【Lyrics with English translation that might make you nauseous.:ゲロ吐きそうな英訳付き】 (崇めよ 我はTV TV)⋇4 (Venerate me, I am TV!)⋇4 言いよどめ 断じて禁じる 意思など廃退の夢ごと Our absolutely forbid dreams and intentions of demise. Shut up. 目をふさげ 信じる教義の甘美を 絶え間なく届けよう Our will deliver the doctrine that your find sweet without ceasing. If only you could close your eyes trying to see anything other than me. FREE! すべてFREE! Free! Everything is free! またはわずかなリスクだけ And the risk is only a little. FREE! タダのFREE! free! Just so free! または アイヤイヤイヤイヤイヤー! And aiyaiyaiyaiyaiya! (崇めよ 我はTV TV)⋇2 (Venerate me, I am TV!)⋇2 目を見張れ 断じて正義の黒煙 問いは破廉恥となじれ Recognize that questioning is shameful, and denounce the deed. Black smoke is justice no matter what. Monitoring the eyes that try to look other than me. 口開け ショックと憎悪の麻薬を絶え間なく届けよう Feed the mouths of protesters a constant stream of drugs of shock and hate. FREE! すべてFREE! Free! Everything is free! またはわずかなリスクだけ And the risk is only a little. FREE! タダのFREE! free! Just so free! または アイヤイヤイヤイヤイヤー! And aiyaiyaiyaiyaiya! (崇めよ 我はTV TV)⋇2 (Venerate me, I am TV!)⋇2 ゲロを吐け 断じて狂気の罪人 罵詈と孤立を授けよう Spit out everything you've learned from anyone but me. Any knowledge of it is madness and sin. If you don't spit it out, you will continue to give abuse and isolation. 耳を貸せ 信じる教理は享楽絶え間なく届けよう If you believe in me, I will forgive everything. Let's also give endless pleasure. So lend me your ears. FREE! すべてFREE! Free! Everything is free! またはわずかなリスクだけ And the risk is only a little. FREE! タダのFREE! free! Just so free! または アイヤイヤイヤイヤイヤー! And aiyaiyaiyaiyaiya! FREE! すべてFREE! Free! Everything is free! またはわずかなリスクだけ And the risk is only a little. FREE! タダのFREE! free! Just so free! ただし アイヤイヤイヤイヤイヤー! But aiyaiyaiyaiyaiya! 師匠の歌詞には色んな物事が巧妙にステルスされている???