Рет қаралды 79
Sesión 1.2. de las Journées Scientifiques Inria Chile 2024: Shaping the Future of the Franco-Chilean Ecosystem in Artificial Intelligence, un evento AI Action Summit.
Sesión 1.2. Breakthroughs in AI
Chair: Pablo Barceló, Profesor Titular, Pontificia Universidad Católica; Luis Martí, Director Científico, Inria Chile
“How can neuroscience promote breakthroughs in AI?”, Cristián Buc, CENIA (0:01:05 - 0:42:26)
“Probabilistic Bayesian Neural Network for Predicting Model-Based Features from Neck Surface Acceleration Signals with Uncertainty Estimation”, Matías Zañartu, USM / AC3E (0:42:33 - 1:06:39)
“Automatic design of metaheuristic algorithms with learning”, Elizabeth Montero, USM / CENIA (1:06:57 - 1:38:06)
“Mathematics Assisted by Artificial Intelligence”, Nicolas Tabareau, Inria (1:42:33 - 2:10:10)
"Predicting APTs Next Step in Environments Where AI is Also Vulnerable", Romina Torres, UAI / CENIA (2:10:11 - 2:39:24)
Mesa Redonda "The AI - HPC infra landscape": (2:39:38 - 3:30:33)
Felipe Bravo, IDIA-UChile / IMDF / CENIA
Ginés Guerrero, NLHPC
Roberto Musso, Digevo
Thierry de Saint Pierre, ACTI
Session 1.2. of the Journées Scientifiques Inria Chile 2024: Shaping the Future of the Franco-Chilean Ecosystem in Artificial Intelligence, an AI Action Summit event.
Session 1.2. Breakthroughs in AI
Chair: Pablo Barceló, Full Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica; Luis Martí, Scientific Director, Inria Chile
“How can neuroscience promote breakthroughs in AI?”, Cristián Buc, CENIA (0:01:05 - 0:42:26)
“Probabilistic Bayesian Neural Network for Predicting Model-Based Features from Neck Surface Acceleration Signals with Uncertainty Estimation”, Matías Zañartu, USM / AC3E (0:42:33 - 1:06:39)
“Automatic design of metaheuristic algorithms with learning”, Elizabeth Montero, USM / CENIA (1:06:57 - 1:38:06)
“Mathematics Assisted by Artificial Intelligence”, Nicolas Tabareau, Inria (1:42:33 - 2:10:10)
"Predicting APTs Next Step in Environments Where AI is Also Vulnerable", Romina Torres, UAI / CENIA (2:10:11 - 2:39:24)
Round Table "The AI - HPC infra landscape": (2:39:38 - 3:30:33)
Felipe Bravo, IDIA-UChile / IMDF / CENIA
Ginés Guerrero, NLHPC
Roberto Musso, Digevo
Thierry de Saint Pierre, ACTI