Script: 1. My name is Laura, and I’m a stay-at-home mom of two kids. 我叫劳拉,是两个孩子的全职妈妈。 2. Managing our family budget is one of my top priorities. 管理家庭预算是我最重要的任务之一。 3. I’ve learned many tricks over the years to save money. 这些年来,我学到了很多省钱的小窍门。 4. The first thing I do is make a weekly meal plan. 我首先会制定每周的用餐计划。 5. “If you plan meals, you can avoid buying unnecessary items,” I always say. “如果提前计划用餐,就可以避免购买不必要的东西,”我常说。 6. Every Sunday, I sit down and write a grocery list. 每个星期天,我都会坐下来写购物清单。 7. I only buy what’s on the list-no impulse purchases. 我只买清单上的东西--绝不冲动消费。 8. “Sticking to the list saves money and reduces waste,” I remind myself. “坚持清单可以省钱并减少浪费,”我提醒自己。 9. Another trick is to shop with coupons whenever possible. 另一个窍门是尽可能使用优惠券购物。 10. I check online for discounts before heading to the store. 去商店之前,我会在线查找折扣信息。 11. “Coupons can save a lot over time,” I’ve learned. “优惠券长期来看可以省很多钱,”我发现。 12. I also buy in bulk when items are on sale, especially non-perishables. 当物品打折时,我还会大量购买,特别是非易腐物品。 13. For example, I stock up on rice, pasta, and cleaning supplies. 比如,我会囤积大米、意大利面和清洁用品。 14. “Buying in bulk reduces cost per item,” I explain to my friends. “批量购买可以降低单件成本,”我向朋友们解释。 15. To cut down on electricity bills, I always turn off lights we don’t need. 为了减少电费,我总是关掉不需要的灯。 16. I also use energy-efficient bulbs and unplug appliances. 我还使用节能灯泡,并拔掉电器插头。 17. “Every small step helps reduce our monthly expenses,” I believe. “每一个小举动都有助于减少我们的月开支,”我相信。 18. For clothes, I love thrift shops and sales. 购买衣服时,我喜欢去二手店或购买打折商品。 19. My kids grow fast, so I buy gently used clothes for them. 我的孩子长得快,所以我会给他们买成色新的二手衣服。 20. “Why pay full price when you can get quality second-hand items?” I say. “既然可以买到优质的二手物品,为什么要付全价呢?”我说。 21. At home, I repurpose old items instead of throwing them away. 在家里,我会重新利用旧物,而不是扔掉它们。 22. For example, I use old jars to store spices and grains. 比如,我用旧罐子来存放香料和谷物。 23. I also make my own cleaning products using vinegar and baking soda. 我还用醋和小苏打自制清洁产品。 24. “It’s cheaper and healthier for the environment,” I tell my neighbors. “这更便宜,也更环保,”我告诉邻居们。 25. Another way to save is by preparing homemade snacks for my kids. 另一个省钱的方法是为孩子准备自制小吃。 26. Instead of buying chips, I make popcorn or bake cookies. 我不会买薯片,而是做爆米花或烤饼干。 27. “Cooking at home is not only cheaper but also healthier,” I explain. “在家做饭不仅便宜,而且更健康,”我解释道。 28. I review our budget every month to see where we can cut costs. 我每月都会检查预算,看看哪里可以节省开支。 29. This way, I can set aside some money for family vacations or emergencies. 这样,我就可以为家庭度假或紧急情况存一些钱。 30. Saving money takes effort, but it’s worth it for our family’s future. 省钱需要努力,但为了家庭的未来是值得的。