"LETTING GO" of control to ALLOW the magic...

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Joseph Rodrigues

Joseph Rodrigues

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Пікірлер: 80
@lightuponlight6727 Жыл бұрын
I swear Joe is reading my mind.. I'm sitting in my kitchen, drinking my coffee minding my business...thinking "Yes. I need to let this all go. I need to trust more. It's done." Turn on my laptop and voila..
@LyraMeldy Жыл бұрын
same here
@wonderwoman624 Жыл бұрын
Also same here 👀 synchronicities 😊
@soy_red Жыл бұрын
ha! same… letting go is a current theme.
@IAmVictoriaReign Жыл бұрын
@jlaurifer4732 Жыл бұрын
@Joseph_Jansen-Manfesting Жыл бұрын
My favorite part is loving the emotion that comes up. Even fear, worry, sadness, discontent, It is in harmony with the vision. I often tell myself, I love you and am grateful you showed up and become aware of the emotion. It releases and I always end up feeling in flow and gratitude after…***so important
@hudson Жыл бұрын
As many others have mentioned already, this video’s message is perfectly timed! Was just talking with my wife last night about the “the future” in a broad sense and how so much in society is changing so fast and how we are concerned about the world our son is going to grow up into. When so many things seem to be going the wrong way (she teaches ballet to children and sees firsthand how damaging social media can be to young minds), the question arises, “how do we stop this?” and “in what can be done?” I returned in the conversation again and again I I the illusion of control. That the way forward is letting go of the illusion of control and letting the world of appearances be. But our vision inside is untouchable. It abides regardless of the world of appearances when we let go. Your message today is helpful in confirming and clarifying this view. Thank you Joseph! 🙏
@elm1230 Жыл бұрын
Yes, and there’s nothing to stop. The world is fine as it is, which I know is a controversial statement if you’re overly involved with the outside of yourself. But there is calm in what seems chaos. Everything is as it should be.
@SCrdo Жыл бұрын
The timing of this video is DIVINE
@LeGabot777 Жыл бұрын
Live in the present and in peace. Act like you already received your wish.
@komlajean-pierreahonsu8269 Жыл бұрын
I think Letting go is what liberates our energy off resistance, thus making us flow naturally! I love this teaching
@vicx05 Жыл бұрын
A few days ago I realised all our limitations in life are self-imposed from birth, I asked God why, the answer was because limitation acts as resistance for us to overcome and therefore grow from, but also that simply accepting these limitations does a great deal in releasing the resistance. So this video was very timely, but then again they always are, synchronicity is God's form of communication, it comes and goes whenever you open a dialogue. Let go of the resistance, accept it, work within your power and have faith that the unseen forces will do their part.
@KrishnaWearsPrana-zt4bh Жыл бұрын
With our intuitive nature and awareness, we as women simply just KNOW and FEEL when a man is doing us wrong in any sort of way. It's TOO easy to spot since we are all literally the same energy source.. you can feel when the energy changes in the form of a different or off-putting emotion. I don't even know if I am explaining that right but.. the energy should feel loving, warm, light, calm, nurturing and just.. resonate, I guess.. instead of dense, heavy, deceptive, and just... I don't know... OFF. Intuition is so important to hone. I just wish men and women would all heal their childhood wounds and trauma before getting into relationships. We all having subconscious programming to reprogram, cause our egos need to be lovingly accepted yet put in it's place. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge and experience that we have. I ABSOLUTELY cannot wait to meet a man who has the traits that I have always adored and wished for the man of my dreams to have... but it DOES take the reprogramming of oneself to cultivate the awareness to work on those traits in the first place. It sure does take some healing work and courage to be so honest with oneself to actually WANT to want that sort of a change. I wish all men and women wanted to just grow, grow, and grow! Yet.. seeking this growth can be daunting, as it usually leads one into a spontaneous or forced ascension process. Which, if one is unprepared, it can sometimes be... quite rough, or painful, or even risky sometimes. I mean, I at least know that from my own experience thus far, my awakening has been more... difficult and painful than I had thought it would have been like. At first, I was thinking that awakening to the truth of life and learning how to become my very best version of myself and learn who and what I truly was, was going to be a cake walk. That was SO FAR from what I had experienced during my life lessons though. My whole point in explaining this is, men and women alike, REALLY have to WANT to change in order to be the best man or woman for us, yet more so FOR THEM. Otherwise, the couple will be unequally yoked and unaligned with one another and have such a hard time in their relationship. The traits that I would love the man that I would re: spiritually aware, mature, compassionate, unconditionally loving, healed, of God, giving, nurturing, honest, patient, understanding, non-judgmental, emotionally available, transparent, vulnerable, supportive, considerate, appreciative, loyal, thoughtful, comforting, and way more honestly. It may sound like a tall order but it's truly easy to be a good person to the one that you claim to love. Where are all of the healed men and women at?! Awareness and compassion are so damn attractive!
@celinalinley1131 Ай бұрын
imago therapy helps folks work together on their wounds.
@iam_teniecia Жыл бұрын
I’ve been learning to trust being in a more meditative state even throughout the day. For me it’s equivalent to what I would describe flow feels like. In my opinion it’s a constant alert fully present feel in any and everything I do. I also see it as a representation of TRUST to the higher me to be so safe and secure within myself and my inner intention work to a point where I can calmly choose to be fully present and less in my head took trust to build and through my experiences of taking the chance to trust the power that Be’s my imagination has yet to fail me. I’ve learned that BEING in that stage more naturally and calmly, leaves me out of the way consciously because in these moments of not doing any overthinking or excessive thinking UNLESS it is to deliberately affirm (aka consciously point in the direction of my preferences) these are the only thoughts I think in this state of flow I trust that it is in alignment with whatever I am assuming to now be or else I wouldn’t think to affirm it I abide by that! I make it my business to leave a space of just pure focus just like when I meditate no thought no interference of frequency from what I know consciously versus what I know subconsciously which you can always tell how well your subconscious knows a subject based on how well you can consciously articulate it for others. I try my best to make things clear. Again I’m sure to have very long moments of just presence full presence this to me is a high level of calm symbolizing to God in my conscious opinion that in the deliberate now very familiar space of intentionally practiced calm is literally ME giving my subconscious the permission ON PURPOSE to do whatever it sees fit even if it’s just to be present in this moment it invites the energy of its knowing to step forward to the conscious playing field especially when there are no threats of old belief and outdated thoughts around you get it? I’ve gotten my best manifestations through doing this. The ideas, comprehensions, and appreciation of being able to be aware of the reasonings behind it all from the very beginning of just being a feeling then turning into a creative idea to an impulse to a circumstance to more ideas and more impulses to eventually full fledge manifestation. This is what they mean when they say it’s the journey of the manifestation that’s really fun. I am witnessing like magic through a series of events feelings and synchronized energy the literal unfolding of what I create simply through visualization but most importantly for me affirming my love language is words and I utilize that within my head every moment of the day that I can. It’s the trust and the bond that you build with you the flesh version and you the knows all version you learn to be both the teacher and the student and you appreciate the perspective of both because their both necessary. The crazy thing is it all operates based on however boldly you’re willing to imagine that it works! Lol And that’s so effin lovely to KNOW!!! You always get my brain flowing with these I’m so appreciative for your content my mind has capsulated so much beneficial understandings from this channel I love it here THANK YOU! ❤
@dijan5707 Жыл бұрын
Just want to say, you’ve become a great friend of mine. I listen to your videos everyday. Thank you for you.
@Charleseceja Жыл бұрын
I Love your work & outlook on life you’ve helped me look at things in a positive way, though I’ve found that it’s important to not become dogmatic but rather open minded and flexible with beliefs since every belief is limited.
@SithSolomon Жыл бұрын
Thoughts. Emotions.Actions That’s the key to manifesting in that order.
@diyab1056 Жыл бұрын
It's admirable how you overcame your fear of public speaking and I think most people have that fear, apparently it's one of the most common fears. So basically you're either in fear or in faith. And that usually determines the outcome. I've had certain instances where I gave a speech on stage or just to a class at school or when I did a mock trial (with way more people than a real trial, which is usually just in front of a judge and a handful of people), and each time the results were very different depending on my state that day. Sometimes it went really well somehow, way better than I could have imagined and I got a good grade or a positive outcome or the people were really engaged. I ended up getting high fives and a bunch of jokes that landed. Other times it was like my worst nightmare and I raced through what I had to say just so I could leave as soon as possible. I remember the once when my hands wouldn't stop shaking, what a nightmare. And the once I had to do a play it was Shakespeare or something, I can't even remember which play coz I think I wiped it from my mind. So the parts were assigned randomly but as I know now, nothing is random. I ended up getting the part of the girl who's in love with the guy...and the guy was my high school crush. I saw that and was like 'Noooo why is this happening??' 😂 I couldn't even talk to him like a normal person and now I had to say stuff like "I love you and I'll always love you for the rest of my life" that's paraphrasing, it was even worse than that. And it didn't help that the other guys watching kept making comments and whistling and stuff, I went red and everyone saw and I felt so embarrassed, I finally knew what it meant to want the ground to swallow you up. My crush didn't seem to mind saying any of his lines and wasn't nervous at all. It was just really embarrassing like my worst fear realized, even tho thinking about it now it doesn't seem so bad but I was just a kid.
@4higherzense Жыл бұрын
I labeled my left knuckle (Letting go of everything with compassion into Now) and my right knuckle (Breathing into Now). So far been helpful becoming more second nature 😮‍💨
@rogerlin9602 Жыл бұрын
14:17 It's not the controlling thoughts that matter, but your dwelling in them. Observe the thoughts without labeling them. Emotion is energy in motion. Let it be. Let it flow. This is how you release controlling thoughts and emotions. Thanks Joseph. 28 07 2023.🎅🍭🐧🐧🐧🎯🦓🦓🦓🎯🏊‍♂️
@CorneliaG Жыл бұрын
Right on point message for what I need to hear.
@VicariousVue Жыл бұрын
Your words of renouncing control reminded me about similar aspects in regards to attachment and hesitation; whereby control, attachment, and hesitation are all absent within the realm of spontaneous experiences. If we equate hesitation with a refusal to renounce control or attachment, then renouncing hesitation creates abundant flow. Control seems to promote egotistical attachment to certain expectations, regardless of truth. If honoring the truth through faith is invested as the prerequisite for everything - then there is no need to expect for anything other than what actually happens. It’s all on faith - no beliefs are required.
@michellecook-hill Жыл бұрын
That affirmation at the end is poetic power. ❤
@zainaba3666 Жыл бұрын
it truly is
@laniademers75 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your teaching! I find i need to hear each video a few times in order to allow it all to sink in. I enjoy the slower pace of your voice and articulation in this one.
@josescontreras8187 Жыл бұрын
Amazing timing of this work for me, you are Great Joseph! keep doing this great contribution to us!!
@anabantel1053 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! It's not the first time the subject of your video is exactly what I'm working on myself in that day. It always helps me! Thank you again and again!
@chevalierdesangreal Жыл бұрын
you are one of many teachers I will encounter on my path, you are the teacher that I needed right now which I could say is one of the lowest points I've experience so far and hopefully thanx to that type of teachings, never again. Thank you for picking me up when I fell hard under fake pressure I inflicted on myself ❤ I mean, people with NPD actually did terrible things to me but you know, I wasn't equiped to rewrite my own script at the time, this experience led me here and I am grateful ❤️‍🔥
@parishj3 Жыл бұрын
I wait for these everyday!
@goddesschess Жыл бұрын
Needed this today
@peterrobertson4106 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! Perfect timing 😅
@d4m6n Жыл бұрын
Been thinking about letting go and the meaning of it and how I struggle with it. I WAS going to look up an older video when bam on my feed this pops up 😂. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge
@MixedHdisdabest Жыл бұрын
Keep up the work! I always let the ads play through to support in the way I can. I appreciate the constant helpful and informative content. 🙏🏼
@swarnalidutta7235 Жыл бұрын
Perfect timing
@suzanneadey3448 Жыл бұрын
This is so exciting and makes me feel so happy to hear it. Exactly what I needed right now. Bless you Joseph thank you 🙏😊
@lillym.9626 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Joseph ❤
@JeffLong1 Жыл бұрын
You're a legend, thanks again
@alexkatsanos8475 Жыл бұрын
Now as a regular practitioner of The Release Technique I see that is consistent in so many different systems.
@lauren4434 Жыл бұрын
So, I wonder where "take up your cross daily" would translate here..... Or, what is "the cross" in this paradigm or understanding? From early 20's I have felt drawn to "the way of the cross" but I wonder if I have deep unhelpful beliefs in suffering within me. I might add, it has been a long steady exit from "religion" for me, and yet "Christ" is very much alive. Just, what is "the cross"? Thank you for all your videos!
@thesapphirem5469 Жыл бұрын
sometimes you dont waitre and still doesnt happens... you need to forget completely, dont need it , dont longing and accept not have the outcome with easiness and relief
@khaibarkhanalmas Жыл бұрын
i just wanted you to know how much it means to me all these efforts you put into explaining life's most important lessons. Thank you, Sincerely
@rootcausebreathworkwithare1210 Жыл бұрын
@JosephRodrigues Жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@only1furrywall 5 ай бұрын
This is true wish I knew this a year ago
@anthonyquentere2112 Жыл бұрын
you always help thank you from old Irving
@buzbuz8762 Жыл бұрын
Only control you need is of your own mind
@mcjogom Жыл бұрын
👍💖👍Thank you!!!
@rogerlin9602 Жыл бұрын
1:07 Vision - ideal Identity - now vs. Ideal Values & beliefs - appearances Capabilities - embody ideal or not Behavior - unnecessarily controlling? Environment - unnecessarily controlling? Release of control is always about letting go limiting beliefs. Control is always psychological, not physical. 🦓🤡🏊‍♂️✈🐓🍇🍭🦓🎆 9:20 First seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Effortless flow vs. Stress and control. Accept what is. Let the subconscious change the appearances. In your ideal, the outer and inner flow as one. Thanks Joseph. 28 07 2023.🚣‍♂️🍇🐧🤡🤡🦓🏊‍♂️🌟🎆🦊
@ChiDante Жыл бұрын
This one was very helpful. Most of your shares are great and expanding to my experience. This one hit a very specifically deep rooted yet rarely addressed element of great theme in my life: which is control and emotions Thankyou
@denzelcurrysapprentice Жыл бұрын
I just went through a crazy desert thunderstorm on my way to work and i had to walk almost an hour and i was prepared to almost practically risk my physical body to make it home, i was kind to two strangers letting go of unnecessary distractions just on a mission to make it home, then the bus saved me. and all i could think about was how life led me to feel the nature of being under the eye of physical destructive nature. The all father showed me bright lightning and booming thunder and breathe robbing harsh hot winds and rain. I made it home and this truly means i was meant to be alive and i’m glad to see the sun. Thank you for helping me get my head right
@legendoctane5732 Жыл бұрын
@CRAZYxSNAKE Жыл бұрын
@glorious28 Жыл бұрын
@mandosarit Жыл бұрын
how can one let things be just the way they are. and then, change your life circumstances to your liking at the same time? there are things that work out and things that don't. specially in business. like if Joseph would imagine that your KZbin channel had 20 million subscribersfor tomorrow. how?
@nghila5176 Жыл бұрын
@leonardgooden4983 Жыл бұрын
@Cmc-d9n Жыл бұрын
@arrobax6053 Жыл бұрын
Activat the Subtitles of the video !
@Cmc-d9n Жыл бұрын
@@arrobax6053 ok, gracias
@lolitamoonprod Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is done! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✨👼🏼✨👼🏼✨👼🏼✨👼🏼✨✨🤍🕊✨💸✨💸✨✨🧿
@davidbrewer2324 Жыл бұрын
I mask a certain percentage of my true identity to let folks know I’m Not the 1 to play with if they wanna take it there Respectfully….past beliefs maybe but it has kept the vultures away 🥱
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