Don't ask for a gift that you have to ask for again and again. Employ not an untrustworthy banker who will afterwards make you repent. Serve not such a master who will render you liable to punishment later. Engage not a physician who cannot cure your illness. The filth of your sins cannot be cleansed so why bathe at places of pilgrimage. The Love between the Guru and the disciples brings happiness and stability.(15) dhaathaa ouhu n ma(n)geeai fir ma(n)gan jaaeeai. hoshhaa saahu n keechee fir pashhothaaeeai. saahib ouhu n saeveeai jam dda(n)dd sehaaeeai. houmai rog n kattee ouhu vaidh n laaeeai. dhuramath mail n outharai kiou(n) theerathh naaeeai. peer mureedhaa(n) pireharree sukh sehaj samaaeeai .15.