事實富人就係會去低稅,可避稅嘅地方。趙博所指,就係美國好鍾意講既trickle down economy ,好與壞見仁見智。數據上係咪真係會trickle down 呢?就睇你睇咩數據。趙博十分尊崇嘅列根同戴卓爾夫人,都係咁做。但係係咪只有好處呢?美國醫療問題同美國列根年代不無關係,今時今日美國insulin 價錢係加拿大,英國十倍以上,精神病人無錢入院引致周街都係,而家LA skid row,三藩市點解咁多恐怖景象。英國係戴卓爾後兒童貧窮率倍升,火車公司私有化(嚴格係馬卓安正式執行)引致英國有咁貴嘅車費(英國朋友就明,車費同距離完全無關嘅怪現象),英國係佢任後出現既衰退部分因為佢政策將整個英國製造業消失咗咁濟,佢房屋政策令到多好多人置業,但係亦引致90年代泡沫爆破。工黨上台係咪懲罰富人引致大衰退唯有大家放長雙眼。我個人覺得而家工黨係黨內右派執政,政策當然無保守黨/reform uk咁右,但係咪好左,共產黨表哥咁呢,未必
卓慧斯當日就係愛爾蘭化, 但炒晒車 佢的主張係grow grow grow. 減稅帶來增長, 增長帶來稅收, 不過in a long run we are all dead
@randywong57824 ай бұрын
澳洲的公立學校同趙老師講一樣,每年每個學生都要交一百幾十 元年,交吾到就免費
@jasonyu77124 ай бұрын
@wanggok4 ай бұрын
@fujitom48884 ай бұрын
可否比較一下,英國,歐洲和澳洲的稅率和福利? 澳洲也要交很重稊,中產也要買醫保
@yumingkei20474 ай бұрын
向來香港人都叫杜拜 何必跟大陸叫迪拜?
@wanggok4 ай бұрын
@demographeruk4 ай бұрын
Labour唔算完全主打基層,基層對globalisation不滿會跳咗去民瘁一點的populist party例如Reform Party, le Pen, Donald Trump等等。labour最忠誠的選民係嗰D左傾中間階層文人,醫護 社工 教書 大學教授 政府出糧,睇guardian的一群。 之前十四年真係太poorly funded搞到NHS排隊越來越長,保守黨傳統賣點(例如低稅 小政府 控制移民和罪案)又achieve唔到,票係向多面流失
@MrLaitungkinfung4 ай бұрын
@saulinlaw89894 ай бұрын
We should not limit our search for our roots to our ethnic origins, but rather extend it to the origins of our shared humanity, our common "home." There we will discover our perfect harmony and beauty of life.
2/ We are strengently asked to do something we are discouraged to suceed doing. To do it or to not do it is a straight win for the set up. People are either punished for under-performance or humuliated by performing or to the extreme on every day routines, collecting message kicking bucket for showing potential or accomplishment. They might be the formerest getting the 6-digits. Of course I would have been the same, exodus least possible harm on an easy mentality curiously only unfound. We know the reward system of Hong Kong from inside out. Keep whining keep getting. Keep doing keep losing.