Oh my goodness, I thought it is a real gigantic sized potato, at the center of a fence, in a farm/desert, but it's actually an Airbnb. The inside looks large and cozy, too. 🥔 Not only the food are delicate, but also the cow is friendly, that it allows you and Mr Adam to pat and feed it. 🐄
Wow, the interior brings such a cozy vibe. Even the bathroom looks great!✨ Dolly 也真的很像一隻狗 好可愛哦~🥰
@sh72923 жыл бұрын
幾年前去美國東西岸自駕遊時也住過很多很特別的Airbnb 有農場裡的篷車,穀倉,飛車黨家裡的露營車(還參觀他的末日軍火庫 Doomsday Bunker) Santa Fe 富人區的超豪華億元別墅,印第安人的棚屋(晚上會聽到狼嚎,主人還派了兩隻超級大狗幫我們守門) 百年歷史的金礦小鎮古宅,很像七個小矮人家的閣樓
挖...超特別的....I remembered the cow Dolly so cute!!!雖然之前有看過一個美國YTuber有住過和介紹過...但還是最喜歡你們的介紹和分享... biggest fan from Taiwan love you guys 😶❤️😄by the way the phone cases are so cute love Adam's 沙發馬鈴薯..and congratulations 🎉 to have your first house