Wonderful colouring. I loved watching this. I'm learning so much. Thanks for sharing. 👍💗😃
@stacyl60123 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy watching your videos. Your style is just so unique. I find them very relaxing to watch. When I fall out of my coloring mojo, I always turn to watching your videos, and they give me inspiration to pick up my pencils and color. Thank you for making all of your videos.
@ritatroch70748 жыл бұрын
het ziet er goed uit, wordt weer heeeeel mooi, bedankt Julie
@janakidevi68618 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to follow along with my own prismacolor pencils and the same book. But I find that I've to press really hard to get dark coverage, otherwise it leaves white spots on the page. I can't quite figure out why, do I need to sharpen my pencils even more? How hard do you press on the paper to achieve that dark look?
@Juliespassionforcoloring8 жыл бұрын
+Janaki Devi i give a lot of pressure, i always do ...
@janakidevi68618 жыл бұрын
Julie's passion for coloring Thank you!
@ritabittar58928 жыл бұрын
@joannegreen52998 жыл бұрын
Your work is just beautiful. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial using the Marco Raffine pencils? I don't seem to see many people using them. Do you think there is a reason for this? Thank you in advance 😀
@Juliespassionforcoloring8 жыл бұрын
+Joanne Green allready did Some videos with Marco raffine pencils 😄