I'm Japanese and started teaching Japanese in nihongo gakkou from last month. I'm not a good teacher now but I really understand the feeling of students. I will also try to study foreign language. 私も、世界中の人とcommunication したいです。out put がんばります! とても良いadvice ありがとうございました!
Thanks for introducing the very important topics. I'm Japanese and teaching English for Japanese nurses. Your video is very useful and I'm going to introduce it for my students. Hope you enjoy staying in Japan.
Don't ask the wrong person in learning something. You read my mind. 大学時代、英作文の講義で、大学生がレポートを提出しなくてはいけない、といった文を英作文した際に教授がreportという単語をそのまま使ったのにあきれた経験がある。 これに違和感を抱かない感性の鈍さを感じたからです。私は、英語学科卒業ですが、大学で人としても能力からしても支持できる方は2人だけでした。 結局自分で英語の4技能を高めるためには、どうしたらいいかを自分で考えるしかなかったので結果的には良かったと言える。自分の足で書店に行き本を探し、読書量も必然的に増えたし、英語ボランティア等、英語に関わる機会を積極的に探して参加する事も出来た。 情報もお金も限られてる時代なら,否応なしに自分の手足を使って考える、情報を得る努力をしなくてはならなかった。しかし、今の時代の様に中途半端にお金はある、情報もある、となると情報を聞いただけで理解した気になり、なかなかその先の自分で考える努力をしようとしない人が多いのが現実。これは、学習に限ったことではない。コミュニケーション力にしてもそう。勝手に親しくなったと勘違いした日本人は、平気で英語を教えてよと口にする。本人曰く、話のネタがないからとりあえず、こういう言葉を何の悪気もなく相手に投げると言いたいだろうが、そうだろうか?話すネタなんていくらでもある。はっきりと自分は、コミュニケーション能力が足りないと認めた方がいい。こういうヌルイ中途半端な時こそ、真の自分が試されるいい機会だと思う。
Hello! Dana-sensei. You Dana-sensei point out the most problematic part of English education in Japan. It is true that English education in Japan is strange. Japanese English is English for the purpose of evaluating paper tests. It is not English as a communication tool. What you are saying is certainly the most fundamental and important part of learning English. Therefore, I think that your contribution to English education in Japan is essentially significant.
@danaenglish2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! Getting this kind of comments and appreciative feedback make me love what I do even more. 🙏
@権三郎平衛2 жыл бұрын
@@danaenglish Thank you for your reply. Furthermore, I would like you to contribute to the development of English learning by developing more efficient methods of learning English. I’m rooting for you! you can do it!
@tamico4142 жыл бұрын
ディナ先生にもっと早く出会いたかったです。60歳手前・・・再挑戦します。better late than never
How to develop your English depends on what you are. There is no equation leads you to success but leads you to failure. I couldn't agree more. Why most of Japanese don't speak English or listen to it? That's why conventional teaching method is wrong. That is just the bottom line and few people notice.
@danaenglish2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment:)
@scozy33322 жыл бұрын
@@danaenglish デイナさん In my view, your comment is very drastic and comes to the point. I am hoping you inspire many learners from bottom of your heart. As the proverb says, spare the rod and spoil the child. Ouch!!! Shalom !
@scozy33322 жыл бұрын
Excellent point of Dana san heavy user of paraphrasing Listeners can memorize and retain her spoken words as a merit. At the same time speakers also can improve how to express it. Taking her dictation is as following, do it over and over again until you reach the level (where) learning comes natural. In this sentence expression of learning comes natural seldom come up in mind. As the point Japanese should take notice in paraphrasing, be careful of collocation and nuance. frankly speaking, truth be told, when you come right down to something and so on. Most of sentences following these idioms accompany a sentence with negative meaning. For example, frankly speaking, I don't like you. On the contrary, most Japanese make the following mistake, Frankly speaking, I love you. はっきり言うけど、僕は、君の事が好きだ。 When native speakers listen to it they feel it weird or strange. negative sentence or expression should be followed positive sentence follows. We are bound to make a mistake to connect merely words with words without taking into consideration of nuance and collocation.
I am sure that you already not only proffecional prigrot.but a professional business woman. Your behaver such as the order of contents stories , How to pull up viewers on youtube is professional itself.
@hiroponte2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with your opinions. And fortunately, I have never done 3things that you pointed out on that video. Most worst thing is the 3rd thing . we have learned English from teachers who cant speak English for many years. No one want to learn something from people those who cant do themselves.
@danaenglish2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Nice output!!
@h4981492 жыл бұрын
ありがとうございます。You have passion for us to teach in English.もしよろしければ英語で仰った言葉は全部、翻訳の上に英文も載せて頂けると、分からない所を何度も繰り返して聴きたくなります。よろしくお願いします。🙏身体で反応できるまで音で捉えることですね。1っぱい2はい3ばい、日本語も音が変化してややこしいですね。
@@danaenglish I understand that. I've watched some Japanese language teaching program on TV before, and it was so surprising to me. I first noticed Japanese grammar is really complicated. I felt I could never understand or master Japanese grammar. lol Fortunately I was born and raised in Japan to Japanese parents.