Gotta love how everyone is singing to their hearts content and having fun together, but as soon as the music stops they go back to keeping to themselves :D
This is a very underrated anime. It has a pretty simple layout of the plot but it grows to be more interesting. And the execution is just chef's kiss and this anime also has good osts. I can't believe I just discovered this.
I happened to stumble across this looking new stuff to watch and instantly fell in love with it. Especially with the ending. This a must watch if you haven’t seen it yet.
@しーな颯人 Жыл бұрын
@kana_nozemey Жыл бұрын
@doge1709 Жыл бұрын
Sleeper hit of the season for me personally. Everything about this whole anime has just been awesome and am keeping up with it weekly 🔥
今日家帰ってから速攻見たんですけど、エンディングが推しってことだけでも神だったのに、車のモニター?にアイコンとスクワッド!の概要映った瞬間親の前で発狂しましたwww キャラクターのみんなが楽しくわちゃわちゃ歌ってくれてるのも最高すぎてビックリした!! HIGH CARDも1話から見させてもらってるんですけど面白くて最高です👍💕