Refrain: Jubilate Deo, cantate Domino! (2x) (Praise God, sing for the Lord!) Someone asked for the lyrics. I'm Dutch and I speak most of the languages reasonably well, but please take my poor attempt at translating with a grain of salt. Enjoy! 1. Bienheureux d'age en age, le Peuple de Dieu! Le Seigneur bénit la nation qu'il s'est choisie. #french (Blessed are the people of God from age to age! The Lord blesses the nation that he has chosen.) 2. Völker all, die ihr dienet dem Herrn, unser'm Gott, Stimmet freudig ein in den ew'gen Lobgesang! #german (Alle people who serve the Lord our God, Joyfully join in the eternal song of praise!) 3. Voi, o giusti, cantate con gioia'al Signore, e voi, servi tutti'innalzate lodi'a Lui! #italian (Come, o you just, sing with joy to the Lord and come, all you servants raise your praises to Him!) 4. Hombres justos, cantadle con gozo a Dios. Servid al Senor y'alabadlo sin cesar! #spanish (Just people, sing with joy to the Lord. Serve the Lord and worship him without end!) 5. All of you who accept to be servants of God, by your songs of joy, praise Him now and evermore #english 6. O gij allen die staat in de dienst van de Heer, laat uw vreugdezangen Hem loven altijd weer! #dutch (O all of you who are in the employ of the Lord, let your songs of joy praise him time and again!) ~~ intermezzo ~~ 7. Salga un cantico nuovo al Dio Signore! Elevate inni'alla grande sua bonta! #italian (Raise up a new song to the Lord God! Lift up hymns to his great goodness!) 8. De tout coeur, chantez-lui un cantique nouveau, et de tout votre'art, soutenez l'acclamation! #french (Sing to him a new song with all your heart, and maintain this cheer with all your skill!) 9. Unser Herz jubelt auf, voller Hoffnung und Dank! Ja, der Herr liebt uns, die er sich hat ausgewaehlt! #german (Our heart cries with joy, full of hope and gratitude! Yes, the Lord loves us, whom He has chosen!) Lyrics for @paolo2300