難怪我媽說以前的馬來人穿得比華人還時髦。。。反觀現在越包越緊 我中學的兩個老師 (還是教agama跟al quran的老師,一男一女,我不是Muslim沒有上agama,不過每次食堂遇到他們很喜歡聊天的),他們以前拿他們以前年輕的照片給我們看,哇。。。很難想象教agama的老師以前站在海邊穿很露的比基尼。。然後教al quran dan sunnah的老師穿喇叭褲頭髮弄很時髦衣服還低胸。。。蠻震驚的 現在看這個。。嗯。。政治好可怕
Yes , Lucas . More of the cherry picking topics . Lucas is doing a good to expose MA HUA REN deep seated emotions feeling dichotomy seeking issues.Lucas must be supported for his open views because he is not an ingrate. Lucas is not a hypocrite. Lucas is a very loyal citizen in this country which give him absolute legal protection for practicing monolingual cussing. Lucas is not suffering from amnesia. Lucas did not forget who brought the freedom to him . Lucas has NEVER been or resided in PRC HKSAR MACAU SAR SG THAILAND TIBET XINGKIANG. LUCAS is very comfortable and walk freely any where. Lucas sleeps well without tablets.Lucas can eat and drink anything and everything at any monolingual venacular outlets stalls 3 star resturant in kl pj jb melaka ipoh png, some say kemaman. Lucas enjoy exotic foods fresh from the outskirt jungles. Lucas is important to the evolution of the social economic political legal landscape . Lucas keep yr friends close to you. Keep enemies ( you dont have any in this country), closer to you. 1 thousand friends not enough. 1 enemy is too many. Lucas jia you. Happy new lunar year of the bull ox cow. May your wildest dreams come true. Jia you.