『Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活』#50 アフレコアフタートーク

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@KADOKAWAanime 3 жыл бұрын
毎週お付き合いいただき、ありがとうとざいました。アフタートークも最終話です。 最終話収録直後、小林裕介さん、高橋李依さん、子安武人さんの素敵なトーク、何度も聴いてください! そして、いまだからこそ、過去のアフタートークをイッキ見してみてくださいね。 kzbin.info/www/bejne/op28nIJqqpafj7M
@magemomonja 3 жыл бұрын
@RounakMzziiYT 3 жыл бұрын
We want season 3 or it will violate our rights!
@ryooo-q1w 3 жыл бұрын
@坂本龍馬-j7h 3 жыл бұрын
Re:ゼロ2ndseasonありがとーございましたー!3rdseasonも期待しています! アニメを作ってくださったスタッフの方々、いろんなキャラに息を吹き込んでくださったキャストの皆様、 そして何よりRe:ゼロの原作を作ってくださった長月達平さん、その他のRe:ゼロの制作に関わってくださった方々本当にありがとうございました!
@潮音-x9n 3 жыл бұрын
セカンドシーズンもすごく面白く、毎週が楽しみだったなー。何を楽しみに生きていけば… 3期もやってほしいなー。
@コバユッタ-f1m 3 жыл бұрын
10:38 ここから1期の1話まで巻き戻るのマジすこ
@kaito_1001 3 жыл бұрын
@とおるんるん 3 жыл бұрын
@Doctor8212 Жыл бұрын
@rokicosmos1743 3 жыл бұрын
子安さんがまた来てくれるなんて 嬉しい
@キリンくん-k2k 3 жыл бұрын
10歳ワシ『子安さんかっけぇ』 20歳ワシ『子安さんかっけぇ』 30歳ワシ『子安さんかっけぇ』 何これ!????
@SSK-ky5qh 3 жыл бұрын
リゼロセカンドシーズン最高でした。 リゼロセカンドシーズンが今回のアフタートークで完全に終わってしまうのは残念ですが、それを上回る程の満足感を得られました。 アニメに関わってくださった全ての方に感謝しています。 願わくば最後までアニメ化してほしいですが、まずはアニメ3期の発表があることを期待しています。
@kenichit7701 3 жыл бұрын
また子安さん来てくれた~ 最終回本当に良かったから3人の話も楽しみすぎる! とりあえず3期熱望!
@とりあえずおこして 3 жыл бұрын
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@Kgar1h96 3 жыл бұрын
@雑賀寛吉 3 жыл бұрын
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
​@@雑賀寛吉 確かに配信収入が上がって、赤字回収できるようになっても、続編の話が出るのはごく一部の作品のみ。
@nira-iLiFE_ririosi 3 жыл бұрын
@oooass1173 3 жыл бұрын
@名無し-t6b-m3k 3 жыл бұрын
@kfc3940 3 жыл бұрын
@氷結-c1o 3 жыл бұрын
@くるみ-q7x 3 жыл бұрын
@かきのたね 3 жыл бұрын
@staryellow1227 3 жыл бұрын
一年も…! それにゆっけ氏、原作を読まないで役を演じるあたり、((読むのがそうじゃないと言いたいわけではないけど))スバルのこと本当に大事にしているんだなって思いました、。。 3期、期待……、
@神の棒読み姉貴 3 жыл бұрын
@SSK-ky5qh 3 жыл бұрын
小説の心理描写めちゃくちゃ細かいから素人目には読んだらプラスになる部分も多そうだと思うけどね。 そこはゆっけ氏のこだわりなんだろうな。
@オトブロノコノコ 3 жыл бұрын
ああ、なんて幸せそうな2人… この笑顔、守られていて欲しい…
@unaruto4805 3 жыл бұрын
ありがとうございましたーーー! Re:ゼロ作ってくれた皆さま本当にありがとうございます! Re:ゼロは本当に信じられないぐらい、愛で作った神作品です! 感謝しかねぇ!本当にありがとうございます! Re:ゼロ本当に愛してます!
@改心のネコ 3 жыл бұрын
@raitulislamrafi5818 3 жыл бұрын
*Subaru as a Knight in season 3. This is gonna be epic and you know that.*
@AnimeFan-vo1hc 3 жыл бұрын
As a Re zero fan, I hate to admit it, he would still be seen in his lame-ass tracksuit 😂😂. He got better clothing in arc 6, which is future season 4, only if it releases. Season 3 would be a feast for shonen fans.
@CC-mf9le 3 жыл бұрын
@@AnimeFan-vo1hc hmmmm i dunno i already got attached to his track suit tho and it's his signature look. Got nervous and thought that at the s2 finale is thats gonna be his permanent look XD
@AnimeFan-vo1hc 3 жыл бұрын
@@CC-mf9le Nope, not permanent as you say. In case season 3 is released, Subaru would be trained as a knight. He would get to learn a little parkour and his knightly dress is not suitable for such movements. So his tracksuit would be better for the parkour he does in arc 5.
@olivrrrr 3 жыл бұрын
Expect more suffering!
@meiliholic1497 3 жыл бұрын
Actually I think season 3 would be made of both arc 5 and 6 since they aren't as long as arc 4 on the novels
@ぐらんと-y9n 3 жыл бұрын
@holo-eto5612 3 жыл бұрын
@木村絆理-f6m 3 жыл бұрын
@miaka_572 3 жыл бұрын
@負犬惜志夢 3 жыл бұрын
いやGoogleとかスバル開くと必ず検索欄にウザいとか嫌いとか出てきてそれが本当に好きなキャラとしていやで、そしてそんな中ユッケ氏がその賞を受賞したことを知って自分が何かをしたわけではないのに救われた気がしました 最終回おめでとうございます。リゼロを愛してくれる方々に改めて精霊の祝福がありますように
@mugendai0321 3 жыл бұрын
助演男優賞53歳、さすが、良い声。 そんでみんなみんな、ありがとう。
@berarisu 3 жыл бұрын
これが毎週配信されていたリゼロコンテンツ最後の動画か… 3期頼むぞマジで…!
@ジブンヲウールゴウン 3 жыл бұрын
5章はもう……ね 1クール分の短さに怒涛の展開が詰まってるから楽しみではある
@ともひー-p5i 3 жыл бұрын
@@ジブンヲウールゴウン むしろ3期と4期を5章と6章でそれぞれ2クール使ってくれてもいい
@トマ-f1h 3 жыл бұрын
@ともひー-p5i 3 жыл бұрын
@@トマ-f1h あと4章と5章の幕間もできればやって欲しいね
@kgcotton326 3 жыл бұрын
@Bluesky__Ao 3 жыл бұрын
ゆっけしの最後の挨拶の時 どんどんフラッシュバックしていくの泣いちゃうわ。。 キャストの皆さん、制作の皆さん 本当に2期までお疲れ様でした。 またこれから先が続いていくことを願って応援していきます!!
@maddylee134 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you to all of the staff members, directors and cast members who worked so hard during COVID-19 just to make Re:ZERO season 2 for us
@ArdePier 3 жыл бұрын
@paulogonzales5514 3 жыл бұрын
season 1 ends season 2 too season 3 we're waiting for "YOU"
@nacnac1421 3 жыл бұрын
エミリアが本当に素敵なキャラになった。 高橋さんありがとう。
@2h5_9 3 жыл бұрын
CM挟まなくても放送できるアニメは 応援してるファンの数が多いって事だね。 円盤もちろん買います。3期も待ってます!
@sana-lu7kr 3 жыл бұрын
このアフタートークを聴いて2期が終わってしまったことを実感しました。涙が止まらない… リゼロに関わった全ての方、本当に素晴らしい作品をありがとうございました! そしてお疲れ様です‼︎
@Kgar1h96 3 жыл бұрын
@みょるふーるさん 3 жыл бұрын
ゆっけ氏の最後の言葉 スバルの気持ちを代弁してるよね笑
@KoyaP_dane 3 жыл бұрын
初登場で終わるかと思っていたがなんと二回目の登場! 子安武人さん好きだから嬉しい…… 原作最新話まで読んでいるけども第5章は第4章よりもさらに濃い内容でバトルのシーンも多めだから見応えあるし是非アニメ化して欲しい。 OVAでも劇場版でも何が来ても嬉しい。 『ナツキ・レム』チラ見せしてたしあると思うんだけどなぁ 子安武人さんの「ごめんなさい」本当に良かった。 アニメでも泣いてしまったな。 どんな話が聞けるか楽しみだ
@oniontoo 3 жыл бұрын
皆の活躍を早く見たい……! 3期のために円盤は絶対買います
@レノジョン-q4k 3 жыл бұрын
@soccer2_anime 3 жыл бұрын
リゼロはマジで神作! opもedも削るほど本編を放送してくれるなんて太っ腹! 削った分本編を制作しなければならないのでさらに大変だったと思います! 制作会社の皆様、そしてこの作品に携わった皆様。本当にありがとうございました! (出来れば3期来て欲しいです!)
@ganban_256 3 жыл бұрын
日本人だけでなく外国人の方のコメントも数多く見受けられるところからも、日本人声優賞やファンタジー作品賞などの賞が貰えてるのが納得だね 小林さん、高橋さん、子安さんをはじめリゼロ関係者の皆様、本当にお疲れ様でした!
@餅柏-s5t 3 жыл бұрын
@rougershappy7613 3 жыл бұрын
最後の締めの言葉がEDだったのに、スバル(小林さん)の時になってあのかっこいいOPが流れるのすごくよかったです。 エミリアとロズワールは完全に信頼できる仲間って感じだけど、スバルだけはどこか禍々しいというか、優しくて頼れる主人公なんだけどどこか悪役とかラスボスみたいな雰囲気があるので、OPの音楽がすごくあってました
@メロンマスク-o4z 3 жыл бұрын
@toramaru543 3 жыл бұрын
@ssssgusa 3 жыл бұрын
@kubochi_06 3 жыл бұрын
続編くる条件は達しまくってるんで来るだろうけどその発表があるまでほんとにリゼロロスになってるo( ›_‹ )o
@神のまにまに-w8e 3 жыл бұрын
@@toramaru543 ifロズワールどうやって勝つの?
@toramaru543 3 жыл бұрын
@@神のまにまに-w8e キャラクターのレベルとスキルレベル上げれば普通に勝てます
@ライム-h9c 3 жыл бұрын
@カブト虫カブト虫 3 жыл бұрын
今ままでこの「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活」という神アニメをありがとうございます! これからもリゼロをずっとずっと愛していきます😁 原作を読んで3期を待っています! またイベントで会いましょう!
@レモネード-l4x 3 жыл бұрын
2期はガチで良かった,エミリアの成長も凄かったし エミリア推しとしては嬉しい限り
@motoshinji0519 3 жыл бұрын
@AlbadrLutanNasution 3 жыл бұрын
Re zero after talk #50 Translation 1 of 2 0:00 Subaru: Re:zero kara hajimeru isekai seikatsu post-recording after talk~ Subaru: I am Natsuki Subaru's VA Kobayashi Yusuke Emilia: And Emilia's VA Takahashi Rie. 0:09 Subaru: And with that concludes our S2 recording!!! Emilia: Thanks for the hard work! Subaru: Thankssss~ Emilia: Yaaaayyyyy... Subaru: Aaaaaa... Emilia: Woaaaa... Roswaal: Otsukare- Emilia+Subaru: Haha... 0:22 Subaru: Do you realize? It seems like we do the recording for full 1 year. Emilia: Wow, I am surprised. Subaru: I mean, did we have 4-cour really? Emilia: Well, bit a bit... Subaru: Bit a bit. Emilia: ... accumulating to 1 year. Subaru: And with other week, haha... 0:38 Emilia: At the beginning, I heard it will be 2-cour. So, for 2-cour anime it would be 2-cour recording so I feel that it would end without we know it. Subaru: It would be fast. Emilia: That's what we thought but because this and that it ends up a 1-year acting. It was a good year. Subaru: Looking back to this past year, anything memorable? 0:59 Emilia: I've truly lived with and as Emilia. I mean in this harsh year of 2020 and 2021, to be together with your character for all year long means that her personality, mind, and thought are deeply absorbed into the real me. Especially in this scenario. I cannot think Emilia as other anymore. She become really important part to me. 1:27 Subaru: He~ With all that said though, we just get to the start line right? Emilia: Yes, the royal selection! Subaru: That's right. Emilia: It was all preparation for it. We don't really know that we will do the selection though! Subaru: Hahaha... Even at this stage? Emilia: Yukeshi too right, on the event- no, on interviews they said that "don't forget that you for the royal selection", right? Subaru: Yup, "I want to make Emilia the king", that's what I said. Emilia: But you forget right? Subaru: Honestly yes. Emilia: Haha... Subaru: That's why we have to make effort to not forget!! Emilia: Right-right, we should! This is our start! 1:56 Emilia: How about you, Yukeshi? Subaru: Me? Similar to you, because the interaction time is so long and I've to think about Subaru always, my mind are getting sicker. Emilia: That's as expected right... Subaru: Especially after the first cour, there is this time gap until the next recording right? Emilia: Yes-yes. Subaru: It left me in the state of bewildered for a quite a while. Emilia: From the Otto's punch? Subaru: Right! Emilia: Hehe... Subaru: I was thinking maybe if I read the LN it will get easier. Emilia: Ah, looking the story ahead. Subaru: But I've made my policy, so I endure it. Emilia: Until the very end? Subaru: Yup. In the #49 and #50 it finally be released! Emilia: Whoaa~ The feeling of rising up? Subaru: Yes. It is an inexpressible feeling. Emilia: Otsukare-sama desu. 2:40 Emilia: Then, within this final after-talk we cannot finish without this person! HE is here! Subaru: Excuse me?! Emilia: I heard he wanted to talk to Yukeshi! Let's summon him! 2:55 Emilia: SUMMON! Roswaal: Hello, I am inexpressible. Emilia+Subaru: ... Roswaal: This is Roswaal's VA Koyasu Takehito. Emilia: Yoroshiku ONEGAISHIMASU! Subaru: Yooo! Roswaal!!!!! Emilia: Yayy! Roswaal: What is this, I am scared... Subaru: What are you saying, this is nothing. Roswaal: Please don't bully me. Subaru: Wha- You talked with me normally outside though. Emilia: That's true! Roswaal: Haha... 3:12 Subaru: Really once again. Thanks for the good work on the second season. Roswaal: Thanks. For you too. It's been very hard role for us but we've finally reach the end now. Subaru: Yeah it was real- Roswaal: It was really good. I've got the chance to hear amazing acting. Subaru: No-no... Roswaal: It's been so much fun. Subaru: Really? Happy to hear that. Roswaal: Yeah well, it was amaazing... Subaru: Haha... On screen: E? E?? 3:33 Emilia: Are you okay? Is that a grudge? Right? Right? Speaking without saying anything specific. Roswaal: No-no-no. Definitely not that. Subaru: In retrospective, ever since from S2 starting episode #26, I've been arguing with Roswaal forever. Roswaal: Right, that's true. Yeah. Emilia: Hmm... Subaru: And the peak is the Season finale. Even though we've become ally now, the rivalry-relation is still the same. Roswaal: Yes. 3:57 Subaru: And in #45, Roswaal and Subaru declares war to each other. With Roswaal saying "Human is weak!" and me "I won't lose"! The recording of that episode, we take it at the same time but we have different booth. Roswaal: Yes. Subaru: If we were at the same booth, I'll definitely fall on my butt. His acting is too powerful, I was almost wetting myself. Emilia: Haha... Roswaal: No, that's exaggeration. Subaru: Really, that's true. 4:24 Roswaal: Yeah, for me. it was the scene that I pour all of me. Exposing all of Roswaal from within. No more secret. It was that kind of scene right? Subaru: Yes. Roswaal: And the feeling is clashing hard with Subaru. Emilia: Yes. Subaru: Yes. Roswaal: This scene, we watched it on-air over there right? Subaru: Right. Roswaal: When I watched it on-air. Wow... That's very good scene. All of it including the performances. It was very captivating. That's make me think. Whoa, we are awesome! Subaru: Haha.. Emilia: Wohooo~ Subaru: I think I am also feeling proud watching that. 4:59 Emilia: I see, you must felt "We did it!!" Roswaal: No, no... It's not like that but it just because of the combination of the animation, music, performance, and everything else piling up into one product. It becomes an amazing scene. I'm moved by it. Emilia: That's totally amazing. 5:16 Subaru: Also in this S2, everyone is growing. There is Emilia, Ram and Roswaal. That's the concept here right. Roswaal: Right! Subaru: What do you think? After overcoming this S2, any comment about Roswaal specifically? Roswaal: Yeah, um... I feel naked. Subaru+Emilia: Ah! Roswaal: Various histories and schemes mixed into one person, Roswaal. That kind of things. We've still don't know some of his goals and the details but I feel like I have no more secret to Subaru. I am naked in front of him. Emilia: Well, there is magic engraved into you. Right? Roswaal: Right, there's also that. 6:00 Roswaal: For me. My self. I feel so refreshed. The actual Roswaal probably feels a tad different though. Emilia: Ah! Roswaal: Maybe he truly do not want to be like that. Right? Just maybe. Subaru: Maybe right? Emilia: Hehe.. Roswaal: But that's my feeling. 6:10 Subaru: With this 3 person and everyone, we finally have the team to face the royal selection. Roswaal: Yeah, I think this is a quite strong team. Subaru: That's probably true. Emilia: Yes, everyone is tying together into one line. Roswaal: Yeah, like holding hands together at the side of the throne room. That's very beautiful. Subaru: Yes. 6:30 Subaru: A bit off topic though, it seems like re:zero received many awards. Roswaal: Hoa~ right... Emilia: Yes! We have to talk about that! 6:41 Emilia: First of all, Yukeshi the leading actor receives the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2021, Best VA Performance (JP)! Congrats! Roswaal: Whoa- amazing! Subaru: Thanks so much! Emilia: Wow! Roswaal: Best Performance- Japanese?! Emilia: The best for Japanese Actor. Subaru: That's a very long name. Roswaal: That's very big!!! On screen: Very big Roswaal: VERY BIG! On screen: VEEERRRY BIIGGG Roswaal: Amazing. 6:59 Subaru: For people abroad, even they do not understand the language and only read the subtitle. To be able to convey the feeling to them. That's very encouraging to me. Roswaal: Well, the feeling is the same across language. The emotion for each scene. I think it reaches them. Subaru: That's a relief. Thank you very much. Emilia: Congratulation! Roswaal: *applause* [Continue to other comment, as youtube limit comment length]
@dimensionalblade2778 3 жыл бұрын
Good Luck bro and thanks a lot.
@RizalBoon 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Appreciated the effort made
@anordinaryhuman_ 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you one of the Heroes,see you next time!
@AnimeFan-vo1hc 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you translator kun.
@seannsd9208 3 жыл бұрын
See you again next year Mr Translator Maybe
@東郷あつし 3 жыл бұрын
リゼロという素敵な作品に出逢えた事、私の誇りです🧡🖤 キャストの皆様、制作スタッフの皆様、キャラに命を吹き込んで素敵なものに仕上げて下さりありがとうございました!!!
@逃げないメタルスライム 3 жыл бұрын
ユッケ氏のプロ魂が凄い。 こんな素晴らしい演技をありがとう!
@みむな 3 жыл бұрын
@ANIMEGAME124 3 жыл бұрын
R M A! R:リゼロ M:マジで A:熱いぜ!
@岡田大先生 3 жыл бұрын
@soutamame6400 3 жыл бұрын
@寺田下心-h5z 3 жыл бұрын
それな!! 俺に生きる理由をください!!!
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@ピーナッツ-i5l 3 жыл бұрын
@@寺田下心-h5z マジでそれ
@芋洗いぐま 3 жыл бұрын
残念 尺的にレグルス戦まで中途半端になるから出来ないのです(笑)
@rokicosmos1743 3 жыл бұрын
リゼロ 5章は戦闘シーンが大半を占めてるから アニメになるのが本当に楽しみだ 子安さん助演男優賞おめでとうございます ラジオにも来て欲しいなw
@銀魂好きサン 3 жыл бұрын
@Rararararararararara 3 жыл бұрын
@XY-pz1kb 3 жыл бұрын
@kennaru4429 3 жыл бұрын
@かすん-x8b 3 жыл бұрын
キャストと制作陣の皆さんの本気がここまで伝わる作品は、他にない気がします。 本当にお疲れ様でした! 三期、いつまでも待ってます😊
@palomamery9829 3 жыл бұрын
今回新井里美さんにも来て語って欲しかった/// ついに出たベア子のツンデレについて!!
@masa-12mj94y7 3 жыл бұрын
3期も楽しみに待ってます♡ 子安さんやっぱり素敵な声だなぁ!
@meow-ul3gm 3 жыл бұрын
2期も最高で一番好きなアニメになりました。1クール目は見ていて自分も病んでしまうほど演技に圧倒されました笑 3期待ってます!!あと見逃した回もあるのでミニアニメの再放送やってくれたらなぁ…😭 本当にお疲れ様でした!!
@user-yf1ye5je7t 3 жыл бұрын
@Sucala_tube 3 жыл бұрын
ゆっけ氏、こやっさん、受賞おめでとうございます!! 2期も最高でした! 絶対3期もあると期待してます!
@FB_regulsh_oshi_0120 3 жыл бұрын
@ぷりんぷりん-d2o 3 жыл бұрын
演者の方、制作の方、本当にお疲れ様でした! とても楽しませていただきました 半年以上見てたから、喪失感すごい😭
@crokoroko3454 3 жыл бұрын
長く、かつ重要なシーンが多い4章を予想を遥かに超えるクオリティで制作して頂いてありがとうございました。 各キャラの名シーンは一枚絵として、また原作では表現されていなかったロズワール邸でのドア全開放の描写など、ゾクリとするシーンや映像作品ならではの表現に毎週唸らされていました。 1年間と言う深夜アニメでは長い間、リゼロという作品を追いかけ続ける事ができて、本当に幸せでした。 スタッフ並びに関係者の皆様も、世界が大変窮屈な情勢にはなっていますが、お身体をご自愛頂き、より一層心揺り動かされる作品をまた見られる日が来る事を願って、日々過ごして行きたいと思いました。 3期待ってます笑
@パン祭り-n3r 3 жыл бұрын
リゼロに出会えてよかった 原作者様、アニメ製作者の方々、声優陣、その他関係者の方々、本当にお疲れ様でした、そしてありがとうございました。 3期、楽しみにしています!!!
@蒸気でホットアイマスク-i5y 3 жыл бұрын
アニメ本編 ブレイクタイム アフタートーク と、1週間に3度も楽しめる素晴らしい作品でした 毎週楽しみにしていたので終わってしまったのが残念ですが、3期に期待しております
@あるぴゅあ 3 жыл бұрын
最後はやっぱりこの2人だね 本当にお疲れ様でした
@そーや-d9s 3 жыл бұрын
スゴすぎる!! なんかアフレコアフタートークでこんな感動したの初めてかも…!
@re84824F 3 жыл бұрын
@24hiro29 3 жыл бұрын
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@aAB-vv4ne 3 жыл бұрын
@今泉耀亮 3 жыл бұрын
@sholl4488 3 жыл бұрын
@ラムネ味-s1n 3 жыл бұрын
原作を読んでいたので展開は知っていましたが、2期(4章)では各人の「成長」を感じることが出来ました スバルは墓所での対話で自分を大切にするようになり、エミリアは自身の過去と向き合い、ガーフィールは過去と折り合いをつけ、ベアトリスは大事な人を見つけ、ラムは自分の気持ちを伝え、ロズワールは人間の強さに触れ、全員が同じ方を向いて歩くようになりましたね 3期ではとうとう魔女教との激突が起こりますが、本当に楽しみにしています!!!
@神の棒読み姉貴 3 жыл бұрын
@unknown-p1c 3 жыл бұрын
いっちばん最後ぉぉぉーー!! Reゼロ、愛してるぜ!って最高かよ
@ようかんかうよ 3 жыл бұрын
ほんとに素晴らしい作品をありがとうございました! 三期も楽しみにしてます!
@まり-p6q 3 жыл бұрын
@かっつん-t9u 3 жыл бұрын
3期楽しみにしてるよ~!😆 子安さんの声良いよね~😄
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@イブキ-f6x 3 жыл бұрын
@@vevbsr2208 色んなコメントにいるやん
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@@イブキ-f6x 発言は無料で、リゼロに利益を与えませんよ。
@バニー-i5w 3 жыл бұрын
@@vevbsr2208 言ってることは間違ってないけど、気持ち悪いです😢
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@@バニー-i5w 間違ってないと思うのならお前のコメントに何の価値もないです。単純に企業は、続編を作るのに十分な利益があるか判断して決めるだけです。
@bobfrancis123 3 жыл бұрын
Huge thank you to the VAs and the Voice Directors! You all breathed such amazing life into your roles! Take a well earned bow as I say “Bravissimo!!! Bravissimo!!!” Takahashi-sama, I loved how you let Emilia mature and yet still maintain a level of endearing, sincere innocence. Kobayashi-san, I loved the gentleness you brought to Subaru this season. S1 was a lot of bluff and bluster, and S2 showed a truly humble and open side to our hero. Koyasu-san. Your portrayal of Roswaal this season was a masterclass of voice acting. It was mesmerizing to watch and hear Ros descend into madness and pull back up from the depths of his despair. Truly amazing work. I could go on and on and on. Re:Zero S2 stands with the greats of serial form storytelling. Regardless of the genre!
@basketball_67 3 жыл бұрын
これはAパートBパートって別れて欲しい そうしたら、新井さんと小林さんのやり取りをもう一度見ることが出来るし 後半パート(Bパート)のスバルが騎士になるシーンを良く知ることが出来るから
@かぎっこ-j1n 3 жыл бұрын
@raitulislamrafi5818 3 жыл бұрын
*So....this really is the end of Re Zero Season 2. Everyone will miss you ❤️.* Let's hope Re Zero Season 3 announcement comes out in this year.
@criminals7000 3 жыл бұрын
Its like impossible :* it takes more then 3 years for season two cmiiw
@theguy2361 3 жыл бұрын
@@criminals7000 Well that's because S1 was caught up to the source material. What we have now is enough content for two whole seasons, so we can expect a potential S3 in 1-2 years from now imo.
@criminals7000 3 жыл бұрын
@@theguy2361 still too long
@soloz5053 3 жыл бұрын
@@criminals7000 not really the Japanese light novel is far ahead when s1 was release
@janina3879 3 жыл бұрын
@@soloz5053 No it wasn't. The LN hadn't even finished arc 3 back when S1 ended.
@ak-t7d6f 3 жыл бұрын
We need Season 3.
@kgcotton326 3 жыл бұрын
We need to buy BluRay Disc
@solomonwaldmarck9851 3 жыл бұрын
@@kgcotton326 I will, as long as it has an english sub in it
@NakabayasiAyano 3 жыл бұрын
海外ニキの愛が強いので三期をお願いします 難民になってしまいます
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@NakabayasiAyano 3 жыл бұрын
@@vevbsr2208 円盤を買い占めます
@luxxycutriy4464 3 жыл бұрын
@ゆでたこ-t8p 3 жыл бұрын
2期本当に面白かったです! 3期まってます!
@Kazuragi_Oasobi 3 жыл бұрын
season1見終わって続きが気になりすぎてWeb版を毎日夜更かししながら読んでたのを思い出した。 後を知っているからこそ言う。 終わってないから むしろこれからだから ここから始まると言っても過言じゃないからね。
@AlbadrLutanNasution 3 жыл бұрын
Re:zero after talk #50 - Translation 2 of 2 7:20 Emilia: Next! Koyasu-san! The 15th Seiyuu Awards, Best Actors in Supporting Roles! Subaru: Best Actors in Supporting Roles, congrats! Roswaal: Thank you very much. Sorry for the hassle. Thanks. Emilia: And thus they play Roswaal bgm now. Like Roswaal personal show. Roswaal: It's a bit embarrassing to say Roswaal personal show. Subaru: Ehehehey~ DIO: I mean, I do other characters as well! Subaru: That's true. Roswaal: But now that they picked me up for Roswaal, I am happy. But umm... I've been in this career for 35 years but I feel like "why now" but.. Subaru: Wahaha... Emilia: Yaaa... Roswaal: ... but sorry, I am embarassed. Emilia: Oh, really? 7:50 Roswaal: Yeah no. But now that they give me that, I will take it. Subaru: Yeah, Let's take it. Emilia: Congrats again. Roswaal: But more than anything, it makes the staff so happy. Even if only with that, I am really grateful. Subaru: Yes, I understand that feeling. To be thankful to the series. 8:10 Roswaal: Yeah, I also- Want to be Japan 1. Emilia: Best Japanese VA Perfor~ Subaru: Wait wha- Emilia: That's the next natural target right? Subaru: Come again? Roswaal: The Japanese... Subaru: Again? Roswaal: The Japanese Number 1. 8:25 Emilia: Still on that note, we the Rezero anime also received this award. Crunchyroll Anime Awards 20201: No.1 spot for "Best Fantasy" award. Roswaal: Amazing! Subaru: Right?! Emilia: Awarded to Re:zero... Roswaal: As I thought, the staffs are amazing. Subaru: Yup, they are all very skilled. Roswaal: If you watch the show, you will instantly know. There is no other anime like this. I mean, where is the OP ED. Subaru: Oh that?! Roswaal: Where is the Commercial? Emilia: Yeah there is that. Roswaal: That decision is truly... The fill in all the contents... Gaahh... Watch this! Listen to this! Emilia: See this! Take all this time!!! Roswaal: But well, for us it would be yaaaaa!!! Emilia: Hahaha... 9:00 Subaru: I think for the season finale they take full 30 minutes. Emilia: Yup that is that truly okay? Roswaal: That makes you a bit worry right? Emilia: Right! I think that too. But at least, our passion can be seen throughout the series. Thank you so much. And congratulation! Roswaal: Yeah congratulation. Subaru: Truly congratulation! Thanks so much, 9:17 Emilia: Yes. I think we are almost near to our farewell time. Roswaal: Right. Subaru: Yes. Emilia: Let us give our closing line to the dear audience and fans of Season 2. Roswaal: Can I start? Emilia: Yes please. 9:31 Roswaal: The story actually just reaches its starting line. That's the feel of it. So please, just for a bit more, a bit bit more. everyone, give your cheers and supports, until the very end. Thank you very much, everyone. Subaru+Emilia: Thanks very much! 9:59 Emilia: Once again I'm Emilia's VA Takahashi Rie. We should probably be throwing a party and say "Thanks for your hard work". Roswaal: Yeah. Emilia: Unfortunately, in this modern days, that doesn't seem possible so I will borrow this place to say Emilia: "For all people who worked in making rezero, ARIGATOOO". Everyone: *applause* Emilia: I really wanted to say this. If this is properly being broadcasted that means we were able to get it all the way. So I'm glad re:zero 2nd cour was fully broadcasted!! These feelings and thoughts were what I wanted to say. So lastly I want Yukesshi to end it. 10:38 Subaru: Once again I'm Subaru's VA Kobayashi Yusuke. Thanks to all the people who supported it to the end. In this though time, the staffs worked hard for the series. For the staffs and the whole cast. Really really, thank you. Otsukaresamadeshita. Roswaal: Yup. Subaru: At last after passing through many hurdles Emilia's faction was kinda had a shape. Probably the people who were interested in King's Candidate thing are like "Finally? Now?" Emilia: Hhe... Subaru: It's the first step, but for Emilia's faction that's a huge step! Finally we are at the start line moving towards the royal selection! That's what I want to believe! Subaru: We also want to keep acting the part on further continuations so please continue supporting us. From now please keep loving Re:Zero. Thanks a lot. 11:26 Emilia and Roswaal: Thanks a lot! Subaru: So with that we will probably meet at July 8th on the event. Please come and enjoy the event. 11:40 Subaru: So with that I was Subaru's VA Yusuke Kobayashi and.. Emilia: Emilia's VA Takahashi Rie and.. Roswaal: Roswaal's VA Koyasu Takehito. Everyone: Bye bye!! 11:50 Music: We'll make it in the end. Never give up for real! I wont trust someone else's lie. I love who I am. [Translation Notes] - Thanks for @Dimensional Blade for providing the last 2 minutes of translation. - I am not confident on translation around 7:20 marks, if you can give better edit, please help me. [Closing statement] - Season 2 was amazing. Congrats for the awards re:zero. - Thanks for reading this translation. Thanks for the ride. Hearing the after-talk on repeat for 2-3h translation time every week, and hearing the VA thought and impression. It was very nice feeling for me. I dread the empty week after this. Let's hope S3 will be announced soon. Never give up for real! We'll make it in the end. - Note that, I still have debt for translation for 2 of the after-talk. I want to finish that as well in near future.
@anordinaryhuman_ 3 жыл бұрын
Okay thank you Hero,see you next time
@anordinaryhuman_ 3 жыл бұрын
Fyi,Rezero will have another information in June 2021.Lets just hope it is S3 Announcement
@rexedous3908 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously, thank you so much for translating these for us! Take all the appreciation we have!
@reshrwed3937 3 жыл бұрын
Lets hope we get s3 announcement in June👍❤️❤️
@reshrwed3937 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the translations
@yu-mh4fq 3 жыл бұрын
一年間コロナ禍で大変な中、毎週毎話の感動を届けてくださったリゼロ2期に関わった全ての方にありがとうを! 本当に本当にお疲れ様でした!
@tsumgiyokoyama4696 3 жыл бұрын
Reゼロというアニメを作ってくれたスタッフの皆様、キャラクターを魅力的に演じてくださった声優の皆様、 そして、そんなReゼロを生み出した我らが長月先生に 心からの感謝を申し上げます。 最終回は相変わらずいい演出でした✨まだまだ続く事は分かっていても少し寂しいです。 第3期も楽しみにお待ちしております。 今まで本当にありがとうございました。
@oooass1173 3 жыл бұрын
@trooperstorm9588 3 жыл бұрын
3期確定のようなしめ方してるぅw 人気作品だし、賞までとっちゃったらアニメ化確定だろうな
@tsukasha1709 3 жыл бұрын
@虚枯翠 そのぶん、ovaと映画をやってたから
@s-oi 3 жыл бұрын
2期後半クールなんかほぼフル尺みたいな盛り沢山のアニメ、他に無いと思います。 最高でした。3期も楽しみにしています!
@あーかいぶ-w4d 3 жыл бұрын
@Stan622 3 жыл бұрын
Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活最高!!!! 3期期待🤗
@ほっと-k9z 3 жыл бұрын
@かすみ-u5m 3 жыл бұрын
やっぱ最後をしめるのはこの3人だよなぁ この3人組好きになりそ‪w
@luganmeiza-6892 3 жыл бұрын
@デカイオクトパス Жыл бұрын
@たい-u1c 3 жыл бұрын
@まるせろ-x8i 3 жыл бұрын
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@ilysmed8320 3 жыл бұрын
@@vevbsr2208 正しいけど義務みたいに聞こえるし単純に目障り
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@惚裵 気がする~(笑)ではなく利益を元に続編を決めるだけです。
@vevbsr2208 3 жыл бұрын
@@ilysmed8320 これらは営利企業です。赤字が出ないか利益が出るかを判断して決めるだけです。
@タカキン-x7o 3 жыл бұрын
声優とリゼロに関わったスタッフさん本当にお疲れ様でした! 原作を超える勢いで作るぞって気持ちが伝わってきて本当に良いアニメだと思いました 3rdseasonも期待してお待ちしております!
@kobra5905 3 жыл бұрын
And thanks to all the team members and the cast who worked very hard in making this series memorable.❤️❤️❤️❤️
@rurerong 3 жыл бұрын
@scarking2081 3 жыл бұрын
早く続きがみたい KADOKAWAさんいい作品ありがとう
@venguiJR17 3 жыл бұрын
Felicidades a todo el staff de Rezero y gracias por alegrarnos la vida en medio de esta pandemia mundial. Esperamos la continuación de esta maravillosa serie en los próximos años. Domo Arigato Kadokawa.
@ミニオンくん-c2l 3 жыл бұрын
楽しかった!! 三期熱期!! 泣けてくるw
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