Thank you for watching, commenting and being here ☺
@mikeduplessis80692 сағат бұрын
IU was just (a couple days ago) named Korea's #1 artist by Billboard magazine. That's quite an accomplishment for a country full to overflowing with great artists.
@mkoose2 күн бұрын
Hi Ginger T, thanks for moore IU here !! A lot of the songs from the killing voice have mvs so you can pick the ones you are most interested first ;-)
I always see you commenting on IU and Band Maid's videos and I've seen you on my channel, thanks for always supporting IU. By the way, I also really like Band Maid.
@mkoose2 күн бұрын
@@MVDRAMABLACKWITTE Best solo artist and best band imho
@@mkoose yes..😍
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
Thank you for being here, I appreciate you watching my IU reactions. There were quite a few I didn't have on my list so it was nice to get a little sneak peak
@mkoose2 күн бұрын
@@MVDRAMABLACKWITTE I have not seen Band-Maid live yet. I hope they come to Europe next year. IU in Berlin was out of this world. A life changing experience !
@michaelmayo2 күн бұрын
Our Queen ❤❤❤ If you do live performances, you must do "Eight" from her legendary sold-out-in-minutes "The Golden Hour" concerts. (just fyi, Businesswoman IU was also watching out for her fans and her team employed a sophisticated algorhythm against ticket buyers and anyone who was trying to buy blocks of tickets for scalping was instantly identified and their accounts banned. Nobody, if they're smart, ever fucks with IU. She has the best lawyers in the business, and they're always happy to go after anyone trying to hurt IU or her fans. Also Everyone, and we're talking tens of thousands, also got a free seat cushion courtesy of IU.) A couple of further IU recs. You should really do a seperate series where you watch "Hotel Del Luna" where she's a 1400-year-old woman cursed to run a "Halfway Hotel" for spirits to take care of unfinished business before they move onto their next lives. IU switches effortless from being a hilariously greedy bitch to a woman who's given up hope she'll ever be free; then go to "My Mister," where she's absolutely heartbreaking as a cynical, abused street rat that gets caught in a scheme to sexual blackmail her office boss. The woman can tear your heart out... (One more note on HDL. They did a bts video on the making where they were doing a nearly all-night shoot, and when she needed to rest or nap between takes, she crashed out on a matress in the corner of the studio so they could get her quickly when they needed her. Does this sound like a woman worth $50 million dollars?) Another great IU watch is her hour-long interview/music show, "Palette." All of her guests are usually in awe of meeting her but she's so good at putting people at ease and getting them to talk about their lives and work. They also do a segment where they trade songs - IU does one of her guests' songs and they do one of hers in their own style, usually showing her giggling with delight. She likes to mix up the guests with a combination of senior heroes like G.O.D. and Kara, along with newer groups like Twice and New Jeans, who she's kind of taken under her wing and had them open for her at local concerts. You just can't love IU enough...
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
I love the passion that you have for IU. I will definitely make some time to have a look at the recommendations above. I really love this lady with her pure heart, beautiful soul and angelic voice
@michaelmayo2 күн бұрын
Most western artists you have to apologize for. They're great actors or singers, but they're horrible human beings. I'm proud to be a Uaena, Blink, Army, Neverland, and even a Bunny. (That usually gets some looks when I say it). You never have to apologize that you stan them, and you know their fans are likely to be good people too. That's one of the reasons we're all so passionate about our groups - we believe in them as human beings trying to do their best, as well as artists.
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
@@michaelmayo Who does Neverland and Bunny belong to? Never heard of it. 🤔
@michaelmayo2 күн бұрын
@@GingerT4U2 "Neverlands" are (G)I-dle's fandom. "Bunnies" are New Jeans fans. If you poke around the net long enough, you'll find out New Jeans is embroiled in a bitter fight with Hybe, their parent agency. It's a very complicated situation but the girls are attempting to get free of Hybe, claiming Mismanagement, and Hybe is throwing everything at the girls, including the professional assocs threatening to blacklist them from Korean music charts and shows. These are just kids (although very talented kids) who had the courage to fight back against their (corrupt) agency, so Bunnies are being torn as well between those that think the girls should suck it up and be miserable for five years (the length left on their contracts) otherwise their careers will be destroyed; and people (like me) urging the girls to stay strong and stick it out through the lawsuits, which we believe will show Hybe has been lying through their teeth about their plans for New Jeans and get them free without paying a penalty for early departure.
@mamas06girlКүн бұрын
Queen IU ❤❤❤
@GingerT4U2Күн бұрын
@@mamas06girl indeed she is
@michaelmayo17 сағат бұрын
A quick add. This is a 2.30 minute interview with IU about being a solo artist. It's a good snapshot of her in thoughtful mode and one of the rare videos of her when she's not singing or interviewing someone. Thought you might enjoy it.
@GingerT4U217 сағат бұрын
Awesome thank you - I'll watch it in my private time
@michaelmayo17 сағат бұрын
Cool. If you would, I'd like to hear what you think of it when you do listen to it.
I'm commenting again the same thing as in the previous IU reaction video, I'm deleting it from KZbin IU is an incredible artist and actress and each of her songs always manages to move me, I recommend you. Love Wins All Live Clip: Shh Live MV: Shh Live Clip: Bye Summer Live Clip: I Stan U Live Clip: IU -Through the Night + Dear Name @ MMA 2017 [LIVE]: I assure you that you will love it and it will move you YO&I: And the continuation of it that was 11 years later Above the time: I love this sequel and the song is incredible Above the time Live Clip: this live clip you will fall more in love with her and finally Killing Voice UI: There are many more, but for now I recommend this, I hope you can see my comment and that you like it. I look forward to IU's next reaction. I'm sorry for my English as it's not very good.
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
Your english is perfect. There were only 1 or 2 I didn't have under my Live section in my file for IU. My plan was to react to her live performances next, but a lot of people recommended the Killing Voice and I was so curious, so I thought I'd do it first so that I could see what everyone was talking about cause I have never heard of Killing Voice. The next IU reaction will definitely be on her live performances. Thank you so much for this list
@@GingerT4U2 Thanks for answering, there are many more from her, but I'll leave you with this list and I'm sure you'll be recommended many more. Keep in mind that she debuted at 16, so she has a lot of songs to react to. Besides, she's a great actress, I've seen all her kdramas and she's incredible.
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
@@MVDRAMABLACKWITTE my pleasure and I always answer ☺
@@GingerT4U2 🥰🥰🥰🥰
@AudreySoulages2 күн бұрын
🇨🇵 Très belle voix 😊
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
She is an absolute angel, a pure heart of gold
@minhviduong55782 күн бұрын
Tu m'étonnes. Probablement la plus belle voix de la kpop solo
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
@@minhviduong5578 She is amazing
@ClubmanJCWКүн бұрын
@GingerT4U2Күн бұрын
@@ClubmanJCW 🤣🤣
@thoru4367Күн бұрын
Wait for your reaction to GFRIEND - KILLING VOICE
@GingerT4U2Күн бұрын
I will keep this on my list. I didn't even have GFRIEND in my file so thank you for this
@thoru4367Күн бұрын
@GingerT4U2 i really want to see your reaction
@GingerT4U2Күн бұрын
@@thoru4367 Ok i will diarize to record soon
@adkf60992 күн бұрын
Taeyeon killing voice please ❤
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
Is this a soloist or someone that's in a group?
@adkf60992 күн бұрын
@@GingerT4U2 She is a Legend soloist. She is the Leader/Main vocalist of Nation’s girl group ‘Girls generation’. she has a killing voice too 😍
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
@@adkf6099 I added this to my file for going forward
@2-st1mj2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the IU reaction. Can I request Dreamcatcher's reaction here?
@GingerT4U2Күн бұрын
@2-st1mj it's coming today same time slot 🤪🤣
@iufung15 сағат бұрын
@GingerT4U29 сағат бұрын
A journey normally leads to treasure like a treasure chest map XD Thank you for being here, I appreciate it
@rosalenkim7093Күн бұрын
Sunoo cover is out can you react to it
@GingerT4U2Күн бұрын
I have to record a reaction on Enhypen either tomorrow or the next day. I will include this song to those I wanted to look at...I promise
@rosalenkim7093Күн бұрын
@GingerT4U2 ya please
@Diorg1rlll2 күн бұрын
Idk if you did a reaction to this but: can you do a reaction to XO by enhypen?
@GingerT4U22 күн бұрын
I haven't done a reaction to this specific song but I do have it on my list. There's quite a few of their songs that I have marked that I want to look at next. Hopefully tomorrow or day after I will record a reaction and it will be out soon.