ENGLISH TRANSLATION (英訳) 絶対敵対メチャキライヤー Zettai Tekitai Mecha Kirai yaa "I Absolutely Hate Antagonism!" (Official English Title: "Unfriendly Hater") Song by Meddmia ■ LYRICS: 何回言っても聞く耳持たない 不勉強アウトサイダー 廊下全力ダッシュそこの君止まりなさい だから止まりなさい He won’t listen no matter how many times I tell him A lazy, indolent outsider You, dashing down the hallway as fast as you can, stop right there! Stop right there! あーうるさいなんだよ 急いでんだよ わざわざ暇なんですか? 誰もいないしこれぐらいいだろ 君に構う暇はないからじゃあね Ah, what's your deal? I'm in a hurry Do you really have nothing better to do? There's no one else here, so it should be fine I don't have time for you, so see ya! ねえねえちょっと聞いてんの 風紀を乱すなって言ってんの あーはいはいもうわかりました まー聞く気はないけどね Hey, hey, hold on, listen up I told you to not to break the code of conduct Ah, yes, yes, I got the memo But I can’t be bothered to listen いやほんと お前なんかめっちゃ嫌いだ! 怒っちゃってんのあーらざまみろ いや絶対に俺の方が上って言って競ってまたギラギラ No, really I hate you so damn much! You’re pissing me off, keep it up and see what happens! Saying “No, I'm definitely better than you”, competing and giggling all over again 一体なんの為になるのやら ド勤勉真面目ヤクザ 少しルール破ったぐらいでキレすぎだろ ほんとしつこいわー I don't know what the hell he’s doing this for A super hard-working, earnest yakuza You get so mad at me for breaking a few rules Really, you’re so insistent あーほらまたやってるまた破ってる 学習してないようで シャツも出てるわネクタイ緩いわで 親の顔が見てみたいもんですな Oh, look, he's doing it again, tearing it up again He never seems to learn His shirt's hanging out and his tie is loosened up I'd like to see the looks on his parents' faces! あーそうですかい 今度したら絶対許しません Ah, so that’s how it’s gonna be Do that one more time, I definitely won’t let it slide いやほんと お前なんかめっちゃ嫌いだ! 怒っちゃいるが笑顔は隠せない いや絶対に仲良くとかしないって言って睨んでまたゲラゲラ No, really I hate you so damn much! I'm angry, but I can't hide my smile Saying "No, we'll never get along", glaring at each other and giggling all over again ヘイヘイ坊っちゃん捕まえてごらんなさい だから廊下は走るなって何回言えば なあどうした優等生負けを認めますか どうやら全く反省してないようですね Hey, hey, shorty, try and catch me if you can How many times have I told you not to run in the hallway? Hey, what's up, honors student? You’re gonna admit defeat? I guess you're not sorry at all, huh? ねえねえちょっと聞いてんの 頭に血でも上っちゃってんの あーはいはいもう分かりました もうブチ切れちゃうからね Hey, hey, hold on, listen up Are you out of your mind? Ah, yes, yes, I got the memo So I’m going to snap right now ありったけ全部巻き込んでドタバタ 破壊転倒非行でめちゃくちゃ もう一切のものは見ずに一つの敵と戦うのだ いやマジでお前なんかめっちゃ嫌いだ! この先もずっとずっと嫌いだ! んで制裁食らって 仲直りって言った五秒後にはメラメラ Slapstick involving everything and anything Destruction, overthrow, delinquency, and chaos Looking at nothing else, a fight against a single enemy No, seriously, I hate you so damn much! I hate you and I’ll hate you forever and ever! And then we got sanctioned Five seconds after saying “I’ll make it up to you”, we’ll be fired back up
@raincappuccino12652 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your hard work!! I love this so much~