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Utwór wykonany podczas X Noworocznej Gali Akordeonowej na Hali Widowiskowo-Sportowej ZSP w Radzyniu Podlaskim.
Aranżacja utworu - Jakub Stefaniak
Kameralna Orkiestra Akordeonowa Arti Sentemo swoją działalność rozpoczęła w 2013 r. Pomysłodawcą, założycielem oraz dyrygentem orkiestry jest Zbigniew Czuryło. Skład orkiestry tworzą młodzi muzycy, laureaci krajowych i międzynarodowych konkursów instrumentalnych w grze solowej i kameralnej, studenci i absolwenci Akademii Muzycznych w Gdańsku, Warszawie, Katowicach, uczniowie i absolwenci ZSM II st. im. F. Chopina w Białej Podlaskiej i PSM I st. im. K. Lipińskiego w Radzyniu Podlaskim - wychowankowie klasy akordeonu mgr Zbigniewa Czuryły. Arti Sentemo to m.in. stypendyści Premiera RP, Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego „Młoda Polska”, Marszałka Województwa Lubelskiego, Rektorów Uczelni Wyższych.
Nagranie - softound - technika eventowa
Wideo - otako.media
Zbigniew Czuryło - dyrygent
zbigniew.czuryło@wp.pl / tel. +48 600 965 129
Dorota Semeniuk - manager
The Accordion Chamber Orchestra started its activity in 2013. The initiator, founder and conductor of the orchestra is Zbigniew Czuryło. Arti Sentemo concertizes in Poland and abroad (Germany, Italy, Slovakia). Members of orchestra are related to the class of accordion of Zbigniew Czuryło - pupils of the secondary music school and students of the music academies. The young musicians are laureates of national and international instrumental competitions in solo playing and chamber music, have scholarships from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Young Poland".
The orchestra performed at the Lower Silesian Philharmonic in Jelenia Góra and the Henryk Wieniawski Lublin Philharmonic, Presidential Palace, the Staszic Palace - the residence of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Theater in Warsaw's Royal Łazienki, the Bishop's Castle in Janów Podlaski and the Polish Diaspora House in Warsaw. Orchestra has taken part in international festivals, incl. 22nd International Accordion Festival "Italia - Dolomites 2017", International Music Festival „Summer in Zakopane”, International Accordion Spring „Sanok 2020”, Festival „Tempus Paschale” in Lublin. The Arti Sentemo Orchestra performed the concert inaugurating the 21st International Accordion Meetings "Sanok 2021" organized by the Center for Art Education and participated in the realization of Czesław Mozil's project "Buskers of the Future”. This album won the Fryderyk 2021 award.
Arti Sentemo, on the first Saturday of January, organizes annual the New Year's Accordion Gala in Radzyń Podlaski, which attracts a thousand audience. Photo gallery and concert recordings are available on the profile Arti Sentemo on Facebook and KZbin.The Arti Sentemo Accordion Chamber Orchestra won two 1st prizes at the 12th World Open Music Competition in the classical and light music category (Belgrade, Serbia 2021). At the beginning of its activity, it also won the 2nd prize at the 18th International Accordion Meetings "Sanok 2014" under the patronage of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland and the 2nd prize at the 14th International Popular Music Accordion Competition (Giżycko 2014).