Shout out to the Pokemon go community because a random player came up to me during the event and said there was a hundo charmander near by.
@arjavjain72294 ай бұрын
Congrats! I wish I had a community like this lol
@PaulyPaulNo14 ай бұрын
Same thing happened when I joined the raid group in the city, a hundo Machop was found. Sadly my GoPlus+ failed it. Wasn't a big loss as I've got 7 hundos of the family with 5 being Machamp.
@michaelhughes29694 ай бұрын
Wait wait, Hundos spawn for everyone ….
@arjavjain72294 ай бұрын
@@michaelhughes2969 above level 31 yes, same IVs for everyone
@awxkenedplayz52124 ай бұрын
the pokemon's ivs are the same for everyone just the cp is different
@arjavjain72294 ай бұрын
The make up day was crazy broken. I didnt even buy the ticket but still got 19 daily passes, double xp, guaranteed rare xl all the perks of the ticket lol. Got 5 shinies in 19 raids today
@PikaFry-YT4 ай бұрын
Hi JT nice video. Two people in our group got the shundo!
@JTValor4 ай бұрын
Nice! That's awesome!
@ijk92344 ай бұрын
Really nice to hear that, thanks for avenging us
@jessicadivine55334 ай бұрын
I love the part of this video with the music and all the lucario checks! Very satisfying to watch all the shinies you got!❤️👏
@fossilpharaoh4 ай бұрын
Not the bathroom check 😂. Had a ball with this raid day, did 36 raids and got 6 shinies, as well as a regular 98%. I also got around 40 XLs, which is amazing. Raid days are some of my favorite events, and this one definitely did not disappoint! Great video as always JT!
@PaulyPaulNo14 ай бұрын
Mega thanks got to Tommy for the constant invites he sent me, sadly I was travelling home and couldn't risk joining the early ones in case I lost the pass or something.
@CosmoCarnage4 ай бұрын
JT, thanks for making my days brighter with each video man. Keep up the good work!
@nickgrecco23554 ай бұрын
The Lucario line is my all time favorite!! Did a lucky reroll with a friend and she got the shlundo!! Then I did another one and I got the shlundo back!!! Great day for our group
@nilsjacquet19624 ай бұрын
this was an amazing event, got my first shundo from a raid!!! Amazing video JT keep em commin!!!
@codyreedy19434 ай бұрын
Love the aesthetic choice of mute city ost during the no commentary parts. As always great video.
@agent38014 ай бұрын
That's Big Blue, not Mute City.
@linusjohansson68114 ай бұрын
It's inspiring seing you really enyoing the game still! Your videos are great!
@AlyssaK834 ай бұрын
I was only able to raid for a couple hours because I worked all day. No shinies but I got a 98% and a hundo and I got a shiny Pineco in the wild. I was happy.
@Urnotgoodxd14 ай бұрын
I love your videos JT!❤, I ended up getting 3 shinys and 1 hundo. One of the shinys was a 96%
@DanteDedicatoria76254 ай бұрын
Congratulations on all those XLs! I did 72 raids. 9 were shinies and 2 weather boosted hundo Lucario. Plus 1 shiny female. I heard those were rare.
@machospacemangaming54894 ай бұрын
I did 11 raids got 0 shinnies, talked my buddy into doing one raid with me and he got the shundo I couldnt believe it. Great video as always Jt
@Ampi.4 ай бұрын
Since I was in an effected time zone for a make up day I was able to pick up 3 over the 2 days
@Antomations4 ай бұрын
I was in a car almost the whole day yesterday, but I got home and my brother and I used up all of our passes. Ended up getting a shiny on the last raid along with a bronzor and a stunfisk. Perma boosted but I’ll still take them. Great vid valor!
@feraligatrcomedordecabeludo4 ай бұрын
@Jurtaani4 ай бұрын
6:08 there definitely was a correlation with those numbers. i got two hundos almost back to back, with only one non hundo in between them. both were weather boosted and their "dying CP" was as weather boosted 2010cp. though interestingly the number could stop higher as my friend got few 2014cp and similar ones and those were total random ones. but both of my boosted hundos were 2010cp as they died. off course the catch screen and caught cp was 1930cp as it should.
@Noahwilliam-lj9zc4 ай бұрын
always nice to watch my favorite non pvp poketuber:)
@josh_dg044 ай бұрын
Aye im early to see the content today!! Thanks for amazing videos JT!!!
@shyguypdx4 ай бұрын
24 raids, 2 shinies and a hundo! 🔥🔥
@snowbeast88_ttv4 ай бұрын
Got a WB 98%, 15/15/14 and Shiny 15/14/15. So close to the hundo, maybe will get one through trading the bad ones :) Very solid day!!
@gavanator74 ай бұрын
Excited to watch the video JT! I managed to get a shundo yesterday, so I'm super stoked
@uxiaintxausti65124 ай бұрын
Congrats on the good catches!
@Pokemongoshortsforyou4 ай бұрын
That raid day was amazing, got unlucky first but it was great trough the end 🎉
@billsterbuster80734 ай бұрын
@Zacoro14 ай бұрын
Your the goat bro been watching you since the start basically 🎉
@nasimadolly11084 ай бұрын
I did only 7 raids.. And got hundo on the first raid.. And got 3 shinies back to back to back..😊
@anonymousYT_kid4 ай бұрын
My cousin got 2 4* and 3 shinys and got 5 shinys
@finnyantelope28524 ай бұрын
Did 40 remote raids, 20 before the release and 20 during the release, no shinies but got a hundo so I guess I can’t complain. A shiny would’ve been nice but RNG was on my side for this event
@SallyLoseke4 ай бұрын
Love your videos! 👍🏼 I got 3 shiny and 1 hundo!
@jameshawkins37304 ай бұрын
I was lucky enough for a Triple back to back Shiny...Ended up with 9 total...Thanks for All your videos...👍
@rampantpikachu4 ай бұрын
Got a ShinetyEight, so I'm content. Keep grinding brother!
@lehhdolls14 ай бұрын
Hi Jt, I got a 1675 and was a Hundo. One friend got 1676 and was hundo as well. Great video as always.
@togliz4 ай бұрын
I did 26 raids total, and got three shinies. Annoying part is, my first shiny was raid #21. Also at the end of the day I was riding with one of the other local players (who has a second phone) and we were in the last raid, and we had THREE shinies with the three phones in the raid. It was impressive. My husband did seven free raids, and got a 98 and a shiny. Grump. Oh well, I got to evolve my hundo Riolu to get the move, so...
@TexasNativee4 ай бұрын
I paid for the ticket, and took all 19 raids before I got my first shiny
@tajpeterson31114 ай бұрын
Got my Shundo!!!!!!
@twiggywebber88174 ай бұрын
I did 14 raids 1st raid was a shiny 4th raid was a hundo, in total 1 hundo and 4 shinies, someone in our crew scored a shundo
@XSETMando4 ай бұрын
Awesome Video JT
@LongShibe4 ай бұрын
Best mega Lucario raid ever - 100 raid 16 shiny 1 shundo =))
@Royvankalken0234 ай бұрын
i did 56 raid and 6 shinys and lot of rare candy xl
@Sparky928914 ай бұрын
I did 132 raids. 16 shiny, 1 hundo and started from 193 to 416 rare candy XLs
@carolinecumming43434 ай бұрын
I did 25 remote raids (couldn't do any local raids due to prior comments) and finally got my shiny on number 25. RNG was not my friend 😂
@honeycombbee91934 ай бұрын
hey jt!! i got the shundo on my fifth raid!! :D
@PokePuppet4 ай бұрын
We have to collaborate one day brother! You are the inspiration for my Pokemon Journey!
@pokedowjj4 ай бұрын
Got a shiny 96 also❤ !
@nickmenter96994 ай бұрын
I got the exact same shiny 96% lucario right after I got my hundo. I was so pumped!
@DUTCHGAMERNL24 ай бұрын
2:07 that’s the floor, got one to xD
@MrSoupsArt4 ай бұрын
I did pretty good this event. Got 2 shinies and only did 7 raids.
@dexteruminski62874 ай бұрын
Hello JT amazing channel just saying but all my friends are soooo surprised since all 5 of us got the shundo mega!
@MrClovvnz4 ай бұрын
I got a hundo yesterday. The CP was 1670 before the encounter screen
@travisplayz75604 ай бұрын
I love your videos keep it up ❤
@mckenziemurray81444 ай бұрын
I love your work keep it up
@Cloudyay-d3r4 ай бұрын
I got 6 shiny Lucario during raid day and I got a back to back shiny Lucario
@emmajones39914 ай бұрын
I did 10 raids and didn’t get a single shiny but did haul in a tiny 96% and a 93%.
@dcers51614 ай бұрын
81 raids. 8 shinies. 2 hundos. I have six hundos now including a shundo.
@turtle0912064 ай бұрын
I also got a 1648 that turned out to be a hundo
@bigboysimmp15014 ай бұрын
31 raids for a 2 star shiny on my 24th… little better than 40 for a shiny yveltal but still… the odds are ridiculous.
@katiewilliams27294 ай бұрын
I did a ton of raids between yesterday and Friday an exact number I'm not sure of because at the moment 1 of the ones I got from a raid is in a showcase but I did end up with 2 shinys and quite a bit of mega energy and 2 mega Lucario (1 shiny and 1 non shiny) so it was a good couple of days the 1st shiny Lucario I got completed the shiny family
@fernandoroa40794 ай бұрын
above 1671 was the hundo, I got 3 exact 98% iv 1671 cp
@Zonaishpirwani4 ай бұрын
Jtvalor I love ur videos
@cptmatt92624 ай бұрын
I got my hundo while my gf got three shinies BACK TO BACK TO BACK!!!!I was so mad I only got one shiny lol. The hundo is 1670. But it will correct itself to 1544
@twilitears4 ай бұрын
i was able to get a 14/15/15 shiny after around 15 raids at my local park :) super successful day for me
@armandoloki32424 ай бұрын
Only did one raid and got a shiny 98% les goo
@BGRUBBIN4 ай бұрын
I only played for last hour and some remotes from friends. Lucky the wife and I found shinys.
@GreenGeckoGames4 ай бұрын
what is the song you use for your br rolls called? also love the content
@jonnybe244 ай бұрын
1676 was the hundo for me. Not shiny but it looked like you needed to subtract 131-132 from that number and that was the CP you’d get.
@herminerobinson59164 ай бұрын
A friend and I went lucky friends on our first raid so we did a mirror trade of shiny Lucario and mine became a Shundo.
@santos3403004 ай бұрын
I was able to 10 shines from 37 raids, including a back2back and three in a row! 🤯
@QcItCantBe4 ай бұрын
love tommy car did get 2 shyni and a 97% shyni in 20 raid on ticket
@iSubZeroOGFrosty14 ай бұрын
So Happy I Got To Mega Evolve My 100% IV Shiny Lucky Lucario I Was Really Looking Forward To Evolve it and Finally got it
@得得hario得得4 ай бұрын
I got 4 shinies, I got a shiny xxs which I'm gonna best buddy and after that shiny I got a back to back.
@rich1234561004 ай бұрын
Didn't care about lucario, was all about the rare xl candy.
@bongotm8764 ай бұрын
i got the hundo on my first raid! very glad after i got 5 98's
@ShadyRK94 ай бұрын
I did 33 raids and got 6 Shinies. My best one being a 14/13/12 91%. My Mega Raid Day Yet! 🎉
@jonathansins89504 ай бұрын
Back to back Hundos but no shundo today
@aced24674 ай бұрын
JT i got my first ever shundo lucario!!!!!!!!!!! what an event
@SmallConnor064 ай бұрын
I got back to back shinies in the last 5 minutes of the event and one was a 96%
@Jaymonster8594 ай бұрын
I went hard for these raids I got around 200 rare xls. Still no good iv shiny tho did get a hundo I went 5-90+
@TexasNativee4 ай бұрын
Got the ticket, took me all 19 raids just to get one shiny
@nikolasdopler82854 ай бұрын
i got a 98 and a single shiny out of 25 but i did get the hundo pawniyard and hundo togedemaru in like a 5 min span
@Grayson_Playz74 ай бұрын
I only did 4 raids and on the 3rd ended up with a shiny 96%!
@Maxx-to9yd4 ай бұрын
Did 33 raids got 3 shinies my dad got one 2nd raid and my alt account got one so overall good raid day
@OmerP-e6f4 ай бұрын
Pls response it's possible to get shiny shadow stantler from normal shadow ballon and i could only catch it with the master ball
@nickebs4 ай бұрын
@Noodlepunk2494 ай бұрын
I did about 20 raids, and I got 2 shinies
@andypoulos11794 ай бұрын
1660 was a 96 15/13/15 for me 3 times.
@Wakboy1134 ай бұрын
bro this event was crazy for me i got a shiny then a hundo then a shundo all back to back
@Wakboy1134 ай бұрын
it was out of 50 raids
@joenolan3104 ай бұрын
Did 80 some raids with 9 shinys and my best was a 15/14/15
@hirenshah444 ай бұрын
I got a shiny 98 with 15 attack on my first raid
@nomankazi78884 ай бұрын
Huh tjis was a 2 day event?
@MimicSW4 ай бұрын
Oh no it technically wasnt but the event started early in japan etc cause of timezones so Jt remote raided for those raids before they officially started popping up in his area
@Jamie-lee944 ай бұрын
No but apparently today was a "make up" day for mega lucario as compensation for problems in regions that had problems and apac region gets it basically the day before as they are roughly 12/13 hours ahead of most places
@hisandherscoins4 ай бұрын
I did 50 raids and only got one shiny and it was a 1540 which is 98% iv
@wonderfulwalrus57154 ай бұрын
I got 4 of em in 20 raids
@pokedowjj4 ай бұрын
Got a shiny 96 also
@Larissadaawn4 ай бұрын
I did 2 remote raids, first one got the shiny and second one I got the hundo 😅
@JenPapp4 ай бұрын
I got a hundo!! I’m so happy with it!
@terumiw18784 ай бұрын
36 raids, 0 shiny, best IV was 91%
@Zombiealec4 ай бұрын
For me was work I did couple of them but no good one just a good shiny 8cp of the hundo
@megalo78774 ай бұрын
I did 4 raids I got 2 shinies Rediculous I was the only person in my group who didn't need it!
@warkiller09134 ай бұрын
I ended up going 0/42 for thos event amd don't have a shiny of him so thats a bummer