Script: My name is Jack, and I am a farmer. 我叫杰克,我是一名农民。 My day starts early, at the crack of dawn. 我的一天很早开始,天刚破晓。 First, I check the weather to plan my tasks. 首先,我查看天气以安排我的工作。 I head out to feed the chickens and cows. 我出去喂鸡和牛。 The animals greet me with familiar sounds. 动物们用熟悉的声音迎接我。 After feeding, I collect eggs from the henhouse. 喂完后,我从鸡舍里捡鸡蛋。 I make sure the chickens have enough water. 我确保鸡有足够的水。 Next, I move on to the fields. 接下来,我前往田地。 I inspect the crops for any signs of pests. 我检查庄稼是否有害虫的迹象。 Today, I need to harvest the ripe tomatoes. 今天,我需要收获成熟的西红柿。 I pick them carefully, filling several baskets. 我小心地摘下它们,装满了几个篮子。 The sun gets hotter as the morning goes on. 随着上午的推移,太阳变得越来越热。 I take a short break to drink some water. 我稍作休息,喝点水。 It’s then time to check on the irrigation system. 然后,我去检查灌溉系统。 I adjust the sprinklers to ensure proper coverage. 我调整洒水器,确保覆盖范围合适。 By noon, I’m back at the farmhouse for lunch. 到中午,我回到农舍吃午饭。 I enjoy a sandwich and some fresh lemonade. 我享用一个三明治和一些新鲜的柠檬水。 After lunch, I repair a fence in the pasture. 午饭后,我修理牧场的围栏。 It's important to keep the livestock safe. 确保牲畜的安全很重要。 Mid-afternoon, I visit the apple orchard. 下午,我去苹果园。 I prune the trees, helping them grow healthy. 我修剪树木,帮助它们健康生长。 I also plan for the upcoming planting season. 我还为即将到来的播种季节做计划。 I make notes on what crops to rotate. 我记录需要轮作的作物。 Late in the afternoon, I start preparing the produce for market. 下午晚些时候,我开始为市场准备农产品。 I wash and pack the vegetables in crates. 我清洗并将蔬菜装入箱子。 I load the crates onto my old truck. 我把箱子装上我的旧卡车。 Tomorrow, I’ll drive them to the local market. 明天,我会把它们运到当地的市场。 As the day ends, I watch the sunset over my fields. 一天结束时,我看着田野上的日落。 I feel tired but satisfied with a day’s hard work. 我感到疲惫,但对一天的辛勤劳动感到满足。 It’s time to head inside and rest up for tomorrow. 是时候回屋休息,准备迎接明天了。
The series of the programs are very helpful in hearing, speaking , reading and writing. But it's a pity that the articals haven't any titles in english, maybe the programs makers forgot.