Kathleen Battle Interview

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@asdfopera7661 5 жыл бұрын
in hindsight, the Met showed zero tolerance to Kathleen Battle over what was perceived as diva behavior, but they allowed men like Levine and Domingo to go around sexually harassing people. Something doesn't add up.
@oliverdescants 3 жыл бұрын
@jewelmarkess 3 жыл бұрын
@James BigBigBoss If it was racism, how come no other black singer - and there were there with a lot of statute who were very vocal about racism - didn't say anything? It was more than "perceived diva behavior", she was very difficult to work with as I've read. She'd ask for rehearsal time to be changed and then come an hour late. She was rude to costume people. The articles I read also mentioned her slapping a wardrobe mistress. If you bother to read, it was really bad. Opera is team work. Nobody complain about Levine and Domingo at the time. BTW - I was a fan of hers, and I was really upset when she got fired because I couldn't forget the joy she gave me when I heard her at the Met as Rosina. She was a wonderful singer. But I was in the audience, I didn't have to work with her. Really, there are cases of real racism, but you cannot blame everything that happens to people on racism. Sometimes people just behave badly. Look up Time article about this from that time, it's called "Battle Fatigue". (edited to add) Jessye Norman was always outspoken against racism, so was Leontyne Price. Neither of them came to her defense. Incidentally, she was replaced with another black singer.
@jewelmarkess 3 жыл бұрын
@James BigBigBoss So was I back then. I really loved her Rosina... At any rate, it probably doesn't matter now. We can still enjoy her art.
@chloel.8007 3 жыл бұрын
I'm going to be blunt: the default for opera is white. I doubt the acusations of Ms. Battle's "diva behavior". I feel she was just protecting herself and her and she came off as an a so called diva. I read somewhere yrs ago that she was called an uppity n word. That would piss me off too. She had to hear these things and deal with racism and abuse so of course she would come off as angry. She was angry, not a diva.
@jewelmarkess 3 жыл бұрын
@@chloel.8007 During the time Kathleen Battle was fired, the Met had quite a number of prominent black female singers. In fact, the majority of top American female singers of the second half of the 20th century were black. She was not the only one there, and others didn't have her problems. Opera is team sport. Demanding rehearsals to be rescheduled multiple times and then being an hour and a half late is wrong. Nobody denied she did it. Nobody denied that she attacked Rosalind Elias - a mezzo beloved by everyone - and demanding that she was accompanied by a pianist in the orchestra instead of her, or that she threw out Carol Vaness' clothes from the dressing room they were supposed to share. This was for the Marriage of Figaro which has a number of female leads. Even Callas shared a dressing room at the Met. Not a single person in any of the theaters she worked with denied anything that was written about her. You just assume they are all lying because you want to blame everything on racism. BTW I agree that using the "n" word against Kathleen Battle was wrong, but two wrongs don't make it right. Not a single person denied anything that was mentioned about Kathleen Battle at the time including black singers. Oh, and she was replaced by another black soprano. You have zero facts, you just assume.
@rsliu4646 7 жыл бұрын
It's not a difficult question but it was a rather rude question under the circumstance. The interviewer should have phrased the question differently and we the audience would have understood Battle from her perspective more.
@andrejungels6255 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know about miss Battle what happens at the MET. Yes she Lost her job there. The only think. I want to write. Is i was leaving i New York then and ... Kathleen Battle just great thanks for all the joy you give us. And i Saw in so many performances in différents cities. And i talk to you many time. Always sweet. Miss Battle i miss you so much. With many many songs of Love from Paris
@beltop5 14 жыл бұрын
well, her performing abilities and voice really are perfection
@RoyalSnowbird 15 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you here - lack of tact and diplomacy as well as manners! Good grief! Miss Battle had the correct response - this interviewer did not deserve the time of day! It was tantamount to tarnishing her and attacking her publicly when oft it was not deserved and the workings of many a jealous or malveillant person trying to bring her down. She has talent and deserves to be treated with the utmost respect and a higher standard of treatment. I so feel for her here. . .
@Feisenbach Жыл бұрын
A true bitch doesn't deserve any respect no matter how well she sings.
@anitadiva 14 жыл бұрын
Good for Ms. Battle. If the interviewer had been TOLD topics wouldn't be discussed and it was agreed upon, the interviewer was 100% wrong for asking. I would've walked off too. Sometimes you're the only one who can protect yourself when those around you aren't doing their job.
@jonahsahn 16 жыл бұрын
well im glad I could introduce you to her. As you can she from the comments under this video, there is still alot of talk about her. OMG I'm going to see her in a few hours!!!!! I was in the Messiah here in Memphis TN last night, and I talked to some of the stage managers and they had horror stories, lol. I can't say what, but hey.
@jeffreydavis717 3 жыл бұрын
I am glad she didnt allow that reporter to manuever her in some issue that should have not been considered prior to kathleens permission. To blind sight her with that question was shady and tacky unacceptable.
@Arron413 8 жыл бұрын
That was a setup interview! I am happy that Kathleen left!
@kinddude9555 15 жыл бұрын
For those interesting in a thoughtful and civil conversation, the absense of ETHICS IN JOURNALISM is the key issue. Kathleen Battle agreed to an interview as part of the publicity behind the concert and to share her thoughts on performing -- not to speak of the past. The interviewer has another unethical and disingenuous agenda and 'justifies" her question with: " I'm interested in how you maintain your quality singing with all these people trying to have these..." -- we all saw though it.
@orion8835 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but she is a public figure. She also worked at subsidized houses across the world including the USA. The public had a right to question her after the firing at the bar that frankly she never addressed beyond denial statements that she was not aware if any unprofessional conduct. She was embarrassed clearly and was suffering from extreme denial if she thought she could control the press after something like that.
@carolae.4014 4 жыл бұрын
She is a true Diva in the best sense. Maria Callas was known to have walked off stage mid opera, yet her talent soared the heavens all the same. Believe me, Ms. Battles talent will be remembered longer than any petty issues others had.
@jewelmarkess 3 жыл бұрын
She was very talented. I heard her live at the Met as Rosina, and she was wonderful. I was very upset when she was fired because for me, as a member of the audience, it meant that I wouldn't be able to see/hear her again at the Met. At the same time, while it's true, her voice and art would be remembered for longer since personality issues of great artists don't in general live as long as their art, I'd imagine her issues weren't seen as petty to those around her: content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,980151,00.html Of course, for us who would like to simply enjoy art, it doesn't matter, just like it doesn't matter for us Callas' issues or the personality flaws of greatest composers like Beethoven. With the passage of time, it's more like "who cares, I'd like to enjoy the great art." BTW - Callas was also fired from the Met, google "Callas fired by Bing".
@orion8835 2 жыл бұрын
They were not petty. She was incredibly savage and unprofessional the denial on this thread is hilarious.
@sherrigonzales9504 Жыл бұрын
@@orion8835 and you know this how?
@hansmahr8627 Ай бұрын
Just do some research, Battle's awful behavior was infamous. There are countless stories about her from all sorts of people, including fans who admired her. You can't compare her to Callas who could be difficult but mostly because of her perfectionism or because of her frustration with how she was treated by the media. She didn't scream at staff members for no reason, she didn't forbid other singers to look at her and she didn't behave unprofessionally during rehearsals or performances.
@thangvuong9196 6 жыл бұрын
I don't like Ms. Battle's behavior but if there were limits on the interview already agreed upon the interviewer should have honored that agreement.
@bullycatmom 5 жыл бұрын
I completely agree her behavior leaves a little to be desired at times but she is not the only artist/diva with bad behavior and an attitude. If there were boundaries put on the interview prior and not honored she should have walked off. This interviewer clearly crossed the boundary and did it horribly awkwardly at that.
@castodivo 16 жыл бұрын
I think it was underhanded, rude, and ultimately very stupid of this interviewer to discuss a topic that Battle and her agents made very clear that she would not talk about. Had the interviewer just stayed away from that topic, Battle would have discussed so many, great topics. You could see that Battle became uncomfortable, yet, she reacted with dignity and professionalism. She handled the situation rather well and let the interview look quite foolish.
@kinddude9555 16 жыл бұрын
The interviewer was granted an interview and, through her own admission, said, "Battle had made it clear to us she wouldn't talk about..." And yet, asked anyway. Unprofessional (given that she must have agreed not to) and disrespectful.
@harlembob8135 9 жыл бұрын
If the interviewer was interested in how Ms. Battle maintains her quality singing, she simply should have asked "how do you maintain your quality singing?" instead of loading the question with a matter that obviously was not open for discussion! Ms. Battle handled that in a classy manner!
@kinddude9555 11 жыл бұрын
What facts we do have, is Joe Volpe's own words when he described a situation where Pavarotti asked for a tempo and it was fine; but when KB did the same thing, it was only to serve herself. He seemed to 'understand' when Pavarotti felt a certain tempo was better; when KB did the same behavior, now there is something wrong. Interesting.
@rosesflowers4722 4 жыл бұрын
That woman was jealous of Kathleen Battleen.
@1969SL 16 жыл бұрын
I just love Kathleen Battle,say whatever you want. And I had a great time reading all these comments bellow,glad you are so passionate about it.By the way,that journalist was lucky that I wasnt there because I would made her eat that mike.And than dared her to ask me one more question we both agreed not to talk about on TV.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
Alright, this is the last thing I'm going to say on the subject. Inaudible voices don't sell out houses, nor do they garner the accolades and praise Miss Battle has enjoyed. I've seen her live and heard her just fine. So has millions of other people. Can you explain to me why anyone would pay to see someone they can hardly hear? Quite honestly, the public much perfers a voice like Battle's rather than a large, wobbly, stereotypical opera voice. They can appreciate and enjoy it.
@danielcabrera4161 2 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏👏👏 I heard that the voice isn’t small at all
@orion8835 2 жыл бұрын
At the MET she was miked because she was inaudible in the lower register. The house is extremely large. At more normal houses it was easier. The voice carried at the upper reaches but in middle and lower it was always hard to hear if the piece wasn’t right. He voice was smallish yet she had good projection for most of it. Much better than the silly people today singing light coloratura.
@dedrickp 16 жыл бұрын
Did you all see how she just left in the middle of the interview..........I LIKE IT.........I LIKE IT A LOT.............you have to respect her weather you like it or not.
@Pavarotti48 13 жыл бұрын
Of course she's difficult to work with. Ms. Battle strives for excellence in her performances and I bet she accepts nothing less from those around her. Good for her!!
@onlyrealtalentedartists Жыл бұрын
she is not difficult to work with musically, but she demanded rehearsals with many musicians to be rescheduled, and then she came an hour and a half later, and she did this many times, a big scandal was that she attacked Rosalind Elias - a mezzo who was working with her, she also threw out Carol Vaness' clothes from the dressing room they were supposed to share , and by the way slapping the wardrobe mistress ( she did...) goes a bit beyond "difficult"
@ThatBernie 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe she is a bit difficult to work with, I wouldn't know, but if so then that only shows how committed she is to her art and to her profession. Also, have you ever noticed nobody ever asks these questions of male singers? And yet as soon as a female singer sets high standards for herself and for others that she works with, she's labeled a "diva."
@jewelmarkess 3 жыл бұрын
This article from the time when she was fired explains it: content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,980151,00.html I don't think being an hour and a half late for a rehearsal after the time was already changed for her shows commitment to art or high standards. Neither does being rude to stage hands or slapping a wardrobe mistress. BTW - as a member of the audience and not someone who had to work with her, I loved her voice and artistry when I heard her as Rosina at the Met.
@jerrya1979 13 жыл бұрын
What a cheap question.the interviewer is the one who comes off unprofessional.
@bobatkinson2862 2 жыл бұрын
Good on you Ms Battle. It makes no difference that you are famous (probably deservedly) that was a terrible insulting question. I wish you had replied "you have a reputation for being a rude and incompetent interviewer - please explain that first".
@kinddude9555 16 жыл бұрын
However, No thanks to the interviewer, Kathleen Battle managed to give advice to beginner singers, share wisdom about the depth and beauty of spirituals, and discuss how hard she had to work to get to where she was. How generous and giving and wise.
@jerryarispi8386 4 жыл бұрын
Too bad you were an unprofessional interviewer who didnt honor your word. Shame on you!
@joan8593 10 жыл бұрын
"Let you know what I think"? I think the interviewer is dishonest and I'm glad Kathleen Battle walked off.
@rutebeuf2 16 жыл бұрын
yes, glad you saw the interview. it was going along so well until this moment, that's why i felt bad for both of them. She's a great talent, and i'm sure she's a very nice person, just perhaps with higher expectations, and there's nothing wrong with that.
@cathyc5108 4 жыл бұрын
We think YOU were "trying" Ms Battle. And note to interviewers, if your questions are longer than the guests answers ???.......... hello!!!
@kennethcraddock2313 10 жыл бұрын
Excuse me but when she was younger she was a fine, beautiful sister.
@kinddude9555 11 жыл бұрын
Yes. All hearsay and gossip. No specific facts. I find that when you actually ask for facts, those who describe the specific situation with exact words or specific actions, usually realize they have exaggerated what a person actually did.
@TomisHarena 4 жыл бұрын
Do the people nowadays gather in concert halls to listen to lectures about the behaviour of Beethoven during rehearsals or to listen to the music of Beethoven ?! Kyrie Eleison !
@roseroyce15 Жыл бұрын
Racism & gaslighting.... PERIOD. How DISRESPECTFUL & low down of a person you have to be.... When you'd already agreed hat she wouldn't talk about those LIES nor Grace them with. response. This interviewer had an agenda & it was very UNPROFESSIONAL & TACKY of her to do Ms. Battle this way. I don't blame her for walking. They just can't STAND to have a confident successful BRILLIANT black woman speak up for herself. Noooo. If she does, she's gotta be "difficult" or "angry" or being a "diva." Well let me tell you this. SHE IS a diva. A REAL one. And it was TOTALLY unfair how the Met treated her & how the media jumped on the bandwagon ready to pounce on a black woman for RATINGS. They literally tried to ruin her. But she will go down in HISTORY as a pure genius of a performer in highest caliber singing art form in the world! . Even taking to it main stream audiences who would've [NEVER appreciated the opera genre. One of the most beautiful voices ever heard the world over. They can NEVER take that from her. Salute Ms. Battle. Take a BOW! 💯💯💯
@kinddude9555 11 жыл бұрын
It is easy to spread gossip and hearsay that is not confirmed, such as the slap you have mentioned. If/when any person reaches the level of artistry and skill that KB has -- in any field -- they will have their detractors. What was particularly interesting in KB case though, is that when Pavarotti did similar things to KB, such as request a particular tempo or even arrive a little late, Volpe excused it away. Interesting at best.
@kinddude9555 14 жыл бұрын
@MrStyle23 - You make a valid point. There was communication on the purpose of the interview and what wouldn't be discussed. "Battle had made it clear...," as you say, had been told in advance; So the interviewer is breaching the ethical journalistic standards, which any reputable journalist would adhere to. Moreover this questions comes at about minute 27 of a 30 minute interview. Many celebrities have talking points that do not want to discuss. J Jackson will not discuss her early career.
@kinddude9555 16 жыл бұрын
As far as the comment "there are no 'trusts' when one is interviewed, keep telling yourself that. And if you are journalist, let's see how many individuals want to be interviewed by you. As for me being Kathleen Battle, for the sake of truth, I am not.
@Picklejam08 14 жыл бұрын
My favorite KB story. She is picked up at JFK by limo and being transported back to her home. She calls her agent and reports that the air conditioning in the back of the limo is too cold. She then informs her agent to call the driver and tell him to turn the temp up. Her agent complies, and KB didn't have to tap on the glass, and do it herself. ...... When Kathleen wakes up in the morning and her feet hit the floor, Satan shudders, and says: "Oh Shit, She's Awake!"
@lysliepope3967 2 жыл бұрын
This woman interviewing Madam Battle make me sick to my stomach. There,she's sitting with one of the greatest "Lyric Sopranos" in the world, and instead of asking about her upcoming concerts, or the years of training it took to develop her technique and style, not to mention the hours it takes, today, to maintain her voice, this fool wants to know if Madam Battle "is difficult" to work with in opera. I wonder if this fool,of a reporter, can sing a Rossini Aria. If I were Madam Battle, I would have ended the interview.
@miuzefreak 14 жыл бұрын
@hkhilner 10 жыл бұрын
This whole question of "quality control" was really contrived. Battle had attitude/behavior problems that the Met finally realized were not worth tolerating when they fired her. This interviewer should not have been surprised that Battle would get up and walk away. Quite frankly, they shouldn't have wasted their time on such an interview in the first place.
@aacha548 6 жыл бұрын
What a bullshit excuse for a question. Of course being an interview you want to ask hard questions but to expect her to do what she's already said she wouldn't do, you were just winding her up.
@r0c87 4 жыл бұрын
This Journalist is so adamant about Kathleen Battle's reputation you would've thought she had a sex cult in her house.
@papermason 13 жыл бұрын
I remember this, I felt so badly for Ms. Battle. Laurie Brown of the CBC conducted this interview. Kathleen Battle has one of the most beautifully lyrical voices ever and to have been treated like this was, and still is, shameful.
@San47di 15 жыл бұрын
Actually her voice is quite beautiful. No one can really take that way from her, no matter how she tends to rub people the wrong way.
@tonyd9455 8 жыл бұрын
All she had to do was say, "I'd rather not speak about that." She just proved what a difficult diva she really is.
@punkanellylovejoy7534 8 жыл бұрын
+Tony D Yep she certainly proved it by going completely silent and walking out: she's difficult.
@convolutedexperiment 8 жыл бұрын
+Tony D I disagree, Kathleen had advised prior to the interview that she wouldn't answer questions relating to rumours, and that's all they are, rumours, of her being difficult to work with. Has anyone considered that she might simply be a perfectionist in her field and demand that of those she's working with. This Reporter thought nothing of ambushing Kathleen, then turning the interview into the outcome she had already planned it to be! Sensationalism I believe it's called. I saw Kathleen perform live at the Sydney Opera House many years ago, and she was brilliant. I'm guessing, like many accomplished performers and artists, she just doesn't suffer fools, including a reporter who chose to ignore their agreement of not asking insulting questions.
@dancingdeo 8 жыл бұрын
+convolutedexperiment Exactly. Well put.
@convolutedexperiment 8 жыл бұрын
Punkanelly Lovejoy Kathleen held her ground and proved why she is the accomplished performer, while the Reporter proved to us, why she is just a reporter and not a very honest one at that. I wonder where she is now! Kathleen however, remains top of her profession.
@convolutedexperiment 8 жыл бұрын
Kathleen is ever the consummate Professional, it's a shame the reporter wasn't up to her standard!
@Schoolgirl325 10 жыл бұрын
That was a stupid question for the reporter to ask. Of course, Battle didn't have to walk up and leave without a word. She could have just said, "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable answering any questions about that." Then again, reporters can be so rude and nosy that I bet she would have kept bugging Kathleen for an answer even if she did say that she didn't want to answer questions about her reputation of being difficult to work with.
@andrejungels6255 2 жыл бұрын
Miss Battle ...was honest. i am still Furious about the MET attitude to her. Miss Battle if you read this message , just know the public Always Love you and despide years passing by.,. Thanks for the joy you give us us. With many many songs of Love from Paris ❤️
@helenasolares 13 жыл бұрын
Well done, Ms. Battle!!
@jewelmarkess 11 жыл бұрын
Norman worked plenty in the US, she's been a regular at the Met. She sang Sieglinde at the Met Ring Cycle that was televised. She'd not had any problems because she wasn't that difficult. Neither were Price, Verrett, Arroyo, Bumbry, Blackwell, .... or anybody else. I am sorry but being 90 minutes late for rehearsals after the time was already changed for you goes beyond being a little difficult.
@jayonnaj18 8 жыл бұрын
The interviewer had been instructed before hand not to ask Ms. Battle any questions concerning her alleged difficult behavior as a stellar opera singer, is the way I heard it! If that was the case, I don't blame Ms. Battle one bit for walking out----served that interviewer right! LOL!!!
@writeract2 8 жыл бұрын
Agreed, & she said it in a way that was not respectful or exhibited a sense of diplomacy, she went right for the jugular in a callous (no pun), crass way.
@Yves_Ka 8 жыл бұрын
The interviewer was justified in asking those questions - why shouldn't she? There were true incidents and why did Battle not want to own them? Just watching Battle's face go sour is priceless - I think it was worth the risk of her walking out!
@shelleybenton133 8 жыл бұрын
I just wonder what makes interviewers think that all of their questions MUST be answered. If the interviewee chooses not to answer a question, I see that as their right. Just as the interviewer thinks it is their right to ask what they choose. Why isn't the artist being interviewed granted the same rights to choose which questions they want to answer. Ms. Battle wasn't rude or nasty she just simply chose to end the interview. Her option was to opt out. She was perfectly gracious and forthcoming to that point. It was her prerogative.
@Yves_Ka 8 жыл бұрын
Shelley Benton It seems that the interviewer was consciously provoking (which is OK) - I kinda get the impression that she was expecting Battle NOT to answer............. Somehow the fact that Battle did not want to go there says more about the way she saw herself than if she actually had answered the question. It was a bold move by the interviewer and keeps us talking about it still today!
@jetit 16 жыл бұрын
It just go's to show the TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!
@bjjnova 10 жыл бұрын
Way to prove the point that you are a difficult person Ms. Battle. There are ways to graciously handle these sorts of situations; gracious people know how to do that. I can see how some might think the question broke the agreement. I don't. What's too bad is that Battle's handlers haven't taught her to make the most of her difficult personality; God knows she isn't the first crazy diva who is/was difficult to work with.
@Grandtenore 16 жыл бұрын
Yeah...I have often wondered how much is truth and how much is legend.
@rutebeuf2 16 жыл бұрын
Google "Kathleen Battle television interview" and it's the eigth search result. Once you get into the cbc site, scroll down for Kathleen's interview (in the retro tab).
@uncjim 15 жыл бұрын
Yes, it would be nice if she displayed a little more maturity here. On the other hand, this is clearly a very difficult subject for her and she was promised that it wouldn't be touched. The lady was "sandbagged" by a typically arrogant press. Shame on their dishonesty and long love Kathleen Battle. She is a gift.
@rutebeuf2 16 жыл бұрын
found this on google just now: Battle first earned the tag during rehearsals with opera diva Kiri Te Kawana. They were appearing together in Strauss's Arabella in 1983 when Battle objected to cuts to her part as Zdenka. Acting on the advice of members of the production staff, she requested her part be restored, but Te Kawana denied her request. The relationship between the two stars subsequently deteriorated, and Battle's image as "difficult" has persisted to the present.
@orion8835 2 жыл бұрын
That is total nonsense try again. The Zdenka cuts are standard and it is literally a few lines. In fact much of Arabella has cuts everywhere as the score is incredibly messy. All of these comments are from people who are outside of the industry. Kathy Battle was a bitch. She also was incredibly controlling and just plain unstable. People like you in this thread pretend beyond.
@forthisvideo 16 жыл бұрын
Looks like she got sandbagged to me. I read about that experience she had at the Met and from what I understand, it was a very painful one for her especially because it was not what it seemed. But what it SEEMED is what became the story that clung to her. All I can say is, there were so many times I saw interviews that took a bad turn and wished the person would just get up from their seat and walk away as she did.
@jewelmarkess 14 жыл бұрын
I read all of the stories about her primadonna behavior - and yes it was bad, but what I'll always remember is the joy she gave me when I heard her as Rosina at the Met many years ago. Nothing can take this away from me.
@MicahandModesta 10 жыл бұрын
Anyone know where we can find the full interview?
@convolutedexperiment 8 жыл бұрын
+EidahageFeroe Ask the Network who interviewed her!
@cathyc5108 4 жыл бұрын
Lol that might have been the entire interview. I've been "classically" trained SMH I ran too!! I dont even....
@jewelmarkess 11 жыл бұрын
Google also "I survived the Battle+Kathleen Battle" - a lot of links. If even a fraction of the stories is true, it seems like quite a bit more than just being "a little late". Oh, and several links mention being two and a half hours late for a 3-hour rehearsal where time was already changed at her request - this is in the links you find, also bad behavior towards stuff. Do you think all of the incidents are just rumors and lies?
@renelicht 5 жыл бұрын
She did the right thing in a very delicate manner.
@Synegal 10 жыл бұрын
She is still so beautiful like my mom and aunts. Lovely lady but they say she def has a diva attitude.
@LC-ig2jm 10 жыл бұрын
a bitch, she knows it and you know it.
@LC-ig2jm 9 жыл бұрын
Armon Golliday yeah, your morals are so good that you think slapping the interviewer is appropriate. i guess you think violence is acceptable? assaulting someone on camera would have made her look worse.
@vcp365 9 жыл бұрын
James Colson Well, she's an opera singer. They are *the* true divas!! You know, people moan about Battle, but Callas was worse in some ways. To be fair, opera singers are like ballet dancers, often out of touch with reality, it's a result of constantly being onstage and being the center of attention of 100's and sometimes 1000's of people. Rudolph Nureyev was much worse than Kathleen..Look at how many divas and ballet dancers never have children. It's not a lifestyle that is conductive to seeing oneself as anything but the center of the world, as assholy as that sounds.
@writeract2 8 жыл бұрын
She is beautiful, her face & figure are beautiful & her voice is one of the best in the world w/ an extraordinarily & beautifully lyrical, intensely expressive, emotional quality & a very high level of technical mastery.
@Yves_Ka 8 жыл бұрын
Armon Golliday You obviously have no idea how difficult the woman was to work with............
@sergiolobato1798 5 жыл бұрын
She's a real Diva, in ever sense of the term. That's not a negative. When you reach the top of your artistic discipline you're only answerable to yourself! A great Lady!
@jewelmarkess 11 жыл бұрын
This is what I heard. So many people here are quick to scream "racism" and ignore the facts - both her unprofessional behavior and that she was the only one fired at the time (actually recently Gheorghiu was fired in Chicago, and for far less). Battle had a wonderful talent, and she had great artistry, and I still remember how much I liked her the one time I heard her live at the Met, but one has to be respectful of people one works with and professional. In any job. You were right.
@StokesDaddy 14 жыл бұрын
@kinddude i agree
@Pavarotti48 13 жыл бұрын
@miuzefreak I am a huge fan of both Callas and Battle. While I can appreciate the way Callas answered similar questions with calm and dignity I can also appreciate Ms. Battle's walking out of the the interview. With all due respect there's just some lines you never cross with a true Diva!
@jonahsahn 16 жыл бұрын
lol, is it online? the article, that is. I will search google for it now.
@uranusterra579 10 жыл бұрын
I prefer the silent protest response of miss Battle rather than responding to offending questions like madame Callas cleverly answered to Mike Wallace for example. I cannot say if she really had bad behaviour but I know that MET fired Callas too!..
@vettegaddia6234 10 жыл бұрын
I don't think either she or Callas should have been fired. The difference is the Met rehired Maria Callas in 1965 to sing Tosca. Did the Met refunded Kathleen's fans who paid a lot to hear her sing? I'm sure a substitute is not acceptable to her loyal fans.
@vettegaddia6234 10 жыл бұрын
Silversled When Maria was married to Meneghini, she had so much money she doesn't need to make any more with a concert tour. Millionaire Meneghini's wealth launched Maria's career. What the Met paid her is pocket change.
@bigdigger87 15 жыл бұрын
I did not even notice how the interviewer posed the question "Is being difficult..." GOOD POINT. That makes me re-evaluate my perception of this interview.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
Actually, if you ask any professional opera singer, they'll tell you that staged opera is not the most important/profitable part of their career. Singers have much more success and make a whole lot more money doing solo recital and concerts with orchestra. Miss Battle has had great success on the concert stage since her firing from the Met. Plus, her recordings prior to and after have always been top sellers. At 61 years old, she is still selling out houses all over the world.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
I guess what I don't understand is why 16 years later are people still talking about Kathleen Battle's firing from the MET? That was one roadbump along a LONG, successful career (even post the MET). Get the %#&$ over it!! Kathleen Battle had one of the most beautiful soprano voices in the world, and even today, she can sing circles around most of the sopranos singing at the MET right now. There will NEVER be another soprano of her calibre, and that's a fact.
@4eva68 14 жыл бұрын
Well... as most have stated here. Battle had a right to up and end her portion of the interview if there was a level of disrespect to her wishes. Sometimes folks don't just allow a phrase to be just that. She most likely felt no headway in continuing on possibly being misunderstood. So she walked... the result was the same. Respect for Excellence isn't easy to achieve especially when emotions are involved. Great voice and performer. ;0)
@jewelmarkess 11 жыл бұрын
When a) one of this person has much higher stature one can get away with more and b) when one of them has a reputation of being nicer to one's collegues (as Pavarotti was) and another of being difficult, people are more receptive. Pavarotti was late but not 90 minutes late, Pavarotti hadn't had fights over dressing room with other singers. She wasn't fired because of tempo change, but because of being 90 minutes late for rehearsals when the time was already changed to accommodate her.
@jewelmarkess 3 жыл бұрын
@James BigBigBoss She was performing with others. It was not a piano concert where she could rehearse in private with her pianist. Everyone needs a rehearsal because the singers need to work together, sing together, follow the orchestra. Oh, and she wasn't better than other singers. She had a beautiful voice, it had a silvery light quality, but it was small. All the singers she sang with were just as great and yet they didn't behave that way.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
That being said, you keep mentioning that "no opera company since '94 will hire her", but who says she wants to be hired. It's not like she's auditioning or asking and being turned down. She doesn't want that. By the way, I can call some company directors and ask them if they would ever hire Battle if she wanted to sing there, and I'm sure they'd say yes. If you know them all and they've all told you no, I stand corrected. If not, don't say things you don't know.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
The reason that is is the same reason she never returned to the Met. Volpe said himself that he would welcome her back if she decided she wanted to. When all of that transpired, she made a conscious decision that she did not want to continue that career path. She felt betrayed not only by Volpe, but everyone else. Plus, her recital and recording career was where she felt most comfortable anyway. Neither her nor her management have even attempted to engage an opera company.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
All I can say is, GET OVER IT!! Kathleen Battle is an amazing singer, and she hasn't done anything to me (or you for that matter), so I have no reason to disrespect her and her art. Personality issues or not, that has nothing to do with us as admirers of her talent. Having worked with many Met singers, trust me, Kathleen Battle isn't the only one with diva-tude. If they fired all who acted like that, they'd have slim pickings for their productions.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
Who was asked to sing for Pope Benedict's first visit to the US? Renee Fleming? Natalie Dessay? No, Kathleen Battle. Who is asked to record for movie soundtracks? Kathleen Battle! Who performs with major artists like Alicia Keys or Bono? Kathleen Battle! The world knows a great artist when they see it. She may not be chirping on stage in a ridiculous costume, but trust me, her bank account has no regrets. How about we try to focus on her art and contribution to classical music/opera.
@VoiceVirtuoso 14 жыл бұрын
Furthermore, if you have so many other sopranos that you'd prefer to listen to, why are you watching Kathleen Battle videos? Just to make stupid comments? Go enjoy your other sopranos and leave Kathleen alone!
@brandonburrell8517 8 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure no one throwing shade at Kathleen Battle on this thread can touch her vocally.
@RhiannaBarr 8 жыл бұрын
Brandon Burrell Rosalind Elias. It was Kathleens nasty behaviour towards her that caused Mr Volpe, Mer Director, to finally say "you're fired bitch!"
@brandonburrell8517 8 жыл бұрын
Yes. Got it. Heard it. Neither of us were there, but we both know what happened between two complete strangers over twenty years ago. When your voice, a gift given to you by God, has propelled you to heights, your behaviour will be under scrutiny for sure. I'm sure she earned her reputation for not being a nice person, fair and square, just as if you were famous you'd have a reputation as a gossip. Maybe she's changed. Maybe not. It's the need of others to keep rehearsing this long dead occurrence that is most suspicious.
@llamallama7132 6 жыл бұрын
And? She's still a nasty human being.
@angeliamilanovic6476 6 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, Llama Llama, there are no nasty human beings, there are dysfunctional behaviors usually underlined by some kind of mental health issues. I heard that she succeeded to put hers under control and is making a come back to the MET. It is a huge loss for the opera she could not do it earlier. Her singing proves to me that she has a wonderful, sensitive soul.
@donpkra 8 жыл бұрын
that's true that's all she had to say that "I'd rather not discuss that ." kind of a real nut case
@cinemeleon2808 5 жыл бұрын
Donald Kramer She already said it prior to the interview, so why repeat herself if it obviously didn't work the first time? That doesn't make her a nut case.
@elainebmack 13 жыл бұрын
The lives of an opera singers/ divas/divos, whatever you want to call them, are very demanding and difficult ones. Dealing with the expectations of the public, in addition to your own finite physical resources, does not always bring out "the best" in people. People tend to forget that artists are human beings with the personalities, souls, and human limitations we all share. It's something for all you e-critics out there to remember.
@asdfhuliashduflasihf 16 жыл бұрын
I think that quote is debatable. For me, the statement registered to me immediately as Battle refusing to answer Brown's question. Because later, Brown further states that it was too bad, and reinstates her purpose for asking the question. So I assumed Battle making it clear was her behaviour after asked the question.
@foreigner2thisworld 12 жыл бұрын
A skilled interviewer would have obtained the information she was seeking with tact. Good for Battle -she did the right thing by walking out. This is more of a reflection of the poor skills and behavior of pop media personalities than it is anything else.
@kinddude9555 16 жыл бұрын
"She should be able to take what she dishes." When has Kathleen Battle ever called a colleague or conversation partner a name? From the interviews in print or video, it seems she is often extremely complementary and positive of those with whom she works. What she does here is choose not to respond. One can, if you chooses, try to explain oneself. Or one can, if one chooses, not respond. LOL. If she had tried to explain herself, she would still have her detractors.
@miuzefreak 16 жыл бұрын
4) "Some of her collegues defended her behavior as that of a perfectionist-they said she was an artist who was as hard on herself as she was on others . Baloney . That's not perfectionism , that's a LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM ." (Page 139 from "The toughest show on earth" by Joseph Volpe)
@NYTruth 11 жыл бұрын
What's unprofessional here is that the alleged journalist negotiated parameters of an interview to begin with. She had every right to ask any question of her choosing as Kathleen had every right to decline to answer. Abruptly ending the interview in this manner has made it Exhibit A for those pushing the "Kathleen is difficult" line. She's done numerous interviews and yet it's this one that stands out. She can blame no one but herself for that one. Oh, and I absolutely adore Ms. Battle!
@texbear21 12 жыл бұрын
I would have walked too! How unprofessional to agree to perimeters of an interview and then violate them. It is all politics! A great talent like this is often dismissed as "difficult"or "eccentric" I feel that she is one of the greatest sopranos of our time. The idiot "powers that be" at the Met will regret their "politically correct" actions. A man named Wolfgang was dismissed for eccentric behavior (in his time).
@nifeplz 12 жыл бұрын
Maria Callas was fired from the met over a contractual dispute not for treating fellow performers with disrespect. Managers have a duty to protect fellow performers. Its not about perfectionism or "misinterpretation" its about professional behavior and fellow respect. This is not pop singing. A successful opera production requires performers to work together in a cooperative manner.
@tennotes 13 жыл бұрын
The whole purpose of this interview was to provoke Ms. Battle. Completely unnecessary. You don't get into the Met by singing Mary Had A Little Lamb. So what if she isn't with the opera anymore. She will still have a future with that beautiful voice. I don't blame Ms. Battle for walking away. I will always listen to her sing. She certainly isn't lacking fans, but I bet this interviewer is IF she is still employed.
@Brava51978 13 жыл бұрын
@donpkra I think we need some clarity on the phrase "there was no career" after the Met. She's still a leading box office draw as a recitalist, has recorded at least six albums and made appearances on other albums - two of them movie soundtracks. Not to mention that she is still debuting places and just performed at the Lincoln Theatre less than a month ago to honor the recipient of Lincoln Medal of honor. Over is an overstatement!
@TheWorldOfLC 13 жыл бұрын
The reporter herself said that Ms. Battle would not respond to questions like that. AND she had every right to walk out as she did (good for her). With that said, I guess having her previous unprofessional behavior constantly stigmatized is the price she is paying. Like they say- Karma is only a bitch if you are. But what an enchanting, and talented singer AND actor she is- One can't deny the fact! While there is blame to share, the reporter should not have crossed the line.
@elainebmack 13 жыл бұрын
@JumpStreet1983 . I disagree with your view of Ms. Battle's behavior. It was agreed that "the subject" would not be mentioned, yet the interviewer obviously waited to catch Ms. Battle off guard. It wasn't Ms. Battle's job to laugh anything off or provide some "sassy response". She is an artist, not a TV talk show personality, and she did the right thing by walking out. What the interviewer did amounted to entrapment, nothing more.
@PRomeTHeuSaRTs 13 жыл бұрын
@Jcarolinajr, i totally agree, resorting to name-calling is reveals more about the namecaller: i.e. NO CLASS. Battle graciously agreed to the interview, only to be put in the awkward position of having to explain herself. She could have made the same mistake as other famous artists & stooped to the crass level of the interviewer by RESPONDING. But she had the self-control - and the class - to simply remove herself. THAT is why, @jamaicanvisa, the interviewer DESERVES to be attacked!
@whitneyhouston1234 13 жыл бұрын
I love her voice but it is truly her attitude that got her pushed out of some opera house's. As an operatic singer myself I can tell you that often times, and i've seen it happen, someone with a worse voice will get chosen over someone with a better voice simply because their reputation of being easier to work with is in their favor. It doesnt matter how wonderful of a singer you are. If you have a bad attitude your career will be more limited. Her reactions here were terribly unprofessional.
@hugothebear 13 жыл бұрын
Oooo lots of comments... many artistic people have gathered reputations for being a little "difficult" - think of the Hollywood legends who have emerged as tyrannical bullies in supposed tell alls by their children, did that diminish their "legend". Melba was apparently quite frightening in her later years, read Rosa Ponselle's comments after meeting her, so why does everyone pick on KB. KZbin has many examples of her wonderful singing, go watch those and enjoy the singing...
@nestorfabianpz 14 жыл бұрын
I think the same as dogisgreat1. The interviewers and celebrities agree on the questions way before actually meeting. The journalist is an instigator. Anyone with a vague idea of deductive skills would notice that she was trying to conduct her questions as politely as she could only to throw the very one she really wanted. Quality Control changes to perfeccionism and out of nowhere, Ms. battle becomes a difficult person to work with! I don't care what others might think, I say:"Well done, Ms. B"
@NYTruth 14 жыл бұрын
@dogisgreat1 A reporter who makes any promises to an interviewee as to what questions will or will not be asked during an interview is in fact not a reporter. She had every right to ask the question and Kathleen had every right to walk off. The problem with that solution is that she came off as angry and temperamental. She should have simply stated that she did not want to touch on that specific topic and then asked the reporter to move on. Done and done.
@myboylollipop09 14 жыл бұрын
Real Divas like Leontyne Price, Shirley Bassey and Barbara Cook would have laughed it off, gave a half assed answer and laughingly continued on with the interview. Ladies like Miss Battle, Diana Ross etc all have a chip on there shoulder and I believe it has to do with an inner struggle they have with there race. Face it folks we all are what we are in this world and nothing is going to change that. Embrace who and what you are and Be Happy!!
@GwenAYF 14 жыл бұрын
My information on Miss Battle if by someone who does know. It is that she has a very sensitive emotional state--always has. her gift is, as often, the other side of fragility. James Levine was, so I'm told, able to work with the duality of great singing and emotional fragility. We expect extraordinary people to be ordinary? Some are able, some are not. Do we deny the beauty available to highlight the flaw? Judgments.
@gtimny 14 жыл бұрын
Blaming Battle's walkout on the interviewer is preposterous, she was just doing her job. One of the main facts of her career is her long and well-documented history of bad behavior, and KB just proved the point if any more evidence was necessary. KB is a public person who has made a great deal of money at her art. Submitting to an interview and expecting (or demanding) that the subject not come up is foolish and unprofessional. The facts of her behavior are too well known to be in dispute.
@golden-63 14 жыл бұрын
Denyce DOES sing Amneris AND Azucena, She doesn't sing Donna Elvira, she does sing Dorabella AND Cherubino, Also the lead mezzo in Donizetti's Anna Bolena, the title role in Rossini's L'Italiana in Algieri. She sings them at the Met, La Scala, San Francisco, Chicago, Covent Garden, Berlin. Paris, Tokyo, Chicago, Rome, South America, & Sydney. She has been doing so for the past 20 years...That's already as long as Battle's OPERATIC career ('74-'94) lasted. Please do your research!
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