Karma Strikes Fast | Fall Guys

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Kaiffu Live

Kaiffu Live

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Streamed 10th of April 2021 -- Watch live at / sr_kaif
Thumbnail by / jorge_ganteng

Пікірлер: 96
@DatToTheBoi 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like this is going to be about Glen again...
@smh6761 3 жыл бұрын
Kaif: Glen lives in London Glen: Ahh mate, I am currently in my office, i.e. my living room and in my kitchen. Me, a fellow Londoner: I feel your pain Glen, I feel your pain... 😔
@azalia1225 3 жыл бұрын
Aha, the "delight" of a multifunctional room.... I don't miss London
@TellerOfTheTales 3 жыл бұрын
Stan's fear of inflicting horrible things on his PC because of not knowing how files work is a powerful mood.
@Haz4ler 3 жыл бұрын
Team mode where wins are shared is the best thing to ever happend to Glen Glen is such a nice s member because some games he is godly and some game he bonks his head against a crown
@sugarcoatt_ 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao tru
@Lucas-Nunes 3 жыл бұрын
Love how people say this game died when they have no idea what a dead game is lmao
@quickpwned 3 жыл бұрын
Ppl really out here saying counterstrike is dead because it's not the *only visible esport on the planet* anymore. 😂
@Lucas-Nunes 3 жыл бұрын
@@quickpwned Yeah, like apex was being called dead because it's explosion went down a little. The servers didn't even close how tf is it dead lol
@CloneClown 3 жыл бұрын
Ppl call tf2 a dead game while it's community is screaming like mad mad
@Lucas-Nunes 3 жыл бұрын
@@CloneClown TF2 is a huge game, it's been one for a decade already, whoever says it's dead is stupid af 😂
@flatpepsi 3 жыл бұрын
if you wanna talk about dead games, look at black ops 4 blackout. i keep forgetting it exists.
@peelthismonkey 3 жыл бұрын
...Glen needs to take his PC to an Expert........because Damn that thing is Broken.
@Kaiffu 3 жыл бұрын
Weird as fuck that its controllers that cause it
@ShiningLight 3 жыл бұрын
Damn, losing infallible for a crash is so unfair
@Its_Kat__ 3 жыл бұрын
Crazy to me that people get mad when you get sponsored by the games themselves... when I see a streamer get sponsored by a game they were playing anyway I’m so stoked for them! Everyone just wants to be mad about something
@Kaiffu 3 жыл бұрын
It's weird yknow? Being excited to see Fall Guys, but then being upset you were sponsored to play that exact game It's essentially, I want you to play that game as long as you don't benefit haha
@Its_Kat__ 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kaiffu I had typed that comment before listening more about you talk about it on the stream. I love the open talk about it. Honestly makes no sense, you guys make awesome content so why would anyone be mad you’re getting recognized for it!
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
Kinda different from Epic sponsership (I think), but what if you get sponsered by a shady business practice and/or company? You know something like Raid Shadow Legends or a homemade drug or Blizzard. In these examples you are promoting a companies product which you can hate for good reasons. Like how you might like WoW, but hate Blizzard (kinda like; you like Fall Guys, but hate Epic Games) for the whole China sellout. Or Raid Shadow Legends with them targetting gambling addicts or vulnurable youth. You are free to get sponsers and get paid by them, but as a creator you are responsible form who you accept payment. If you accept payment, you show that you are willing to support this company. Honestly I don't know anything about Epic (so don't know if they are shady), but disliking a video because the content creator sold out to a "bad" company is completely valid. But honestly that is my stance as a consumer and I don't know anything about Epic Games or Fall Guys, so this point might not be applicable in this discussion. (And honestly what is considered a "bad" company is again different for everybody else)
@Its_Kat__ 3 жыл бұрын
@@BrotherHood-xh9sg you’re right in some regard but in this case he was already making Fall Guys content. To be happy about the content and then get mad that the game is sponsoring them to play it is not valid. Like he said in the VOD and comment above, they want him to play the game but not get paid for it. But also when putting out videos about the game regardless of the sponsor there is still a profit involved. There are plenty of creators that just take whatever sponsorship is thrown at them but I’d think if you followed a channel long enough you’d be familiar with the types of sponsorships they accept.
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
​@@Its_Kat__ This is going to be a really long comment to dissect what you just said. And honestly I don't expect you to read all of it and react, I myself am already getting tired just thinking about typing this for no added benefit than explaining my personal point of view to someone on the internet (which everyone can easly argue is a waste of time for all parties involved, but I wouldn't be me if I don't waste my own time). Here is each chapter; 1. About Fall Guys, Epic Games & Kaif. 2. The misinformation of Kaifs "They want me to play the game but not get paid for it" quote. 3. The "Just because banana's & apples are fruits, does not mean they are the same" explanation. (Difference between accepting a deal & just playing the game explained) 4. Trust in KZbinrs you follow. 1. I don't know Epic Games. If it was Blizzard and Kaif accepting their deal, I would agree that the dislike action is completely warranted. I haven't seen any info about Epic Games being more awfull then your average company. So I would say in this case, I personally am on the side of Kaif. But as perspective is different (this will become a recurring point) for everyone else, someone else could argue that Epic Games is evil (for some reason) and such Kaif accepting a deal and recieving payment from Epic Games is connected & profiting from that evil thing of Epic Games. So what I am going to argue in point 3, is not in relation to the Kaif-Epic Games argument, but in the global, broad definition of the argument. 2. The "They want me to play the game but not get paid for it" quote is misleading. It's similar to how (most famously) politicians, but also other professions & people structure their sentences in such a way that is favorable to them. To start off, it's missing context and if you hear the sentence like that, it seems this group is expecting him to work for no pay, which is wrong. They don't want him to get the deal with what they believe to be a "bad" comapny. Kaif is still getting payed for playing the game in the form of ad revenue, viewer count & viewer donations. The way this quote is structured that he repeats, tries to incur sympathy from the listener, while not painting the whole picture or saying what the real issue is. The most interesting part about this point, is how the narrative keeps switching between the sympathy inducing quote of "They want me to play the game but not get paid for it" and the argument how he makes money on the game regardless if he accepts a deal with Epic Games. Two arguments which stand in polar opposite of eachother. And you could argue, that's not what he meant. But in that case, why phrase it in such a political way to oversimplify the issue that gains him support? And why say that exact same quote multiple times? It seems similar to the common tactic politicians use to make data & conclusions look more favorable to their point of view. 3. The difference between profiting from the game by streaming it or profiting by playing the game you were already playing, but now getting extra money from the company to keep playing it. (I am not going into the matter whenever or not the contract/deal includes more terms then just playing the game, cause we don't know. Or how the moment he accepts payment from the company in any form, he no longer is an unbiased party, that is too much to add). I like the whole banana's & apples quote, but this argument is more complex and once again goes into a persons perspective, direct/in-direct benefit and morals/ethics. TO ME playing a game (while earning income through the act of playing that game) while not directly involved with the company is quite similar to playing playing basketball and earning money from it (let's say though small street tournaments). You play the game, you make money though ads, supportment from viewers, etc. But you don't cross the line by accepting direct payment or working together with a amoral company. Still playing the game you did before, but now you accepted a deal from the company, means you are now working together with an amoral company in a business relation. Meaning if I make a deal to still play basketball, but now with the NBA, I made the decision to work with a company that puts politics & income before entertainment, that ignored the Hong Kong protests, that disregards the uyghur concentration camps & the tiananmen square massacre. The difference lies in how now you have a personal relationship with the company that preformed such acts. Saying; "I don't care I made a deal with an immoral company as I am now recieving more income then before." Yes it is quite similar as "you still make money", but your relation & closeness with the amoral company has changed. But as I stated before, this depends from person to person. Kaif will make more money if he accepts the deal, so I could completely see why rationalizes that in either way I make money from the company, so why would a business deal that gives me more money, make it worse? OR a person could argue that both are terrible as you are supporting a company by buying it's game, streaming it and indirectly marketing it etc. Like how Kaif stopped playing World of Warcraft, because of Blizzards actions surrounding Hong Kong and their fake apology (which wasn't even really a apology). That stance is the whole, you are not allowed to benefit AT ALL from the company. Basically; - Accepting the deal from a amoral company = not caring in the slightest about you morality in the matter. - Not accepting the deal, but still playing the game = Your morality is still damaged in this matter, as you compromised. But is still morally superior then when you accept the deal. - Not accepting the deal and not playing the game at all = Your morality on the matter is still high. You have after all decided to not have any relation with the company, no matter how insignificant. So there is a difference, but it depends on your morality, ethics, personal view, upbringing, the details and your personal stake in the matter. After all it's easy for me to talk about morallity on this matter, when this (hypothetical) deal wasn't offered to me. And such I have low stakes in the matter as Kaif will make content regardless. But Kaif can increase his income, his stakes are therefore higher and his morallity is being tested more then mine. So it's this weighing of factors. Anyone can make excellent points to argue his/her point of view on the matter. And technically, all points of view could be "correct" as we are talking about ethics here. 4. Even if you watched a KZbinr for a while and can relatively accuratly predict advertisments/sponserships, there is no telling what will hapen in the future. People, guidelines, rules, etc. change. And you are not an omnipotent God that makes no mistakes. There is this KZbinr that does news stories surrounding Games & Pop Culture I follow, I would have never guessed his sponsership of a specialy designed underwear made by a soldier so we men no longer have our balls stick to our legs in warm weather. (And I believe even our boi Kaiffu has accepted one of the worst advertisments there is on KZbin, RAID SHADOW LEGENDS, the game that targets vulnerable people so it can gamble their money away on micro transactions. So even our most trusted KZbinrs can, and more then likely will, fuck up regarding ads/sponserships one day.)
@benjaminsnellsson2395 3 жыл бұрын
i really really really miss the for honor duos with sam ""IN THE FIRE! IN THE FIRE!" legit the funniest shit i ever saw
@darrelltan7491 3 жыл бұрын
Can anyone hear the cat's meow 1:25:54
@Kaiffu 3 жыл бұрын
Timestamps that invoke embarrassing memories
@cleanerPrime 3 жыл бұрын
I gotta say, before this teams thing came, I wasn't really into Fall Guys, but now it's such a joy to watch these Please make more of these and get that Infallible achievement for the style points!
@flatpepsi 3 жыл бұрын
i might download the game now tbh
@bandgeekforlife406 3 жыл бұрын
The hilarity surrounding Daz's former cat is definitely not your fault, Kaif, and also not the worst thing to have ever been laughed at due to the surprise of a sudden inversion of expectation! My English teacher in 12th grade had a particularly dry wit, and used it often. One time he began telling us a story thusly: "So, you know..." given that phrasing, I was expecting this to be something to which teenagers could relate. He continued, "..when you have a friend, and the two of you have a mutual friend, and they ask you about that mutual friend..." I was still following along. "...and then you're stuck in the awkward position..." Yes, I had been stuck in many awkward social positions. "...of having to tell this friend that your mutual friend is dead?" I burst out giggling. The whole class stared at me. For several minutes. I tried to regain control, but every time I came close, my brain replayed what had happened, and I started laughing even harder. Eventually one of my classmates yelled at me from across the room, "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!??" Obviously, that precipitated a guffaw, as well as a fresh hail of giggle-snorts. There was nothing else to be done, so I put my arms on the desk and my head on my arms in order to muffle the laughter while my teacher finished the story. I have no idea how it ended. I still can't decide whether that was better or worse than laughing in the middle of a funeral, but ultimately it's a moot point because I've also done that :P
@jasondiend4248 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah just told my wife she smiled. Anyone who has had pets and they're gone now know that your brain is wired for them to be there. It took us 2 years to finally start to accept there was no dog in the bed with us anymore. It's just your brain is wired for it. I still catch myself in the middle of the night in position that I would lay in for my dog. It's just how things work. Something triggers that instinct it's gonna get triggered. Soon as Daz said not anymore they're dead. I was like I've been there.
@bandgeekforlife406 3 жыл бұрын
Unrelated to anything said in the video, botany is fun :D I've never had a "green thumb," but have always wanted to be able to grow plants. I've spent a lot of time over the past year conducting experiments with various types of seeds to find out what the best methods of nurturing them are in my specific location (the desert). I keep making progress- my current crop has lived longer, and is generally healthier, than anything I've tried previously :) Sadly, I'll have to halt my outdoors experimentation over the summer because it gets unbearably hot for most plants. When you do get a house (or maybe y'all can put something together at the office, where it will benefit everyone working there?), I highly recommend starting an herb garden. If you like, you could start a tea garden, even. Both can easily be done indoors, if you're dealing with plants that are on the small side. It's a pastime I find particularly rewarding and relaxing, as well as something that produces tangible, enjoyable results! Just a suggestion :)
@chef_exotiic5031 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks kaif I finally have something to watch appreciate the work you do
@tiago9977 Жыл бұрын
2:12:49 That's such a relatable sentiment lol. The curse of an overthinker is putting your foot in your mouth bcos you're trying to avoid saying the wrong thing.
@MrBern-ex3wq 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Disco Ball Guy he didn't know how to dive
@Haz4ler 3 жыл бұрын
People say fall guys is a dead game but it really isin't.
@greenbird6435 3 жыл бұрын
Just because you stopped playing or your favorite youtubers stop playing doesn't mean its dead
@Haz4ler 3 жыл бұрын
@@greenbird6435 yes thats what im saying XD
@Troinkz 3 жыл бұрын
Wait a couple people stopped playing a game? OH NO ITS DEAD IT CAN NEVER BE PLAYED AGAIN.
@seancannon2193 3 жыл бұрын
My thought on sponsorships... If I don't like a company and they pay you to play the game, when you were going to play anyways... great! That's does absolutely nothing extra for them, and yet means they're paying extra for you to do the same thing you would anyways. The more money out of their pockets the better.
@Nestron_sadly 3 жыл бұрын
yeah like if the person you are watching you enjoy watching and the KZbinr/Streamer enjoys the game then there should be no problem but people get triggered for anything
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
Kinda different from Epic sponsership (I think), but what if you get sponsered by a shady business practice and/or company? You know something like Raid Shadow Legends or a homemade drug or Blizzard. In these examples you are promoting a companies product which you can hate for good reasons. Like how you might like WoW, but hate Blizzard (kinda like; you like Fall Guys, but hate Epic Games) for the whole China sellout. Or Raid Shadow Legends with them targetting gambling addicts or vulnurable youth. You are free to get sponsers and get paid by them, but as a creator you are responsible form who you accept payment. If you accept payment, you show that you are willing to support this company. Honestly I don't know anything about Epic (so don't know if they are shady), but disliking a video because the content creator sold out to a "bad" company is completely valid. But honestly that is my stance as a consumer and I don't know anything about Epic Games or Fall Guys, so this point might not be applicable in this discussion. (And honestly what is considered a "bad" company is again different for everybody else)
@seancannon2193 3 жыл бұрын
@@BrotherHood-xh9sg I'd say there's another layer to that not being considered. If the content creator is actively supporting the company and acting like the company is this great thing regardless of their own personal opinion then yeah, that's a good reason to dislike them. If they're just playing the game that they'd play anyways otherwise, then that's not a valid reason to dislike them as a whole. You might dislike those videos, but even so you shouldn't hit the dislike button over something like that, you should just not watch those videos. Essentially, accepting money shouldn't be when you're considered to have "sold out", but rather when you're actively changing what you do and say based on the payment. As long as you can still give an honest opinion it should be fine to accept money to play a game. This is doubly true if it's a game you'd play either way.
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
@@seancannon2193 Yes, I agree in a sense. After all you could make excellent points that disliking an entire video because of one ad/sponsership etc. might be overkill. Yet others could also claim that not watching a video where somebody makes a deal with a shady company (not saying Kaid is) and not disliking it, is a more toned down version of seeing a man being beaten and not taking action yourself. In some instances looking the other way when something morally questionable happens, is wrong as well. (Although you start getting in an even greyer part of ethics & laws then and in Kaifs example I doubt Epic Games has done the same crimes as Blizzard so I personally wouldn't dislike his Fall Guys videos) As for Honest opions while having a deal now. Who checks if the KZbinr is now still giving their honest opinion? The moment somebody gets payed, they are no longer considered an unbiased source (or at least less then before). In some countries (not all, and sadly not mine) politicians need to state whenever they have stakes in a company/law/bill etc. before they vote. Because if they profit from that law passing or not, they are not allowed to vote, since they can no longer be trusted to vote for the people that elected them, but instead could vote for their own gain. The same kinda applies here, except its been proven people trust KZbinrs more then politicians, tv commericals, the youtube ad before the video starts etc. The moment you get payed, you are no longer a trustworthy source. I like Kaifs content as well and doubt his opinions will change after a contract we don't have access to (for obvious reasons). Plus he has already been telling us how much he enjoys the game as a whole. But that still does not change the fact that he is no longer "independent" (can't remember the better word for it) and MIGHT start talking less about how terribly programmed tail tag is or something else now that he is being paid.
@royalfox3771 3 жыл бұрын
I like the fact the thumbnails has the soda drink pants on the owl just like in the stream. People pay attention to these things.
@royalfox3771 3 жыл бұрын
Noice comment me
@royalfox3771 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks me
@bruh-shinjikasaienjoyer 3 жыл бұрын
@@royalfox3771 Great reply you
@NathanATaylor 3 жыл бұрын
The thumbnail looks like the "secret fall guys level" animation
@telleqwin7266 3 жыл бұрын
The holes are invisible he says... wouldn't that mean that there are indeed holes since you know that is basically what they are...
@chuenlee 3 жыл бұрын
Glen need a pair of EYE to see
@rieandrique 3 жыл бұрын
That last game is such an absolute masterpiece. Y'all owned it
@sugarcoatt_ 3 жыл бұрын
Damn, Glen improved
@raptorofwar4415 3 жыл бұрын
I miss For Honor content, and I was happy you got sponsored. Money to do more of what you enjoy? Fantastic.
@HPMCCPooTis 3 жыл бұрын
Stan: Mrs. Claus is trying new methods idk y that made me choke xD
@sleepyaly1120 3 жыл бұрын
Another squads show! Bring Glen to the crown lol
@conscioussapphire6534 3 жыл бұрын
Wait Glen lives in London? I thought he stayed in Singapore cause of the vlogs or did he host only his wedding there?
@lokosoko 3 жыл бұрын
Stream labs tends to randomly be a mess, a different streamer I watch had his stream labs chat mess up and start autocorrecting people's usernames, like mine became locomotive.
@deadtoast5693 3 жыл бұрын
Yooo I was just think about when you would post then this pops up
@Zer-ec4ly 3 жыл бұрын
Operation: Carry the Glenn pt 2, is a go.
@quickpwned 3 жыл бұрын
Hopping in to say fuck yeah, take them game company sponsorships! #Fortheoffice
@maloro9085 3 жыл бұрын
So you are the owl that breaks our knees if we miss a lesson on Doulingo
@tiago9977 Жыл бұрын
I agree w/ Kaif's sentiment about the skins. I get the appeal of having skins as prizes, but it would suck if less skilled players weren't able to enjoy any of the cool skins in the game.
@MapleCakeTheLion 3 жыл бұрын
>10th out of 10 >Still out Fallguys is just a liar.
@aronii3927 3 жыл бұрын
lov ya videos, i am waiting for next
@thegamingxpress8098 3 жыл бұрын
yeahhhh boiii
@chef_exotiic5031 3 жыл бұрын
@CloneClown 3 жыл бұрын
kaif i am gonna be honest with you, whenever i see your face i feel weird like "he looks like his avatar how did he do that" while ik you made your avatar based on yourself xD
@Kaiffu 3 жыл бұрын
I suppose if you see the avatar 90% of the time and then see me show up every now and then It would make sense :P
@CloneClown 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kaiffu kaif noticed me and bestowed huge power on me, time to break someones Nico, Nico, Kneecaps. in lol
@azalia1225 3 жыл бұрын
So Epic Games.... I don't really care that they bought the game, as long as they don't try and remove it from Steam/force people to rebuy it or buy a season pass to play it then fine, I'd keep playing it. At the moment I'm waiting for an update to fix the dodgy grab (miles away but I get grabbed? Okay buddy!) and the qualified but eliminated non-sense that I've gotten several times gets sorted. I don't like Epic Games, but as far as I see it they are exactly the same as Activision and EA but now it's more public because of the internet and they don't really bother me so.... meh, if you are getting paid to play a game that you would have played anyway then good for you. Guaranteed money.
@blazesona12 3 жыл бұрын
uhh if ya's get splatoon 2 make sure to clear out about 8 hrs if not more for the 2 stories especaly the dlc that stan mentioned cause ive seen some absolutely horenus chalenges in that area
@nabeelmahomed86 Жыл бұрын
And saving up all these years later I still can't afford a PS5 😔
@ceebee4673 3 жыл бұрын
honestly I love Glen... he's such a numpty...
@bearlife2212 3 жыл бұрын
I will not loose to a being that isnt real
@tiago9977 Жыл бұрын
1:15:24 I like when ppl rotate the mods for more variety
@tiago9977 Жыл бұрын
2:20:16 I'd love to see Kaif play Mario Kart
@thepissedoffcombinesoldier7853 3 жыл бұрын
The game is better than that *BIG I R O N* on the Texas ranger’s hip
@Kaonashi-1st 3 жыл бұрын
What about overwatch?
@ByoKora775 3 жыл бұрын
When it comes to games and not supporting them there are ways about it like if someone plays the games it doesn’t matter if they play it cuz if you enjoy them playing it then there’s nothing more to discuss, but I know that I have preferences when it comes to video games and so do others I may not like what others like but it won’t stop me from watching someone play it, heck a lot of games that SR play I actually want to try. Heck I’m not gonna lie I’m a born again Nintendo fan but I’m losing faith in them cuz their games aren’t quite the same these days but I’ll still get certain series cuz they are some of my favourite series.
@melaniewaffle2143 3 жыл бұрын
Bro Kaif's gaming
@thewanderingcat5137 3 жыл бұрын
Regardless of le sponsors, fokin love koif only koif, hate the game
@NathanATaylor 3 жыл бұрын
Oh shit 11th comment Yeah ima be that guy
@anonymousperson3916 3 жыл бұрын
14th comment and 35th like gotta love being early
@raphaelgabriel5673 3 жыл бұрын
@ka1ns965 3 жыл бұрын
@ShiningLight 3 жыл бұрын
@angramainyu4599 3 жыл бұрын
I'll disagree with ppl deserve skins it is basically saying participation trophies are a good thing
@nyuraki_industries 3 жыл бұрын
It's more so that worse players can get engaged in the game and get progress. It's not nice being a bad player and just getting stick for it constantly and it just doesn't help you stick to the game.
@angramainyu4599 3 жыл бұрын
To quote my favorite series Git gud
@nyuraki_industries 3 жыл бұрын
@@angramainyu4599 say that to Glen
@angramainyu4599 3 жыл бұрын
Gladly XD
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
1:55:00 Kinda different from Epic Kaif & co, but what if you get sponsered by a shady business practice and/or company? You know something like Raid Shadow Legends or a homemade drug or Blizzard. In these examples you are promoting a companies product which you can hate for good reasons. Like how you might like WoW, but hate Blizzard (kinda like; you like Fall Guys, but hate Epic Games) for the whole China sellout. Or Raid Shadow Legends with them targetting gambling addicts or vulnurable youth. You are free to get sponsers and get paid by them, but as a creator you are responsible form who you accept payment. If you accept payment, you show that you are willing to support this company. Honestly I don't know anything about Epic (so don't know if they are shady), but disliking a video because the content creator sold out to a "bad" company is completely valid.
@Kaiffu 3 жыл бұрын
That wasn't the point. As the viewer, being excited to see me upload Fall Guys, but getting upset that it's sponsored by Fall Guys, is an example of. Give me content, but don't benefit.
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kaiffu In that case, ignore my previous comment. I don't know Epic Games or Fall Guys, so I can't say if the rest of this comment applies, butI don't fully agree with you if you change Fall Guys to xxx company. I can be exited to see Sam's WoW content, but if he gets sponsered by Blizzard, I don't like that since he is now accepting payment from that amoral company to play the game he was already playing, instead of relying on viewer support. But once again, I don't know Epic Games (and if disliking it for Epic is valid). Also this is from the perspective of a customer who has no clue how much money you (or in this example Sam) makes and if you can support yourself. Getting paid by a company to do the same thing you did before is amazing for me (as it gets me more videos) and for you as a creator (as you get more money to spend), but when that company is shady, that's a different matter. (Once again not saying this applies to Fall Guys, if it doesn't, then I fully agree with you)
@Kaiffu 3 жыл бұрын
I dont understand this attitude sorry If the company is shady, making content is still profiting from them, regardless if they pay you or not So caring whether I upload content or get paid by them becomes completely irrelevant
@BrotherHood-xh9sg 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kaiffu ​ No problem mate, people have different opinions. To me personally the limit stands at doing business with a shady company. So I don't care if somebody uses their game (can't think of another example) to make money. But the moment you accept money from them or have a deal with them, you accept profits from a morally questionable source. But as you pointed out, others could reason just playing the game on stream (or for me just enjoying the game and paying for it) is already wrong as you supported the company. And such their is no difference between the two. (Like how you stopped playing WoW, because the whole China thing if I remember correctly) Or others could have a completely different opinion. Just wanted to give my two cents on the matter since I enjoy debate. But in all fairness my opinion could very well be different if I were in your shoes or if someone ever comes around and makes some amazing points that change my perspective.
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Jawdroppingly Bad Plays | Fall Guys
Kaiffu Live
Рет қаралды 41 М.
Как мы играем в игры 😂
Рет қаралды 2,9 МЛН
escape in roblox in real life
Kan Andrey
Рет қаралды 78 МЛН
Bike Vs Tricycle Fast Challenge
Рет қаралды 83 МЛН
Sabotage and Destroy! | Fall Guys
Kaiffu Live
Рет қаралды 62 М.
Mario Kart Madness!
Рет қаралды 55
Kaiffu Live
Рет қаралды 87 М.
Kaiffu Live
Рет қаралды 109 М.
Mario Party Moments That Make Me Remember
Рет қаралды 1,4 МЛН
【BLACK MYTH WUKONG】Blind Playthrough! MONKE Time!✨🐒
Kanna Yanagi Ch.【PixelLink】
Рет қаралды 207
Carrying The Worlds Worst Players to a Crown | Fall Guys
Kaiffu Live
Рет қаралды 46 М.
The Greatest Betrayal of All Time | Worms WMD
Kaiffu Live
Рет қаралды 84 М.