I made a (3+3+3+3)+3 axis tourbillon

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KARAKURI channel(Japanese mechanical art)

KARAKURI channel(Japanese mechanical art)

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@tomnewsom9124 Ай бұрын
Absolutely outrageous! Not only the design, but knowing ahead of time how to achieve the tolerances for smooth operation, and the clever little methods for accurate assembly and loading bearings. I could imagine a silicon valley billionaire paying a huge sum of money for a version machined in brass.
@tomnewsom9124 Ай бұрын
Oh and I love the way the ticking goes in and out of phase. It's hypnotic.
@gamingSlasher Ай бұрын
I never seen "japanese mechanical art" so I think it was too complicated to impressive me. It just flew over my head.
@dang-x3n0t1ct Ай бұрын
​@@gamingSlashertoo complicated, as opposed to western mechanical art ?😅
@Vousie Ай бұрын
I'm not so sure about the "knowing ahead of time" part... Usually 3D printing is a trial and error process - there may well be a massive bin full of the previous print attempts for this project...
@hoebare Ай бұрын
Maybe Clickspring will make one after he finishes his antikythera mechanism.
@xDOMIOx Ай бұрын
@knocky233 Ай бұрын
@haidoranto Ай бұрын
わ か る
@samugetans Ай бұрын
@ポロライフ Ай бұрын
よかった… なにも分からないのは俺だけじゃなかったのか…
@KOU_Higashikata 13 күн бұрын
@Hiropon0611_ Ай бұрын
@abundantharmony Ай бұрын
When have you ever seen this in fantasy?
@takoyaki0129 Ай бұрын
@davenordquist4663 Ай бұрын
@@abundantharmony Escaflowne. 天空のエスカフローネ. Is it an Ispano Guymelf or Isacc's Fate-scope? Also, picking 5 resins and 195 parts to assemble without the thing itself being a funded exhibition space? So...
@hukada1 Ай бұрын
@kinoko384 Ай бұрын
@@abundantharmony Game of Throne intro
@lephtovermeet 15 күн бұрын
This is really mind blowing. The time it took to design this and get the tolerances correct, as well as figuring out assembly order and break-up of parts to make it printable is crazy. Alao you gave a crazy amount of patience in assembling this. I would have yeeted it like 8 times during the ball-bearing assembly process.
@牡丹餅うさぎ Ай бұрын
@TV-ot5ku Ай бұрын
@mathpromagy Ай бұрын
@Vlog動画保存用 Ай бұрын
@鄭成功-g4y Ай бұрын
@ガおーん Ай бұрын
@danielhertz7266 14 күн бұрын
As a machinist and mechanic I really respect the level of design & assembly this must have taken, even on 3D printed parts! Well done!
@me-ken0987 Ай бұрын
この人空間把握能力がバケモノ級なんだろうな... 変態的なデザインもそうだけど、このデザインを接着剤とピンだけで組み立てられるように設計したのがマジで凄すぎる...
@mathamour Ай бұрын
장난감보다 더 복잡한 비행기, 자동차, 컴퓨터도 만드는데, 저걸 못 만들겠냐?
@3K_Rin Ай бұрын
@@mathamour は!w つまり君は溶接・モーター等の機械の組み込みなどがあるが、厳格な設計図のもと、定められた手順で造られるものと、ただKZbinに上げるためだけに、個人が、3Dプリンターで作ったものを比較してる訳だ。
@mathamour Ай бұрын
@@3K_Rin なんだよ、あれは。機械が作ったものに感心するなんて、おかしいだろ。人の手で作ったものではなく、機械が作ったものに感動するなんて、理解できない。ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@3K_Rin Ай бұрын
@@mathamour 設計はどちらも人間だし、出力も機械です。 俺だったら大勢の人を集めてライン作業と機械で大量生産される車よりも、設計・組み立てを1人で行なっているこっちの方が誉められて然るべきだと思うがね。
@3K_Rin Ай бұрын
@@mathamour そもそもコメ主は投稿者が凄いと言っているだけで、他の物がショボいなんて言ってないよ?
@e.k6163 Ай бұрын
設計も配色センスもすごく良いけど、当たり前のようにボールベアリング自作してるのもすごい やっぱりかなり調整は難しそうだけどこれできるだけで相当設計の幅広がりそう
@おっさんはアウトドア派 Ай бұрын
素晴らしいですね。 私、時計職人やってますが、トゥールビヨンには手を出せません😅 3Dプリンタで手軽に作れる所と発想力、理解力が羨ましい。 作品は東芝創業者の田中久重さんが見たら唸りそうです。 (からくり人形や万年和時計とエンジニアとしても日本を代表する偉人) 歯枚数と緩急調整出来たら太陽系の自公転まで再現出来る天球儀が作れそう😂 太陽の中心で作動するトゥールビヨンとか考えるだけでワクワクする(期待してる)
@turtleflightstudios Ай бұрын
my mind spins more than this mechanism while watching. The little half-screw gears are ingenious, and I can't believe how many tiny ball bearings you put in. an artistic and mechanical marvel, for sure
@田中太郎-s9o3x Ай бұрын
@momomo-D Ай бұрын
@wantarlen Ай бұрын
何の為に作ったんだ? 作りたかったんだよ!
@iGZ5enWl0 Ай бұрын
@KAI-qk6jg Ай бұрын
@ネコのオォン返し Ай бұрын
@kshintokuda192 Ай бұрын
@SFish-wr4kh Ай бұрын
"First, the 3-axis tourbillion" *proceeds to casually model a tourbillion* I don't think most people who have never done CAD realize how much work was glossed over in a single sentence. This is incredible. My computer would burst into flame trying to render the finished model. Edited to add: it's also remarkable how you not only designed this and it worked, but it was also manufacturable. It's easy to design something that can't be assembled or manufactured. You have to consider assembly and in most cases things like maintenance and repair.
@eabradley1108 Ай бұрын
Remembering that things have to actually be assembled was probably the hardest part when learning design.
@SpydersByte Ай бұрын
yea the modelling is pretty nuts, making gears is a pain in the ass let alone in all those weird shapes and tooth ratios, she definitely has some skill
@mightyluv 14 күн бұрын
I’m sitting here trying to say something interesting or clever about this project, but the words escape me. I don’t know if this was an exercise in engineering or if there is an actual use for the mechanism as designed, but its complexity boggles the mind while being beautiful to watch. You rule the world.
@sealpiercing8476 14 күн бұрын
@@mightyluv This is art/fun, not practical. The creator is displaying immense skill which *could* be turned to practical purposes, and that's probably what she does for a living, but this particular device is made for the sake of making it, I assume.
@guaposneeze 12 күн бұрын
It's like the old drawing tutorials that taught you to draw an owl. First, draw an oval. Second, draw a line. Then, draw the rest of the owl.
@hwainkim6101 Ай бұрын
ワタシは元製造業でNC旋盤やマシニングセンターのプログラミングに携わってましたが、この動画の精密にシンクロする動力には1/1000の公差では不十分なのだなと思い知らされました😮 本当に美しいモデルだと思います😍
@unagi_nagi Ай бұрын
@user-1sovietunion Ай бұрын
@mechanistic3d Ай бұрын
That is just pure mechanical madness. Love it!
@あほのかみ Ай бұрын
@108SSBN Ай бұрын
@azza-in_this_day_and_age Ай бұрын
​@@108SSBN youre like the 5th person to describe the contents shown in this video as "perverted" i understand how it is a pervert in exact measure as i do the actual purpose of the device itsself! and that measure is zero! explain yourself
@Zaryl9 27 күн бұрын
@@azza-in_this_day_and_age if I understood correctly what is going on, the 4 clockwork pieces at the center of the structure are spherical versions of the escapement demonstrated in the beginning. Like she excplained in the beginning it is unusual to have multiple of them in a single clock, and to drive them simultaneously without them stalling each other requires a power splitter... which she also made a spherical version of (the purple gear driving the two orange ones). I'm not the mechanical kind of engineer therefore take this with a big grain of salt, but I thinkj the entire contraption is ... basically a power source driving 4 independent clocks gleefully rotating around each other for the purpose of beign a marvel in itself. Now why would someone think of this as perverted? Usually when someone on the internet points at any something and claims it to be perverted, I tend to politely smile at them and then proceed to slowly back away from them. But in this case, maybe they just happen to be the mechanical kind of engineer themselves, and have an Idea of these escapements/clocks at that their purpose generally would be, and this application of clocks in this ... *reads name* 15 axis tourbillion is twisting their ideas beyond the capability of their imagination. So they probably conclude "this is wrong and therefore it is perverted" or something in the lines of it. Nonsense in my eyes :) it's a pretty machince and assembling all those ballbearings by hand must have been a lot of work!
@azza-in_this_day_and_age 27 күн бұрын
@@Zaryl9 that does make sense. one would need to understand its purpose to recognize a perversion from that intended purpose, so thanks for explaining 🤝
@kaynhalbard Ай бұрын
すげ〜〜〜綺麗、そしてカッコよくて造形美もありロマンにも溢れてる。 樹脂と形成の特性で出てくるであろうヘアライン的な光沢をデザインに昇華してるの芸術点高すぎる…… ゲームにこんなデザインの魔法武器出てたら見た目目的で手に入れたくなっちゃうな
@DKaiitank Ай бұрын
モデリング精度がレベチ。 僕も3Dプリンターを高校の部室と自分の部屋に購入して日々遊んでいますが、印刷後にサイズ等が噛み合わないかもしれないところを毎回見つけきれずに、作り直す羽目になってしまいます。ネジ穴や接着の場所まで完璧すぎて驚きました。。
@user-tokumei_256 Ай бұрын
@kzpresents Ай бұрын
@Kyomesuke Ай бұрын
ちゃんと動くトゥールビヨンを当たり前に用意できるのがすごい。 これを組み合わせたり応用するの楽しいだろうなぁ
@davenordquist4663 Ай бұрын
Hm, maybe there could be a version for babies with all the parts stuck to a cloth strip. If the baby got it assembled right, it's left to an adult to cut a little and free the motion? (Machine tape moxibustion art instead?) Pardon the leap of cutting out captive bearings, I saw an arXiv paper about 'Tensegrity Computers,' and of course I'm dog paddling in surf to think triple redundancy tripled and set in a 3-axis gyre, nevermind adding the mainspring.
@O2_starfish Ай бұрын
内部がカクカクと動く感じがローポリのゲームみたいで本当にロマンに満ち溢れている 売ってたら迷わず買いたくなるような素敵な作品
回転部が何軸もあるから動きを理解するのに時間かかった こんな複雑な機構を設計できるのすごすぎる
@hiyashiame Ай бұрын
@unecochan Ай бұрын
@laif1jp Ай бұрын
はじめまして 質問です これらの部品は全て3Dプリンターで作ってるの( ᐙ )?
@unecochan Ай бұрын
@ ピンやベアリング用のボール以外はそうだと思います。使われてる機種のレビューなどの動画も上がっていますよ。
@ch-nh5hz Ай бұрын
なっとるやろがいwww kzbin.info/www/bejne/mJiWfKZmerOqepY&ab_channel=%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8A%E3%81%99%E3%81%A8 つっても精度でてるし 逆にプリンターの性能以外で精度出してるとしたらどうやってると想像してらしてるのか 有識者の意見を拝聴したいです(ぼくド素人です)
@unecochan Ай бұрын
@@ch-nh5hz この作品がこれほどの精度を持っているのは「熟練によって精度を出している」からで、3Dプリンターの性能欄にある「造形精度◯◯mm」「積層ピッチ◯◯mm」がそのまま精度に反映されているとは思わない方がいいです。 1つ目、設計の力です。 まずFDM方式の3Dプリンターでは「CAD上で直径10mmの棒」を「CAD上で直径10mmの穴」に差し込むことは基本的にはできません。すごく簡単に言うと凸形状は大きくなり、凹形状は小さくなるのが普通です。これは溶けた樹脂を押し付ける際に圧力で横に広がることによります。よって、設計時に軸径を小さくしたり穴径を大きくしたりして調整します。単なる穴ならテストピースを一回作ればいい話ですが、 17:39 のように複数の穴が嵌るところ、歯車やラックのようなインボリュート曲線、ねじ山とねじ穴など、設計時の寸法をミスれば干渉する箇所はいくらでもあります。 次に反りや収縮の影響を受けにくく、それでいて分割数が少ない設計をしていると思います。基本的に大きな物体は樹脂が冷えるときの収縮、下部と上部の温度差による反りなどが強く発生します。私はこれを避けるために分割数を増やして接着剤でくっつけたりするのですが、からくりすとさんの部品は大物が多いです。 また下から積み重ねていく方式では精度が出やすい方向と出にくい方向、強度がある方向とない方向があります。当然重力の影響を受けるのでそもそも造形できない形状もあり、そういうときはサポート材(プラモのランナーみたいな印刷後に除去してゴミになる部分)を追加したりするのですが、多分からくりすとさんは基本的にサポート不要設計にしていると思います。この方はもともとMDF材をCNCフライスで切ったものを積層させたりしてからくりを作るスタイルだったはずなので、造形上の制約がある場合の設計が得意なんじゃないかと思っています。 2つ目はパラメータチューニングです。3Dプリンターは押し出し速度、ノズル速度、ノズル温度、ベッド温度、みたいなパラメータが「◯層〜◯層目」みたいに無限に細く設定できます。その上でフィラメントの材質や同材質内での種類差もあります。1回あたり数十分〜数時間かかる中でこれを極めていくのは本当に気が遠くなる作業です。しかも最終的には気温や湿度の影響まで受けるので本当に大変です。ある程度のノウハウがあると扱い慣れてるフィラメント・機種じゃなくても効率的にパラメータを探索できるようですが、ちょっと KZbin でおすすめ設定を調べただけだと無惨に失敗することになります。 まさに、「3Dプリンターの造形精度が全て」だと思っている人が多いんだろうなと思ってのコメントでした。
@papepipopukupi7383 Ай бұрын
@markmatzke 14 күн бұрын
@iwamamamam Ай бұрын
@VAZD_Cr Ай бұрын
@usk_ymmt Ай бұрын
もはやアート作品ですよね。 これを実現できる才能、ほんとうらやましいです。
@根腐れ三十郎 Ай бұрын
@らいむー-w3t 22 күн бұрын
@user-qas2e3 Ай бұрын
@yasu1940 Ай бұрын
3Dプリンターで造るにしては、精度が良過ぎる。 見えない所で、相当研いているよね。 それにしてもコレは狂気の領域だよ。 横になるとは思わなかったから、反対側に支柱が要るのでは? とにかく凄すぎるよ。
@davenordquist4663 Ай бұрын
We can dream of useless website 'chat' bots growing to nervously polish parts while they draw a suitable reply.
@shadowphox511 15 күн бұрын
what an amazing work of art, genuintly winced on the few frames of bearings falling out. absolutely mad work ❤
@hrmssitu4769 Ай бұрын
@davenordquist4663 Ай бұрын
Okay, but why? Maybe I should be more concerned with making a tool to visualize particle emission and part lifetime than cutting thin metal in a vacuum and arranging for vacuum welding (would I need platinum powder, or will cold self-welding only work with fine metal leaves?) Tourbillon cutter, tourbillon beam, tourbillon arm-bar...
@DownhillAllTheWay Ай бұрын
One of the most amazing aspects of this is that it was designed and buit in 3 weeks! Personally, I wouldn't expect to actually finish a project like this, but if I did, I wouldn't expect it to take me less than a year.
@nicolasschoenholzer9573 Ай бұрын
Wow, it has so many layers it's unbelieveable! I can't imagine how much trial and error it took to get the part sizes right as I've experienced firsthand how hard it is to get even just one interface fitting well with 3d printing. I desperately want to see a machining/clockwork channel make this out of brass and other metals (and maybe even engrave the parts?), as that would deserve a central spot in an art gallery. Amazing design.
@btCharlie_ Ай бұрын
Very beautiful. I admire your patience putting it together, especially the ball bearings 😅
@cksheng-i2g Ай бұрын
Your understanding of mechanics is astounding.
@Lurker-dk8jk Ай бұрын
An incredibly beautiful machine. The mind that conceived it must be equally beautiful. Thank you for this.
@neeSlic Ай бұрын
これ動いてる音聞きながら作業してぇ〜 そんでたまに眺めてニヤニヤしてぇ〜
@竹河参号 Ай бұрын
@mbcommandnerd Ай бұрын
The demonstration begins at 19:30! Also, four triple-axis tourbillons _inside_ a triple-axis tourbillon!?!?!? It’s insane and I love it!!!
@瀬尾H Ай бұрын
トゥルビヨン一個作るのに常人なら一生かかってもできなさそうなことをさらっとやってるししかもそれを連結しまくるとか狂気。 素晴らしい🎉
@エラベネズ Ай бұрын
@たたた-z7l Ай бұрын
@tzisorey Ай бұрын
Looks like a JRPG final boss. Beautiful, but terrifying and biblical.
@TheSv400red Ай бұрын
すごい 世界初でしょこれ…
@badger47-n3c Ай бұрын
What an incredible demonstration of artistic and mechanical skill. This is an entire portfolio in 1 machine if you were looking for work in the 3d printing industry.
@こーひー-e1r Ай бұрын
@MSMiruam 16 күн бұрын
Such a beautiful and complex piece and amazing designe. Looks like some time travel artifact, I love it
@yuuki99999yuuki Ай бұрын
発想も設計も成形も組み付けも理解もできそうにない、、、 これが天才か
@kshintokuda192 Ай бұрын
@伊藤守-r2r Ай бұрын
スーペリアですか? ダブルクォーツ、現在は見ない方式ですね。 シチズンとは別方向でしたね。 私もセイコーのヴィンテージクォーツに1本欲しいです。 メンテナンスはセイコーで受付けてもらえますか?
@Hiro-yz2ln Ай бұрын
三軸トゥールビヨン4つを差動機構を2つ使って動かし、それを更に大きな三軸回転機構で囲んで全てを単一動力から動力提供をする… 初見で言われたら宇宙猫になりそう😂
@davenordquist4663 Ай бұрын
The endeavor does urge for a reaction video from space cats.
@GUNUFofficial 19 күн бұрын
This would be a sick design for like, a movie or cartoon.
@gudagudaboy Ай бұрын
@x884 Ай бұрын
@pinleaf40 Ай бұрын
構造を考えるのもすごいんだけど、それ以前にちゃんと正確に動くようなパーツを精密に作るのがすごいな 3Dプリンターってそこまで精密に出来るのかな?ちゃんとヤスリをかけたりやり直しとかもあるんでしょうねぇ。
@gimeniki58 Ай бұрын
@BlixenBlorp Ай бұрын
so grateful you have eng subbs your projects and understanding of mechanical mechanisms is incredible
@fabchan25 11 күн бұрын
You are a genius. It takes so much patience to design and 3d print each part but the end result is amazing!
@かなだなおや Ай бұрын
@josephb3441 Ай бұрын
Your design skills are amazing. Very impressive!!
@視聴用てんぐ Ай бұрын
2:30 多くの人はトゥールビヨンに夢中で、右下のキモい犬に気づかない
@mbk1743 Ай бұрын
ぞぬ懐かしいwww ってジジイなのバレるな
@ポンコツ屋末代 Ай бұрын
@illegalxxx Ай бұрын
@@mbk1743 やめろ!俺にまで流れ弾を当てるな!!
@smile_hex1883 Ай бұрын
@azza-in_this_day_and_age Ай бұрын
hey! quit lookin at that! 🙈
@ranaian2196 16 күн бұрын
it's beautiful, all of the spinning and fluttering makes it feel like a beating heart
@永樂 Ай бұрын
@Nemesis4591 Ай бұрын
草 伝わった
@trans_shell Ай бұрын
@MS-gq4gx Ай бұрын
@けーすけ-i9i Ай бұрын
@shokei3210 Ай бұрын
そ れ だ
@algearnon Ай бұрын
@dikehunk5577 Ай бұрын
@chateraiseikko1117 Ай бұрын
動く音が良すぎる 一生聴いてたい
@mmitchel1084 Ай бұрын
13:09 思わず声が出てしまったw
@アッキー_霞 Ай бұрын
@オーロラブルー-c6l Ай бұрын
@谷口-g2k Ай бұрын
​@@オーロラブルー-c6l めっちゃ分かる
@mechfan01 Ай бұрын
@緊急部 Ай бұрын
@include17 Ай бұрын
3軸トゥールビヨンだけでもギリギリ理解できるかできないくらいなんですが、 それを4つ使って2つ毎の差動装置とその2つを更に差動装置で繋いだ3軸、、、あたりでもう頭がパンクしました
@shanel4348 Ай бұрын
Magnificent work! Japanese art is beautiful in all forms, but mechanical art is by far the most impressive. Very clever attention to details, even down to the methods of attachment/fasteners! The custom gear at 14:06 must have been particularly tricky to get to work properly. Bravo!
@nao-px7ck Ай бұрын
@uhyouhyo333 Ай бұрын
@kov2976 Ай бұрын
@ghostship4927 Ай бұрын
歯車が連動してるのってこんなにも美しいのですね… 惚れ惚れしました
@WoLpH Ай бұрын
I love all of your designs, but this one was a whole new level... absolutely fantastic! I love it, it's so beautiful!
@Yamato_Kitsunebi_J_Fox Ай бұрын
@はっぴーららら Ай бұрын
@user-sb4gh9kf1s Ай бұрын
@ただの人-k4x Ай бұрын
@Kazuki_Aozaki Ай бұрын
トゥールビヨンという名前はブガッティの新車の名前で知りましたが、ファンタジーな作品で出てくるよくわからない歯車、トゥールビヨン、お前だったのか……。 仕組みを完璧には理解できてないですが、投稿者さんの技術力の半端ない高さと、こういう仕掛けの原型であるトゥールビヨンを200年以上前に発明したブレゲという時計職人がいかに凄かったかがわかりました。感動して動画があっという間に終わりました。
@tateyokocrt Ай бұрын
@alarm6402 Ай бұрын
@yamap8131 Ай бұрын
@ひえっ Ай бұрын
@53オウル Ай бұрын
@GP01RAYEARTH Ай бұрын
@annagodsave5402 Ай бұрын
One of the most incredibly talented things I have ever seen on KZbin!
@しろくま-l4n1s Ай бұрын
歯車神の使徒様でしょうか? 意味のない事に意味を見出し、それを芸術の域まで昇華させる。これはもはや、、、 神々の遊びですね😵
@qtarou9 Ай бұрын
「なぁんだ ただの天才かー」 ← この言葉を心の底から言ったのは初めて!
@くろまめ-f3j Ай бұрын
@あかさたぬ-g3j 28 күн бұрын
@tubeyou3826 Ай бұрын
@NJ25-JJ Ай бұрын
@民主党細野豪志 Ай бұрын
待ち侘びてた。  展示会とか行きたいですが、行ける距離じゃないので動画で楽しみます❤
@Ignitedイグナイテッド Ай бұрын
@ルドーレイジ Ай бұрын
@rumafarn Ай бұрын
なんちゅうエンジニアリングというか、天才か😂 能力が羨ましい限りです。一体どんな本業をされているんでしょう? 惚れ惚れする作品。
@nery1024 Ай бұрын
もう意味がわからない 凄いが組み合わさると気持ち悪いんだってわかった 褒め言葉です
@1funnygame Ай бұрын
I really like the clicking sound, I wouldn't have thought plastic could sound so nice
@雨坊主 Ай бұрын
@wrryyyy Ай бұрын
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