secorah! 💗✨💗✨💗✨
@Andrew-qc8jh Жыл бұрын
All the knowledge, thank you again Jordana.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing Жыл бұрын
Oh wow, Andrew, thank you! 💗💗💗 It's a joy to know that you found the video so helpful that you'd want to show your appreciation in such a generous way. Please know that your feedback and kind gesture are thoroughly appreciated right back! Wishing you a day as happy as your kindness has made mine! Warmly, Jordana
@JessicaLou-c6f 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! At some point in my life I thought I was the Phoenix. Everything broke down and then my financial circumstances completely turned around for good. I feel this video validates my thoughts and experiences.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 9 ай бұрын
Thank YOU for the kind words and wonderful feedback! I'm so happy to hear that you found the video so validating 💗💗💗
@apostolosjones 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much 🙏🤍🌀
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for Subscribing, Alexandria! 🙏💗
@JoNateLive 2 жыл бұрын
This was desperately needed 🙏🏽
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
Comments like these always make my day 💗. Thank you so much, J - I'm so glad that my work gave you something you were needing. Wishing you a very happy weekend!!! Warmly, Jordana
@jimbannister6217 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for another awesome video! I haven’t had Phoenix show up for me yet, but I’d be surprised if it wasn’t one of my totems given my interest in them since childhood. Would you please add penguin to the list? It’s been showing up for me for the last 6 months or so. The messages I’ve received thus far have generally been around being more playful and having fun along the way, but also endurance and to keep moving forward and not look back. I’d love to learn more about them!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank YOU for both the Subscription and the Membership, Jim! 💗 And thank you again for the uber-kind words about the video. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And absolutely, Penguin is now on the list! Great request! Next week, I'll be reminding Members to get me their requests, and towards the end of August, I'll pull 3 critters from the list and poll you and the rest of the 3rd Tier gang on which video you want. If you hit the Bell icon next to the Subscribe(d) button and select the option that lets you receive all notifications from my channel, you should be notified when I publish the poll, so you can be sure not to miss it! In the mean time, another big Penguin theme is balance - mental, emotional, and physical. Have a fantastic weekend! Jordana
@jimbannister6217 3 жыл бұрын
I’m excited to be a member. I’ve set up the notifications now as instructed. Thank you for the sneak peak! 🐧 It’s really amazing how the numerology lines up so perfectly with the animal totems!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
My pleasure! And that always blows my mind, too. It's one of those really incredible places in which we see the concept of "Oneness" reflected perfectly; everything really IS interrelated in some fashion! And when we understand the nature of that connection, "chaos" suddenly becomes a lot less frightening. Wishing you a beautiful week, Jim! -J
@sleepingArisu 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your wisdom once again, Jordana! Not a phoenix person (I think lol) , but the message about giving birth to yourself is a unique and incredibly valuable one 😁 Thank you for your work!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
And thank *you* as always for the wonderfully kind words and feedback, Arisu! ✨ I appreciate you so much. I talk about rebirth again in a slightly different way in the upcoming Phoenix as a Spirit Guide video, if that topic is of particular interest to you. Right now, I'm planning to make it public late next week. Wishing you a fabulous weekend! -J
@ShiningNoctowls 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing; Scorpio(and Taurus with north node and pluto in Scorpio lol, but for me it's moreso a fiery raven similar to Morrigan and ultimately a fiery stag akin to the antlered Cernunnos, who I connect to most) also has astrological implications with this animal and even is part of their totems as they rise from the ashes of the scorpion(or I guess, in my case, from the untwisting and healing of flames for the horned ones like the bull and stag, ultimately bringing illumination from and through the shadows) as well as other forms; felt like sharing
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed it! And thank you for Subscribing, Owls! 💗
@derrickyoung40 Жыл бұрын
This was extremely insightful, and relative to my own personal experience of growth. Thank you for taking the time to share this information 🙏🏾
@RavenLightHolisticHealing Жыл бұрын
Wow, Derrick, thank you so much! 💗 I'm honored to know that you found my work so helpful that you'd want to demonstrate your sentiments in such a generous way, and thank you, too, for the exceptionally thoughtful comment. I wish you so much joy in your growth, and in every other part of your life. Warmly, and with much gratitude, Jordana
@sarah9044 3 жыл бұрын
Wow Phoenix is no doubt my life totem. Every word! I'm also a life path #1. Thank you Jordana for your beautiful insight! 🔥🕊
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad it vibed with you so strongly, Sarah! Thank you so much for sharing, and for your kind words 💗🙏✨. Have a beautiful weekend!
@twirlightfairy Жыл бұрын
Your a beautiful guide I frequently visit on my journey through the different terrains. ✨ ❤ thankyou 🙏 💕 thankyou for holding sparkling light 💖
@RavenLightHolisticHealing Жыл бұрын
This was such a lovely message to find in my inbox this morning. Thank you so much, BAMBAM! I'm honored to know that this is how you experience me and my work 💗💗💗. Wishing you every joy! Jordana
@maleqe 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you ! This resonated with me strongly. I’m a Aries ♈️ sun and a Pisces ♓️ moon 🌙 I’ve always had trouble expressing my anger. Which probably explains why I have asthma😅 ….(manifested it from holding everything in) but now I can confidently say, I always speak my mind 🙌
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank *you* for the positive feedback, Moon! I'm delighted that it vibed with you so strongly! And oh heck yes with the asthma manifestation! Holding everything in will definitely do that, especially if there is a whole lot of coughing that comes with each attack (I had asthma as a kid, so I sooo hear you here!). That is FANTASTIC that you're now speaking your mind!!! 🙌💗 Interestingly enough, there has been a massive spike among my clients with regard to adult-onset asthma and other breathing-related difficulties tied in with the heavy energies that preceded Covid and the experience of the pandemic itself. I've found that asthma also persists when we feel smothered by something in our life (something big that we don't feel we can ever get out from under, including our own fears, or in the case of many of my clients, the experience of being in lockdown), or when we're hyper-anxious (we tend to hold our breath when we are frightened, and over time, this can manifest as a chronic tightening of the lungs with feelings of suffocation). Whatever the case, Phoenix folks tend to persist until they do what they need to do, so I'm sure you'll kick that asthma to the curb just as you did the repression of sharing your thoughts. WAY TO GO!!!
@MT-kx6in 2 жыл бұрын
If Aries is here to test it's will against the world and face challenge, may I inquire about other signs, particularly Leo please?
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I've ever received a more thoughtfully phrased request for more information! 💗 The best way I can give your question the answer it is due is actually through my video on Lion as a totem. Lion is one of those rare creatures where *most* people who feel the lion is their totem also have a particular astrological emphasis, Leo, in this case. Not all of Lion's qualities apply equally to Leos, but *most* do, particularly those around pride and self-confidence, and being the "sun" (the life-and-warmth-giving center) in whatever environment in which they find themselves. Here's the link: Wishing you joy! Jordana
@ShallaRadioLady 3 жыл бұрын
I know... that you know... I resonate with this 🤣🤣 And i can just image you laughing
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Lol! You might be giving me a bit too much credit, but I'm definitely laughing *now* 😂. I'm delighted you vibed with it so strongly, girl! Sending you huge hugggggggs and wishing you a fabulous weekend!!
@anthony8385 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome thanks Jordana
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Anthony! And my pleasure!!
@anthony8385 3 жыл бұрын
@@RavenLightHolisticHealing I just found a dead crow at my doorstep? Looks like its neck has been broken. Don't know if its been placed there for vice or virtue OR if it happened to crash into my door. Do you know anything about curses, does it having any symbolic significance? thank you.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Just to put your mind at ease, Anthony, no matter what you've read or been told, curses really, truly, only have power over us if we believe in them. And I'm speaking as someone who was once told by a group of certified shamans that I was "the most cursed individual they had ever encountered" and totally beyond their capacity to help, AND was told by a healer that I needed an exorcism, which I DID have, and it was utterly useless. Turns out, I was NOT cursed, I was just in an extreme state of physical pain and anxiety after an event that created PTSD and left me in a deep state of terror around one particular person. I eventually fixed myself with some serious emotional work. No one can "curse" us unless we are open to it, which only happens if we are in a debilitating state of fear or anxiety already, and what's really going on is that we are interpreting their energy in ways that make our bodies react. Too, we usually have to have some kind of emotional tie to the individual involving guilt, anger, or fear. So, take "curses" off your list of things that could be going on here. Second, the most important thing to consider when we see a dead animal, particularly if it arrives in such dramatic fashion like your crow, is how we FELT when we saw it. If you immediately went to fear, this is the Universe telling you that you are ALREADY afraid, and it's asking you to begin looking at why you are afraid, and how you can rediscover peace and your own power to keep yourself safe. Basically, if you're at all anxious, this is what the Universe is pointing to! This is where emotional work comes in: rather than pushing the fear away or trying to tell ourselves we shouldn't be afraid, we work on just FEELING the fear until it dies down on its own, which it eventually will if we can keep ourselves from halting the feeling-process. The other thing dead animals sometimes signify is that something in our life is "dying away"; it may be something we've wished to release for a long time, or it may be something we want to hold onto. Regardless, a transition is likely at hand, and it will be a GOOD one for us if we can look for the benefits. So: Let yourself feel whatever fears you are feeling (this is soooo important!), remembering that emotions are not facts. The fear is linked to old wounds, to the way you were raised, and to limiting beliefs that you still hold, and is not necessarily at ALL related to anything troubling. Even if it IS, feeling through it will lead to the kind of calm that allows us to deal peacefully and beneficially with difficult circumstances. You've got this, Anthony! May this be the most dramatic thing you experience all week. Warmly, J
@anthony8385 3 жыл бұрын
@@RavenLightHolisticHealing Thank you! Thats a relief. yes, its not everyday you find a dead crow at your door. I'll keep my eyes open and dispose of it appropriately before the 12 o'clock sun. Thank you for the insight. I was hesitant even touching it and feel better about it now.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
My pleasure, Anthony, and I'm delighted to hear it! Just work on facing and transcending whatever fears you might be experiencing just now, and that way, no matter what lies ahead, you'll already be on the right track (and if it's only fun and easy stuff ahead, as it very well could be, then wonderful!). Have a great week! -Jordana
@Liminalspac313 2 жыл бұрын
Hit me in the feels again haha, love this! You're awesome, thank you so much for what you do!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
Awwee, thank *you*, Autumn! I'm so happy to know that you've found my work so validating! Have a beautiful weekend! 💗 Jordana
@cancerscircle 2 жыл бұрын
Just saw 7777
@h.l.asolomonov7674 2 жыл бұрын
My sister is an Aries she is a good mother thank you
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
@cancerscircle 2 жыл бұрын
Thankyou ❤💜💛💚💙🧡
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
My pleasure! 🥰 I'm glad you found it helpful!
@clarson1985 3 жыл бұрын
This was a great video! Loved learning more about Phoenix. I think I mentioned recently that I used to be quite interested in them as a teenager, though I’m not really sure why. Perhaps it was more of a guide at the time. The only thing I can really pinpoint is that I was always very serious about shedding away the pain (childhood trauma) and “starting new”, so to speak.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the comment, Charlie! You got me curious enough that I went back to your charts, and wow, 1's everywhere! Even though we tend to read "11" as a 2, it's still really heavy with 1 energy as a result of its being a double-1 (which is one of the big conflicts - needing a lot of space and freedom while also wanting a partner), and you've got that 11 Destiny Number. Plus, your Soul Urge and Personality Numbers are both 1's. AND you've got Moon, Venus, and Pluto in your First House! Since our adolescence is when we REALLY start attempting to individuate, and you had quite a bit of work to do there, perhaps that's why the Phoenix seemed more prominent for you then? Whatever the case, I wouldn't be surprised if it popped up for you again later! As always, thank you so much for sharing, and for all the support! Much love from Indiana! 💗
@clarson1985 3 жыл бұрын
@@RavenLightHolisticHealing that makes total total sense. Looking at my chart, it seems to match my thoughts and ideas in my younger years that relate to Phoenix - always striving to be the best version of myself that I could be, shedding away the old. Anyway - thank you! Much appreciated and much love!
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
My pleasure and much love right back! 💗💗💗
@h.l.asolomonov7674 2 жыл бұрын
No sex never fell the gaps it was waist of time and energy, loneliness some times is a blessing
@kennety127 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Jordana, please do one totem for raven
@rickyasbury1878 Жыл бұрын
Question… does it matter what color the phenix is? I usually see this blue phenix and wondered if this had a different meaning or something else?
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 11 ай бұрын
That's a very good question! In addition to what is mentioned in the video, you would be dealing with issues related to the 5th (throat chakra), whose color is blue (most especially if you have thyroid disease, are also prone to tension/pain in your neck/throat/shoulders/jaw, and/or if you get a lot of throat infections, coughs, or issues with your teeth and gums). The throat chakra has to do with self-expression, whether that is speaking authentically, expressing our real emotions, speaking up when we need to, feeling judged for being ourselves, and anything to do with creative execution (being an artist, singer, writer, or any other creative pursuit). I talk about lessons and challenges related to the throat chakra and blue coloration at length in my Blue Jay videos. You can find the link to Blue Jay as a spirit guide here: Hope that helps! Jordana
@phoenixmoonrising3087 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jordan’s! This video and Phoenix mythology really resonated! Even the parts about Harry Potter’s Phoenix. I’m sun Pisces, Aries moon, Venus and Mars. Many thanks and lots of love and blessings your way! 💜🌀✨🙏🔥
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Ohmygoodness! Aries moon, Venus, and Mars?! GIRL. Thank you so much for the feedback! I am delighted that the video resonated with you so strongly! When you had commented on Instagram, I had wondered how Phoenix might manifest for someone who also aligned with the moon (There's that Pisces! What a dynamic combo!), so I really appreciate you sharing. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, and biggest love and blessings to you in kind! 💙✨🙏
@ReticentSparrow 3 жыл бұрын
So, it sounds like an Aries plays a game for the challenge, and a Pisces plays for the story and emotion. I like a challenge, but if you can get me to weep at it like Brendan Fraser at the sunset, you got yourself a winner. Ha, the 29th like. Seems to be a number I cart around a bit.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Aries . . . For the challenge, but most especially to WIN. Aries won't touch a game if it's certain that it can't come out on top. But that Pisces? Oh yes, story and emotion all the way. If there's no emotional connection, it's not interested (there's your ascendant!). Also, I now expect to hear the Dolphin song next time we talk, guitar optional. The 29th - all those 11's in your chart!! 11 ALSO would require there to be an engrossing story and emotional context. And Dude, all I'm hearing right now is Fraser's imitation of dolphin screeching 😂😂😂. I'm so going to watch that movie again this weekend.
@cancerscircle 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, I have my north node and Sun in the 1st house, as much I am not an real Aries ( as I believe we have all the signs in our chart) as its not in any of my planets. But the 1st house in astrology does play a big role in my life.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
I so hear you on this one, Estara! My Pluto is in the 1st House (and I have a 1 Heart's Desire/Soul Urge in my numerological chart), so there is a huge 1st House/Aries emphasis in my own personality. Since I do not have any planets in Aries either, I was really surprised to see how dramatically that Pluto placement affected me. Wishing you enormous joy in making those most of that Fire! 🌟🌞🌟
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 2 жыл бұрын
@stefangauti5608 3 жыл бұрын
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
💗🙏 Thank you so much for your Membership, Stefan!!! Wishing you a wonderful week!
@blakemcwilliams9028 3 жыл бұрын
Are you able to do Sea Turtle Spirit next?
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, Blake! I'm only taking requests from my 2nd and 3rd Tier Channel Members, as their support is helping make it possible for me to devote my time to making more videos. If you're interested in becoming a Channel Member, click the JOIN button next to the Subscribe button on my channel main page (or under any of my videos), and that will get you started! If you can't see the JOIN button, my website provides quick, easy directions for making it visible. Here's the link: Thank you so very much for your interest, and have a wonderful day! - Jordana
@mutasimmuhammad9672 3 жыл бұрын
I keep seeing this video show up. Could it be that this spirit guide is trying to connect with me? I do remember seeing something shaped like the phoenix in the clouds.
@RavenLightHolisticHealing 3 жыл бұрын
Entirely possible, and thank you so much for Subscribing, Mutasim! 💗 I'll be uploading the video on Phoenix as a Spirit Guide later this week, so it should help you answer that question 😊. If you have your notifications set to All for my channel (click the little Bell icon next to the Subscribe(d) button, and the options will come up), KZbin should notify you when the video is ready. Wishing you a wonderful day! -J
@mutasimmuhammad9672 3 жыл бұрын
@@RavenLightHolisticHealing No problem Jordana and you have a wonderful day as well.
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