个人认为这次的《晚安曲》+《夜之乐章》本场最佳,无论从编排,意境还是云淡风清的演绎都当得起经典一词。这两首歌一个是小哥自己的经典曲目,一个是经典音乐剧《歌剧魅影》中最著名的选段之一。乍看之下貌似不搭,其实细品歌词的话会发现两者的精神内核不仅出乎意料地连贯而且意境有所升华。前者是小哥对自己的职业生涯和观众的道别。他唱得内敛而克制,然而从第一句 “让我们互道一声晚安,送走这匆匆的一天”我就热泪盈眶,无法自已;后者是歌坛后辈对退隐在即的前辈的送别和祝福,浓烈深情,恢弘壮丽。嘎嘎的美声唱法更是赋予这场告别一种庄重的仪式感。最后一句“晚安”高亢嘹亮,既是向费叔叔道别,又让人心胸为之一开,无形中淡化了离别的伤感。 小哥,今夜是你的music of the night。今夜过后,你就要 turn your face away from the garish light of the day,绚烂即将归于平淡。你和你的歌声都将成为值得我们怀念和珍藏的回忆。在你即将踏入人生下一个阶段,迎接崭新明天之际,愿你leave all thoughts of the world you knew before, 应该忘记的莫再留恋,let your soul take you where you long to be。祝你余生幸福,安享晚年。青山绿水,有缘自会再见。晚安,晚安!
@sabrinalam77164 жыл бұрын
Moonlight Sonata Bravo, well said. 嘎嘎是十分十分很尊敬的用歌詞向費叔叔送上衷心的祝福!和祝福!這孩子真的沒得説,很真心和用心 ⚡️✨⭐️🌟
Moonlight Sonata 我們也要健健康康的永恒的陪伴看嘎子,傳遞遥遠的祝福和正能量! 費叔叔的欣慰歡笑便是無價之寶,也是給嘎嘎最嘗心的確定,有最佳人選接 棒了。 若有人不明白嘎嘎的細緻心意的選曲段,希望他們能在 正式播放時看到字幕,明白嘎嘎是把自己最珍貴的祝福的獻出来給他的費叔叔。 曲終時他高亢的 " 晚安 ", 親口為費叔叔的專業歌手表演 career ,畫上句號。 Truly a Retirement party fit for a King
@sabrinalam77164 жыл бұрын
Moonlight Sonata It is their destiny to team up at last , 白金拍擋 in my heart forever
Bravo! Bravo! I went to tears wathching a presentation of this level, is to receive a gift! For me the best presentation of the night! Ayunga one of the best singers in the world of this generation certainly and Fei Yuching a music legend with his interpretation and exciting voice
@sabrinalam77164 жыл бұрын
Sheila Carneiro " Light Cloud and Gentle Breeze " ( name of their team ) will always be the Champion for me !! Uncle Fei sang Good night to his audiences; Ayanga sang Music of the Night to send his best wishes to his uncle Fei... Happy Retirement , uncle Fei 🎉🎊🎉🎊 晩安 Wǎn ān = good night
@Kai-b6l4k4 жыл бұрын
@sally20964 жыл бұрын
阿云嘎的英文发音太完美了!附上歌词: Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour. Grasp it, sense it tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light - and listen to the music of the night... Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Let your soul take you where you long to be! Only then can you belong to me.
@sabrinalam77164 жыл бұрын
Sally B Gazi's best wish to his uncle Fei through MOTN
@kingjinyeap70963 жыл бұрын
@gn05817244 жыл бұрын
@ClarenceKe3 жыл бұрын
費玉清是永遠的經典。如今只能從視頻去懷念他的表演。 台灣有很長的一段時間,各家商場與百貨公司在關門前只會播放費玉清的晚安曲,輕柔地提醒顧客該離場。 還好我有經歷過他演出的時期,真是the good old days。 衷心祝福他健康快樂。
忘記聽了多少遍,每次都有不同感受。嘎嘎啊,或許你不善言詞(漢語😛),但你絕對善於用音樂表達情感!The music of the night 在這最後的晚上真是太適合不過了,雖然大家很不捨小哥,但那是他的選擇,let your soul take you where you long to be! 是對他最好的祝福!最後輝煌的主旋律響起,是對小哥及節目的致敬,最後一聲高伉的晚安是對所有熱愛音樂的人們祝福。嘎嘎,你是音樂的精靈🧚♂️又有著一顆金子般的心,love you so much!💖💖💖
This is a Gigantic Retirement and Farewell Party for our Uncle Fei, Ayanga represented all of us / his loving fans to pay Tribute to him by : his beautiful singing , Bel Canto, Dancing , Chinese Musical , Phantom of the Opera -- Music of the Night --with the best lyrics and the Best of all was the Last , High Note 晚安Wǎn ān = Good Night ... it said it all !! So fitting .
@maycheng24944 жыл бұрын
費玉清逍遙出遊樂活😎 與絢爛舞台道聲晚安😘 讓後起之秀承先啟後👬 阿雲嘎攜手傳承天籟🎶
@caijingao19083 жыл бұрын
@daphneteo9206Күн бұрын
My Chinese is not good but their duet literally blew me away. Simply marvellous!